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Everything posted by DNR

  1. What the hell did I just watch ? If that's professional dancing then I'm gonna hop in my car and go audition for The New York City Ballet. Lots and LOTS of arm waving - nothing special that I haven't seen at my cousin & nieces dance recitals. I'd bet she can't physically accomplish what she did in those edited together clips anymore. I laughed out loud at the ' it took 2 choreographers to put that mess together. It looks like a video Pervs with a fat fetish would love.
  2. @greekmom you made me think of an My 600lb life episode , I don't recall the name of the woman - but to sit in her minivan and drive , she just had the bottom half of the drivers seat . The upper / back support part was removed . That will have to be Twits plan B for auto travel . Until that doesn't work , then she can just have Pea Pod deliver her food ( and her 3 pizza delivery apps in rotation )
  3. DNR


    ^^ great points of view Mama & Jack , it's a personal choice and parents know what their child can handle . Thank you . I just expect Farah & Debra to screw even that up cuz they're so dysfunctional. What will become of all these TM children - I'd put Sophia right up there with Jace & Kaiser as having a possible shaky road ahead.
  4. ^^ not sure why the box above is there tyler does not look as good as he thinks he does ... Caitlyn is not the only one who's put on some pounds . His face is chunking up big time . Looking back at old pics of the 2 of them , Caitlyn was/is attractive . Tyler seems to think she's lucky to have him ( he doesn't want a heifer ??!! Screw you) If Caitlyn could get her mental health and physical health on track she's more attractive than that stuck up punk and would have no problem finding a new man . Tyler's got nothing to offer anyone. With the weight gain and hairdo's Tyler's starting to look like a butch lesbian to me ? Just my opinion
  5. DNR


    ^^ great comments above ^^hopefully Sophia is more chill when she's with the kids at school and has some friends . Seeing kids & adults communicate in a normal fashion at school has to be good for her too - because Farah & Debra are SO dysfunctional it's beyond ridiculous . Sophia must think that's how people treat each other . It's sad . No respect or boundaries at all in that family. And yes , Debra pushes Farahs buttons ( hell, her parents installed the buttons ) - it's weird when i see Farah have that rare normal non combative convo with an outsider. I know nothing of child psychology but is Sophia young for all that Daddy Derek's grave stuff ? Just asking cuz I don't know how children should be handled around the death of a parent so young that they have no memory of. ** I don't want to come across as bullying & mocking a six year old - if anything I blame Farah's wacky parenting and stressed out environment for Sophia's behavior , it's not the kids fault.
  6. DNR


    I'm on a Farah kick after this week's episode haha . No convos with Farah & Debra are civil , it's amazing : They're in a restaurant with a cousin ( whose face never changes and doesn't squirm - she must be used to the battles ) Farah: " all I wanted was to married , own a restaurant blah blah blah "... Debra interrupts of course " God had a bigger vision" Farah ( eye roll) " I KNOW MOM , STOP INTERRUPTING!!" Farah continues on about how life could have been , how it is and Debra 's been reprimanded and silenced but raises her wine glass ?.... Farah : " MOM TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH! " They make each other nuts ?
  7. DNR


    I'm out of the loop in the whole Farah/Derek story except I know he was killed in an accident . Looked at some pictures and Holy Moly!, Sophia is the spitting image of her father . I'd imagine that's nice for his parents / family to see the resemblance. But dayum can't Farah take a brush to her hair once in a while ? Cut it, do something! The kid looks and acts like she was just found after being raised by wolves .
  8. One commenter nailed Amber/Leah SO perfectly - Amber behaves like Leah's childless Aunt. I can't wait till TM ends and these girls get a rude awakening - please let there be a ' Teen Moms Where Are They Now?' special after ?
  9. DNR


    Obviously Farah & Debra have some deep seated issues that go waaaay back - the way they communicate is SO uncomfortable & painful to watch and listen to. A simple comment or question and Farah goes into instant attack mode , eye roll , voices start raising , Debra is no picnic but geez relax Farah. Not everything has to be a fight . Fast forward 10 years and Farah & Sophia will be repeating the dysfunction. Why is Simon even involved with Farah? He can't get a word in edgewise and it was interesting to watch Debra & Farah communicate in the exact same fashion with him. Change ya cell number& gtfo there Simon. Theres no way in hell that Sophia has little friends at school cuz kids pick up on that bizarre shit and stay away.
  10. ' Dance Career ' <---- ??? Even tho we've seen some contestants drop pounds during the course of DWTS ie: kelly Osborne - no way in hell is Twit in any physical shape to even consider appearing on that show . I'd watch the hell out of Maks vs. Twit ! Imagine the Maks eye rolls and frustration and the flood of tears from Twit. I've watched MBFFL since ep 1 and I could NOT finish this seasons reunion. I've gone from rooting for her to hating her personality so much. The only reason to watch next season is to come to this message board for shits n giggs . You guys rule ?
  11. Let's hope Amber isn't dumb enough to get knocked up by that greasy clown, cuz once the TM-OG gravy train comes to a stop - Deadbeat Matt will be outta there and on the run from Amber & spawn. Amber, bank your $$$ - the show will end. Such foolishness by these TM ladies
  12. ^^ not sure why the box above is there the best thing ever for Caitlyn would be to get away from all the toxic soul sucking people in her life. Tyler is such a punk ass B , I laughed out loud watching him bathe Nova wearing the leather ( pleather?) vest .. Lmao who does that ? This loser thinks he's the catch of the day . When Caitlyn is dressed nicely and wears makeup , I think she's attractive. Find a real therapist, the right meds, Dump the loser , hit the gym & eat healthy and her life would improve exponentially. She seems sweet with a good heart - hopefully one day she'll see she deserves better.
  13. Bleeeccchhh!!!! Every time Matt B. comes on screen I want to gag. He always looks so greasy, oily & shiny - I'd bet his breath stinks , his balls stink, got a slimy back full of zits ( sorry I got so gross haha) Besides the fact he is devoid of ANY personality , what does Amber see in him??? It's incomprehensible to me that SEVEN women had relations with him and allowed themselves to become impregnated by this heinous lazy ass deadbeat . RUN AMBER. RUN.
  14. Jace is probably thrilled he's now got a playmate when he's over at "mommys"(i use that term lightly) . I can't imagine Janelle ever interacted with or played a board game with Jace or got down on the floor to play. Duuuuuudeeee ! Go find something to dooooo- leave me a aaaaloneeeee!!! Keep the noise down and don't make eye contact .... Don't make the Uncle ID angry?
  15. When the Interventionist shows up and it's not Candy finnigan I'm bummed out candy is the ISH. This definately was a weird season . Love the show tho- get it together Intervention !!!!
  16. Uncle Dave is one bizarre looking dude. I can't wait for things to implode ( sad for the innocent kids tho) ?
  17. I'm out for next season as well . I'll just wait for the news of her premature death from super morbid obesity. ( okay maybe I won't be out cuz part of the reason i watch is to read this message board and laugh )
  18. One of the FB links to an article about Twit vs Kerryn ( ravishly.com) the writer states alcoholism / acohol addiction ( kerryns issue ) is not comparable to being fat. Twitney does have PCOS but she ABSOLUTELY is a Food Addict and it absolutely contributes to her size http://www.ravishly.com/2016/07/27/kerryn-feehan-concern-troll-fatphobe-and-bullshit-artist
  19. Wow. Buddy said " go have a drink " when Kerryn was leaving the set. Sooooo they can all attack but god forbid anyone talk honestly about Twits obvious physical health issues
  20. Forget trainer Will , twit needs Kerryn to shadow her all day
  21. Oh now ROY needed the bigger chair too. This bitch , Roy was trying to be nice lmao : when Kerryn said twit ended up in the hospital basically from doing the running man ( no Tal she's not insulting her choreography she's saying Twit was barely moving and collapsed ) annddddd Twit storms off because of disrespect ... Which she has displayed towards others pretty well herself this season
  22. I just laughed out loud .... Lennies " mensa brain" according to Twit. I haven't heard this guy put two sentences together all season lmao Sqweeeee! Kerryn vs Twit coming up !
  23. Watching the coming attractions and Twit uses the excuse that Kerryn is disrespecting babs n Glen to storm out. Again deflecting to not hear the truth of her situation
  24. I've been unable to finish watching reunion part 1 , it made me too frustrated and angry watching her and her enablers . Been reading all the great posts here and will probably delete part 1 for DVR space . Definitely will tune in live tonite to catch Kerryn vs Twit 2 and follow posts here. Drop those truth bombs Kerryn ????? If Twit storms off maybe some of it will sink in for her enablers ( likely not ) So enjoyed all the posts here this season - you guys are great !!
  25. I've got family members / friends that are overweight / obese and ridicule and fat shaming in public does happen. They've shared experiences with me and I have seen it first hand , eyes & ears . Not a crazy daily occurrence but some people do indeed experience it.
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