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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. I actually like this kitchen. It does not have the open-shelves that Joanna Gaines is enamored with, but full on cabinets. I am fine with a few glass panel cabinets for storage of nice pottery and dishes. I will never understand the concept of no upper cabinets but open shelves. That is a dust and dirt magnet and limits where you store the free cups and tupperware dishes without lids.
  2. Yes, in their minds, it is okay to lie to the non-believer in this case the Catholic hospital workers. They only have to be honest to other "real" Christians.
  3. I totally get that, but I could see Derick trying at somewhere like Liberty University. There they would be around like-minded individuals and maybe Jill could make some new friends. Or Derick could move to Virginia and leave Jill and the boys back in Arkansas. Then he could study and only see the family once a month or just on holidays. I think he would prefer that more. He could relive his college glory days and still get some conjugal visits. The never-ending stream of money that these two idiots seem to have should take care of all the expenses.
  4. My thoughts exactly. I am surprised that he is looking at a more mainstream law school like UofA. I would have thought that he would look into obtaining his degree with a Christian university. He will learn very quickly that the Bible is not the end-all source for the law. He will have to learn how to keep his mouth shut and really learn about American law.
  5. In my experience, parents are toilet training their children at a younger age because daycares push it. Since Spurgeon does not go to daycare, I have no problem with Jessa waiting until he is ready. She seems to be a good mom who actually cares about her kids. I hate all the mommy shaming going on with regard to this.
  6. This looks like something that Joanna Gaines would design. Since we all know that the Duggars love the Gaines', I am not surprised.
  7. I am getting some major Whatever Happened to Baby Jane vibes from Michelle's dress and hair.
  8. My mother wears compression hose daily even during the summer in NC. She wears thigh highs and not full on pantyhose. They are not as hot as you imagine, and they help alleviate the pain of her condition.
  9. That looks like the same outfit on Jill that she was wearing hiking. Cathy had the boys for their anniversary. I wonder if this was the same weekend and Cathy met them at the hospital.
  10. I wonder if we will see a Twitter rant from Derick. He does seem to go off the rails whenever he does not get his way with TLC.
  11. I found this today at work. This would probably be a reason for JB not to send his kids off to college even a "Christian" one. https://lithub.com/aisha-tyler-on-possibly-the-worst-night-of-her-comedy-life/
  12. This really corny, but it made me smile. Both of them look happy to have found each other.
  13. I really do not understand all the excess fabric at the bottom of JB's pants. Does he not know his inseam? Can't he have Michelle measure it for him?
  14. Sadly, I think that the doctors told Jill she shouldn't have any more kids not that she cannot. I can see her getting pregnant again and having some major complications. Jill would be the one who is so pro-life that she would rather die in childbirth than use birth control. I hope for Izzy and Sam that this never happens.
  15. I love a good cookie table. My aunts on my dads side are excellent bakers. I would rather have homemade cookies than cake.
  16. I do believe that a couple plans their own wedding and a full meal is not a requirement. But, when the bride's family is only willing to spring for a meal for like a quarter of the guests, that is when I have a problem. It should be all the guests or nothing.
  17. And then the exclusive after party back on the compound to let their special friends know how special the Duggs really think they are. Only in their world is it acceptable to tell someone "thanks for traveling 500 miles, here's a sliver of cake, now go so we can eat without you."
  18. Covering a car in Post-It notes sounds like a lot more fun than a Fundy reception.
  19. No, I see the hot donut sign is on behind them, they are outside a Krispy Kreme. I am shocked that they went all out for this since pirates are not very christlike and I'm sure Halloween is verboten in their faith.
  20. Surely the SOTDRT teaches that chocolate milk comes from Brown cows.
  21. I wish someone with experience would give Lauren and Josiah a tube of KY jelly. Somehow, I don't think that JB's LEGO talk ever included information on lubrication.
  22. Well, JB and Michelle kept their kids so isolated that they never have the chance to think critically about their faith and parents. Then they created this idea of "accountability partner" or snitch. The Duggar kids were never left alone with other children not their siblings. It is bizarre to almost everyone else. What I find really bizarre with this family and the sons-in-law is how they claim to have a strong faith but they never test it. They choose to live in a bubble probably because they subconsciously know that their faith is weak. If JB and Michelle raised their kids with a strong faith in Jesus, then they should be able to go out into the world and not be affected by it. I can interact with a person of any other faith or an atheist and still be Catholic at the end. I can also doubt my church and look at it critically, but still attend Mass every Sunday.
  23. I live in Eastern North Carolina with a sizeable population who's beliefs are in line with the Duggars on a lot of issues but these dietary restrictions. No one here is going to give up BBQ and shrimp or crab. The most famous restaurant in my little town is a seafood joint that does not serve any alcohol and is closed on Sundays.
  24. I really can't fault them for this one. It looks like Jilly and Izzy sat down and colored the paper for the spots, and maybe he even helped put them on the shirts.
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