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Everything posted by Marley

  1. I can't even really watch Jenelles parts. She is such a delusional bitch. I want her to fuck off forever. I hope she never gets Jace back. I fear for Jace if he goes back to Jenelle. Jo sucking up to Kail is embarassing. Glad Vee called the bitch out. Kail's stupid little suck up friend can shut up too lol. I dislike Kail so much. She's just using Isaac to get to Javi and Jo going with it is pathetic. David looks even more like a serial killer with his stupid glasses. Chelsea and Cole continue to be cute and the only bright spot in the show.
  2. I am rooting for CT. Everyone else is meh. JB can shut up like always. Zach can shut up the most. I don't really get how hes a champ. Him trying to insult CT makes me dislike him even more lol.
  3. I think Fendi looks awesome. The rest is idiotic. Jeremy Scott seems like a pretentious prick.
  4. This show is so shitty now I didn't even cry when she died. Now it's gonna be what more Daphne and Maddie? No thanks. Scarlett is disgusting and her hair is horrific. Why would Gunnar wanna fight for that bitch. Not sure why any guy would wanna be with someone who looks acts and talks like a grandma. This show used to be fun. What the hell happened. I'm out.
  5. I love this show and I cried like a mf when William died but the rest really bored me. Too much William flashbacks. He's a good character but it just seems like they made him into a saint since the first time we saw him. I did love the scene where William went to see Jack. That was nice. I guess I'm a bit of a jerk lol but it just didn't get me till the end.
  6. What a boring episode. Rinna is such an annoying fake. Her joke about LVP's "gate" being closed for years was fucking stupid and not funny in anyway. Stop laughing so much at your pathetic jokes. No Eileen? Wooo! Go away Rinna's daughters. No one is interested in you. I am really liking Erika lately. Her and Tom's relationship works for them so meh I don't care lol.
  7. Katie just wants to get married cause she's at the age where ppl feel like they should be married or with the person they are gonna marry so they settle on anything. Schwartz got married so he can continue barely working and being supported. He probably also thought he could string along an engagement for a few years.
  8. Must've been awkward for Ariana being there while they talked about someone fucking a chick in Vegas while they were in a relationship lol. Schwartz is really buying into his loveable scamp act. Sandoval just reinforces everything Schwartz thinks times a million. Sandoval kind of fell down a few notches to me. He's a total drama queen and needed to shut up. At the same time Kristen and Carter needed to chill. Like Schwartz confirming he fucked this chick in Vegas while they were all blackout drunk at a Bachelor party was gonna help anything lol. Crazy Bachelor party but I've actually been to crazier. Except we all atleast had fun at first for a bit.
  9. I could barely handle Janelle bitching to Dave about how Nathan choked someone and that means he shouldn't be around Kaiser. Dave choked his prego gf! I just can't with these delusional fuckers. And Nathan's gym buddy really thinks he's something and seems like he's trying to make himself happen. Chelsea's scenes were my fave like usual. And Cole was extra attractive building that crib with that hat and those jeans on. Damn lol. Oh if Kail wants to have things private then there's this thing called quitting the fucking show. Go away..she is being paid for fuck all. Why would her kids want to watch her stupid videos either. Like what a selfish bitch.
  10. I liked it. I've only seen episode one because it's being played on a channel I have so episode 2 is next week. No horrific bitch Alicia? Wooo! I'm sad about Kurt and Diane tho. I really liked them together. Not sure how I feel about Maia tho. She seems meh so far but it just started. Too bad Kalinda couldn't come back and start investigating for the new firm lol. The f bomb was def censored.
  11. I could only handle Porsha and Kandi's sit down for so long. It was just nonstop yelling over each other. I think they are both telling the truth and both lying a bit. I do think Porsha is lying more tho if that's makes sense. Anyways boring and annoying episode.
  12. I watched this ep a few days ago cause I randomly saw it in the on demand section. Anyways I liked the ep because I hate Rhodes and wanna see him go down. He just seems like such an entitled prick. It wasn't the most exciting ep tho. I wanna see some more Axe being rich and having fun. More excitement please!
  13. Kind of seems like Drake is making excuses for precious Kanye. Yes he is going thru things but so are a lot of ppl and that doesn't give someone the right to just rant about everyone. Plus the fact I'm pretty sure he never apologizes after. Well atleast publicly. Kanye can fall off this pedestal artists put him on at anytime. He was great back in the day but pretty weak now.
  14. I read the article and it all seems like bs. They are just throwing numbers out there.
  15. Can Scarlett please fuck off forever. She is the worst and her hair sucks and voice is annoying. I'm so done with her and Gunnar's on again off again crap. What was even the point of them getting back together last season? Scarlett can take that pos Maddie with her too pls.
  16. I hate Cyrus so I don't even care if he's innocent I'd love to see him killed. Abby sucks too like I'm so sick of her running around yelling at ppl. I'm glad Fitz told her to back off. Abby can leave too pls. I think Jake killed Vargas becass Papa Pope told him to. I keep remembering how he was absent after Vargas left. Shonda loves the actor tho so maybe it was just Papa Pope then. Hmm.. Not sure what's wrong with watching someone dance? Should I have been looking away all these years lol. Mellie needs to chill with celebrating so quickly tho.
  17. Wowwww...Dee went super dark but damn I'm still laughing at it. Dennis's dancing in Macs dream was hilarious. The whole daddy and the boy schtick at the end really cracked me up. Especially with the crowd wondering wtf was going on. Funny episode ..I like it.
  18. This show is getting really stupid and boring. Way too much Cyrus is this episode. He breathes so loud all the time too. It got really annoying. I guess I really don't care about this show when I'm commenting on someone's breathing lol but nothing is intriguing me.
  19. I loved this episode. Really funny. Just the gang being the crazy fucks they are. I feel like Charlie was really the one who saved Mac tho, but I guess Frank did call out. Poor Dee and her bony stabby elbows lol. I hope Mac stays out of the closet. It'd be a nice change and I could see it bringing some funny.
  20. I know Tom Sandoval is def thirsty but I just can't help liking him. He cracks me up and I find him kind of cute. As for his acting, I think he would do good hosting a reality show or something. I could see it. Schwartz is totally like someone I know who will never let you talk about your feelings and if you do he just starts saying sorry and asking for you to stop yelling when you aren't even yelling lol. Katie is a horrible bitch also but Schwartz isn't some perfect guy. Also I agree he stays with her cause she pays for everything. His job is occasional actor and vpr cast member. I doubt he's blowing up as a model too and making serious money. Katie has ugly clothes too. I don't get her clothing choices lately. The scene in Lisa's closet was hilar. Good stuff.
  21. I FF all Rinna and Eileen's scenes. Snooze alert! Time to boot those boring bitces lol. I was kind of liking Erika this episode. She seemed fun in Mexico. I would be whipping around on the jet ski too. That house looked beautiful! Can't wait for the craziness that's coming!
  22. What is the point of Duke? Every time I see his stupid fucking douche face on the screen I wanna turn the show off. Why would anyone think he would be a good character. He's a POS loser who is the worst. Just thinking about him makes me mad. No way he wouldn't of been fired by now. Please have Duke and Miguel crash there cars into each other and die lol. Harsh but meh it's TV lol.
  23. James needs to stop saying he has a residency. You got a probably part time job djing at a restaurant. Also no one is jealous of you. Like at all. Actually everything thinks you're a joke and are fun to laugh at. Those girls that ambushed his gf though were super pathetic. It was kind of embarassing watching them try to talk shit. James of course has to go crazy though and starting getting really mean and throwing bottles. I'm pretty sure he threw a bottle at Jax. James rapping though was comedy gold! I will be laughing about that for a bit. I kind of understand where Tom S is coming from but he needs to tone down the James defending because I like Tom S and he needs to realize James is a damn jackass. Lol at Scheana judging prenups. She's prob wishing she had one of those right about now.
  24. Nathan is so dumb. Watching him talk with his little gym pals is hilarious. Also Jenelle and David are total losers but so are you Nathan and you are right behind them with 2 baby mamas. Jenelles land is creepy and a future crime scene. I do not wish that on her even though she's garbage, but David is creepy. How long have they even been together. Im sure Javi is not innocent but Kail is a total bitch. She just wants everything her way and she's decided she's done with Javi so that's it. She does so many things out of a spite and to just be a bitch. Also it's not fully her house yet. She was obviously also not filming and mad cause she totally got caught having some dude over. Take a break from the d and take care of your kids. I like Chelsea's scenes. I think her and Cole are really cute together and just gonna be honest I find Cole attractive. I don't blame her for moving back the wedding. Who wants to be prego at their wedding? Doesn't seem that fun lol. The show should just tell Adam to fuck off. He's such a POS and we don't need him on the show to have Chelsea. They don't even interact. He makes himself look bad not the show. His pathetic Mohawk is hilarious too. Dude you're bald just shave it all.
  25. Gunnar's hair looked stupid in the music video. Scarlett was an annoying bitch this episode. What is wrong with her and why is Scarlett seen to be so much better then Gunnar. Did I miss something? Meh to Maddie and her SL. Stupid episode.
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