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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Yes. Roxanne has absolutely projected her daddy issues onto her kids. But there is a major difference between making dumb, but legal, choices like getting a deadbeat baby daddy, and being irritating as hell, vs. being lazy, unproductive, abusive and neglectful. The plastic surgery is foolish and Roxanne would drive me nuts after an hour, but they are not lazy women, they would NEVER tolerate the children or themselves being abused like Jenelle does, I couldn't see them being medically neglectful or getting on pills like Leah, and they aren't abusive like Kail.
  2. This. And I also get why she may have called a glass a sip, if she did...I would likely have done the same thing if backed into a defensive position by two very unstable, angry people threatening to take my child away or get me arrested.
  3. I will say I don't despise the coven nearly as much as some others. They are INSANELY irritating and grating to watch on screen but they're some of the few people on this show with jobs and without any arrests for multiple forms of abuse and DUIs. So even though every time Briana and Roxanne speak it's like nails on a chalkboard and I desperately want to tell them to shut up, I won't ever hate them like I do the others except for Chelsea. Nova is well taken care of and it seems Stella is too and all three women appear to actually work at jobs that don't involve Instagram.
  4. I think it's just as likely they can't stand their deadbeat son. And while that's their right, hating their worthless son or his trashy baby mama is a pretty heartless reason not to involve themselves at all with their grandchild. If I was a murderer on Death Row my in-laws would still want to see my daughter.
  5. Most people I know who drink at least sometimes do so in front of their children. Not doing so ever is a fairly conservative choice. Jenelle and David are anything but prudish or stringent in their choices. It is clear that they were manufacturing the "concern."
  6. While I like Barb and think she is fundamentally a good person, I don't stan her as hard as some others here. I think she is pretty deeply flawed, more than the average person, but I think she has a good heart. However, it was absolutely not wrong for Barb to drink at the restaurant. My husband and I go out to dinner with our baby and often each have a glass of wine while eating. He's the only one who can drive our wheelchair van so I never have to drive, so sometimes I have two and he sticks with one. Then we go home and put the baby to bed. We are not impaired in any way. We are adults, so is Barb. It is legal. Making drinking overly taboo around kids is exactly what leads so many of them in the U.S. to binge drink. I doubt Barb had a sip, I bet she had a glass. And there's nothing wrong with that. People have been drinking wine and beer for a very long time and children have always been around it at the dinner table or family parties. They only caused drama about the wine because they wanted something to be there that was not. Jenelle and David are extremely transparent.
  7. What is with dudes referring to THEMSELVES as Daddy?
  8. This. I don't feel sorry for that neglectful asshole at all. He's abusing his child by refusing to be involved in her life or do a goddamn thing. He deserves whatever he gets. He's disgustingly lazy and heartless to not care about his daughter at all. Wah wah wah, the woman you had a baby with and her family are trashy and annoying, cry me a river. Water seeks its own level and that's not your innocent child's fault. I also don't get this idea that they're supposed to be grateful for and "encourage" or "acknowledge" the slivers of things Devoin does. Nobody has to be grateful for his doing 0.1% of the bare minimum, or grateful at all, since it's his literal duty. Is he grateful for Briana and her family doing the other 99.9% of what is 50% his job? Does he encourage and recognize them for feeding, clothing and nurturing his kid for him and doing all the work he's morally obligated to do? He's not not coming around because they're bitchy and trashy. In fact, if they didn't constantly nag him I bet he wouldn't come around ever, at all. It's probably easier to eventually show up to give the kid a stuffed animal than to get his phone blown up all the time. At some point, there is nothing left to facilitate. He's not going to be a decent or even halfway decent parent and that's that...no amount of nice behavior on her part is going to make it so. The one thing I would say is that Briana is way too lenient and whiny. They needed to stop this back and forth long ago. His ass should be in jail for not paying child support and there should be a clear set in stone agreement about what he owes monetarily.
  9. To be fair, Roxanne probably stood over her and screeched until she got it. Or: Tattoo Artist: "Well, she only asked for the flowers, so I don't know if I can add your name--" Roxanne: "I CAN'T WITH THISSS GUYYYYYY" *sobs* *throws a lamp* *threatens to get child support* Tattoo Artist: "OK, OK!!! Jesus!"
  10. No poorly trained dog should be around a little tiny baby up in its face. I love dogs but they don't train theirs at all. Also guys I'm just lying in bed thinking about how much I hate David. (my husband is thrilled). I think faux "alpha males" like him who are constantly trying way too hard to prove their masculinity and take everything as some veiled threat to their dicks are some of the most insufferable people alive.
  11. Tell us how you really feel. Lol!! Seriously WTF why is that necessary, like just put a picture of a couple kissing or something. I'm all for people being safe sluts if they like but save it for private messages at least. Why would you ever put that shit on Twitter?
  12. It will never not be funny. Why will it never not be funny?
  13. You guys, the title took me until now to figure out. WOWWWWW. Talk about slow on the uptake. The joke is so simple even Nessa would have gotten it right away.
  14. Yeah, I used to facilitate a trauma group-- most had PTSD but a few had BPD and all of them were molested and/or rape survivors. Several had children and all were kind and compassionate, but I guess that's self-selecting because they were all working on themselves, which she would never do. I guess it's just hard for me to see her having the same thing and that being the cause of her behavior. She is seriously one of the worst people I've ever seen. So again I think it might be my severe hatred for her clouding my judgment because I just don't like to think she's "suffering" from anything or a victim like the folks I worked with. I think my hatred for her might not even be healthy, lol.
  15. Yep, it starts younger and younger now. Even 5 year old girls in studies are frequently quoted as believing themselves to be fat and wanting to go on diets, and exposure to magazines and TV brings down girls' self-reported levels of self-esteem well before the preteen years. Of course that's not a Chelsea-specific issue. It's a cultural one. It's very sad. I do wonder how the kids will be affected not just by their parenting but by being exposed to the MTV world so early and often. I wouldn't want my kids absorbing that.
  16. Ryan is off the deep end and much worse than Maci IMO. Jen and Larry are massive enablers and now he's got Mackenzie to be his enabler too. However, having said that-- so no one thinks I'm saying that it's somehow Maci's fault Ryan is an addict and a deadbeat-- Maci does have some odd ways about her when dealing with Ryan. It's my probably unpopular opinion that she's still in love with him and feels a degree of possession over him.
  17. For real, she is truly stupid and, for being a professional host, so incredibly awkward. Yeah, this kind of toxic, pathological, codependent relationship really doesn't need to be made light of. I don't get where they're going with all these specials. It's not funny.
  18. Are we serious right now? How is this cute or funny?
  19. It could be a massive overreach but on the bottom right pic, Jenelle looks like she's doing her annoyed face/ "oh my god duuuude."
  20. Yeah, I started obsessing over my weight at 7/8 because I heard female relatives discussing calories and wanting to be thin so much. Kids absorb so much more than it seems they do. It'll be hard never to mention any of that around my daughter but I'm definitely going to try. I'm especially going to try never to insult my own body around her. That left such an impression on me.
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