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  1. Trent and especially Amber are so enmeshed and overbearing in the kids lives. Telling them who they’re allowed to like & date ( Jonah) When Brice & Liz really liked that rental house, of course T & A had to step in and put the kabash on it. Having interfering in laws like that would suck big time for Brice. He’s a solid guy, he’ll have no trouble finding a new gf. Liz is definitely her mothers daughter, holy hell. Such a know it all . Lastly, ambers obvious dislike for the adopted Russian daughter is so apparent it’s sad. She seems like a nice kid trying to find her way How unlucky she got stuck with a cold narc like Amber. It’s so obvious Emma & Alex are her fave adopted kids. Telling Jonah to gtfo when he’s obviously not ready, dictating who he can date when he’s a grown man is outrageous TLC plz : LESS T & A , more kids content
  2. Never thought I’d see Vanessa leading the pack in weight loss
  3. At least they had the surgery Last season i watched none of the 600 pounders were losing the weight to get approved i miss the days when we saw them a lot skinnier at the end of the show wish geno & nico luck. I’m sure if momma geno had moved to Houston it would have been a more exciting episode , she seemed to like to push Genoa’s buttons with passive aggressive remarks lol Peace out pounders !!
  4. Loren’s mother ugh. It’s a double edged sword having her parents so enmeshed , Loren complaining about Alex. It gives the parents ammunition. Loren should STOP that immediately. Yes it’s wonderful to have help from grandparents and it’s wonderful for the children. I think beneath Marlene’s anger is hurt : hurt the babies are leaving ; hurt that her daughter would leave her after all she’s done to help them but Marlene has to stfu ITS TIME TO CUT THE CORD . 3 kids under 2 1/2 would be crazy for any young couple. i don’t think Bryan is wrong about looking into custody. It’s reality . But I’ll bet Marlene was a screaming helicopter mom. It’s time to let go . Good on Alexi for standing up to them and also when they were rude to Loren . Rude of them to not say goodbye to Alexi parents Alex does know loren in a way they don’t . And yeah Loren will be back eventually. Thank goodness for FaceTime- wherever your grands live , you can video call
  5. During the talking dead character gathering Did the actress who played Lori ( ricks wife, mom of Carl & Judith) seem a little perturbed she was written off so early lol she made some snarky comments 😂
  6. Am i crazy or does Amber seem to dislike Anna & Jonah and treats the rest of the siblings much nicer ?
  7. And if bilal rents that out as an air bnb , I’d be pissed if i paid for that house and saw moldy peeling ceilings etc
  8. Especially when he bent over to adjust the red blanket, er carpet. Someone back there got to see where the sun don’t shine 😮
  9. Syngin is getting a big beer gut / his tiny invisible top teeth make me shudder Tanya < alcohol & partying
  10. Ooppsss think I’m in the wrong installment 🤣
  11. “Life is short & so am I … let’s bang” - sleazy PrEd
  12. Hamza with the real talk on mike
  13. Mike with his head in his hands grow some balls loser
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