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Everything posted by hippielamb

  1. I'm also just watched this on netflix. I had to laugh at the moment when the woman in the focus group called Marcia a bitch. I secretly thought the same of her (er, the character of Marcia, not the real person), the comments on her appearance were ridiculous. No man would have been treated that way. She really got a lot of unfair criticism, and like she said, she wasn't a public person. She was used to doing her job and not worrying about how the public perceives her. I was 23 when this happened but didn't follow the trial. I remember watching the bronco chase like everyone else but that was it. The day the verdict was announced, someone at work told me. The whites were shocked. Blacks and Latinos were not. Was John Travolta wearing makeup to look like Shapiro because he looks so different. I thought all the actors did a good job, even for the characters that I didn't like. Every time I saw Shapiro I kept staring at him trying to figure out what was different with Travolta, it was distracting.
  2. Lol that made me cackle so loud that I scared my dog. ;)
  3. It matters to me because this is about the Gilmore girls, not Odette and whomever. I am judging Logan's behaviour on how he treated Rory. He didn't lie to her about Odette or try to keep his engagement secret. That seems to be what most people think. I just can't. Almost all the reviews and articles about the revival focus on it. I could care less about Paul or Odette. I do think if you are going to be having other relationships with people, you need to be honest with everyone involved. I think it was supposed to read as Paul being this completely bland forgettable person. Having other people forget about him removes some blame from Rory (theoretically but apparently not, judging from folks reactions to it). I did like him in that breakfast scene at the diner. He was likeable enough but we saw so little of his relationship with Rory to really feel invested.
  4. The risotto. It saved a life! Would you rather spend the day with Jackson's brother Bo, or cousin Rune? (Does Jackson have the weirdest family or what?)
  5. That's what I meant. I doubt Amy would have had any growth in their relationship or maturity on both their parts. I was thinking about that last night. Every character has some repeating of their parent(s). Lorelai, Rory, Lane, Paris, Chris, Logan. Oy... I don't like that notion. Someone upthread commented on the difference in their relationship from the revival, compared to when we last saw them. If you take their relationship in season 6 and then watch the revival, it's less jarring. Logan hasn't broken away from his family. He goes to London even though it is not what he wants. He and Rory love each other but there is no agreement on what their future entails, even if they are still a exclusive couple. All that communication comes in season 7. I think Logan is Rory's Chris in that he is the guy she can't let go of. Adding that he is most likely her child's father puts another layer to their relationship. College age Logan, when we first meet him I think would have been similar to Chris at the same age. The similarities fall away as they age. Logan in his early/mid 30's is in a very different place than the Chris we meet in season 1. What did he lie about? I honestly don't remember. He was always straightforward with Rory. The cheating thing seems to really bother people. I just can't get too bothered by it.
  6. And it's a comedy! I have enough Parenthood melodrama to last a lifetime. It will be nice seeing her doing comedy again.
  7. My thoughts exactly. I identify with Lorelai's young single mom story but honestly her constant chattering about pop culture would drive me nuts. And some of her life choices have seriously disappointed me. Lane is the character I have the most in common with, even down to the musician S.O. I even like how she decorated her house in the revival lol
  8. That whole scene just illustrated that Lorelai is a Amy stand-in.
  9. Well, I really liked Rory in the revival (minus her selfishness in writing the book, but that's another matter). I have never really shipped any of Rory's relationships. I liked Dean (still do) but they were a dull couple, Jess I can't stand, and didn't notice any unresolved feelings on Rory's part in regards to him in the revival. That leaves Logan. He is the best suited to the Rory of season 6 and onwards. I found their relationship in the revival very interesting. It probably helps that they are adults now, not kids anymore. He's on her level in many ways that the other two are not. I thought that back in season 6 and 7, the revival just underlined it. Or, the Rory/Logan in season 7 was OOC from what we saw in season 6. Their relationship makes more sense in the revival if you go from season 6. It makes it hard though because they are elements of season 7 that I enjoy, and I don't want to erase them. Not just Rory and Logan but of Lorelai's story too.
  10. I agree but Lorelai was trying to keep the peace between them. Rory didn't seem to care how the grandparents felt. Which, Emily I get. But Richard did nothing to deserve that treatment from Rory.
  11. Their scenes (and the costuming) in that episode always remind me of The Great Gatsby. It has a '20's life is party feel. The thing I like about the LDB is we see Rory coming out of her shell with them. Even in the revival, she is so happy to see them again. Honestly, I view the characters who aren't Gilmore girls on how the girls react to them. Logan was right when he called Rory "sheltered". I like that he encourages her to live a little, and she actually has fun.
  12. Lol Lorelai is the Sirius of Stars Hollow. I see Chris as a Ravenclaw too. He is smart and interested in astronomy. He was very keen on the Yale lectures, and the girls bought him a telescope. I think if it's a subject he is curious about, he will pay attention. If it's boring, he tunes out. He doesn't have Lorelai's bravery, so Gryffindor is out, and he's not overly ambitious so not a Slytherin. He takes the easy way out, so not a Hufflepuff. He and Rory are similar in many ways, that I see them both as Ravenclaws. Dean, as much as I like him fits as a muggle in love with a witch.
  13. Hmmmm.... In no particular order: Rory showing Logan round Stars Hollow. "This is where the Rory Gilmore slept?" They're pretty adorable in that episode. I love them in the revival, though apparently I'm not supposed to. Eh, whatever. They're pretty darn cute. When she's on the phone with Naomi and also talking to Logan, then snuggled up on his lap. The entire interlude at the Tango club and going to the hotel. Loved it. I didn't really 'ship them until the revival. They're perfect. Their first time. It's sweet and funny. The hoops Logan is jumping through to get Rory back, and not knowing her answer as she is reading Lorelai's letter. The Life and Death Brigade of You Jump, I Jump Jack. The costumes, the fun, the romance, the teasing. Ahhh... Oh, bonus round! (Thanks to deaja for the reminder) when he lets her move in with him after Paris evicts her. I really like him in that scene. Personally, I like S6 better than season 5 in terms of their relationship.
  14. Ooooh, that's a tough one. Madeline and Louise, I guess. They are fun. Finn is fun too, though Colin annoys me. Would you rather go to the spa with Lorelai and Emily or go to the B&B with Lorelai and Rory?
  15. Definitely! When a guy says that to you, run the other way. I used to think that kind of thing was sexy and romantic but sge and experience have taught me that it's a red flag. She changed for the worse. I think one of her most awful moments was barging into Luke's and throwing his food out because it wasn't good enough. Who does that? It's his diner! If he had went off on her I would have cheered. And the yelling at Norman Mailer for ordering tea. Good grief. Sookie became less of a friend to Lorelai and more of cartoon character. Yeah, he fits in the fast talking 40's screwball comedy mold. Logan is the one character I really changed my mind on. I didn't start liking him until season 6. Part of it is Rory's behaviour, and the distance from Lorelai that came about because of Logan. It's not his fault, but on first viewing it was easy to not like him. I like his charm, and joy of life. The other guys Rory has dated don't really have that carpe diem type of attitude, and I find it very attractive in Logan.
  16. I'm as sex positive as they come but I agree Rory should have been honest with Paul (and herself). She does avoid conflict though. I think the idea of Paul was attractive to her. Having a steady, bland boyfriend looks good. It feels like in almost every article or review, there is a aww, poor Paul attitude. We saw so little of their relationship that it's difficult for me to care about him, the same goes for Logan and Odette. I found Rory and Logan's relationship more interesting in their 30's than I ever did when they were in college. Probably because we got to see who they were as adults, as opposed to college kids.
  17. Trevor. (Also, I'll go with Dave. I loved their relationship :)) Would you rather have Emily or Mrs Kim as a mother in law?
  18. Are we really supposed to feel bad for Paul? Because I didn't, not a whiff. Yet I have read so many people sympathize with poor Paul. Rory is the one we spent seven years watching and caring about, plus the two years we got to know Logan. We spent 5 minutes with Paul. I seriously wonder if the intent is for the audience to sympathize or even care about Paul or Odette, when Rory and Logan get more screentime. I think this all comes from Amy's attitude about certain millennials. I read an article awhile back where she was casting shade on adults who move back home and sponge off their parents. As much as her comments sometimes irk me, I found myself agreeing with her. To many of us, if you lost your job the next step would be to hustle and get another one. Not move back home and be supported by the parent(s). Honestly, the idea is foreign to me. Move back home when you are an adult? Nope nada. But there is a growing part of young adults who do just that. Anyway, I think that's what the 30 something gang was a commentary on. None of them were working, the parents were getting together to go over their resumes, the "kids" (and I use that term loosely) were happy just to hang out with each other. The funny thing about Rory moving back home is Lorelai mentioned this possibility to Chris in season 7 (not that Amy would deign to watch it), and it came true.
  19. Plus, he built her a car! How many girls can say that? He really was the perfect high school boyfriend. I can totally see why Lorelai preferred him over Jess. It took me forever to tell the difference between Madeline and Louise. The young woman that plays Louise looks like a Madeline to me, (probably cause I know a pretty blonde who is a Madeline). Finn and Colin was easy for me. Colin in the jerk, Finn is the flirt.
  20. New years Eve. I'll pick an easy one: would you rather dogsit Paul Anka, or catsit for Babette's ginger kitten Apricot?
  21. They released a new trailer for The Handmaids Tale. Short glimpse of Alexis in it. I am so eager to see this.
  22. It makes you wonder. None of the college kids seemed to enjoy working and making friends. Amy doesn't seem to know how certain professions work: Rory's journalism is a perfect example. I try not to be too nickpicky about this stuff but when you have personal experience with a profession or lifestyle it can be hard not to be a little picky when they get it wrong.
  23. Lol yes. Finn is the handsome, flirty one. The one who hits on every woman he meets. Indeed. I always gravitate towards 'ships that are more playful and flirty. The first episode I ever saw was Lorelai's bachelorette party in season 2, and her flirty banter with Christopher definitely got my attention. I am rewatching Sex and the City and there's a couple on there that makes me smile. A good friend of mine loves Luke and Jess on GG. But to me, those guys are way too moody and intense. I'm not a Luke fan. His negavity and anger issues are red flags to me. I realise the majority of fans don't feel the same. We are supposed to like him. I just don't. It makes me wonder why she has this bias against people who come from wealth. There's this theme of middle class = good, wealthy = bad. I liked him too. He was pretty upfront about what he was looking for.
  24. Agreed! I can't get too critical of the show because it's mostly lighthearted and I don't take too much of it seriously. There's a real bias against characters who have money that really makes me wonder about ASP. I too love season 1, it's my GG happy place. I could never be a Lorelai/Luke shipper but it's nice to hear you don't hate Christopher for existing. He has a different dynamic with Lorelai than Luke does, it's all about your preference.
  25. I have known plenty of college kids who bartend on the weekends. They don't whine about it, usually it's bragging how much money they made. Marty seems miscast as a bartender anyway. He doesn't seem to be social and outgoing (not that it's a prerequisite but it certainly helps). Marty put himself into these situations. He knew that Logan liked Rory, he told her so when they were searching for the Chilton student that went MIA. Marty probably suspected that Rory liked Logan too. We, the audience certainly did. He should have bowed out when Logan invited them to dinner. His taunting of Logan seemed stupid in season 7, because he was keeping a pretty big secret from Lucy. Why antagonise someone who is keeping this secret is beyond me.
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