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Everything posted by neatoburrito

  1. When I used to just watch the show without reading anything about it online, I used to feel so bad for Leah! I didn't approve of some of her parenting and her car full of trash, but I genuinely thought it was because she was so stressed out and put-upon that she overlooked some things. Turns out she overlooks being a good mother in favour of pillses. This is why I don't necessarily trust the Kail/Javi storyline, or anyone else's for that matter. I wouldn't be surprised if there had been infidelity on both sides.
  2. Like I've said previously, Cole is Jerry from Liar Liar. A nice enough guy, a decent person and a really good father figure. But totally magoo.
  3. Remember Luann in her "introduce me as Mrs De Lesseps", pre-cool-countess days? I wonder if she ever imagined that her alleged squirting would be a topic of discussion.
  4. I believe all of Ali's parents are in denial about the implications of her condition. I don't think they want to believe that she needs to use that wheelchair and be helped with things all the time, because while she's running around playing softball and carrying her own stuff and climbing stairs to get to bed every night, they can kid themselves that it's not as serious as all that. It's understandable that they have difficulty accepting their daughter's limitations, but it's also selfish as hell that they're choosing to ignore them and harming her future health in the process.
  5. I don't think she's under any illusion that Jenelle's going to do a complete 180 and become mother of the year any time soon, which I'm sure is partly why she won't let Jace come around there very often. She probably just holds out hope that eventually she'll start making better decisions, because there were a few times in the past when she did begin to clean it up (albeit briefly) but then ruined it with another scummy boyfriend. I know WE can all see how scummy Jenelle herself is, but what mother wants to believe that their kid is never going to be a decent person? I'm not saying that Barb shouldn't face reality with regards to Jenelle but I can see why it's hard for her to do so. Besides, maybe she thinks it'd be more damaging for Jace to have his mother disappear from his life completely. I can believe that she enjoys the drama in part (after all, this is the woman who raised Jenelle), but I'm sure she'd prefer a decent daughter and an easy life any day of the week.
  6. In Jenelle's 16&P episode she said herself Barb was always telling her "there's always abortion, there's always adoption". Jenelle kept it from Barb for as long as she could, I honestly believe she kept Jace to spite her, at least in part. After he was born, Barb said if Jenelle was gonna go off and do what she wanted she'd care for him no matter what, because none if it was his fault. I respect her for that, if not for some of her later choices, and I agree that she probably thought Jenelle would get herself together soon enough and raise him herself. Exposing Jace to the incessant drama isn't good but like you said, she probably hasn't given up on the idea of Jenelle turning over a new leaf so I'm guessing the idea of shutting her out of Jace's life isn't so cut-and-dry for her.
  7. I'm not even sure why Jenelle is still on the show when it's supposed to be about being a young mom. Her storyline has always consisted of 1. drama she brings upon herself and 2. engagements to awful boyfriends. She's had pretty much nothing to do with raising Jace, who is the reason she's on the show in the first place, and we rarely see her spending any quality time with Kaiser, or doing anything with him that isn't lugging him from highchair to playpen to crib. And now we're watching her explore NYC with David Gump to find pillses a cure for restless leg syndrome? Girl bye.
  8. I often forget that a lot of people who watch the show just trust the way it's edited. I was wondering why the hell anyone would want to vilify Miranda after that episode when it was so obvious that Leah and co. were just stirring the pot, but then I remembered that there are a lot of viewers who legitimately buy into Leah's redemption arc and that ding-dang mean old Corey Tyler trying to take her kids away, under the influence of the evil stepmother. Leah can complain all she wants about being edited to look bad but she should be grateful. I'm sure MTV have more than enough material to make her look a lot worse, but probably think one trainwreck on the show (Jenelle) is enough.
  9. I just caught the episode from season 6 where Kail's being an obnoxious soccer mom. I forgot how grating The Hulk is when she's screaming at him the entire time to kick the ball. The contrast between her jumping up and down, bellowing like a wild gorilla, while Jo and Vee are just watching her making a fool of herself and saying "I guess he's gonna be a scholar, not an athlete" makes me laugh though.
  10. With regards to her whole health crisis, she kept emphasising that she didn't think her symptoms were down to anxiety. But she was perfectly happy to accept a prescription for Xanax and only threw a tantrum when she was denied that. If she was so determined that it was more than anxiety, why was she so ready to accept an anxiety medication in lieu of a different diagnosis? Nice try Jenelle but it's obvious you only wanted the pills.
  11. This makes me kinda sad, it was a good moment for Sonja when her fashion show went well and she stuck it to the other ladies who were snarking on her. It seems like a lot of work for it all to go the way of the toaster ovens.
  12. I'm not surprised but disgusted nonetheless. Remember back in the day when she said she didn't think it'd be fair to have any more children until she got custody of Jace? And now she's about to have her third. We just know she's only having this other kid to 1. spite Nathan and Barbara and 2. continue kidding herself that she's got a perfect little family with David. It's certainly not because she wants to actually be a mother. She barely even acknowledges the Roll except to feed him and put him in various pens, and she only cares about Jace when her new boyfriends get sick of having Barbara around calling their shit out.
  13. This a thousand times over. There's something wrong with your politics if you think misogyny in the workplace is somehow still women's fault *eye roll*
  14. I think the people who don't take women seriously in the workplace are the only people who hurt women trying to progress in male-dominated fields. Not the other women who are just doing what's right for them and their lives at any given time. JMO.
  15. That still doesn't mean that women who make the same choices as Miranda are to blame for how women in male-dominated professions are viewed. Are you saying that women should shoulder the responsibility of representing their gender, rather than making decisions that are in their own interests? I agree with you that women in male-dominated professions are more than often treated unfairly, but it's not any woman's responsibility to try to right that by going against any stereotypes, that's a problem with society.
  16. My heart broke for Corey during her 16&P episode because he tolerated a lot. He knew what was going on. And despite the fact that she was trying to get with Robbie right before his eyes and being downright mean to him in the process, he was always understanding about it. He even said he knew she dated him for 3 years and she loved him. He basically told Leah that if she was willing to get off Robbie's dick he could overlook everything she'd done because he wanted his family together. And even when he lost his patience with Leah and stopped trying to make it work, he was visibly terrified that he wouldn't get to see the girls enough, and so sad that he didn't get to wake up to them every day anymore. Corey has his faults but IMO he's always been a great father, and was incredibly decent to Leah when she clearly didn't deserve it. I think the importance of family is strong with him, so he was willing to take a lot of crap from her because she's the mother of his girlses. When she's whining on the phone to Chastity about how that darn Corey Tyler is so mean to her, she might wanna watch everything back and realise how much he put up with.
  17. I'm watching Leah's 16 and Pregnant episode and jeez-louise, the past 6-7 years haven't been kind to her. She looks so fresh-faced and she sounds so lucid, not like she's half asleep with a cold. Also I don't understand what she saw in Robbie at all. Really struggling to see how this gormless, scabby-looking guy was worth ruining two marriages.
  18. I read Carole's blog for the most recent episode and ugh, I've never seen someone try so hard to act like they don't care, while proving that they do. Her endless paragraphs of self-important crap speak for themselves. And she managed to slip in that she had sex with Adam two days prior to her lunch with Jules and Dorinda, because she wants everyone to know how happy she is with her 12 year old boyfriend, despite her obvious insecurities about her age and about the entire relationship... spare me. I can't believe I used to like her. What a disappointing, ass-licking, sanctimonious cretin.
  19. "Kail and Javi struggle with his deployment" okay so what else is new?
  20. ITA. I've no doubt that Sonja's sloppy drunk behaviour can be embarrassing at times, but I loved Sonja pointing out that Ramona's behaviour period is something she's had to apologise for for years. Ramona doesn't have to be half cut to act like an ass, it just comes naturally to her. As for Ramona jumping on the bandwagon of the "Sonja has a drinking problem" storyline... isn't Ramona the one who's always ready to pull bottles of pinot and glassware from her purse? Pot, kettle. Besides, I don't remember Ramona liking it when Jill and co. tried to pull the same shit on her back in season 4.
  21. Exactly! I'd take Jules' Jewish/Asian talk over Ramona constantly going on about how single she is, or Bethenny talking about her never-ending divorce.
  22. Can I just go ahead and do a complete 180 on my opinion of Jules? I think I underestimated her, I really liked her in this episode. And I can easily laugh at her jibes about the size of Bethenny's teeny house for ants, because if you go around making snarky comments about everyone and everything, you deserve to get something in return. I feel like Jules wouldn't have even gone there about Bethenny's money and her house if B hadn't gone there first. And as for Carole defending B by saying "she was just being too honest", isn't that what every rude person says to excuse their rudeness? They're not rude, they're just too real... give me a break. Having said that, I didn't mind Bethenny this week. I don't think I'll ever like her as much as I did in seasons 1-3 because she's just been on my nerves too much and it's kind of a case of what's been seen cannot be unseen. I just think she comes off very badly without anyone to go up against her or question her. I only wish Jules could be more articulate sometimes, it'd be nice if there was someone who could stand up to Bethenny, and it doesn't look like anyone else is about to. Carole looked rough as hell in her THs. "This lighting's awful"... it's not the lighting Carole, it's your face. Her storyline continues to bore the hell out of me, I don't know what she's even still doing there. Was she only invited back onto the show because Bethenny's proctologist couldn't extract her in time for filming? I did find it funny that it seems like Adam's about as into her as I am. Also if she wanted to stay clear of Luann, why did she need to come and eyeball her while she was giving Bethenny the gift? She's so transparent, she just loves carrying this feud on for as long as she possibly can.
  23. Oh man, just looking at Chelsea on that trip made me itchy, she was covered in bug bites.
  24. Y'know Jerry from the film Liar Liar, the new partner who would be a great stepdad and husband but is just the most vanilla person ever? Cole's mannerisms and his role in the TM2 storyline remind me so much of him. Couldn't you just imagine... "Look Aubree it's... the claw!"
  25. Besides, it's only unlined because it's stretched to the limit with fillers.
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