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Everything posted by DNR

  1. I find myself getting extremely pissed off when I watch Janelles segments ; to the point where I have to FF. ( Leah is next on my " I wanna throw things at my TV when you're on " list ). At least the Girlses have Corey , poor Jace & the Roll are flying solo ( Babs won't be around forever) ?????
  2. Big Brown Teary-eyed ROOT hits me right in the feels every time https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O19BC8XNMnY#
  3. Deployment vs Home with Barb Mr Barb seems like he'd prefer #1
  4. I got a kick out of this SNAFU sneak peek - just Harold tweaking the Machine Sneak Peak Promo #2 for 5x04 - Shaw's return.....
  5. Little tidbit - there was a scene where the Machine showed the faces of some previous Irrelevants they helped - the first face was Amy Ackers real life husband James Carpinello ( from s1 e3 mission creep ). Pre - Root !
  6. One more fan made vid for the "Shoot" shippers like me. AA & SS have such amazing chemistry. Will they live or die together... Or left to suffer alone without the other. I was hit in the feels as Root searched for Shaw unsuccessfully thru the Machine in ep 2 Snafu Root looked sooo sad ( loving Amy acker this season so far) . I can think of nothing but Shaws return right now lol i watch commercials for current shows , new shows and I'm like WTF CBS , why is POI ending - some of these shows are not up to par. Enjoy Shippers !!
  7. Fanmade video Root & Shoot fans will enjoy .( I'd totally switch teams for Amy & Sarah ?? ). Anxiously awaiting Shaw's return ~ This final season looks epic
  8. I got a kick out of this SNAFU sneak peek - just Harold tweaking the Machine
  9. I'm rewatching BSOD and while watching the Root on the subway car scene , I paused and read the Samaritin screens that pop up ( they go by so fast and MrDNR ALWAYS says " what did that say?!" Haha.) But it was wild how Samaritin was scanning the subway car as it pulled in the station ;according to Samaritin info : the woman who alerted the plumber guy was subscribed to 9 news apps ( so will def see the Root alert ) ; the security guard had made numerous citizen arrests and had law enforcement news alert app ; the plumber who unwisely tried to swing the wrench on Root had been arrested for 4 violent felonies. Samaritin knows EVERYTHING about citizens and they were instant assets . Good first episode - looking forward to a great season !
  10. Elias was a great villain throughout the series . RIP Elias. Maybe...... This!^ it was scary to think Samaratin could control an FBI investigation , cause the heart attack death of the IAB officer . Big brother is watching ..... In the news : China is building a big data platform for "precrime" http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/03/china-is-building-a-big-data-plaform-for-precrime/
  11. I think I recall, maybe it was Maci , saying during an AfterShow that their partners / boyfriends were " saving " the children. Not sure if she was referring to just Taylor or all the step- Dads. My first thought was that Jo , Corey have been involved in the kids lives since day one - no need for a savior. As for the others , Aubree is lucky to have Cole- Adumb just stares at his phone when he's got visitation. Ryan is another zero but maybe is getting a little better with age . And Isaac is so sweet and seems to love Javi a lot . Even tho I hate Javi , he's a good stepdad.
  12. I was waiting for the Roll to go flying off that roller coaster , crack his skull with his brains leaking on the driveway. A helmet maybe Janelle and never mind the traffic . I feel like I'm watching Domestic abuse slowly play out as Creepy Dave dominates who Janelle will see ( Nathan now - looks like it will be Babs that's out next episode) and makes threats. 911 calls ahead ! Can I go save the Roll and give him a happy life ? I'm sad for that little chubber :(
  13. Ha! I usually read the recap and then watch & laugh thru the episode thinking of Tara's review. As ridiculous as this show is , I will miss it when it ends haha the reviews are so hilarious Reality Checks by Max are my fave part of Catfish
  14. I Squeeeeed! when Root said " needed a change , got a job , fell in love " <3 ( I'm going to assume she means Shaw and not The Machine lol ) Exciting first episode , lotsa action - Root shooting ankles out from under the car gave me life ! My girl is BACK! sad this show is ending and looking forward to the Shoot reunion. Hope to see all these incredible actors on my screen again very soon . BUCKLE UP POI FANS !!!
  15. I know I heard the specialist tell Leah & Corey to useAli's wheelchair To preserve her muscle power. To then hear Leah tell Ali " always use your legs first ". What part of the doctors orders or her daughters disability does she not understand !!! What a simpleton - it pissed me off . I get so angry watching this show !
  16. I started to read this but then said NOOOOO !! Why am I ruining the surprises of the final season . So excited !
  17. I have to laugh at all these necessities Janelle is ranting over. We only ever see her use 2 baby items with the Roll : 1) his highchair. 2) his crib . You never see him in a walker , bouncy gym , no toys . Uncle Dave is not smarter than a fifth grader that's for sure after seeing him attempt to read a simple text. God these people suck - i pray they don't procreate.
  18. Wow. How long till the police are regular visitors to Janelle & Uncle Daves residence. She's got herself another winner. Poor little Kaiser Roll is going to witness a lot of domestic violence between those two sociopaths. That poor baby :(
  19. As a lover of prison/jail reality shows , I was so excited when I heard about 60 Days In. It's been a big dissapointment. Watching Barbra run around like an immature middle school gossiping mean girl made me hate her even more . If Yaz' supposed flag stomp pic left you so offended - go speak to her like an adult not behave like a little b^tch running to everyone but her. The husband sounds so over her when she calls him haha
  20. Just curious if anyone caught that show 24 to Life after 60daysIn. Another jail show goes into my DVR rotation - I'm obsessed. Wonder if it will have a forum
  21. Maybe on the days the " girlses " are at Corey's she could run a vacuum on those disgusting rugs. So gross to see little Goggles crawling in that filth- if you're too lazy Leah , hire someone - you've got the cash. She's useless in every way. And I agree 100% with you about her being apalled at Corey wanting what's best for his daughters - and it ain't you Leah.
  22. Thank God the Forums are back - DNR was in serious withdrawals yesterday ! ! The new layout will take some getting used to - watching Man of the House episode now ( damn work, wish I could lounge around like Janelle & Leah) So glad you're back PrevTV , it was a rough day lol
  23. Of course this is a tv show and I know nothing about their life but it seemed to me that Kail could barely contain her glee when Javi revealed he was deploying. It seems she's already emotionally checked out of the marriage. I havent seen the goodbye scene yet but I'd bet Kail was jumping on her bed Home Alone style after his departure :)
  24. When Kail found out Javi was deploying I was ready for her to start doing cartwheels haha it was like she was fighting smiling . I'm behind an episode still but she seems relieved he will be gone. I'm not a Javi fan , I'd be popping champagne the second the door slammed shut
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