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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. Having had to fill out paperwork for FAMLA because the idiots I work for didn’t think a doctor’s note was good enough for a three day absence, I don’t recommend it unless it’s truly needed. I had to deal with the forms and idiots on the phone. Maybe you could send the poop??
  2. "Sunshine on a Cold Morning" by Fountain of Youth (1968). They also did an interesting take on The Monkees' classic, "Take a Giant Step".
  3. I hate it when pigs like Jones (and heaven knows how many others like him who get off on molesting kids/kiddie porn) still manage to find work. I thought he'd packed it in for good when he was exposed. From Entertainment Lawyer: Speaking of scum: Bryan Singer/20th Century Fox ("Bohemian Rhapsody")?
  4. I took sign language classes with a guy who knew Kitty back in the day. He told us she was not fond of using sign language for conversation and preferred to read lips. He said when people approached her with sign, she'd flip them the bird!
  5. I didn't either. I wasn't aware the actor was gay (I don't pay attention to those things), but it was a bit of a surprise to me to take the character there. I could have done without seeing him and his ex macking in the back of Miles' car. Seemed rude and disrespectful - even though it was meant to be funny. Loved seeing Jim again and it's nice that Doris got a mention. It was very much in character for Jim when he mentioned two things: that he was celebrating a big milestone without her, and that he was the black sheep of the family by eshewing suspenders in favor of a belt! It was also sweet for him to acknowledge he was on a date with Phyllis and that it wasn't disrespecting Doris's memory. Wasn't crazy about Avery's date - she was window dressing and a way to set up a gag with both him and his mom having overnight dates. He was subdued but I enjoyed seeing John Larroquette! I wouldn't mind seeing him again. Of all the returning past guests, no one guessed Bette Midler's secretary character would be one of them! Interesting that she's now a majority shareholder in the network. Does that mean we'll be seeing her again messing with the team? Hilarious to see Katie Couric and Corky in their scenes. Both looked fantastic and it was nice to see them team up for a burger!!
  6. Teaser trailer for Season two! We're given a quickie tour of the Miyagi Do dojo courtesy of Tanner Buchannan, Mary Mauser,Xolo Mariduena, and Jacob Bertrand: There also seems to be a hint that there may be a new location/set for Cobra Kai dojo as well! Or perhaps a new student? I hope we can get a bit more. Filming of the series must have begun by now.
  7. Some more interviews from NYCC: Ralph Macchio chats about his role and what Daniel will be dealing with as the sensei of Miyagi Do Karate: Billy Zabka chats about the character of Johnny and a little behind the scenes info about shooting that scene in which he fights the bikers who torched his car: Finally, the producers of Cobra Kai:
  8. Ditto on both counts. I don't think those behind the show know how news works anymore. When there's 24 hour coverage - especially for election reporting - the same news crew is not kept on in some marathon broadcast. Usually, each show crew runs their usual duration (say, "Fox & Friends" from 4am EST - 9am EST) then they pass the torch to the next crew (since they do need a break - a four hour show is exausting) and if needed, various personalities are brought in between until the results are called. I know they were going for the funny in telethon like situations on live TV, but very little of the episode rang true to me. The Trump impersonator sucked! How hard would it have been to find a better one? He barely sounded at all like the man! Loved Frank's bits and his patriotic socks! Menapausal women mean? Nice one writers, the over 50 women will love that one (not!). Loved seeing Pat step up, and guffawed at his line about dressing like he was meeting the wife his parents picked out for him. Very true to life.
  9. I saw the pilot and the last episode and I can't stand this joke of a show! There was so much "woke" and "feminism" and "back off white man", I thought this was a spoof of what SJWs would put in a TV show! I do agree with earlier posts that I didn't think the sisters were set up properly as sisters (original series did a great job of doing that) and I just don't care about these people as characters. When we were introduced to the Halliwells we got fully developed characters with room to grow. This reboot/alt universe/whatever doesn't fit at all. Not to mention that subplot of the youngest sister trying to join the sorority is still going on! I'd have thought she'd have given up on it by now. Plus it seems a bit like HS rather than college the way they're portrayed.
  10. This. There should be at least one soundproof meeting room in that building for delicate conversations. I work in the biz so it's expected to deal with confidential info as a matter of course. I knew it was the Alexa expy from the beginning. Such devices are actually forbidden in newsrooms for that reason. I also appreciate the subplot of having loved ones who for for rival networks. That is a reality for many. I was sad to see Frank lose his gf like that. It was obvious he really liked her. When she left he hotel, I couldn't help but say out loud, "Go after her you dope!". I loved his remark about how an Italian's sexual prowess is the last thing to go! Low hanging fruit as usual, but at least this episode was funnier than the past several. Ditto. Totally in character. No such thing! Besides, he was overdue for some attention.
  11. "With hookers and blow." When Powerball was holding a record setting prize payout a few years back, we sent a reporter to interview some hopefuls; then this happened:
  12. I knew it!! Forensic accountant! Now! Who knows how much of your and your husband's earnings may have been pilfered! Then send the MIL some poop! On a serious note, I'm sorry things are such a mess for you - especially because it's on a personal front as well as a business one. Good luck!
  13. I rewatched the pilot and when Murphy greets Phil, she mentions how the family of Phils is doing! He mentioned a Phyllis but it could have been his sister rather than his wife. He also had sons named Phil. It was a cute joke.
  14. I think you should get both a lawyer and a forensic accountant. I don't know if there was any agreement about the business should there be a death or divorce in the family, but if there wasn't one already, it's time to make one ASAP. The accountant will find where the money is at and nail MIL to the wall. It does sound like she might be cooking the books for her daughter the drunk.
  15. I never said they were. I just wondered why Frank is suddenly "triggererd" by the term. He never was before, and I've barely seen any of the Frank we used to know.
  16. Actually it could have been. Remember he stayed in the background while they argued. He knew what was going on and could have recorded it so that he has the best of both worlds: Murphy gets her showdown while the guy remains off the show. I also noticed Frank ranted about Nazis again. When did this become a thing for the character? I’m aware it happened in the first episode of the season but it was never there before.
  17. Ditto. I was hoping he would have been in more than that scene at Phil's. Wouldn't have someone invited him to the studio for a tour/introductions? Invite him to dinner? Hear more about what he'd been up to besides that boat ride? Not even a mention of missing Doris? I do admit it was amusing how he was flirting with Phyllis. Had an issue with the integrity angle about not having the controversial writer on the show - if the execs upstairs tell you to do it, you do it. Sure, they are correct about integrity and giving credibility to him if they had agreed, but it's true that if they don't have him on their show, he'll be making the rounds on the other morning shows as a matter of course. For a change it was nice to see Avery doing his show, but I was disappointed in the melee that followed. It just wasn't funny. I was hoping Avery would at some point talk about moving into a place of his own. At 28, he should be looking into moving into a bachelor pad. Why is Murphy whining about being at work at 4am? You work a morning TV news show which likely airs at 6 or 7am, so getting up at 3-4am and getting on set by 5am is part and parcel of the job. She had to know this. The confrontation with the guy in Phil's was very much classic Murphy (not to mention getting it recorded and posted online). Straight white males becoming extinct? Doesn't that include Avery?
  18. Police are always taught to shoot "center mass". It's the easiest area to hit and unfortunately certain situations call for deadly force. It always bugged me and my dad (former LEO) would see episodes in which police shoot for arms or the hand (he used to joke he blamed "The Lone Ranger" for that - since that character would always shoot the gun out of the bad guy's hand). I also had an issue in which the drug dealer was arrested and in cuffs and then suddenly he's allowed to go free on the senior officer's say so. That would NOT have happened IRL. Once those cuffs go on (unless you're being "detained" and they have to tell you that at the moment it occurs) you can't "un-arrest" them. Plus, it's all on body cam and someone would have to explain to their superiors why they did that. Ditto. I found my self wishing they'd shut up! Too distracting and didn't add to the story. Good point. Hope that he graduates to detective soon - then he'd be a different sort of rookie. I did like that crack about him wanting to make detective so he'd become Chief one day!
  19. Sorry you had a bad time of it, but if that had happened to me as a kid, my parents would have beaten a path to that person's door - and done a tag team beatdown! I get what you're saying. Murphy's mom (Avery the Elder) was a tough woman and much of her base personality is reflected in Murphy. Her father did spend a lot of time working on the newspaper he worked at (IIRC he was a publisher), and it was one of the issues that lead to their divorce.
  20. I remember an episode about this, but I think it was that JJ thought he might have contracted VD. His paramour claimed she had it and claimed he gave it to her. Later JJ was found to be clean which meant it was the girl's current football boyfriend that gave it to her.
  21. I'm just not feeling it. Not only the lack of laughs (or one good line per episode) but I think characterization for Murphy is slipping. This. Murphy didn't take crap from guys like the professor character. That was one of the things that made her such an intrepid journalist; even a 19 year old Murphy would have seen it coming. If the Murphy we've always known had walked into the man's house and there were no other party guests around, she would have done a 180 and left! Ditto! I love Frank's character and he deserves something better. It's not a crime to find a person attractive even if you don't initiate contact. Miles also deserves better - even he knows dating in the workplace is often frowned upon in some companies. He would have been informed of the rules regarding such things when he signed on. The ICE joke wasn't funny either. Maybe that's a clue that Miguel should "make it legal" rather than hide like a child because he heard "that word". If he is a Dreamer, he would have filed the paperwork already. So far, we have yet to really see Avery at work or on his show. I think we need to see more of him doing his thing. Hard to say. I work in TV news and since Murphy and the gang work for a cable network of some size, they likely all have offices and at least one assistant to handle certain tasks. The meeting was held on set, which is not uncommon when there is a large group to gather for a meeting like that. Regular meeting rooms tend to be too small unless they hold them off property. It doesn't necessarily mean they don't have offices. Miles's position demands office space, so it's not a stretch for Murphy, Corky or Frank to have one too. If Diane English really wanted to take a chance on something contemporary, lets see a bookend episode in which Avery is called out publicly by a girl he once dated in college (or better still - someone who crushed on him but he didn't reciprocate) for touching/harassing her a decade ago. Then Murphy has the issue of wanting to be Mama Bear (because she knows her son would never do such a thing) and also consider that others could have had their reputations destroyed undeservedly.
  22. I highly recommend "Limitless" the TV series! He was the main character in that show.
  23. I've always been a fan of post-apocalyptic films. Some are serious (Mad Max) others cheesy and/or campy. America 3000 (1986) falls into the latter camp: It's not the best of its kind, but I find it entertaining. Amazons with big hair! Men enslaved! A sasquatch! A literal battle of the sexes! Plus it has Chuck Wagner (Automan) in the lead role as the leader of the men's resistance! That alone makes this a hoot!
  24. Ralph Macchio and William Zabaka spoke to Syfy Wire following their Cobra Kai panel on Sunday. Unfortunately, there isn't much new here - but they did have a quick Q&A about capes and super powers. One thing I found annoying was the guys constantly asking the host to repeat the questions. I don't know if it was the mikes or the acoustics int he room. Not much in the way of spoilers either (the cast already had table readings and will be shooting in Georgia very soon). All they could say was new characters would be coming into play.
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