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Everything posted by Totale

  1. And it's been that way since the conversation changed, way back when HRC was trying to get it done the first time 20+ years ago, from "health care for everyone" to "health insurance for everyone". I want the first, not the second. I say put the entire health insurance "industry" out of business. and hire all the people there who used to so efficiently guard the stones to keep them from accidentally giving up any blood to negotiate with the medical and pharma industries on behalf of everyone, to get the prices down for the everyone that then and now needs to be served with health care.
  2. A friend sent me links to these two essays (they will continue) from a face I haven't seen in a while. Frankly, this is what I am missing and want to see when I turn on a "Public Affairs" TV channel. Keith Olbermann on GQ
  3. I thought I saw a flash of this back when the trailer for the new season was released, the Boston Molasses Flood is a great story.
  4. I actually think considering his skill set in both cooking and time management in competition the win/lose ratio on BBF is about right. The ratio on Throwdown was knocked off by the fact that he'd go to some city for their famous signature dish, and then bring in local judges who had likely had it before and recognized it, or realized the version with hot chilis in it was probably Bobby's, and thumbed the scale to the local.
  5. I haven't been watching Original Recipe but I've enjoyed all three of the Beat Bobby Flay Very Special episodes and look forward to the finale.
  6. I'm so old I remember the Latham Circle Shopping Center before it even was a mall (it used to be like a strip mall in the wayback, I moved away before they enclosed it). We're getting far off track but while Gus's is good I prefer the grain of FL's sauce. To bring it back on track I seem to remember one of the L&O shows saying Plattsburgh (where I went to college) was "3 hours away" from NYC. No way, Jose. Try 5 1/2.
  7. I never got to hear Lennie mispronounce Latham, where I grew up, as LAT-ham, sadly. As long as I can get 4 chili dogs and coffee (aka the Breakfast of Champions) at 10 AM at Famous Lunch, Troy's OK by me. I mean, that's art in my book.
  8. When one party is on a cell phone as in HHL, even if they can't "trace" it after the call is done they can see what cell tower or towers the phone hit to make the call. That will at least get them in the right area as might be useful in a kidnapping situation. I remember this being the solution on a Columbo episode with William Shatner back in the mid-90s.
  9. This was on yesterday and while I didn't watch it all I did see that moment, and the bad guys told Colter where to wait for the call. The cops had all the pay phones ready to trace, but the bad guys called him from a cell. They were on for a couple of minutes but it was "not long enough to get a trace".
  10. These late episodes I'm just watching for the first time (this one "Sweetie" from season 19) have turned up another future star, Laverne Cox. Apparently in the same year she was also on SVU which I never watch and was apparently cast on several shows including L&O as some variation on "tranvestite Hooker".
  11. It's actually even better, because they don't bleep the "nasties" that they do on basic cable.
  12. I never watched the really late episodes at the time, so they're all new to me when I watch them now. I watched one today where the blond villain was outsmarting the DAs at every turn, thinking all the time "Damn, who is that - I know I've seen her before". I ran to the computer to look it up afterwards, and it was January Jones, years before Mad Men.
  13. They did the same thing in Louisville earlier this season. They took establishing shots around the city and bought the family a pizza in town, then skedaddled to the cookie-cutter high priced suburbs.
  14. I do, I watched it and thought KS seemed like he's trying to lose some weight. Good news if so. DVRing it means you can quickly advance through the boring parts (i.e. anything not involving cool stuff over the counter at the shop, or the boys playing trivia), like the infomercial at some dude's comics museum.
  15. This is probably my favorite current FN show, and may the gods forgive me for doubting the veracity of FN reality programming, but I've had the feeling for some time that the second round is pre-chosen and the first one is just for fun. So I don't care which c-list celebs they choose to "judge" it.
  16. I was too, as the two episodes had different descriptions on Tivo's program guide. My guess is they were planning a more generic Very Special Episode for Monday since it's description sounded more generic, but Sunday night was so rich they didn't want to sit through the delay and went for it on Monday to be more current.
  17. I remember seeing the tests on youtube last year.
  18. 21 wrong for me. I'm out. Good to see that in true Jeopardy tradition the only Scottish poet remains <bad alex accent> Rrrobbie Bairns</bad alex accent>.
  19. I wish I could figure out what's gone wrong this year. It's just been dull as hell. The stories either aren't interesting or aren't well written/rehearsed, and the drunk readers and re-enactors don't seem to be putting anything into it. It just happens and it's over.
  20. We're a couple weeks behind but watched these first two last night. Most of what I would have said has been. But I will say that Mondo surprised us by wearing Groucho Glasses all the way through the audition show. I want to see them on Nina next.
  21. These airedales are getting more onscreen time than several "Food Network Star" winners. So it's fair to assume they both (cheese and guido) got 50K signing bonuses, and just flipped a coin as to which would "win" TGFTR?
  22. Skunk Boy is John Henson - a name he gave himself, referring to a peculiar white streak in his hair, way back in his Talk Soup days. Since he embraced it and it's always looked dumb I assume it's some physical thing he can't fix without dying it out. I don't know if he's dying it out now, because I'd have to watch WCOA-CE to find out and I've got asparagus to inspect and Skittles to sort instead.
  23. She was OK in a short stint on Boardwalk Empire as well as on Masters of Sex.
  24. The third one was also in Prospect, didn't catch the second. I was excited to see HH coming to Louisville as we are actually looking in the area, but everywhere they looked was rich-ass suburbs and in cultural, geographical and monetary terms this was a Louisville episode like one where they are looking in New Rochelle is a NYC one.
  25. This finale was so engaging and suspense filled I spent most of the 40 minutes wondering if there was something wrong with my TV, because whenever Vinny or whatever cheese whiz was doing the talking did a talking head, they each looked like they had a schmear of tomato sauce over the bridge of their nose. You'll be happy to hear my TV is OK and it was just bad lighting in the studios in FN Tower, which they undoubtedly noticed but didn't bother to fix or shoot over, because who gives a shit?
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