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Everything posted by aliya

  1. I hope we don't have to see too much of the background before we can get to the good stuff. Why do people at work laugh when I say this is my favorite show?
  2. I thought it might be a southern thing. I am barely southern, though, hailing from DC. My family roots are in Virginia, so who knows?
  3. I knew someone was going to bring up the mommy thing. I am in my early 60's. I still call my mother 'mommy' and know a few mature people who do the same.
  4. I think this was from season 1. Isn't this the only time her brother has showed up? Plus, she's introducing her parents' background story. I'm pretty sure this is old news.
  5. Babs: "Do you know? And I know you do not." Hahaha That's me with my son. I'm sorry. I still love me some Babs, though she still sounds like the head of the Women's Auxiliary of the KKK to me. Re the garage studio -- is her house zoned for business? Is this just a practice space for her? What are the neighbors going to do when 20 cars pull up 3x a week? When there's hip hop music blaring? Did twit even think this through?
  6. Really? At what, 30, 31? What young person who isn't disabled in some way, has a CPAP? Why wouldn't that alone be enough to get her to lose weight - especially if she is otherwise relatively healthy and the need for a CPAP is due to her weight? Why doesn't that indicate to her that something is really wrong? Why am I asking these questions?
  7. My daughter in law had what turned out to be a major issue. She had to go to several doctors before they figured out what it was. She was in pain and would have liked a little freakin' pain relief, and this one doctor tells her to have a drink!!!! She's a young thing and didn't do what I would have done, which is call for his supervisor and refuse to leave until I had a complaint against this doctor, the hospital, and a bottle of pain meds. And in my case, my religion forbids alcohol. So, I'm supposed to get drunk to dull my pain rather than take a pill (or 2)? Pleeze. Come stand here while I call the media. On the other hand, for some reason, I get the pain meds I need, from the same institution my DIL went to. Maybe they figure at a plump 63, I'm probably not an addict. They forget that someone my age lived through the 60's and 70's. I don't drink, but I know my pharmaceuticals. : )
  8. Thanks. I was going to say the same thing. I'm all for blaming the parents when necessary, but just because your parents have issues doesn't mean that you have to take them with you into adulthood and that you have to be a thoughtless Twit the rest of your life. She needs to own her own mess and fix it herself.
  9. OMG Dad, "I just hope they can break him..." Can you imagine your parents saying that about you? Not that Steve doesn't need breaking, but wow...
  10. Just wait...I'm sure it's coming. Plus, can you believe anything he says?
  11. Jeez Louise - does she have a trash can in her living room???? (in the fireplace) And while I think that when my son was young, he might have thought this was a good idea, I can't believe a woman would want to decorate like this.
  12. I tried to find a nice way to say this. My mind failed. Please don't be offended. My autocorrect can't get my name right - yours gives you "scrimshaw"? : )
  13. This is as far as I got before I started thinking, "What the...?" But then I remembered. : )
  14. Steven isn't alone. How many of the enablers (Lisa for one) say that the obese person is hell to live with if they don't get what they want. We saw Steven's sh&t, who's to say that some of these other folks aren't as bad when it comes to their food? Even Chad, who was a relatively decent guy, admitted to being a pain when he didn't get what he wanted. Apparently, that's what these people do - I don't think they all have a reason, such as abuse, for making people live in fear. It's who they are and what they want is more important than anything else. If they had any self control, they wouldn't be 600 lbs. And I'm going to say it again - where is the moral compass in these people? Plump, overweight, OK, we all have struggles, but none of these people seem to tell themselves that there is something wrong with their moral compass to give into every whim and to berate people around them to get what they want. Just to show that my own moral compass can use adjusting from time to time, when Tracey's husband said she had 4 boxes of chocolate, she was quick to say they were the little 4 piece boxes. I knew exactly what she meant. I used to buy those little boxes to give to guest speakers in my classes. I'd buy a bunch at the beginning of the term and darned if I didn't have to replace them, sometimes more than once, before the term was over. What can I say? They're small...
  15. I had no idea his 'underwear' looked like that. Maybe he spilled something on it; it's an unusual stain. I watched part of the supersized version and finally got a good look at his legs. Wow. I have to ask the question I always ask, at what point do these people just give up and say "I'm going to have green, misshapen legs the erest of my life and that's OK by me"?
  16. Two of my half sisters (B & C) are currently living with my mother. They are significantly younger than I am, so apparently physical and emotional stuff went on between them that I didn't know about until the past few years. The youngest (C) had been OK living with my parents and care taking her dying father. B moved in a couple of years later. Well, it has been a nightmare. They don't speak to each other. They have gotten physical. C is on meds for mental and physical issues which she claims are due to B. C won't do anything that B does - including being on Pinterest. C had started a few boards and I was glad to see her get out of herself a bit, but then she stopped. It turned out that B got on Pinterest and C said she couldn't be on there anymore. I tried talking to her, but no, if B is involved, C would rather sit in her room and stare into space than do anything that B does. I can absolutely see B leaving the hospital if C were going to be there as well. I can't imagine the details of what B did to C, but it must have been something to create such animosity. I also don't know why my mother, knowing what's gone on, would let B move in. I couldn't have the drama in my house, that's for sure.
  17. I read one of the documents from Dr Now's divorce. He claimed to be retired (this was maybe 2008?), which he was not. Things did not go his way. I'm thinking that, even though he is still operating, he is getting older. He probably doesn't have as heavy a surgical schedule as he did in his younger days. He's lost money to the ex-wife. Reality TV brings in decent money that doesn't require him to be in the OR all day. Shoot, I'd do it. And to be fair, I don't know if other bariatric surgeons have started to operate on people this big. If he is still the only, or one of the only, doctors doing this, I do think he wants to help those who will die otherwise. So there's that. My stepfather died from lung cancer. He kept his law practice up as long as possible, 1) to bring in money and 2) to make sure his clients had representation until he couldn't do it any more. He was practically bed-ridden before he admitted he had to close his practice.
  18. My stepfather was a litigator. We got interrogated for every little thing we wanted - money, clothes, etc. (no allowance because that would mean we wouldn't have to beg him for everything). He wouldn't dream of calling us a name like 'jerk,' but would certainly belittle our logic and persuasive abilities. I have a JD and a PhD. I think I overcompensated...
  19. One of my half sisters ('A') is schizophrenic. When she was starting out in her illness, she was a high schooler, living with her 2 sisters and my parents (my full sister and I are a lot older and had already left home). When A would act out, my mother would bend over backwards to placate her. If A took the other girls' makeup, for example, my mother would say let her have it. This, of course, made the other girls angry and frustrated. None of their needs were being met while A got everything. Those feelings don't go away.
  20. But he still roams Houston in his lab coat and gold stethoscope.
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