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Everything posted by Zonk

  1. So Alexander couldn't have broken thhose restraints like 5 seconds earlier and saved his girlfriend? K. It was pretty clear that mommy only told half the story and that there was some tragic backstory behind it all somehow... Still he is a bit of a dick, isn't he?
  2. Well at least the always missing each other trope, I complained about in last episodes thread, didn't last that long. Still was a bit annoying that it took them forever to figure out that their letters were intercepted. Makes them seem stupid. And we are supposed to root for these characters, aren't we? But I do like a good hairy chest, So show, you've won me back over with your northern withchunter-witch buddy comedy / romance.
  3. These situations where characters just miss each other is a really really annoying trope that I wish would just die already. On top of that the thing where somebody intercepts their letters and both are too dumb to figure out that that is the problem and think that the other isn't writing them... So general dude is the heritic. What a surprise... not. But I would assumme mommy dearest hasn't told the whole truth either.
  4. I mean Iron Man 2... enough said. You say there is no wrong way to watch a show, but the subtext of your post seems to be that there is. The show hadn't lost me up until that point, but I just can't overlook breaking the rules of the universe. It's always been a problem for me when watching shows. It's why Star Trek Discovery is probably the worst show on the planet for me (I guess the generally horrible writing doesn't help). It got worse since they put so much emphasis on ordinary humans (battlestar) dying so easily on this show and Sam even mentions in his speech that he is just an ordinary human, no super soldier serum in him, no sir. Yet, he has the power to lift an armoured truck, with his regular human bones and muscles... At that point it's not just a minor (or big) annoyance, it destroys one of the big themes of the show. Because the iron man suit is an exoskeleton while Sam's suit is mostly cloth. Cloth can be bullet proof, but it can't keep you from getting crushed. The Redwings only attached after he had held the armored truck for like 30 seconds already.
  5. I mean, would she know all that? Is that public record? Would she even know who he is other than a guy who keeps foiling her plans? The old japanese dude didn't seem to know who Bucky was, neither did the japanese lady he flirted with. Only guess: The prospect of a pardon and reinstatement as a high level SHIELD agent was more valuable to her than the super soldier serum. Keeping up appearances? Would be weird if the power broker didn't put a bounty on their heads, right?
  6. The MCU used to be pretty good at having non-powered humans, who have only gadgets, play to their strengths. It's also pretty blatant since battlestar (dumb name) died by being thrown slightly hard against a pillar. You can't just have a normal human withstand the weight of an armoured truck two episodes after that. It's not an exoskeleton though. It's mostly just fabric. You could say it's bullet proof or something (though it didn't seem like it) but it can't, by its flexieble nature, protect you from being crushed.
  7. I'm still annoyed that they are treating ordinary humans as super soldiers. No ordinary human could throw the shield like that. I know it is (part) vibranium, but either it's light like a plastic frisby or it can do massive damage. It can't be both. Same goes for Sam holding an armored truck in the air. He has powerfull jets on his back... great... but his bones are just ordinary human bones. He should have been crushed, his armes snapped like twigs, his ribs and spine shattered.
  8. Good episode. Not that much else to say about it. No major developments, but nice action. It also didn't work with the rules of time travel they had previously set up in the movie...
  9. So the new Captain America isn't a super soldier, right? If so I'm calling bullshit on him using the shield like that. No ordinary human could. It's always funny seeing shows or movies set in germany. At the terrorist hideouts there were flyers on the wall. Fine for the most part, but there was one that said "Erhalten Autoprobleme? Ruf Hank an.". That is not correct german and it's clear that somebody just put "got car trouble?" into google translate. Then of course there was the big blue Autobahn-sign on a rural street. Couldn't they get some orange signs? Or was that supposed to be an Autobahn? It had cars driving in the same direction on both lanes. But then where were the other two lanes for cars to drive in the opposite direction? There was nothing for miles. Then the bus stop sign that hasn't been used in like 30 years. Probably found it in the back of the prop closet. Reminds me of the green police cars in the first Avengers movie, when the cars in the real world had been blue for years. Ah, good times.
  10. It wasn't even that masked. I didn't know why she was doing it, but the misses by a mile seemed very intentional. I thought maybe she was powering up the Hex for something.
  11. Öhm, nope. The burdon of proof is on the state. Innocent until proofen guilty.
  12. The most interesting part of the episode for me when Wanda was saying goodbye to her kids: "Boys, thanks for chosing me to be your mom." So that says to me that they are beings who had a choice in the matter of becoming her kids. That has a ton of story-potential...
  13. I didn't say people were helping her because she was an underdog, only that the public was cheering for her because she was an underdog. I think the chess players who helped her knew how good and dangerous she really was and didn't see her as an underdog. But in general, yes, these attributes can stack. If somebody is precieved to be an underdog and pretty at the same time, people will be much more likely to help them. Humans unconciously assume pretty people deserve good things and ugly people deserve bad things. So if a pretty person doesn't have good things, they will be precieved as an underdog, who had bad luck in life. I don't like it, but it's how our lizard brains work. It's extremely unrealistic for the time. It's not like somebody opened up about being gay after they knew each other for a while. Townes' boyfriend just waltzed into the room and upon seeing that there was a stranger there, didn't even try to hide that the two of them were an item. I don't think erasing the struggles gay people had to face in the past is particularly great or progressive... If it is virtue signaling? Well, you'd have to ask the writers.
  14. Was that stated somewhere? I thought when she was a teenager he was supposed to be in his early 20s. Wasn't he still in college and then when they met the next time just starting out as a reporter? I mean it doesn't really match the actors age, but a woman in her mid twentees played an early teen here, so.. eh? They never said how old she actually was, did they? The whole running gag through the show was that she never got her real age out, people would always interrupt. The same happened in the last episode. We only know she is 20-something. Meh. I like to sleep alone. If I have to share my bed with somebody they better do me first. 😉 Were they twins? I kept wondering why they kept showing up together even after they wouldn't have been in the same chess clubs anymore. Then I thought maybe they were boyfriends, then I noticed they looked kinda similar, so maybe they were brothers, but I thought surely the show would have told me that. I guess I really see faces weird... Well, she is pretty. People try to help pretty people all the time. It's burried somewhere deep in our lizard-brains. Everybody loves an underdog. When the german national team beat Brazil 7-1 in the world cup, german fans in the stadium started cheering for the brazilian team in the second half. Russians had been dominant for so long in chess, I'm sure the people were glad to cheer for somebody else for a change, especially for a woman.
  15. Finally got around to watching this. I thought the mirroring of what the russians do, with all the other chest players coming to her aid, would come in the earlier match, but of course for dramatic reasons it was better in the finale. I don't like that Townes was gay and "just confused for a minute". Wouldn't it have been more interesting if he was Bi and Beth just pushed him away and wouldn't let him explain? But I guess we can't have Bi characters in television. Also wasn't he a bit open about it for the time? I know it was more liberal in some ways before the AIDS crisis in that in bigger cities people just pretended not to notice, but that also on the other hand meant that gay men still at least pretended to hide it, especially those who wanted to make careers in respectable profesion, like reporter... Anyway, apart from that gripe, really, really good show.
  16. I'm on 4x10. Is it just me or does the current storyline not make sense? They said they needed the founding titan (that's Eren) and a titan with royal blood and are acting like that is an obstacle. But Zeke has royal blood and he is the beast titan. So they had a titan with royal blood all along. Why didn't they act three years ago? Am I missing something?
  17. Zonk

    S05.E01: Exodus

    Why the aspect ratio change on Luna? Any theories? Have they done that before and I've just forgotten?
  18. How very convenient that medical quarantine has a back exit.......... A few episodes ago somebody here theorised that the Osyraa and her regulators could beam aboard discovery because discovery can't jump with her shields up. I guess that theory is out the window now, because this episode they jumped with shields up. So I'm going back to my original theory as to how they could beam aboard: bad writing. So Book can talk to mushrooms now, not just to animals? I still don't get why everybody insists that Grudge is fat. That cat is 90% hair. Captain Burnham? Yeah no, no thanks. I'm out. She was insuffarable enough as a regular old character. I hope this was the last season. Either way it was for me. I assume because the special effects department didn't talk to the script department and thought a ship going to warp looked cooler... Yeah that was lame. Burnham being permanently absorbed by the ship would have killed two birds with one stone. We could have gotten rid of the character and the actress, while getting some cool cyber-construct. And yeah, I certainly thought Osyraa would get back up, but I guess not. It's almost like they think a warp core gets ejected by just dropping it and gravity doing the rest... in space! These writers are dumbasses.
  19. The point was that she kept kicking him when he was already down. Something you even teach kids you should never do. Plus when the homeless man, towards whom she was so nice before, asked what was going on, she snapped at him to mind his own business. I think that conveyed her slow loss of humanity quite well. I really think there were far too many scene with her. I mean think about it as the writers or director. You have a block of wood, who somehow got the leading role in your movie, you'd want to show that block of wood as little as you could, too. It was the theme of the movie that cheating never leads to anything good (even if in real life cheaters get away with it constantly) and we got a nice callback with the truckflip. But mainly the theme. I don't think you can take that out. The stone always takes something from the people who make a wish. He became the stone, so he could take things from them. Yeah, I was rolling my eyes at that one. I was like "He knows what trains are!" when he was open mouthed towards the subway train. I mean the moon landing I totally get, but that stuff preemtively cheapened it a bit for me. Would have been better if they had cut that out, started at the art exhibit and moved to the space museum from there. Had the same question about the range while watching the movie, but then forgot about it again. Glad that my intuition wasn't wrong. Fighter jets can't have tanks that big and usually they are launched from aircraft carriers close to their target. And you think a good solution would be to "kill them all"?
  20. Also he once met coldmirror and that is about as famous as it gets in my book: Edit: I guess because I watched that moment in the video a few times to get the right time to link to, the all powerfull youtube algorythm decided to show me this video that is even better:
  21. There were quite a few problems with the wish-thing. I mean you are telling me that nobody wished for all the nukes to disappear, at the height of the cold war? Nbbody wished for that, really? Also the russian nukes weren't wished for. Those should still be coming. Did really everybody have to renounce their wishes? Even if wonder woman wasn't a block of wood, I can't believe she would have convinced everybody. And what about the dead woman who wihed all the irish were gone. Even if she came back to live, she wouldn't have hear Diana's speach. Also the block of wood saying "this world was already beautiful"? Really? This world sucks. Hard. It could be so much better. Speaking of the block of wood that is wonder woman: I probably could have overlooked a lot of the problems much easier if Gal Gadot didn't suuuuuuuuuuck as an actress. I mean she is worse than me and I am really bad. I don't understand how she made it into blockbuster movies. Everytime she opened her mouth or shook her head for 5 minutes straight it took me right out of the movie. On the other hand, everybody else was great. Kristen Wiig really stole the show for me, Pedro Pascal also great (with that hair I thought he was Nathan Fillian for a second), even young Diana in the falshback was pretty good. Overall the film was an enjoyable action romp, but what kept it from beign great was the lead actress.
  22. That's a lot of assumptions we have to make. Even if that is the case. We've seen transporter jammers before. Why wouldn't they automatically activate one of those when they are about to jump? That seems like a serious oversight otherwise.
  23. So you can now beam onto other ships willynilly? I know the shields were low but they weren't completely down, were they? Tilly confirmed horrible captain. If she knew that the shields were completely down and people could beam onto her ship, she should have activated the self destruct the second she didn't hear anything back from Stamits. It's not like the self destruct is instant. It always has a 20 to 30 minute timer on it. So no harm if he just had to go to bathroom. Anybody else first thought that the "monster" might be the real survivor and the kelpian man just a holo projection of him to more easily interact with the world?
  24. I thought a red priest resurrection involved some smootching (kiss of life) or did I remember that wrong. They screwed Carice van Houten hard on this one. That was reaaaally clunky. Sansa knows the hound, Brienne knows the hound and Brienne knows that Sansa knows the hound. Why would she say "a man"? Maybe she didn't want to worry Sansa. But it seems kinda far fetched.
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