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Everything posted by neatoburrito

  1. I thought maybe we all exaggerated the amount that she says "LEAVE ME ALOOOOONE!!!!!!" but we really don't, do we? Jeez... my ears hurt. The clips of her filming herself singing and/or dancing gave me a much-needed laugh though.
  2. I was watching a season 6 episode this morning, and my mum who has barely even seen the show looked at Jenelle and said, "She's meeting with her lawyer AGAIN? Does she meet with her lawyer every day?" I explained to her that you kinda need to when your favourite hobbies are taking drugs and hitting people with mason jars. It's kind of funny how Jenelle and everyone in her life seem to be so excessively litigious, too. They constantly press charges for minor things to spite each other. Jenelle and Nathan used to press charges in a kind of tit-for-tat manner and then have them all dropped when they wanted to get back together. In the episode this morning Jenelle came out of jail (again) and said she wished there was a no contact order against Nathan because she didn't want to speak to him anymore. Like she thinks she's entitled to a restraining order because she doesn't feel like talking to him. She's such a ridiculous person, it'd be hilarious if she didn't have kids and was the only person affected by all her bullshit.
  3. Am I missing something about the sanctity of doing one's make-up? Is Jenelle really trying to have us believe that her own mother and boyfriend were not allowed in her room because she was perfecting her contour? It's not exactly a Brazilian wax or a colonic, it doesn't require complete privacy... Jenelle must think we're all dumb as rocks if she expects us to believe that.
  4. I didn't think Aubree looked like anyone until I saw a recent picture of her, where she looked a little like Chelsea. I think Kail's bland features have made Isaac look like a softer version of Jo. Jo Lite. I agree with the poster who said Jace, Jenelle and Barb all look the same. I think the kid who has by far the strongest resemblance to a parent is Gracie though. She's the image of Leah.
  5. I caught that, he mentioned it after saying something like "you tell people I abused you when you were abusing yourself". I got the impression that he was implying she would hurt herself and then tell others that Nathan had done it. Unsure though. ETA @sconstant pretty much exactly what you said, sorry, I didn't see your post!
  6. So with regards to Kail posting that picture of herself and another girl with the caption "Becky with the good hair"... does that mean she's Jay-Z in that analogy, stepping out on Javi with this girl? And Javi is Beyoncé? Never thought I'd see Big Papi compared to Beyoncé in any way, that's for sure.
  7. I bet it also pisses her off that she decided to have another kid with yet another guy who can no longer stand her. There is no doubt in my mind that she resents Kaiser now that Nathan's not around to play happy families with.
  8. I also remember him not batting an eyelid last time when Jenelle was talking shit about Barb's job and how she'd be saving lives (hahahaha). But Barb merely mentioned the fact that Jenelle hasn't tried very hard to get custody of Jace, and Panda was all "now that's not fair."
  9. Leah's sudden positivity is curious to me too. She seems to be trying really hard to show everyone that it's all sunshine and rainbows over at the MesserSimmsCalvert household. Like when she was walking up that hill with the girlses and having them repeat affirmations after her like "I am beautiful" and "I am loved", it's a nice idea but it seemed very forced and she should probably work on a few basic parenting skills first... the girlses might be beautiful and loved but they're still eating icing and sugar packets for dinner.
  10. D'ya know what really got on my nerves in past reunions? Panda was always so ready to malign the dads and Barbara and stick up for Jenelle and Leah, barely even scratching the surface of their obvious shitty parenting. Not questioning why Jenelle chooses douchebags over Jace, not asking Leah whether she thinks driving her kids around whilst texting and high is a bad idea... Yet he always made sure to interrogate Chelsea over how many times she'd hooked up with Adam for the audience to collectively "tsk tsk" over, as though that somehow made her as much to blame as he was in messing her and Aubree around. He always seems to focus on non-issues and completely gloss over the actual shitty behaviour. I wonder if they've all chosen a primate to yell when the questions get too tough this time around.
  11. Only if he was wailing "Jenelle! Jeneeeeeeeelllllle!" before he got in
  12. When Nathan made that comment, she looked like someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over her. She doesn't seem to mind being called a shitty mother and a terrible person anywhere near as much as being told Nathan doesn't want to poke her in the back with his boner anymore, which says it all really. I don't care what she says about her perfect family unit with Uncle Dave, she'd take Manbun McNipples back any day of the week. Poor Kaiser Roll serves no purpose to her except as a tool to keep the drama going with him.
  13. Jenelle gives off the vibe of someone who's had a xanax and a stiff drink.
  14. Probably a bit evil of me, but I would love for Jenelle and Tori to fall out. Tori could probably fill a book with all the grim things she knows about Jenelle that we don't, it'd be interesting to see what kind of dirt she'd dish.
  15. I feel like making disparaging comments about a woman's body when she's given birth to two children, one of them yours, is more reprehensible than making fun of someone's tiny ponytail. I mean of course it was immature of Jenelle, but not really comparable to The Nathan's comments imo.
  16. I hate to agree with anything Jenelle says but this made me laugh.
  17. I just saw a picture of Jenelle's back tattoo and it looks like a collection of open sores.
  18. I thought Luann meant that Sonja is also looking to find someone to settle down with, not that she necessarily has. Sonja's said a lot that she's got time to get married yet and that's what she'd like to do. Plus going on about how she's never been more attractive to men, and I think she even said once that men can sense that she's ready for a commitment. I don't know but I figured Lu was just saying they'd both like to find someone.
  19. Plus, a 24 hour shift doing what? Looking after Isaac and Lincoln sure, but with a whole lot of help. More help than a lot of single mothers would have. And she gets to be in her same familiar environment with all the freedoms she's accustomed to, which is more than can be said for Javi. What else did she have to do that was so strenuous, try to make cookies and facetime her friends? Wow, that must have really taken it out of her. I really can't stand her and her stank attitude.
  20. I will happily snark on anyone on this show and I'm not even remotely sorry for it.
  21. Caught a season 2 episode the other day and was reminded of this gem - Jenelle rings Barb and says "Hi mom, I'm in jail..." and without missing a beat Barb replies "Well, that doesn't surprise me."
  22. I feel like everyone on this show who talks big about how much they want custody of their kid would get the shock of their lives if it actually happened. In reality I think full or even joint custody would be Nathan or Adam's worst nightmare. Adam can't even have one day with his kids without trying to squeeze in some precious gym time, and Nathan usually can't wait to dump Kaiser on someone else.
  23. Perfect way to describe her imo. Before I even read or posted here I used to follow her on Instagram, and the first time I remember getting irritated by her was when she posted a screenshot of a text conversation with her friend. Her friend had said she was too ill to go to class and Kail had replied with something like "I have two kids and a job and I still make it to every class, you can get there". As though that makes her some kind of superhero. Who does she think she is? And let's be real, Javi's family were looking after her kids the entire time anyway so it's not like she was struggling to pay for childcare or carrying them to class with her. Sanctimonious twat indeed.
  24. I feel like it annoys Chelsea that Aubree still has an attachment to her real father and isn't just diving straight into a perfect daddy-daughter bond with Cole. Especially after they came back from the dance. When Aubree was sad that Adam didn't show up Chelsea said "but you knew that might happen" and then started telling her how much she should appreciate Cole for taking her. I get that it was nice of Cole but it was like she was irritated that Aubree was still focusing on being disappointed by Adam, instead of waxing lyrical about how great Cole is. And sure Cole is a much better father figure than Adam, but like you said, let her work things out for herself.
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