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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. If anyone is going to be in London towards the end of next month, some CK cast members will be at London Film & Comic Con! So far, William Zabka, Martin Kove, Jacob Bertrand and Xolo Mariduena are scheduled to appear.
  2. Ditto! I wouldn't mind seeing them do other projects together aside from CK. They worked really well on that Enterprise commercial. I hope the characters put an end to the rivalry and start working together as friends. I think the animosity has gone on long enough (and the disastrous results). I liked her early on. I saw right away how she was good for Daniel as the only one left to keep him from going to far at times. Seeing them selling cars to make the quota was also awesome showing them as a team. It would have been very easy to have had made her character like a spoiled trophy wife who didn't do much in life except her nails. I'm glad the writers didn't go in that direction for her. Ditto - but I think some of that may be related to the young actor not being much use since he's underage and can't spend much time on set. He seems to be the spoiled character that annoys. I do wonder if they will expand his character a bit next season; we could learn that he made a friend or two at camp and maybe we'll see that it has a connection to current events in series.
  3. I had noticed VB was dressed in rather unfashionable clothes and those ridiculous glasses! I had no idea whose idea that was until I read your comment! I used to think that G-D would make angels [at least physically] perfect and it wouldn't make sense for one to have poor eyesight!
  4. Don’t know if you can go to HR because I’ve found them rather useless-if not in cahoots with management. Better to secretly record everything. I don’t know if your state is two party consent or not so you may not be able to use it in court (if it comes to that) but having it and playing it back (or reading a transcript) could be useful.
  5. I wasn't sure if this belonged here or pet peeves but here goes: I was editing the reaction from a father who lost his daughter in a car accident. The 16 year old was riding in the back of a friend's pick up truck while they were driving with others to a hangout spot in the desert (according to dad, she did this often) where they would build a bonfire and "chill". Unfortunately, the truck went off an embankment (I'm guessing speed), she was ejected and killed. The interview took place at home outside her bedroom. I cut the video and thought nothing more of it - until I saw a request to blur part of the background. I went back to the video and saw what the problem was; while dad was crying on cam about his little girl, over his shoulder was a whiteboard calendar with all sorts of expletives written on it! Plus - these were written by her friends who wanted to leave goodbye messages to her! One of them read, "I love you, bitch! [heart symbol]/[name of friend]". Another said, "[F-word] bitches got that...." I'm sorry for the girl and her family, but if this is what friends write to each other these days, I'd rather not have stuff like that being written on a message board at my funeral!! It just struck me as so tacky!!! I think the word, "klassy" comes to mind.
  6. This one is a bit late, but I just found out about it by accident: Maureen Beebe Hursh has died at age 81. Unless you were a native of Chicoteague, VA, or a fan of Marguerite Henry's books, you might not know who she was. She was the young girl, who along with brother Paul and grandparents became the inspiration for the main characters in a book detailing the adventures of Misty of Chincoteague (1947) and its sequels. Horse nuts like myself devoured any books about them, including Henry's works. Many kids used to dream about being a kid growing up on a little island off the coast of Virginia, watch Pony Penning Day, and maybe meet Misty herself! Her brother, Paul Beebe died way back in 1959 (age 21) in a car accident.
  7. Quoting myself due to what a co-worker told me just happened: He'd been driving a sanctioned vehicle in an HOV lane (alone) and it was caught on camera. Tweedle Boss and Tweedle Bossy called him out on the carpet. They told him if he did it again, he would be FIRED! Now, ok, he was wrong to drive in the HOV lane alone in a company car; he was called out on it and he promised not to do it again. Did Bitcheroo have to threaten him with termination? It used to be that the warning was given and you were expected to not repeat the mistake, not get a termination threat like Mr. Spacely routinely gave to George Jetson! Poor guy was really upset over this! He admitted he was wrong, but the chew out really threw him! As usual, our own immediate supervisor (who used to be one of us and knows us both) did nothing but sit there letting this happen. I know he's management and he's probably afraid to not go along with the program, but he really needs to support his people. He finally realized he was just a number to these creatures, not a valued employee. If the previous News Director or previous HR person had been there, this never would have escalated to termination threats. Still waiting for the 800lb Karma Fairy to land on her nasty head!!
  8. I agree. The situation would have had the authorities knocking on the parents' door thinking something very bad happened to them.
  9. For those of you who enjoyed eating Jim Dandy sundaes and drinking Fribbles, I have sad news. Curtis Blake, co-founder of Friendly's has died at the age of 102. His older brother and co-founder, S. Prestley Blake survives him - age 104. I remember Friendly's fondly as one was located just a block away from my home in NY. Used to go there all the time for lunch or for ice cream. In fact, if you just wanted a cone to go, there was a separate entrance and service window to get your favorite flavor - which had to be on a sugar cone! We kids often hung out there after a dance or other event since it also happened to be across the street from our middle school. That one closed some years ago, although my cousin still has one near her - she and her family often dine there after church. I also remember us begging Mom to pick up a half gallon of ice cream from there as a special dessert! RIP Mr. Blake and the wonderful memories your business made for us!
  10. I'll always remember him for his theme song to Mr. Belvedere! That's how I came to know his name! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYVE9hfJ3QQ
  11. It's been a while since I played video games so is this for real?
  12. Agreed. In fact, why would Robby take that shot after Miguel was willing to stop the fight? Daniel certainly didn't teach him that; even Johnny wouldn't have wanted him to do that. I also wonder if Miguel will be upset with Johnny for taking his advice to show mercy - since he ended up in the hospital for it.
  13. The problem with many writers today is they do not know how to write for happy stable couples/families. Many of them never had it in their own lives and they only see things as a calm before a breakup storm. The other problem is lazy writing in which you have a stable couple but think there are no ups and downs that don't necessarily end with divorce or regret. If anything, seeing a couple working together shows how strong they really are. In Cobra Kai, Daniel is married to Amanda, who is both his wife and business partner (they own and run several luxury auto dealerships). In Season 2, Daniel loses focus and business at the dealership is slipping. In one episode, Amanda calls him out on his absence and that they have a 10 car quota for the month - and they'd have to do it in a day to beat it. She adds there was no way he could sell that many in a day. He replies, "I can't. But WE can!". What follows is an organic but entertaining series of events as they worked as a team to make that quota. It just shows how well written the characters are and how good they are together. The show itself is well written in general, but this part of the episode really made me smile!
  14. I thought the reboot was inferior to the original show, regardless of who wrote it. I have no idea what was going on behind the scenes anyway, It could have been a number of factors.
  15. My dad was in the military after HS and used to tell me he could drive anything. It didn't matter what kind of vehicle it was; stick or automatic (or crank!), a jeep, or a tank! The military does have its advantages in those cases. Bond was a member of the Royal Navy so he could have learned many of the skills he uses. Being a spy I would think they would have many field agents be able to operate a variety of vehicles.
  16. The problem is no one seems to know how to be a boss/manager/leader anymore. All they seem to do is act like they have the authority to berate people beneath them because, "they can". That's my bitcheroo in a nutshell, although I've seen and heard examples elsewhere in all different workplaces. Seems to be growing more common in office/corporate environments. Right now, there's a news story just getting attention locally (soon to go national, I'm sure) of a manager at a restaurant who went ballistic over a waitress who claimed the guy wouldn't pay out her tips. It's been reported by other former employees that this treatment of them is nothing new and that verbal abuse in restaurant backrooms/kitchens is all too common.
  17. Another from Enty: I find it interesting that a woman who is a high end escort to celebs is planning to become a social worker. It's rather sad that this celeb feels so empty and has self esteem issues.
  18. How come? Did he rake Chase over the coals during an interview? Tease him about his pain pill addiction?
  19. I'm glad I'm not the only one who catches those films on TCM! More from Enty: A 50 something director who refuses to grow up. Got it! Interesting! A large state where weed is illegal? Texas is a possibility, CBD oil is legal for medicinal purposes but weed is not decriminalized. Florida, AZ, PA and UT have similar status (medicinal is legal, but otherwise not decriminalized). It's 100% illegal in Wyoming, Idaho, Wisconsin, Kansas and South Dakota. Finally: Stern ticked off a lot of people and messed with a lot of various guests. This could be tough to nail down unless someone knows of a long time feud between him and the wronged party.
  20. From Enty: The question is are they insinuating the kid is dead? Or merely quietly forwarded to another family? Or in a facility?
  21. I like his haircut too. I wonder if that means the character will end up on the run and tries to disguise himself by cutting his hair. In this interview with the cast at the Paley Center (posted about 2 days before Season 2 was premiered) he seems to have his hair shortened - although it's obscured by a hat (he's the one in the red suit) in second row back.
  22. I love this commercial for Enterprise Rent A Car, featuring Ralph Macchio and William Zabka who are currently starring in "Cobra Kai": One upmanship never was more entertaining!
  23. If you think that's anger inducing, wait until you see what they do to Star Wars! Topic? I was pissed beyond measure with the current Charmed TV series. I watched (some might say hate watched) out of curiosity as I was a fan of the original series and I was curious as to how things would be handled. This show IMO, was even more messed up! One season just went by and it felt like 3 or 4 had gone by! They had copied many of the original show's plot points (half human half demon conflicted in love with a Charmed witch, a sister having an affair with a mortal, defeating the Source, long lost half sister etc.) and tried to cram them all in!
  24. I only saw an exception to this once - on the series, "911", when Athena Grant (Angela Bassett) lets her husband have it when he decides to effectively abandon his family for a gay lover. I remember the characters arguing over it (essentially he was telling her she sort of knew what he was but wanted a husband and children) and I especially loved how she chewed him out when he wanted to bring his latest boyfriend (whom he barely knew) to spend holidays with the children like everything was no big deal. Kind of like if he had left her for another woman, and thinking it wouldn't be a big deal to his ex or the kids.
  25. I never liked that either. I remember in "How To Make A Quilt Out Of Americans", the sisters traveled to a town to visit Aunt Gail and Paige went on her Honeymoon (because she could orb back at anytime) and Phoebe went to live in China for a while with her boyfriend, but that's about it. I think there may have been some confusion as to whether or not the Halliwells had to be in town to do their job since the Nexus was beneath their home and they were in theory strongest there. There had been an animated show called, "The Life & Times of Juniper Lee" (which was about a girl who was also a magical guardian) in which the protagonist literally was prevented from leaving the city limits. She couldn't go on student trips beyond the city limits or travel to foreign countries or any other place. Plus she was resentful of that despite her duties for which she was honor bound . If that had been the case for the Halliwells, I could have accepted that , but it just ended up an excuse. In the books, the sisters did travel out of town quite a bit.
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