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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I agree. I had more hope for him before the book and Briana though. Now I'm really wondering. There are crossroads in life...he's not dealing with this one very well.
  2. Yeah, I'm getting pretty sick of that. Farrah and her mom are big bags of cray (IMO Debra is even worse), but I'm so sick of watching them suck up to Jenelle and film all kinds of animal, child and spousal abuse and make a big deal over Farrah's adult entertainment stuff. I'd like to meet the MTV producer who's never watched porn, looked at nude photos, been to a sex toy shop or partied at a strip club in their life. What are they, Amish? They work at MTV. News flash, Kailyn's texting and driving, Ryan's drug-addled behavior, etc., could KILL PEOPLE. The worst thing Farrah's career is going to do is give someone an orgasm.
  3. Plus, those are the children she DECIDED to have with different fathers. Average people who don't have to pick up each child at a totally different household don't have to do it because they didn't have 3 kids by 3 mothers/fathers. It's not like this was something out of her control. If I spend a ton of money on silly stuff and go majorly into debt, I don't get to later go "oh my god I don't know why my life is SOOOO stressful, I'm just CONSTANTLY having to pay off credit card bills" and expect worlds of sympathy.
  4. I could believe it. This is random speculation but I think Javi is a lot worse than he comes across. Roxanne's behavior at the restaurant was gross and trashy, but Devoin's comment about Briana not having a father was totally out of line. He deserves to be put in his place. Unfortunately, Roxanne and co don't get that that kind of behavior makes THEM look bad. If Roxanne had stayed classy, Devoin's statement would have come across more as the disgusting comment that it was.
  5. This is certainly true. He doesn't ever say "that's not true" or anything about their accusations. I guess he could just not want to deal with their drama, but Luis doesn't seem like a wilting flower to me.
  6. How long do we think until Javi gets her pregnant and they try to pitch their own special, reality show, and book series?
  7. That was a LOT of unnecessary cheetah print. It was very Snooki.
  8. So true! They would not even come near anything other than MY last name if I had one of these baby daddies.
  9. Plus they are doing totally basic things...the pics/videos are of David at a fountain with his son, Nathan having breakfast with his son, hugging him, etc. Um...those are normal things? Like 100% normal and average? They don't "prove" anything about your abilities as a parent. Even abusive and neglectful parents go out to lunch with their kids and smile at them sometimes, unless it's truly Dateline level constant abuse. If you think those normal things are that "special" you might be a really weird person with a very abnormal life.
  10. I read this quickly and thought you called them "ass minions." It wouldn't be totally wrong. At least she looks like she's showering in LA? Looking on the bright side.
  11. Right. As with many things with the coven, the method and delivery are about the shittiest I've ever seen, but often the message isn't actually wrong. It's part of why they drive me so nuts, because more than half the time I'm like, YOU ARE RIGHT! You are actually right in this conflict! But you are so goddamn annoying and obnoxious that literally no one is going to listen! Who cares about being nice to the baby daddies, I'm pretty sure they were going to be worthless either way, but don't they want people in general to actually hear them? It makes me want someone very smart and patient to sit them down, put duct tape over their mouths, and slowwwwly say, "You are not allowed to speak unless you've written out what you want to say and it's been translated by a lawyer."
  12. Nathan has some pics and videos up of himself and Kaiser with, of course, Nathan's mom. Some of them are cute, but save one or two, they are all captioned with things that are clearly digs at those who've insulted him as a dad ("Oh, I'm SO mean" or "I don't know what's hard about disciplining him" accompanied by a video of him doing what he's told). Same with the pics/videos of David with his son-from-the-mother-he-threw-out-of-a-moving-car and the captions that are so clearly desperately trying to convince people he's a good dad/the hatters are wrong...If you're spending time with your child, JUST SPEND TIME WITH THEM. If the whole every-other-weekend you get is just spent taking photos and videos trying to get in a dig at your ex or impress randos on Instagram/Twitter, news flash, you are probably a shitty parent. As long as the court lets you spend time with them, why all the captions and 'gotcha' social media posts? It's creepy. Are we 12 and having a middle school social media fight, but with parenting and custody battles?!
  13. This is true. Brianna doesn't handle things correctly, but I do think that she was understandably shocked to know he has money or at least gets paychecks (and then squanders them on whatever). From the way she talked about his money before it seemed she thought he had none at all or was living hand to mouth. She should put her money where HER mouth is and get a solid agreement. She's an absolutely terrible communicator, but I also get the sense that she doesn't know a lot about his life because he suddenly kind of showed up again once MTV started filming.
  14. It seems like the professors at least did try by giving her so many terrible grades. She just ignores them. Her ego is unmatched.
  15. I'd like to hope that Barb's friend was just going along with whatever the producers were prompting her to say, maybe? Barb looked pretty nonplussed, which to me seemed weird because I'd be ridiculously offended and angry if my "friend" was saying such patently ludicrous things to me. Her reaction made me hope that it was mostly a staged dialogue because the producers were sucking up to Jenelle. Maybe not, but otherwise I can't understand her "friend's" silly opinions at all. They were totally unfounded.
  16. Raised on it? Was Jenelle actually raised hunting? Agree with Farrah here (it's about Jenelle).
  17. Just in time for Christmas present buying season, he's done it again!
  18. Yikes, what a selfish move. I hope Jo in particular doesn't kowtow to her.
  19. Oh, I didn't know that reference, Eminem was most popular when I was very little. It must have turned into an "ironic"/reclaimed term since then, lol. Re: the second paragraph, this is very true. Though she has many flaws, it's not like she went out of her way to adopt a child or something and subject them to her emotional issues. She was absolutely forced into it.
  20. My friend is embarrassed to have to join y'all's friends but she does.
  21. LOL I love braids so I can't hate. I went to the store the other day and saw all those crushed velvet shirts. I really wish they weren't back, I remember wearing them as a '90s kid and thinking even then that they were kind of weird.
  22. Stan isn't an insult...people call themselves it all the time ("I stan *singer,* I can't wait for her concert"). People sometimes use it that way but people will also say "I think Beyonce is cool, but I'm not a stan," just meaning they don't like her all that much. :) Sorry if the colloquialism caused confusion, I meant no harm. Yeah, I think that is a highly unreasonable expectation. David has weapons, doesn't he? And Jenelle is scary enough on her own but when she feels she has a "man" (I use the term lightly) on her side she gets even worse. However, I do believe Barb should have called the police. In many cases, I feel that she doesn't have strong enough boundaries, especially around Jace. I feel for her regarding that, but...she is Jace's mom in every way. Her loyalty has to be to him.
  23. Lol I loved that lawyer. She straight up told him he acted like an asshole and had a drinking problem. He looked like he wanted to kill her. It was glorious.
  24. No, it means to be a hardcore, devoted fan of someone. Well right but that's what we've got to work with, lol. Chelsea is completely average and mediocre and she is undoubtedly the top of the list here, so the curve starts with her as A+ and works its way down to Jenelle. I'd love to be in a class with a curve that generous!
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