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Everything posted by Zonk

  1. There is colorblind casting and anachronisms and then there is this. I mean come on, a black Duke? There is a lot I can swallow but not this much.
  2. Well that was a stupid and stupidly convoluted plan. I mean it's not like Sheldon is unkillable. He barely made it out alive in the fight with the clone Blackstar. Why is good old fashioned murder suddenly not good enough anymore? How did Walter even know that Brandon would kill the clone Blackstar. He couldn't have. But his whole plan hinged on it. Man this is a mess. So I guess it will turned George was really innocent and Walter framed him, for the other crimes, too? Also how did George's son up with the teleport-rod when it wasn't his dads? I mean it seems like the aliens gave it to one specific guy. I could see his son getting it through the blood relation, but how would it bond to another guys son?
  3. So I guess all the super heros and super villains are descendents of the crew on the ship. I was wondering where they all came from all of a sudden, since they didn't seem to be a thing in the past. Man that is some major design flaw those aliens put into their super power machine, if not only the people worthy get powers, but also everybody who happaned to be in the vicinity. Yeah, I can't help it seeing it this way: All that conflict George and Walter have makes it seem like they want to bone each other real bad.
  4. I am shocked that the therapist turned out to be a super villian in a prison, shocked I tell you! /s Is it just me or was there a ton of sexual tension between Walter and George in that one scene where they were arguing?
  5. Obviously she shouldn't in a perfect world, but in a world where is basically no other option and she is styling herself to be that big badass? Why not her? Why Janine? Why do other people always have to suffer for her decisions? She can get others killed by the boatload, she can have others kill for her without batting an eye (remember the woman forced into prostitution from two episodes ago who got almost certainly killed in retribution?), but once she needs to get her hands dirty, she chickens out. Doing in a woman, who trained and tortured countless women and girls to get raped, was too much for her and sucking a dick so her mentally ill friend didn't have to is too much for her, too. Yet we are supposed to see her as that great heroine and it's pretty clear she thinks of herself that way, too. I don't think anybody acknowledged it, so I'll say it a little clearer: The only reason they are both even there, with that rapist rebel, is because June just had to hitch a train to rebel country. Janine wanted to get back to Boston, hook back up with the resistance there. People they knew. People who wouldn't rape them. Maybe another option would have been to hitch a train that went close to the canadian border. But no, June just had to go play hero, yet again and yet again somebody else had to suffer for it.
  6. What was with the dead people in the basement? I'm afraid I didn't quite get that. Did crazy guy kill them? Why? Why were they sitting around a table? Did crazy guy put them there after he murdered them? Again, why? Why was there even such a fuckoff-big table in a basement? There wasn't any room for anything else.
  7. I was wondering "can't you just hand big man your device and say 'surface of the moon' and have him be dealt with?" and then later in the episode the dude did something very similar. A man after my own heart. Although that did seem a bit overpowered. How does the thing know exactly where the big mans heart is at the moment and when it's supposed to kill and when to safely teleport the dude into the Loft but not into a table, if it is genrally allowed to breach solid matter?
  8. That hasn't been her goal for the last season and this one. She has drunk her own coolaid and now thinks that she is a super awsome freedom fighter and I'm judging her accordingly. Instead of trying to get her mentally ill friend to safety in Canada, she insisted, that they had to join up with some illusive freedom fighter organisation in the western united states and then, I'll say it again, got her mentally ill friend raped because she, the big, strong, independant freedom fighter, who is going to take down the whole bad regime, was too prissy to do what needed to be done. I wouldn't be so harsh on June if Janine was in full possession of her faculties. But she's not. Her safety should be Junes first concern, especially after she just got four other handmaids killed, because she was too prissy to just hit that war criminal aunt Lydia over the head with a metal rod. Freedom fighter, my ass.
  9. I'm calling the "big freedom fighter" prissy for not doing what needs to be done, getting other women and men killed so that she may live out her hero fantasies another day and now getting another woman sexually assaulted, because she can't put her money where her mouth is. She wants to be the big freedom fighter and she is the reason Janine is there in the first place, when the smart move would have been to try to get to Canada a long time ago. From me a big SORRY that I stopped feeling bad for her a few seasons ago, when she is getting everybody around her tortured, maimed, sexually assaulted and ultimately killed. As much as I despise that woman, I'm beginning to think aunt Lydia is right. All Junes fault.
  10. I'm with Edna Mode: "No capes!" In live action and 3D animation they just look stupid. I know with an iconic character like Superman you can't remove them, but if you have a relatively unknown comic book property, just remove the capes when you adapt something for TV/Streaming, for gods sake. God that Sheldon guy is insufferable. Maybe if somebody is about to detonate and kill millions of people, you can take a life and your code is a load of bullshit. I'm with Spock here: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." I assume sooner or later this will all escelate and he will be proofen right and that will annoy me even more. In the real world, you sometimes have to use lethal force to defend yourself and others... from a black hole heart bomb!
  11. I'm actually 99% sure that those weren't just windows but openings. Which would never be the case in a milk tanker, on account of the milk going bad and being contaminated. That was clearly a tanker meant for other liquids they filled that water with white coloring... oh I'm sorry, "milk"... in. A doctor who tried that line to get into Junes pants is really not a reliable source, so nothing of that nature was "revealed". If the men were the main problem, Mexico wouldn't have infertility problems. They could impregnate a 100 women with one fertile man's sperm. Yet their problem seems to be even bigger than that of Gilead. So we have to conclude it's either the women or at least men and women equally, who are the problem. I don't think so. They keep hinting at it, but then she turns around and is extra cruel, just to shock the viewer even more. Often even out of character, so. Just look at her being perfectly fine with harming a child last episode. Sure, if it had oil...
  12. So they ran along the train tracks? I mean that is quite a bit smarter than running along the street, but it's not what was shown last episode... Also they were still in their red outfits and Gilead has drones. So yeah, I'm calling a big buh humbug on them getting away. If you compare the milk to before and after opening the valve it's pretty clear that it was standing-height the whole time. Also how crappy swimmers are you that you almost drown after 2 seconds in a liquid that is quite a bit denser than water? Btw. I call bullshit on Alma being the one who said they should stay at that farm house. She wasn't that stupid. Don't do my girl dirty after you already murdered her. That just adds insult to injury. So once again June was too prissy to actually get her hands dirty and somebody else had to suffer in her stead. At least Janine didn't get thrown off a roof, hit by a train, shot or tortured, but rape isn't the nicest fate either... I do love Rita's journey in this episode. Her leaving Gilead behind at the end being symbolised by japanese food was great. But that is about all of it. Everything else was crap as usual.
  13. Man that one is an incredible catch. Still don't recognise her face. It's not my strong suit. But her voice is really hard to miss, once you know what you are looking for. Very, very interesting. My CC also says "when" and she is clearly saying "when", when you listen closely.
  14. Her tree-house is 99% oganic material. That would be a really weird stipulation anyway.
  15. So we are all clear that Smith had a second broken space suit in the bag and used the opportunity to stow away on the Jupiter with the kid, right? Also god damn it. Proxima Centauri is so far away from the other two stars, it wouldn't look any brighter than other stars. So listing the red dwarf, kinda pointless, Will. Well, since it's stranded in another solar system (for a second I thought it a destroyed earth, but we can't have anything cool on this show), it has to have an alien engine on board. I never quite got, why shipping colonists back and forth between the planet and Alpha Centauri (still irks me that they never mentioned a planets name, just the star systems name. That's like saying "we're flying to Sol" when you mean "we are flying to earth") with a Jupiter wasn't discussed. Doesn't seem like that engine is limited in how many trips it can do... They probably could have been out of there weeks ago. Oh god, is that really what we are meant to blieve? That would be so extremely dumb. I mean how would she even get into the ship in that cargo container? I just thought she had a decoy-suit. Hopefully that gets cleared up next season in a not completely stupid way. I mean, they put the overwrite outside the airlock, instead of inside, where somebody might need it. At that point is it really murder or just natural selection? Probably longer. Just because one unprepared guy passed out after that time doesn't mean you necessarily would. The chimps made it multiple minutes. The main problem was that with her every action she made things worse for herself. Had she just layed low, things would have gone much better for her and she is smart enough that she should have known that. So that was just horrible writing. At least for wild wild west it was one producer (John Peters) with a spider fetish. Kevin Smith had a monolouge about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo2KB1dEDdk
  16. Interesting reading the comments on that article from back then. Guess the rumours were already brewing (and HBO probably already knew what was going to come and fired his ass) but the commenters still dismiss it. Also makes this comment by Whedon really funny: "I am genuinely exhausted, and am stepping back to martial my energy towards my own life, which is also at the brink of exciting change." I mean, exciting for sure but not in the sense you'd usually use that word...
  17. I do love the breakneck pace typical for a Whedon-joint (even if the man himself is an asshole). What this team has put out in four episodes, other people would drag out over multiple seasons. That or an Alien. Maybe all of the Touched have Alien/time traveler spirits in them, but only Amalia is aware because her host was dead at the time? Also Maladie might be sharing her head with her alien/time traveler, which is what she is talking to and thinking it might be god. In her case that might be because she was a bit craycray already. Would also explain why she is the only one (apart from presumably Amalia) who remembers the ship. Oh, that's a very good catch. I didn't hear that when first watching. So time traveler basically confirmed. From the conversation I guess in her time there is constant war? Maybe that was the reason for traveling back in time, trying to change things? I mean, it seems like she can now control her touch, like fire-lady or most other Touched with active abilities, but she is still too afraid to touch another human. So she needs therapy, not a cure. Sadly that's not been invented yet.
  18. Very good show. I think I'll talk a bit more about it in the episode 4 thread. I appreciate the show alluding to all "that gay shit"™ but am I wrong or have we seen straight sex in all three of these episodes so far, but not even two men making out, even once? Come on HBO, put your money where your mouth is. Show me some man on man action. I do appreaciate a bi man being implied to be a bottom (at least part time). That's something you don't usually see. They made it really clear that Mundi is gay. Hugo is at least bi, probably pan.
  19. Problem is, luck has nothing to do with it. She should have been dead 20 times over and yet everybody lets her go every time. That isnt luck, that is plot contrivance.
  20. How I hate this contrived writing. What is so hard about saying "I got to the bridge but the door was closed and communication was down"?
  21. God damn it. That's still not how space works. Every time this show leaves a planet I just want to rip my hair out in frustration. Space is cold, yes, but there is also very little matter. So where is the heat supposed to go? Answer: Nowhere. There is a little heat transfare through infrared radiation, but that is pretty negligible. The body heat of those four would have been enough to heat that box to boiling over time (though the air would have run out way before then). Them freezing after a few seconds is just ridiculous. At least this season her motivations make sense so far. Last season she was just digging her own grave for no reason.
  22. It matters in the sense that one is correct and the other isn't. Obviously the book and the show differ in this regard and it irks me that some people can't seperate the two and even explicitly state that their knowledge comes from the books. You might be right that both sexes are equally effected, but on the show it's clearly not just the men. In fact we have no idea how badly or if the men are effected, but we know that a lot of women are. Otherwise Mexico wouldn't be this desperate.
  23. Consider the source. It was a guy who wanted to get into Junes pants and who clearly wasn't above lying to do so. We have never been shown or told from a reliable source on the show that the men at large are the problem (Fred shooting mostly blanks doesn't mean all men do). Quite the opposite. Mexico having the same problems points to it being a problem with the women. June had sex with one random guardian and he was fertile. What about commander-two-million-children from last season (yes a few were stolen, but a lot were his bilogically)? Frankly, you are letting what you read in the books influence you on this. Yeah I'd like to think if I was a producer and director and I noticed my character on the show wasn't working anymore, I'd say "guys lets kill her off". Afterall, I'd still have two jobs to do. Who needs the stress of doing three, It seems like she actually thinks what is going on is still working, when it hasn't been for two hole seasons.
  24. Commanders with wifes who aren't considered barren are allowed to have sex with them to their hearts content. We have seen such commanders in previous seasons. So that theory doesn't hold water. Of course they don't really care about children. They care about their religious facade being upheld as that is their biggest pillar of power. So no sex other than for procreation, even for commanders (only officially, of course). That is why nobody would care if Serena and Fred had a good excuse. All that matters is that the facade is upheld. No they didn't. The law is that sex is only for procreation. They procreated. No laws broken. Exactly.
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