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Everything posted by Zonk

  1. Thinking about it, Luke is kind of a sourpuss, isn't he? So much so that it was understood without words that his and June's marriage was over... I know if my SO had been the sex slave to a key figure in an autoritarian regime for years, I'd throw them a party once they got their, very, very, very improbable revenge. Especially now that Fred is dead, it's mostly over, isn't it? She could finally move on, even if moving on might take years. Now she can start. So isn't that the best that could happen for you and your marriage, Luke? It's weird. In american TV shows people are always morally outraged if the protagonist kills somebody, unless it's a nameless henchman of course, then it doesn't matter and is totally cool. I really don't get both of those directions and I don't think they are present or at least to a much lesser extend in european TV.
  2. That was all kinds of impossible, improbable and dumb. But for a change, it was fun. If you have to be dumb, at least be fun, I always say. I approve.
  3. Nah, he's not dead. We would have seen that. She just sucked some energy out of him.
  4. I mean it will likely be renewed and the show runner said he has planned a 6 season arc. So of course there isn't a happy ending at the end of season three. Shits gonna get more and more real the next two seasons at least. I predict a teaming up with the lord commander against invictus. It will be interesting if Ash can be redeemed or if she is completely gone. There seemed to be a glimmer there when Gary said he was sorry they failed her. Although I have to say her turn didn't seem well done. The show had brought her back from the brink too far, that I don't quite buy that the revelation of the killing of little Cato's parents would set her off this bad.
  5. Because these writers don't remember what they wrote four minutes ago, let alone four seasons. Sad but true.
  6. Well they have said multiple times on the show that Gilead is a black box. Doesn't make any sense, considering how careless the commanders are around other people, how many refugees have fled Gilead, that there are multiple aunts, who know a great deal, in Canada, etc. But if we are taking that at face value, that Gilead is a black box and no refugee can help out, because of reasons... Tuello probably has exhausted all other possibilities... So it does and does not make sense... mostly not. But that is due to the bad and inconsistent writing.
  7. Only if you reproduce. After three postings with no child it's off to the colonies with you.
  8. What was that Lydia-stuff? I know she's a horrible person. But I never got the impression that she did what she did because she enjoyed inflicting pain. I think she enjoyed the control and the power, yes, but not inflicting pain specifically. And she does have the control and the power back. So she should be happy. That screamed of "We need to get Janine back to aunt Lydia. But how would we do that? She's all the way in Chicago, it would make no sense! I know! We are going to say that aunt Lydia enjoys inflicting pain and that Lawrence gives her Janine as a torture-outlet! Brilliant!" Oh no, I think these writers are going for "Nowhere is safe, Canada is going to turn into Gilead too, because Fred and Serena are just soooo convincing." Sounds like it doesn't fit at all with what we've seen from Canada previously? Sounds batshit insane? Exactly! That's why I think that these writers are going for it. They consistently pick the most insane option. It was specifically about Waterford's crimes. So she had to stick to those. While taking her to Jezzebells would be a crime under Gilead-law I don't think it would be under canadian law. The forced prostitution that goes on there, yes, but not bringing June there and Moira covered that angle pretty well from what we heard. No, wifes are allowed to get preggers if they are fertile and in that case the household won't even get a handmaid (unless you are a headhoncho in DC, in which case the laws don't apply to you and you can rape like 10 handmaids at once).
  9. I was disappointed with this. I love musical episodes and adore shows like Zoey's extraordinary playlist, but this suffered from the same problem Glee did: Autotune all the voices to hell until no personality is left (for Glee compare the pilot to the actual show). I know it's often hard to get untrained actors to sing well, but they had one episode, Zoey's does it every week (granted, they have a bunch of broadway stars in there, but also normal actors). The magicians did it in their musical episodes, Buffy did it. Why can some shows not autotune the actors to hell and back and others can't? I'd much rather have a few notes that weren't quite hit right than this sea of bland. How am I supposed to feel the emotion, the anguish the characters feel during "I dreamed a dream" when it's not in the voices anymore?! I mean you don't have to go full Tom Hooper and let the actors sing on set (which is a bad idea, btw.) but please don't strangle every emotion out of the performance with a computer program meant for minor pitch corrections. She might have heard an earlier version of it before it was autotuned into the crapper.
  10. You severely underestimate June's plot armour. It is made from unobtainium, gathered from a dying star, forged into form in the fires of mount doom. Never has there been plot armor the likes of this one. I've read this sentiment a few times in this thread. You guys need to think a bit more like an intelligence service would. You don't need to give a convincing story. You just need to obfuscate the real one. Of course you swear all the people on the boat to secrecy, but in case there is a blabbermouth in there, you start a bunch of rumours at the same time. "I heard Mayday smuggled her out on a fishing boat." "I heard she was actually on the angel flight and the government kept it a secret." (Gilead would know this one is fake, because of the timeline, but it adds to the noise.) "I heard she had contacts in Gileads trade ministery, that's how she knew about the flight that would become the angel flight. They must have gotten her out on a cargo transport." "I heard after the angel flight she was a hero to the common people of Gilead and they banded together to smuggle her across the border." etc. Maybe get a few good stabs at the regime in there at the same time. Then have June just show up at a Toronto hospital so none of these are more plausible than the other. I mean who would believe the real story? Wanted criminal in Gilead, Moira Strand, went back to Gilead under an assumed name, as an NGO worker and just happened to stumble upon her best friend in bombed out Chicago, a war zone, when they both were from Boston and had never left the general area as long as Gilead had existed? Nobody would believe that story. It's bonkers!
  11. That is a pretty shitty shredder for a family who launders money for the mob. You'd expect some cross shredding and immediate burning in a nearby fireplace.
  12. Cassie: "Oh my god, there was somebody else there." *blurry image of a woman on screen* Me: "Oh there is Michelle Gomez!" If they wanted that to remain a mystery till next episode they should have cast a less distinctive looking woman.. I'd recognise her at 3 pixels resolution. This is going to be fun, once she comes into the picture. I mean it's fun already, but a lot more fun. *laughs in german*
  13. The problem is, maybe 10% of people like the opressive regime, at least until you've brainwashed new generations and that will take decades. So you gotta impron and torture the ones who oppose your regime to keep the 90% of people who don't like it in line. Otherwise soon you won't have a regime anymore.
  14. Well this makes no fucking sense. Moira is an ex-handmaid. She also killed a commander. And she can just waltz in and out of Gilead with them having these stringent border controls and the aid workers keeping stuff on the up and up?! Buh humbug! How would she ever get on that team? I don't care that she says she is "Toronto born and bred". They said they wouldn't get any more aid missions if June was found. The same would go for Moira. She would be way too much of a liability. She can't give head that good that Oona would risk everything to not be apart from her for a few days. So nobody of the border patrol had a picture of June Osborne, enemy number one? K... Also we've seen in season one that Gilead isn't technology averse. And this season we've seen fighter jets and drones. So how in the hell are the handmaids' finger prints not in a central Database and every person going in and out of the country gets checked?! Gilead is a totalitarian regime for god's sake! It doesn't make any sense!
  15. Oh my fucking god, I love that Martha. Yes! Stay away from June, she's nothing but trouble and eventually will get you killed, while she trods on, like the angel of death she is. Janine better not be dead btw. So what was up with ceasefire and the good will it was supposed to generate? Because bombing the shit out of the city before the ceasefire has ended will surely do the opposite. Is lawrence now actively sabotaging Gilead? Was that his resolve when he said he would make the country great again? Of course June and Moira just happen to come across each other in Chicago, after a bombinb. Whatever. This contrivance doesn't even rank in the top 100 of stupid shit I've seen on this show. So sure.
  16. Maybe a mix of both? I mean just watch this scene: Or remember the sequence on his birthday, where he was playing laser tag and was just hanging with a bro-imprint that was in Sierra? If that wasn't adorkable I don't know what is. I guess the other person that comes to mind was Mellie. She was a bit adorkable and twee. Until there were three flowers in a vase and third one was green. Then, not so much.
  17. I'd say it was Topher in Dollhouse.
  18. Daaamn Claudia Black has improved as an actress. Don't get me wrong, I always loved her, but her acting was a bit "uneven" in the past. She really brought it this episode and you could tell easily that it was the same character we've known as Amalia. I'm impress. As I suspected last week, they revealed early in this episode what the Galanti is. That's why I wasn't that worried last episode. They move at a fast pace. So a bunch of new questions: Who else hitched a ride? Who is the enemy? What is the fight that is coming? Who is sparkle- space- lady? Nah, she just had Flashbacks from the war and presumably all her enhancements. The Galanthi spores gave her flash forewards, which is kinda ironic in a way. I thought so too at first, but it might have been "them" as in the gender-neutral pronoun. Probably not that big of a deal to be non-binary in the future. Turns out it saw the planet at this time as a lost cuase, but thought something could still be done in victorian england. So it made a time travel portal to then and there. How couldn't everybody have seen that?! It was so obvious! /s I got a feeling that was the guys speciality. Probably somehow enhanced through tech or maybe the spores. He also did it on the battlefield, shouting for his enemies to give up and it somehow rattled even the true believer medic (I'm not good with names) for a moment. And when they got him to the bunker, first thing they did was tape his mouth shut. Of course then the question becomes why in the hell they would ever leave him alone with one guy? That was a bit of plot contrivance, imo. She didn't just attempt it. Nobody was using that body anymore when Stripe got in it... I mean they look a little alike, but not that much (and are played by different actresses). I think thats just coincidence. Clearly an artificial wormhole built by the Galanthi. Since wormholes connect two different points in spacetime, theoretically they could not only bring you to another place, but also another time. Of course nobody knows if wormholes are actually a thing or just theoretically and I think there are some laws that prevent travels to the past, but don't quote me on that one. My understanding is very rudimentary. Terminator and Avangers Endgame couldn't even stick to consistent time travel rules. It annoys me way more in Avangers. Probably because it happened in the same movie, not the sequel, and Endgame was a nice enough movie, but certainly no T2. Then again, what is? You must be new to Whedon-shows if visions of a post-apocalyptic future throw you this much. :D Lalalala Lalalalala, lalalalalalaa Also they were not on a space ship and that was not the same indian lady. I had no problem understanding it. But then I watch a lot of Scifi and all that made up jargon is just par for the course... That was a while ago, long before those missions. When "Amalia" first told her about who she really was. I did enjoy it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As your doctor I'm prescribing you 4 seasons + the specials of Farscape and 10 seasons + the specials of Stargate - SG1, stat! How do we know that she didn't ask questions? How do we know that Amalia didn't tell her pretty much everything? Penance seemed always very in the know when Amalia talked about or hinted at the future.
  19. Which is what I said... admittedly with a spelling error in it at first... Guess ymmv. I thought especially the B stories were gold.
  20. I hope they have a fast turnaround between seasons. With animated shows that can be done, but often isn't. I loved it so far and whoever the genious was who decided to sample the ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod, from that one Harvey Birdman episode into a theme song deserves a fucking Emmy (a literal Emmy that fucks). Ah come on, that was the funniest part of that whole episode! She knocked on a paper door and it made the sound of plexiglass! Also time clearly moves different in Japan. It was autum when she got there (brown leafs blowing in the wind), winter when they planted the tea (snow), spring when they fell in love and somehow got engaged at the same time (cherry blossoms in the wind), summer when she was 9 months pregnant (sun shining, butterflies) and autum again, when the tea had fully grown and was processed into one single tea bag. It was a perfect parody of a quest / samurai movie. Also, also, I don't understand much japanese, but during the spring-scene the song had "sakura" in it, which means cherry blossom, so I would assume the songs are thematically tailored to the scenes and probably funny in their own right. Somebody really put some effort into this one. No such luck. Colbert is probably too busy / expensive for anything but a cameo in the series finale.
  21. So nothing supernatural about Maladie being Effy Boile. Just a good old fashioned switcheroo. Also explains how she was caught so easily. It's not often that I don't see twists coming (that the explaination wasn't supernatural, that they were the same person, I noticed), so kudos to the writers. And still no man on man action. I'm disappoint in you, HBO. It's something that is understood between the touched in the orphanage but we haven't been privy to as of yet. They've used that form of story telling a few times now and I really like it. It seems fresh. Don't think I've ever seen it before, or if I have it was a long time ago. I think it could get tedious, but at the pace they are moving the story along, I'm fine with it so far. I think the wrongness is more about that the dude is married and his wife doesn't seem to know about the affair... With a quick google I found at least one interracial couple who was married around 1900. So close enough. I would assume it was a case of "not enough black people around to actually care or make laws about it".
  22. Watson being in love with Sherlock? Called it in episode one.
  23. Ugh, this YA bullshit is really getting to me. Like Bea didn't know the dude she was banging was rich and probably high born. That has been clear from the beginning and was even source for conflict in the first few episodes. Now that she knows just how high born he is, it's suddenly a huge betrayel and treated like he was lying to her. I mean, seriously...
  24. God, Watson is a jelous mess. Did you guys see his little heart breaking when Sherlock screamed "We're not married!" at him? Still 3 episodes left? How long can it take them to find out where most plague victims died?
  25. God Bea is annoying "You mean you have a life of your own and can't hang on my heel every second of every day?! How could you?! You don't really love me! Buhuhuhuhuhu!" Even for YA that's a little much. The said he'd only be gone for a few hours, for god's sake.
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