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Everything posted by Marley

  1. Exactly. If it is true then that’s their arrangement and it’s none of these other bitches business. Whitney is anyways involved with these rumours to it seems.
  2. Disgusting. I am not surprised tho. It was obvious what would happen when Jace got sent back to that swamp hellhole. All the children should be removed from those 2 fucking losers Jenelle and David. I hate them.
  3. Lisa’s being banned from tanning story was not cute or funny. Lisa was kind of funny ridiculous before but not anymore. Is she actually that rich tho? Her wealth seems like a house of cards. Wasn’t minding Monica now no I don’t like her. She’s so irritating. I don’t know what she’s trying to do honestly. Whitney is working full time? Lol I doubt she’s that busy and her businesses are that bumping lol. I see Whitney and Justin divorcing eventually. He prob wants it to be what it was like pre RHOSLC days. Heather and her daughters? Boring. Angie’s glasses at Lisa’s party were stupid. Lisa and Monica’s argument was kind of annoying. Mary is horrified about crepes but she just got like $50 worth of McDonald’s last episode. Like what? Lol. Mary is just a bitch. She really thinks too much of herself and her own fashion sense. Meredith is insane. I do think she makes a lot of shit up.
  4. I was thinking this same thing when they were talking about the no sex thing. No one said oh what’s going on that is causing the no sex. Just instantly fucking other woman and breaking up. 2 winner husbands they’ve got going there. Something about Abe’s whole vibe turns me off too. He just seems like such an obnoxious dbag. I don’t know why I think this lol.
  5. Abe is starting to kind of seem like a douche to me. Meh to Erin too right now. Why does she think a gay man would wanna have sex with her a woman. Sai’s daughter was surprisingly not annoying. Sai is kind of a douche tho. Was annoying Sai just kept talking about her upbringing. Like we get it you were poor. Brynn didn’t annoy as much tonight. I FF all the Jenna dating scenes. Too cringey. Jessel is surprisingly not bugging me. Her being late would piss me off but Sai seems so overly bitchy to her. It is weird her husband just jets off to Vietnam for a day often. Enough with the stupid sound bath stuff. Is it like a requirement every housewife show goes to one.
  6. I honestly am over all of this. Everyone has a podcast too these days.
  7. I saw them doing that on ig. If I’m thinking of the right ad it was pretty expensive.
  8. Somehow posted twice. Not sure how this happened.
  9. I don’t like any of the girls really. Boring and lame. Taylor is not interesting. Olivia is not interesting and her relationship with Austen was fake so who cares. Madison is acting like she’s perfect and some stepford wife. I will never ever ever get Austen’s appeal. He’s a stupid douche. Yea I’m sure Craig is just so hands on he has to be at the warehouse in Charleston 24-7. Like please who is buying this fake shit. Watching JT check his blood sugar is not interesting. He needed to stop saying mommy too. What a riveting cliff hanger 2 ppl who are barely friends are upset one of them hooked up with the others her fake tv ex. What a horrible episode.
  10. Marley

    The NBA

    Good for Portland too. What they got from Milwaukee is way better than what I think Miami was offering.
  11. Marley

    The NBA

    Ha suck it Miami.
  12. Yes Taylor is a Queen is giving me bad flashbacks to Brittany being a queen on VPR. They aren’t they just picked total dbag partners even tho those dbags have shown exactly who they are to them. Taylor can’t lead the show. Neither can Madison.
  13. Middle class ppl have $60K rings? I don’t even make $60K a year lmao. Get a grip Lisa lol. Meredith always has an excuse. She’s insane and always thinks everyone is disgusting lol. My pitbull is the best. Angie is annoying tho. Wasn’t minding Monica but she was trying a bit too hard tonight. She’s still entertaining tho for now.
  14. Ok Ubah needs to get over it now. This is getting boring now. It was bitchy to take her phone but I don’t care anymore lol. Ubah just shut up already. Is she trying for a moment on the show or does she actually care this much. She went on and on and on. This is so lame. I liked those vehicles they were driving around in. A list is lame lol. Sorry but that’s putting way too much thought into someone you don’t really like. I did once put a reminder in my phone for the morning that I hated my friend because of a drunken fight but deleted it that morning lol. One of the lamest housewives arguments lol. Ubah losing her phone? Is this real? How stupid lol. Makes Ubah look even stupider with going on and on with this stupid shit. I don’t even like Erin but hate pile ons. Erin understands how Jenna felt now with her pile on but she doesn’t say sorry. How many episodes has this trip been like damn.
  15. Tom is faking imo. Also like someone wise said who cares he’s guilty as hell.
  16. I just got to season 8 of my rewatch and I think I’m done my rewatch now. I’m FF all the newbie scenes since they suck so bad. The show was never the same after season 7. This season is coked out Jax thinking his wedding is all that matters too. The show really failed at trying to get new cast members. Even in Season 10 pre Scandoval they were trying to push Raquel as a main girl and that is a huge fail too.
  17. Someone having their degree does not make them an interesting person tho lol.
  18. Angie just annoys me. She’s acting like she’s some victim but she’s just coming off as a bitch. Mary is such an unpleasant person but some of the things she says make me laugh. Lisa is ridiculous but she makes good tv. Meredith totally dressed Lisa up like that on purpose knowing they were going to a nice restaurant. Mary everyone def knows you are a loner lol. Meredith speaks so weird. It’s like she’s putting on some accent. Or as Heather said she even had an English accent for a bit. Her blowup at dinner was so odd. Was she just wasted? Why was she having a full on breakdown lol. Such an odd scene. Is she on something too lol. She seemed so unhinged. Kind of not minding Monica so far. Not sure why. Whitney is right about Meredith. The puking at the end omg. Kind of made me laugh the driver’s face then Whitney running to get out lol.
  19. I think I like Rodrigo only because he called Austen a douche lol. JT seems like a total bullshitter. I don’t really believe anything he says. Madison is just so lame. She’s trying so hard to be this fake perfect little wife and it’s such a lie. She’s definitely had a dildo before and has seen one. Pls what a joke. Shep is an idiot. I like Craig. I don’t know why I just do. Leva and Venita are boring. Olivia’s dating life? No thanks. I don’t even believe she had a real relationship with Austen anyways. She’s so boring to me.
  20. My theory is John was watching Archie while Shannon was getting lit at the restaurant. Shannon prob texting John then got all in a rage about something he was saying and she sped off drunk to get Archie then she crashed on the way home from John’s. I have absolutely zero proof of anything lol but just a theory. Still poor Archie having to be involved in a drunk driving accident.
  21. Kelly Dodd seems to be enabling her too. For some reason I thought Kelly and Shannon didn’t like each other but I guess not lol. https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/kelly-dodd-says-tamra-judge-isnt-a-good-friend-to-shannon-beador/amp/
  22. Just rewatched season 7 ep 6 and Stassi’s mom is a fucking wack job. The way she talked to Beau about Stassi then that horrible dinner where she ran off from the table. She’s insane. The way Kristen was acting was crazy too like she isn’t insane herself. Stassi’s mom kept complimenting Kristen too. Her behaviour was fucked. If my mom ever acted that way I don’t know if I would wanna talk to her again for a long time.
  23. Monica reminds me of Bre from Selling Sunset. I don’t mind her so far. Showing up uninvited somewhere is just so awkward I can’t handle it lol. Whitney inviting Angie seems super set up tho. Not a fan of Angie’s giant sunglasses. She seems so fake too. It kind of annoyed me her husband didn’t take his hat off either in the restaurant. Lisa is so ridiculous it’s kind of entertaining. I would never wanna be around her but in a show it’s not bad lol. Mary’s shade about the ring did make me laugh. She is so unpleasant tho. Has she ever been shown as happy on the show?
  24. I can’t believe I kind of liked Erin in the first episode. She is such a mean girl. I don’t think she’s ever happy either. Why couldn’t she have just said sorry to Ubah about the phone. She immediately turned herself into the victim. I don’t think Erin had any plans to give the phone back that night either. She would’ve kept it going. I hate pranks tho they are usually just dumb and mean spirited. Ubah needed to chill a bit too but meh fuck it Erin deserves someone to finally call her out. Brynn is annoying. Enough with the constant flirting. So try hard. Sai shut up. I’m over her too right now. I am actually not minding Jessel now.
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