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Everything posted by DNR

  1. Local bar..... Me thinks Nathan needs to put down the alcohol permanently and get on some meds for his mental issues and PTSD. There will come a day when we read he murdered his current victim errr partner. poor little Kaiser roll - 2 unstable bio parents and a crazy eyed step dad How long till we see episodes of juhnelle holding baby#3 while fighting with Crazy Dave?
  2. DNR


    Farrah's personality disorder is so over the top , I feel my stress level rise as soon as she and Deborah begin interacting - it's a reality tv show!!!! How must poor little Sophia feel listening to her monster of a mother scream profanities , ridicule & mock her grandparents and on and on . My heart breaks for that little girl . As soon as Deborah walked over to help Farrah in her garden I was like No way is this gonna go well . Farrah can not do the simplest thing without brawling. If my kid EVER gave me the finger in my face like Farrah did Deborah ( well, they'd never) I know Michael & Deborah want to see Sophia and make money off the show but there's limits to the abuse a person should allow . When Farrah starts in - the parents should simply get up , walk away, not engage in her bullshit , drive away . Farrah needs them more than they need her even if she'd never admit that . I hate a reality tv show monster - asking for a friend lol
  3. I wonder when's the last time Kodi went anywhere near Janelles bedroom ?( we know Sobyn is número uno) Janelle seems to have gained some weight , there was a point she was losing but she's packing it back on ( not fat shaming , just an observation). I laughed out loud at how dramatic Janelle was about planning a bridal shower - Jesus H. Woman ! Find a venue or one of the Brown living rooms , order some food and make some chocolate Dick lollipops , it's not that difficult !!! Always with the drama...
  4. @friendperidot. So happy to hear this - take care of you We tend to get caught up in the addicts world and madness and self care goes out the window . Surround yourself with supportive people watched yesterday's episode (12/6) The daughters accused the mother of lifelong abuse but the mother couldn't "remember" ever abusing them and denied it. Just watching them interact onstage it was obvious the family was totally dysfunctional - I don't doubt some bad shit went down. I don't know why the daughters didn't just cut the mother loose but I guess there was codependency there too . Dr Phil ripped the mother a new one too lol
  5. DNR


    That little Cart looks extremely fun. And Sophia can use it to roll farrrrr away from Farah and Debra when they start brawling . The way people attack a child in the Instagram comments is ridiculous.
  6. Right ? Doesnt the new house have a nice deck out back ?? I agree the garage sitting is to be seen.... Amber can't see she's being used by this bum for TV exposure ? Leah is better off when Amber cancels out on visits
  7. Omg. The last link - I cannot believe that that many women had relations and children with that greasy grifter. Men who father children then avoid supporting them are the lowest of the low. Was paternity established that greasy Matt B was indeed the father of some of those children ? Amber...... wtf is wrong with you ??
  8. Dr Phil is a Vulture ... I was upset watching his exploitation of Shelley Duvall . In between segments with his giant screen witth all the words she said , " explaining her illness " - f^ck you dr d^ckhead! Then he drags and ms duvall in a car , plane - to get her help ....yeah ? More like hoping to get a freak out on tape . I hope he gets LOTS of hate for this episode *** this is assuming shelleyduvall is mentally ill . If she's a koo koo actress looking for publicity , then eff them both
  9. DNR


    Omg I watched part 1 and said that's it I can't watch anymore . There's one scene where Farah has walked away and left tiny Sophia alone during a bath in the kitchen sink . Sophia turns on the faucet and you see the moment the water scalds her tiny hand ? Number one : why would Farah be such a fool and leave her alone. Number two : why would the camera people not jump in and allow a baby to burn herself . Sickening!
  10. DNR


    ^^ the box again grrrr if you haven't gone on YouTube and seen Farah on Big Brother UK , it's must see . Her attacks and nonsense are on full display with nonstop profanity NSFW. She's gotta reign it in on TM I guess but I'd imagine this is the way she really lets it fly in real life. Farah has no clue how awful, unintelligent and crazy she comes across to others . Poor Sophia.
  11. I dig Pamela adlon so I'm glad there's season two . The actress who plays max takes me outta the show. Her voice , something just replace her please lol
  12. Kim has been make up free or less makeup in a few scenes , she looked pretty . Liked her without all that makeup piled on. Tried counting how many times Kim says ' Like ' in a sentence . I almost lose track of what she's talking about because she says it SO many times ..... It's almost every other word . North & Saint will prolly pick up that horrible habit .
  13. How is this show still on the air ? Scott hanging with Pimp Momma et al zzzz zzzz so boring . These people make millions being boring assholes Ive always thought Kendall seemed the most normal of all the K clan
  14. DNR


    DEPENDS come in colors now ?? Yikes.
  15. Not to beat a dead horse here but ROB. He's not 500 lbs , he most certainly could find a nice outfit - I've seen many larger men do so. Rob is just a lazy whiney spoiled man - child. To miss you 82 year old grandmas birthday ? She could not be here next year . He prefers to sit home & stuff his face and stroll around in his smelly swamp ass bball shorts & shower shoes . Rob loves cutting them all off - he TOTALLY resents the way the girls are treated by Pimp Momma K ... He"ll get their attention somehow , even if it's negative attention . Rob sucks and I'm sick of his whole act I'm sure Kingbaby Rob picks fights with Chyna to use as an excuse to bail out. STOP asking him to events and let him wallow . God help new Baby K with this clown as her father
  16. @mamadrama !!!!!! I would totally add several of those Tyler shows to my DVR rotation for shits n giggs / must see TV !! There would 600 comments for each show on PTv lol
  17. Uh Tyler .... Isn't there already a tv show ( which I do not recall the name ) where a guy ( name?) reunites all different types of estranged , adoptive etc families ??? It's Been done , you did not come up with an original idea
  18. The older daughters whiney,shakey annoying voice is like nails on a chalkboard ? I have 2 sons ... Do teen daughters really act that horrific ? lol My God
  19. So true ! We could tune into national geographic channel and see animals in the animal kingdom take better care of their young. For carlys sake , B&T should cut ties completely. I'm sure they never thought back then they'd still be dealing with TMOG bullshit in 2016
  20. Chyna. Cut your losses , you've been knocked up by a big overgrown baby. Just collect that Kardashian child support check every month and move on with your life . And see him when KingBaby Rob wants his once a year visit with baby K.
  21. DNR


    @teapot. Yes! I'd love to know that as well . Sometimes I think and it would be hilarious if Farrah is totally normal and has been trolling us this whole time on TM lol And Simon is in on it and they're laughing all the way to the bank. No one could keep that insanity up / she's insane I know lol
  22. DNR


    I'm halfway thru this weeks episode and Farrah never fails to entertain with her madness. ' Horrible Bosses 3 ' starring Farrah Abraham ! I've had a couple of shitty bosses in my lifetime but I cannot imagine what it would be like to work for this delusional monster. She will have huge employee turnover before that shop finally has an OUT OF BUSINESS sign in the window. Ive been Meh about Simon but his Twitter posts have me seeing him in a whole new light ! Keep it up Simon! The ONE good thing I can say about Farrah is , she's not on the couch like a lazy sloth like the other TMOG . Sophia sees her Mom being a go-getter , trying to make a living for them. Of course , her style of communicating with others is PTSD inducing ... Lotsa therapy ahead for Sophia. Michael TRIES to offer constructive criticism at the shop ( he's not an ass kisser like Debra ) but Farrah shuts that shit down per usual . " I DONT ARGUE!!! " ...while she's arguing . This chick needs meds.
  23. Not mine. ?My little girl is almost 20months old and only says dadda and some gibberish. She said mama back in January for one whole day. Literally sang mama mama mama all day long for ONE day. I made an appointment with her pediatrician but it's pretty normal at that age to choose not to speak and just observe your surroundings. She will be yakking my ear off in no time. So sadly, not every 1 1/2 year old. But still, Tyler stfu anyway ??? @calm81 I had the same issue with my younger son . Keep an eye on it - if your little one is still not expanding vocabulary then take action . My son went into early intervention thru our school district and began speech therapy etc in home , then various programs and full time school year round at 3. You have to advocate for your child so the school doesn't let him/her fall thru the cracks. My son is now a college sophomore in honors courses and deans list , it all works out . As the mom , you know when things aren't right and it's time for momma bear mode. This week I'm reading the episode review first lmao I'm BEYOND excited to watch Farrah segments later !! She is a national treasure for laughs ??
  24. @poopchute. They may well be pants but with no glasses on they looked like leggings to me - either way they appear skin tight
  25. When my son got married last week , he and his fiancé came up with " the two minute wedding challenge " - they had to eat cake , throw the bouquet , put on the garter in 2 min. It was fun and we actually had more time to dance & have fun. I was worried about Bintley being at Ryanns but seems the deadbeat kept it together
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