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Everything posted by Marley

  1. Marlo is horrible. Going back in time made Marlo seem even worse. Marlo seems to be going after Kandi because she thinks it will make her the star of the show. Marlo needs to realize tho her personality is shit. Is Kenya actually dating this Roi guy. It seems fake lol. Ugh Ralph. Go away. This drama Marlo is trying to get going is just not entertaining. It’s so obvious how shitty Marlo is and what she’s trying to do with this fake outrage. Extra fake drama is not fun to watch. Not a fan of stupid annoying Courtney. Sanya meh. Seems like her family is basically her nannies so she can maybe stop lecturing and telling them to move out. Ross kind of comes off as a douche a lot of the time. Those 4 in the escape room was obv a snooze fest the show didn’t even wanna show more then 10 seconds of it lol.
  2. I just wanna say it again because everyone keeps saying oh they are all cheaters. It’s not just being a cheater. Raquel pretended to be Ariana’s good friend and inserted herself in their life. She bought a matching necklace on tv like it’s a little game. She talked to Ariana about her relationship with Tom. She was going off about how they are all gonna be bff forever. Tom dressed up as Raquel for Halloween. This is all twisted shit. If ppl think that’s not a big deal then idk lol. It’s fucked. Sandoval said the T-shirt comment because it’s well known Ariana has body issues. He was going after that and pushing her buttons.. He’s a loser. I don’t buy Raquel breaking down either. It’s all fake and prob set up by her and Sandoval at the end.
  3. I knew the big reveal would be nothing. They were overhyping it. We all knew all the stuff that Raquel admitted to. Like no big shocker. Sandoval is such a piece of shit. He was working to get those fake tears going. His comment about Ariana wearing a t shirt during sex and how he said it was so gross. He’s just a disgusting loser. Tom and Raquel laughing away when she was done they are just such trash. It makes me laugh that Tom really thinks anyone would buy his bs timeline.
  4. The reveal is gonna be a bunch of nothing. They are way overhyping it. Which is what these shows do when a reveal is lame. I will be surprised if it’s anything actually crazy or interesting.
  5. Frank is so desperate to remain relevant and on the show he’s bringing up this stupid shit about his sons job. Like even if it were true Frankie jr prob doesn’t wanna go around publicly bashing his former employer. Shut up Frank sr. Annoying he’s out there. They were joking about Joe Gorga not fighting Louie because he will kick his ass unlike Joe Giudice.? Lol what Giudice totally kicked Gorgas ass. All Gorga did was get his fake hair all over Giudice lol. I feel like Dolores is the only one coming off well at the reunion. I really really don’t like John Fuda.
  6. It’s weird but I still don’t buy Mya and Oliver ever even being a couple. Danielle still can’t admit any fault at all. So ridiculous like how does she think her actions are normal. Ppl can move as fast as they want. Why can’t anyone just admit Danielle is crazy. I hate Mya Ciara and Paige just sitting there rolling their bitchy eyes. I’ll say it again yes Lindsey is a bitch but that doesn’t mean Danielle isn’t a crazy lady. Her reactions were psychotic and to me she made most of the fight happen. Ciara and Mya need to go for sure.
  7. Marlo needs to go away. She’s a psycho bitch. She’s trash, but not even entertaining trash she’s just fake and irritating to watch. What is Kenya doing with this whole trip. This shit is so weird like what am I watching. Kenya is crazy and is she losing it or something because keeping her mediocre half time gig secret doesn't make it better lol. Then she has to go to the hospital and checks out and doesn’t even tell anyone? Like what the fuck prob the lamest girls trip they’ve had on a housewives show. Courtney can go away too. Kandi does need to stop disregarding Todd and his projects. Housewives having a life coach is such a boring storyline that has been done 500 million times. No one cares. Especially stupid Marlo having one. Drew and Ralph still really suck. They always do. Ugh Mama Joyce. I don’t wanna see that bitch on my tv. She can’t just be a normal person and be nice to Todd or at least stop dragging him in public. She’s trying to act like Todd is trash like what is Joyce she’s a damn crotchety old bitchy leech. I can’t stand her. Who actually finds her bitch ass comments funny. Previews look maybe a bit better but probably not lol.
  8. Marley

    The NBA

    I like both teams so as stupid as it sounds I am kind of rooting for both lol. Glad it’s tied now. Would be cool if it went to a very exciting game 7 that went to the very last seconds.
  9. Pretty sure Ciara hasn’t been a nurse for years. Kyle’s stupid fake talking to himself in the kitchen drunk is annoying and not cute.
  10. Nah sometimes ppl deserve to be hit. Raquel is a psycho who fucked one of her best friends long term boyfriends while on tv and pretending that these ppl would be her friends forever. She basically said on the show these are my ppl now and acted like they all had some friend group that would last forever. While she said this she was fucking Tom actually in the house while Ariana was sleeping in another room. This is not normal behaviour and is not the same as the other cheating on the show. The other cheating wasn’t right either but Tom and Raquel is some fucked up shit. For ppl to try to blame Ariana blows my mind. Tom is a fucking loser too and always has been. He was trying to pull the same shit too where he spun a story of Ariana being crazy. Tom Sandoval is disgusting. Schwartz is disgusting. If I was Scheana I would’ve hit Raquel too or pushed her and I wouldn’t feel bad about it. LVP is also a joke but it does not surprise me at all. She’s a fucking pick me girl and basically hates other women. She’s a producer on a show and pushes the loser men on it to suck up to her and grovel at her feet. I have never bought into her hype. Ken was a ho when LVP got with him prob why she defends the loser Toms.
  11. Rachel Fuda sucks. I hope she’s done. Her and her loser painted on beard husband who according to previews has connections. Lol pls. I thought it came out Joe Gorga lied about Dina’s husband calling him and it never happened. Oh Melissa and Joe pay the Fudas lol makes sense. Or who knows with Joe Gorga if he even is paying them lol. Margaret is such trash and needs to go too. Stupid bitch brings nothing. She never lets anything go she’s annoying to watch. She really thinks she’s funny but she’s really not. Margaret gets away with being a complete shit stirrer. I believe she said all that stuff to her ex best friend. Margaret needs to lay off the ozempic she’s looking older by the second with her ozempic face. I don’t even like Jlo but pls let’s not pretend Melissa Gorga is anything like Jlo lol. Dolores saying to Danielle that the Gorga story is so old was awesome. Agreed. Who cares anymore. Teresa knows the FBI doesn’t just put ppl in jail because someone says so right? Like pretty sure they had evidence against her and Joe. Why are they even talking about the stupid jail thing it’s so old and tired. Honestly pretty boring part 1 tho.
  12. This reunion is stupid bullshit. The fact that ppl are acting like Danielle had normal reactions during the season is a joke. Paige lays in bed all season then gets all raged up at reunions. It’s weird and she comes off as a bitch. Lindsey is a bitch too I’m sure but that doesn’t mean Danielle isn’t a psycho. Ciara always looks like a snobby mean girl bitch. Plus she’s so boring. I just said the word bitch a lot lol but I don’t know if I even wanna watch this boring shit anymore if no one will admit Danielle is crazy just because they don’t like Lindsey. You can not like Lindsey but also call out someone’s behaviour. Kyle needs to shut up sometimes. He tries to act like he’s so wise or something. His mullet looks stupid too. Kory seems jolly in the previews lol maybe he will turn the reunion around somehow. Wouldn’t be surprised if boring ass Ciara was trying to move in on him.
  13. This show is boring me but also this was a really weird episode. Kenya was being so weird. Like was she trying to set them up? That was such a weird event they went to. Everything seemed so low budget and just weird. They shouldn’t have banged on Kenya’s door but Kenya reacted like a psycho lol.
  14. For some reason I thought Scott turned 40 a couple of years ago lol.
  15. Just like all their stories are leaked..by Kris Jenner lol.
  16. Marley

    The NBA

    See ya stupid Boston! Woohoo!
  17. Marley

    The NBA

    Miami up 21 - keep it going pls!
  18. Marley

    The NBA

    Omg no fuck what an annoying ending!
  19. Marley

    The NBA

    If the Heat can’t pull it out in game 6 they are done for. They are down right now in Q4 but not too far down. It’s not looking great tho but come on Heat figure it out!
  20. Marley

    The NBA

    Uh oh Miami lost again. Not looking good. They better get it together so stupid Boston can fuck off lol. I don’t think Lebron is going to retire. I think he’s gonna try to play with Bronny like he said do another 2 years. The lakers need to do something tho Lebron is gonna be gone eventually and no one can rely on AD really.
  21. The booing of Sandoval cracked me up. LVP to me came off bad in part 1. She’s all about sticking up for Sandoval no matter what. Obviously she’s not going to just dump her kind of business partner but there’s a better way to do it then what she’s doing. She’s kind of always came off sexist tho. She wants to be the only woman and all men lust after her. I’ve never liked her at any of the reunions tho. Schwartz needs to shut up. I did not like seeing Raquel’s botch smug face in her trailer ugh.
  22. I think that’s gonna be the reveal too that they were together way before August 2022. They keep hyping up this revelation tho and sometimes when they hype something so much it’s actually a really lame revelation. Hopefully it’s not like that this time.
  23. The wedding was ridiculous for sure but whatever it’s her wedding lol. The hair was so stupid lol. Joe and Melissa with their rude comments during the wedding is actually pretty pathetic. If you are over it and done then just be done.
  24. Why would anyone ever wanna be in a relationship with Sandoval at this point? He’s a well documented douchebag. I’m assuming for attention but is it even good attention. I guess with influencers the type of attention doesn’t really matter lol.
  25. Marley

    The NBA

    Yay Nuggets! At least LA tried to keep this game close. Wonder what they’re gonna do in the off-season.
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