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Everything posted by hippielamb

  1. I adore them, they were so in sync. :) A funny Dave and Lane scene that always cracks me up is when they are plotting to meet up later. DAVE: Um, speaking of which, it’s 3:18. We’ll have the stuff packed by 3:40, what’s the situation? LANE: At 3:40, my mom will be on her way to the yarn store for her bimonthly sew-a-thon with Lacey Schwartz and Bick Ho. DAVE: The yarn store’s on Peach. LANE: Plum. DAVE: That cuts us off from our usually route to the interstate. LANE: There’s a back road that circles around it, but it’s gonna be muddy from the rains. DAVE: How about I have the guys take the usual route, I’ll go by foot on Peach, down the alley behind Al’s, over the fence, and they can pick me up a half a mile down by the Shell station.
  2. You said that much more eloquently than I ever could. Mainly, I just say, she looks so happy with Chris! *flaily arms* I agree with what you said about the revival portrayal too. What is that about, I wonder? Charming, affable guys are suspect in Amy's world. I can only imagine some smooth talker pissed her off once and now all good looking, fun guys are now supposedly "bad". And if he is wealthy, oh that's the kiss of death. She does have kind things to say about the actors who play them, so I suppose she does see their appeal, just that it's not right for the story she wanted to tell. Ah, well. Some of us like, even love the charmers of the world. Agreed. Didn't the revival say it had been 4 years since they had seen each other? I think they will always be friends but not much else, despite what the mooning look in the revival wants us to think. Honestly I can't imagine Jess being comfortable in the upper class lifestyle and Rory's ease with it. I think they make great friends, and share the love of writing/reading. Rory has changed from when she was dating Jess, I'm not sure they would mesh so well in their current state.
  3. Summer! I actually liked Spring, mostly. Or, I'm forgetting parts I didn't enjoy. Speaking of the revival, would you rather go with Rory and the Life & Death Brigade reunion, or go with Lorelai on her Wild trip?
  4. Personally, I would like to see Rory and Logan (as their relationship is the only one I am remotely interested in, other than Gilmore family dynamics) in the new phase of being parents but I don't trust Amy and Co to treat it respectfully. And I sure as hell don't need a repeat of Jess as a Luke stand-in. There doesn't seem to be a reason to bring it back storywise, except for the people who were upset at the ending and want more closure. The shippers got their wedding and frankly, I don't know how much of Lorelai's story there is to tell. Her plotline in the revival seemed secondary. Meh, I'm a Lorelai fan and was less than enthused with it. She's happy, I don't see what more they could say/do other than have her and Luke have yet other communication problem and cause drama. We got to see Rory as an adult, problems and all. And Amy got to put her ending on her show. Let it be.
  5. I think both characters have shown good and bad qualities. Joan is mean spirited to a disastrous degree, and it all stems from her insecurity. When we first see her scheming with the gossip columnist she seems so damn petty. Then when she explains how unwanted she feels, I sympathize with her. Bette may come off better but she's no saint either. She has a brashness that can be offensive, particularly in that time period. I'm a fan of Sarandon's but there are times I really feel for Joan. That cracked me up, especially the one that said "please go away".
  6. I think Andrew had the right attitude about it. The problem was that Diana was marrying for love and didn't realize the situation she was getting into. She didn't have Andrew's philosophy nor probably his knowledge about Camilla and Charles. I love anything royal so will definitely watch, hopefully they will have a new perspective on it. If it's anything like Bette and Joan, no one is completely right. Both parties have their flaws and sympathies.
  7. I was referring to Rory turning a blind eye to Logan stealing from her grandparents. They had been nothing but good to her. Footing the tuition for Chilton before Lorelai repaid them, paying for Yale, buying her a car, etc. Even if they didn't do anything to help her financially, it's such a slap in the face. I can't imagine letting any boy I liked steal from my grandmother back in the day. Oy. That scene really bothered me about Rory. Up until then she was always respectful to them and often defended them when Lorelai was at odds with them. So I can't put all of the blame on Lorelai. Exactly. I always feel so bad for Richard. Rory was cross with Emily, rightfully so but Richard seems to be guilty by association in Rory's mind. It was sad when she considered cutting them out and Lorelai (!!) had to convince her not to.
  8. I agree, Lady Calypso. I found most of the revival SH townie stuff a bit tired, unless it involved Rory and Lorelai together. I'd rather be Emily's maid. She paid them well for her ridiculously high standards. I wonder if the newspaper kids were even paid. Would you rather look after Kirk when he is in little kid mode or listen to April nerding out over science?
  9. Even in foster care, the parents would need to be certified. Unless they didn't do that then. I agree. That's what hooked me on this show. William and Randall's reconnecting had my heart.
  10. Which leads to this exchange: RORY: I was at a stop sign and he just hit me! Oh my God! [Getting out to look for deer] LANE: Was it a 4-way stop? RORY: What does that matter? LANE: I don’t know. I don’t know what to ask after you’ve been hit by a deer. RORY: I don’t see him. LANE: Well put salt down. Deers love salt. RORY: Where am I gonna get salt from? LANE: Do you have a lunch? RORY: Lane? LANE: Sorry. Lol! Get to school! I also laugh that it's apparently early in the morning yet Lane is already up and listening to music in her closet.
  11. I thought it was because ASP herself is Jewish. I don't know why she didn't just write Lorelai and Co as culturally Jewish. Some of her jokes (in the show) about Hitler and nazism i found insensitive. Yes exactly. My family has had the same attitude. I suppose I can sympathize with Lorelai breaking away from the family because it's fiction. In reality that is a much harder thing to do and would have serious consequences, especially if you come from an attitude of family first. Honestly, I get so annoyed with Rory when she is disrespectful to her grandparents in season 5 and 6 for real life reasons. I can't imagine being disrespectful to my long gone grandparents ever. I love that she was a teen mom. We don't see much of that except as a warning tale. The funny thing about the fast dialogue is that's what the show is known for but it never feels too fast to me. Watching Scandal where they all talk too fast with a long monologue (or so it seems) takes me right out of it and stretches credulity. Maybe because I have seen GG so much that their speech seems normal to me. Of course, I don't know anyone who actually speaks that way.
  12. Sorry shippers, but I thought L&L were best as friends. (I would have liked to see Rory be friends with a guy, though.) A revival question: would you rather seen more of Emily new relationship or more of Stars Hollow shenanigans?
  13. hippielamb

    Season 1

    Yes. I have always seen Chris as a guy who wants the traditional nuclear family. That's how he was raised, and when Lorelai became pregnant he proposed marriage because that is what he is supposed to do. He doesn't know where he fits in the girls family because to him, being a father is living at home with the family and going to work everyday. I know I'm biased because I know men who think just like this. Granted, they are men from a different culture than Christopher but I think if you grow up with that type of mindset it seeps in.
  14. And as I recall, Max had told them that there would be no excuses. Reminds me of an old psychology teacher who had the same rationale.
  15. Cheshire Cat. Despite the GG's complaints it didn't seem that bad to me. Similar to B & B's I've stayed at. Breakfast at such snd such an hour followed by a hike, followed by birdwatching etc. Lane's experience sounded horrid. *ahem* sorry to go on. Having watched the dance marathon episode recently, would you rather have Andrew or Kirk as a partner?
  16. I like that scene, probably because the attitude Rory was getting from Tristan and Paris up to that point always annoys me. I have a soft spot for Rory standing up for herself and not being the docile little angel. Part of the reason I liked Rory and Tristan scenes later on was he brought out a more snarky side to Rory. I see your point though. If you are taking a hard exam, the last thing you need is some classmate pitching a fit.
  17. I thought the same thing. Especially because it seemed to me like an overreaction to send her to Maine for flirting. Joan (as she is portrayed here) is really a sad person. She is so insecure. It makes me feel bad for her, while her controlling nature is hard to take. I like Sarandon's performance more, probably because I have followed her career more and like watching her. I noticed a little bit of an accent when she was playing Bette that I didn't see before.
  18. I read up on her after reading that. The mother/granddaughter switch doesn't surprise me that much. I think it was well, not common but not unheard for a family to do that. My eldest daughter was born just before I turned 18, and my relatives were concerned about appearances. It was suggested my aunt raise her and I go along with calling her a cousin. And this was in the late 80's! Some cultures are still very conscious of keeping up appearances, and I imagine it was much worse in the 40s and 50s. What shocks me about the Merle Oberon story is abandoning her heritage just to pass as white. It seems like it would be a very lonely existence. It sounds so sad to me. To be that wrapped up in her public persona and going to such lengths to protect a lie. Not to mention the disrespect of her mother's memory.
  19. Daaaaaaaaamn... I like that about her. Especially in this day and age where it seems certain manners like thank you notes are disapearing. My youngest daughter actually scoffs when I ask if she wrote a thank you note for a gift or invitation to some event. It makes me feel like a dinosaur. Holy hell! That stuff about Merle Oberon makes me furious. Since we're talking about old Hollywood films that's some Imitation of Life craziness. Thanks for those of you for posting photos of these actresses. I like some old films but mostly the comedies, and was not very familiar with either Davis or Crawford.
  20. Really enjoyed this. It's a good show to watch with a drink or two. ;) I have to laugh at the overly dramatic way these people are. Like the gossip columnist referring to her mortal enemy. Ha! If someone talked like that nowadays I'd roll my eyes at their drama. I like both actresses or characters (however you wish to describe them). Last week, I was more sympathetic to Joan. She showed an insecurity and need for acceptance that made me feel for her. This week Bette stole the show with her vulnerability. That fight with her daughter was brutal. Sending her away for flirting was an overreaction but the venom her daughter spewed at Bette was horrible. I can't imagine either one of my girls talking to me that way. I have to remember that we are viewing this from a modern perspective and some of their actions and way of talking seems over the top by comparison. I fell in a wiki hole reading the backstory of these actresses and about the film. Entertaining and it makes me excited for where this show will lead.
  21. I have cried once with this show, and that was when William died. The PR that you will cry every episode is ridiculous. Honestly, I thought Rebecca overreacted after the attempted kiss. He apologized. It could have been an awkward moment but she made it into a big deal. Though I think her insecurity about singing again led to think he only wanted her in the band for romantic reasons. Randall is my favourite but I agree it's uneven. The scene where he made a big deal about quitting his job was too much. It was nice to see him incorporate some of William's thinking into his life but geesh I was rolling my eyes at his little speech.
  22. I couldn't stand Kevin when this show started and thought he was a spoiled, whiny brat. Seriously, I thought he was the weakest link and had zero compassion or sympathy for him. The last few episodes though have melted my cold heart against him. The fact that he put Randall first shows growth on his part, especially considering that Kevin was not being a very good brother before. I'm a sucker for anyone who puts their family above other things. I like his reconnecting with Sophie and the conflict over whether this new job will doom them again. I like the backstory of their relationship (although it does feel a little shoehorned in) and it makes me understand and like him a lot more now. They seem to be showing a little more depth to Kevin in his balancing work versus personal matters.
  23. I thought it was explained in the episode when Logan takes Rory to his family's for dinner. They are opposed to Rory because she wants a career, not to be a corporate wife like Emily or Shira. I honestly don't know if we are supposed to factor in that Logan proposed marriage to Rory and she declined, or if we are supposed to ignore it (like so much of season 7). Either way, it seems that Logan chose a wife who would fit into his family and career. Yes and it helps not reading reviewers who have an ax to grind. Yes, the revival had issues and there are things I did not like. But, I still enjoyed parts of it. I went back and rewatched the early seasons and it made me smile.
  24. I love Chris, and it seemed to me that he was inferring that Gigi lived with Sherry in Paris. Part of it was his attitude when talking to Rory. Also, he wanted Gigi to have a better relationship with her mom. Chris never wanted to be a full time dad and felt Gigi got shortchanged by only having him. There was a definite melancholy feel to that whole scene.
  25. I was a teen mom and it's not easy by any means. I admit to taking offense when people criticize Lorelai's parenting, when in my experience, teenagers with kids are different than thirtysomethings with kids. (Like the reviewer who claimed Lorelai was a bad mom for showing up at Rory's school in cutoffs. Lol really?) We definitely see it through rose coloured glasses here. I remember watching season 2 and loving Mia. Why couldn't I have had a Mia? Most runaway teenage moms don't get the breaks that Lorelai got. I still love her though.
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