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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. Definitely! I just found out about his passing when I checked a Monkees blog which announced the news along with various links to other Frawley death announcements. I'll always remember Frawley more for his Monkees work than his later accomplishments. He essentially helped make the Monkees the onscreen team they became by teaching them the art of improv (Micky and Davy were trained actors but improv was a foreign concept to both of them) and teaching them how to work together onscreen. Frawley also direct half of all Monkee episodes and appeared in a few of them (he had also appeared in various roles on TV prior to directing), plus he was the voice of the Monkees' dummy, Mr. Schneider. There had been some sources that claimed he was the son of actor William Frawley (Fred Mertz on ILL), but the bios I've come across for the elder Frawley had him divorced and childless in 1927, so it seems unlikely he was related.
  2. That may very well be the case. I’ve worked with people that were walking on their own eggshells like they’d snap at any moment!
  3. The Oscars (and many other such awards) are often political and rarely go to who is deserving. I rarely bother with films that won an Oscar in recent years because the chasm between deserving talent and politicking is too wide to take credibility.
  4. It never bothered me if an able bodied actor portrayed a physically disabled person. It’s called acting for a reason. You don’t have to hire a doctor to play one onscreen. No one complains about those sorts of things.
  5. I got a good laugh of sorts today. I went in to work and while buying something in the break room, I lost about 50 bucks, which had fallen out of my pocket. I realized it about a half hour after I left the break room and went to check if it was still on the floor somewhere between there and my desk. Nothing. I went over to my co-workers (producers all) and politely asked if any of them had found the money I had lost (at that hour of the night there are only 4 people present in the newsroom and it wouldn't take long to figure out the money had to belong to since they came in shortly before I did). One of them reached into her back pocket and handed the money back. I had a hunch who it was because before I asked for the money back, she had this s**t eating grin on her face, like it was the best day of work ever! Of course I managed to turned it into the worst day ever in less than 30 minutes flat!
  6. Agreed on all - except it's Original Roy, not Ray. Roy definitely calmed down a lot since he was so hell bent on vengeance with Luthor and the only thing that seemed to get him to reconsider was that thing on his arm. It's also interesting that Jim was back in his Guardian costume. Does that mean Mal chose to leave it or are they sharing the role? I think so. It makes sense since the character died and Ra's has his Lazarus pits. I'm sure well get an answer but I think it will end up that somehow Talia got Bruce's DNA either from covert means (stealing a blood or semen sample) or maybe she did have a brief affair with him during the time skip. Ditto. I'm not happy that Barbara was put into a wheelchair to become Oracle (I don't mind that she is Oracle now), since all that super science can't seem to get her on two feet again. Considering all the reworkings of many characters with long backstories which were done well (like the Roy clones and Bart Allen) I'm disappointed they went with crippling Batgirl. I thought the same! It's only been 7 years since Zatara willingly put on the helmet and the best poor Zatanna could do in that time was arrange to have her father back for a mere hour a YEAR? Not even an hour a month, Nabu??? A dick indeed. Makes me miss the Dr. Fate we had in JLU. Wolf seems to sleep a lot lately - is that old age? He's at least 8 years old in YJ's timeline so maybe. I don't think he officially is - more like a confidant and ally. He was the JL's mascot when he was a teenager and as he expositioned, he accidentally outed the secret location of The Cave to the villans.
  7. Are you willing to relocate? Not to uber expensive areas like NY or LA or Chicago, but maybe Texas, Florida, Nevada, etc. Maybe you need to cast a wider net.
  8. Is there a way to find out exactly who her superiors are? If yes, perhaps an anonymous person could upload a recording of her abuse to them.
  9. Is she related to someone in the office or having an affair with someone in power? If so that could be the problem. Is she a member of a "protected class" who the company is afraid of taking action against (even when warranted) because they fear a lawsuit? Do you live in a right to work state? I do and unfortunately, it allows workplace bullying (either take it or quit) unless YOU are a protected class. I have since purchased a device that can be helpful to you - all you have to do is carry it with you and wait until you strike gold: This. I know that some state laws won't allow you to use recordings that didn't have the other party's permission, but if you got her recorded, you can nail her ass to the wall in various ways. Also, keep a written diary of the times she abuses you - dates, times, places, what was said and anything else. That helps set up a pattern. Keep that diary hidden from her (and everyone else at the office - just in case there's a spy) and record as needed. Maybe you can sue the jerks at the company - don't rule out a consultation with an attorney who deals with workplace bullying.
  10. One person is all it takes. When you leave, send the poop!!
  11. I totally relate! For the hemming, get thee to a tailor or dry cleaner and have them do the dirty work. Then do what I did and hire a professional organizer to help you sort out what needs to be done. I found my organizer very helpful in that regard!
  12. I used the term because as far as we know, Jake Lowenstein chose not to be a part of Avery's life. His father figures were Eldin and Frank, rather than his own father. He chose to effectively abandon Murphy and Avery because his political causes were more important to him. To me, that makes him a sperm donor, even if he and Murphy did have a relationship of sorts prior to Avery's conception.
  13. So would I. I know 13 eps isn’t much time to work on certain storylines but I think TPTB blew a few opportunities here. I kept watching hoping to see Avery’s sperm donor appear (and the emotional fireworks that might have followed) and seeing Miller again would have been nice. In fact I wouldn’t mind a storyline in which he and Corky start dating. I remember way back in the day they were attracted to one another (even though Corky was married at the time) and I thought there was good chemistry there. Instead, all we got were Trump jokes.
  14. For the last several years my overnight shift got Christmas off because we ran a Yule log for several hours. There would be some news later that night but we enjoy a de facto day off. We still get paid holiday too. We could come into the office for our regular shift but nobody does!
  15. I didn’t know Crane was trying to get a sequel series going! I am hard pressed as to how they could have pulled it off if Crane had succeeded. At best I can imagine a farewell TV movie to end the series properly. I imagine the war in Europe ending and Hogan and his men save Klink from the gallows at Nuremberg by arranging his escape to South America. Shultz would have gone back to his toy factory and perhaps opened a factory in the US. Naturally the rest of the high ranking members like Hotstettler would hang after their trials. Hogan and his group would have perhaps set up a new intelligence network in Europe and join the OSS (soon to transition into the CIA.
  16. The Archies, “Circle of Blue”. Such a sad sweet melancholy!
  17. I'm calling it now: Charity did it!
  18. Too many to list - especially since many of them may not have been on the public's radar (or were local/regional hits) at the time they were released: Time - The Pozo-Seco Singers Leaving On A Jet Plane - Peter Paul & Mary Pleasant Valley Sunday - The Monkees I Don't Think You Know Me - The Monkees Whatever Shape You're Stomach's In - The T-Bones Off & Running - Leslie Gore Sunshine on A Cold Morning - Fountain of Youth The Ugliest Girl in Town - The Will-O-Bees It's Not Easy - The Will-O-Bees Georgy Girl - The Seekers Children & Flowers - The Critters Poor Man's Son - The Rockin' Berries Funny How Love Can Be - The Rockin' Berries Lying & Trying - The Shillings Friday On My Mind - The Easybeats Five O'Clock World - The Vogues Wipe Out - The Surfaris Telstar - The Tornadoes Apache- The Ventures Theme to The Good The Bad & The Ugly - Hugo Montenegro Theme to The Magnificent Seven - Elmer Bernstein Theme To A Summer Place - Percy Faith
  19. Agreed! For piece of mind, consult an employment rights attorney to make sure if you can do something legally to come out on top. It also matters if you live in a right to work state or not. I do and when my bitcheroo boss was harassing me, the attorney said I was SOL unless I was a "protected class". At the very least you could try sending your resume around and maybe your experience can get you something better before the ax officially falls.
  20. If you can file for unemployment benefits, do so. Then, send her some poop!!! I’ve got a similar bitch boss and the only reason I’m hanging on is the pension I’m eligible for. I’m still relatively young and having an additional income stream while she continues to act like an incompetent big shot at the same age would be a middle finger to her. At least you and several others got to tell her superiors what kind of bitch this woman is. Hopefully they’ll get the message and not promote her. They may not fire her but keeping her from going higher is something to take pleasure in.
  21. I thought the same, considering the acts of violence were on cam - especially the battery on Avery. Because they were Democrats. My Dad did long before "fake news" became a household word. As someone who works in TV news and who has covered political rallies involving Trump, I'd say the episode was half accurate. Yes, there is always a risk when going out to cover certain events, but as we say in the biz, "Cover the news, but don't become the news". It's a risk journalists have taken since war correspondents became part of the landscape. I've spoken with many reporters and photogs who get nervous when they have to go to a rotten neighborhood to report on a crime that occurred there. They are often told, if necessary, don't linger, just get up and go if things get too sketchy. No news is worth your life. I loved the interactions between Avery and Uncle Frank (that cannoli scene in the hospital was gold!). I was disappointed however when Avery told that person that Frank was the closest thing he had to an uncle. I was expecting him to say, "father".
  22. In theory Diane English would be the first to know if the show was cancelled. It could be a matter of semantics since the show was only set for 13 episodes for its return, and not formally renewed or perhaps will return as a mid season replacement next year. However, the Hollywood Reporter has this article that says the demos are too low for the 18-49-ers. Not good, but doesn't necessarily preclude it from returning. Then there's this interview in which the guest, says the show is indeed kaput:
  23. I think they might. Both Johnny and Daniel and their respective styles are obviously yin and yang and therefore, are meant to being balance to the other. I think if they become friends they will at some point merge their two styles. Ralph Macchio mentioned at NY Comic Con that Daniel was going to have a bit of trouble teaching Miyagi Do, since teaching a class is different than teaching one on one. We saw that Johnny was the opposite - he thrived in a classroom environment - once the students got past his insults. The No Mercy mantra is open to interpretation, as it could be used to instill a person to take on challenges and not give up. Agreed. Chances are he would have signed a 1 year lease and unless the contract provided for a raise in rent sooner, he likely would not have had to deal with it until the lease expired. I give that one a pass, since we've all seen movies and TV shows that were made before we were born, and in cases like that film, the ending is quite legendary.
  24. Hardly. There has been at least two jokes about him and the Administration per episode. We get it Diane English, you don't like him. Time to make jokes about other things. Remember back in this show's heyday when all things were potential targets for laughs? The media in particular? I used to laugh then. I saw that coming the minute she said it. It does have a distinctive smell - especially after it was just sprayed. Come to think of it, the investigators would have noticed the stuff on the stairs and the victim too since they were investigating a crime scene. You can't ignore cooking spray on a flight of stairs. I don't know why they mentioned the husband going to prison. He was acquitted and he can't be tried for the same crime twice - unless they go with a civil trial like the OJ Simpson case. At most, maybe perjury or conspiracy (if the latter wasn't part of his original charges). While the promo for Avery was amusing, there's no way it would have run if he didn't approve of it. It's possible someone might have suggested he take advantage of his looks to lure a certain demo, but it's unethical (and opens the door for a lawsuit) to do a sexed up promo behind the person's back. Ditto.
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