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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Wow that is the most obvious fake "no makeup" selfie I've ever seen.
  2. I agree, I think she is probably annoying just because she's so bored and doesn't get a lot of stimulation and attention. I'd probably scream too living with Leah.
  3. She looks like a lot of folks I know in the queer community, she's just butch. Which I'm sure Kailyn will appropriate as she does ethnicities. And I agree, it's fine to have preferences but she reminds me of the white guys who only date Asian girls and say it's because of ridiculous stereotypes like "they're more submissive." Aaaahhh Yeah, she looked young. Not beautiful or anything, just objectively young. She definitely doesn't now, which I get is hard to do with 3 kids, but smoking does you no favors at all.
  4. I just shuddered at the second sentence. But you're right.
  5. They are too damn young for that! And omg, yes on the "got it." It gets under my skin. Nessa in general is the human embodiment of an alarm clock or nails on a chalkboard.
  6. It didn't come across as sexual to me (the positioning looks more like a height disparity thing) but it does seem possessive to me in light of what we know of him.
  7. She's always been bi, so I'm sure the girlfriend is real. Just another innocent soul to trap into a toxic relationship, aka Tuesday! Awww ;)
  8. I'm so confused by this. Even if you don't hate the TMs, why choose them as your celeb faves? I know not everyone is going to dislike them as strongly as I do, but to LOVE and defend them? For what?
  9. To defend my own generation a tiny bit, it seems like we all suck: Middle-aged folks apparently spend even more time than millennials on social media. http://mashable.com/2017/01/25/middle-aged-spend-more-time-on-social-media-than-millennials/#ZvJhrUud6kqT I'm addicted myself a bit so I have nothing to say about it, lol. Omg EW with this Daddy Javi thing...it is creepy to combine your clearly sexual term for your boyfriend of two seconds with his relationship with his and your kids...
  10. I'm one of those who doesn't think he's gay (though he could be bi)...he seemed too into those strippers at his party. I think he's not been physically attracted to her since high school and also finds her unattractive emotionally/personality wise. I think he gets off on playing savior though. He's no better than her and any other partner would make that clear. With Cate he can always feel superior.
  11. I believe she is suicidal. People deal with it in many ways. Not all of them are healthy or appropriate. There's no way from someone's outward behavior to know if they are truly suicidal or not. If she says she is, she likely is. However, truth be told, my husband did call for help for me once because I was feeling suicidal (the person who had sexually assaulted me got in touch with me). I wasn't hospitalized, so it wasn't nearly as dramatic, but still, he has never told a living soul about it. Certainly hasn't tried to be seen as a savior. That's just weird. I'm all for people being super open about their mental health problems, including the nitty gritty details, because they're part of life and it can help others...but something about the way C&T, and *especially* Tyler, do everything just rubs me the wrong way.
  12. Oh, it's for the woman's pleasure? I thought it was just for aesthetics and I was wondering how often they even looked at it or if they were being pressured by their partners. I stand corrected.
  13. I think most of the things Javi does are for attention and/or fame, at least partly. He plays a family man on TV, and he seems to be a good dad, but if some girl with no aims for the celeb life tried to get with him, I doubt he'd have any interest. In fact, his most recent breakup was caused by his girlfriend's desire for privacy and dislike of the MTV association. I'm not saying he literally has zero attraction to Briana. These things are more complicated than that. But despite his claims, I certainly don't think he's looking for deep "true love" or anything.
  14. I'm just wondering what is happening to all of these people's vaginas. I gave birth recently and I haven't noticed any, ahem, rejuvenation needs? What exactly are they rejuvenating?
  15. You guys, this is TM. Faithfulness is not required. Just turn off the deer cam.
  16. I would have so much more respect if she just said she wanted to bang and was irresponsible about protection. The third baby daddy act is so desperate and embarrassing to watch. Not that Chris is probably any better than her, unlike her previous two baby daddies. What goes around comes around...
  17. You and me both, and I'm not even a man. Well, "love" is strong, maybe. ;)
  18. Sometimes there's just a bad egg and nothing to be done about it. Nathan is the kind of asshole that probably dreamed of oily bodybuilder steroid fueled stardom before ever going into boot camp, but his mom sure is a gem. Maybe she just spoiled him. I'm glad she's trying to get custody and being proactive. It's Kaiser's only hope. I wish Ensley had a Doris or Barb.
  19. Jeremy seems like he would last 15 seconds, demand to be told he was awesome in bed, and refuse to give, only receive, ifyaknowwhatimean. I don't get the appeal. He really seems to have some issues with that. He is a major slut shamer and gives the guys an easy time a lot. And he throws assholes like Jenelle and Amber softballs when they should be interrogated. The only ones he's been rude to are Chelsea, for keeping her dating life mostly private, and Farrah for the porn. Both of which are legal things. He don't make no sense.
  20. Oh my god. NOOOOOOOO You'd think he would have developed better habits about a lot of things.... That sounds super fun! I once subletted a friend's apartment while she was away. She left me a care package that included edibles (Swedish fish type things?) with a Post-it note winkface on top, assuming I would know what that meant, I guess. I'd never had edibles before and thought she was just being cute because I'm known to eat a lot of candy. I ATE ALL SIX OF THEM. Was out of my mind for several days. Luckily, I was on school break. The thing I most remember is sitting eyeball to eyeball with her one-eyed cat.
  21. This, this, a thousand times this. Except that unfortunately I think he's cowardly enough to think that pulling a trigger makes a difference in his masculinity. Actual masculine people might go hunting, just like feminine people might, they're really not related...and other masculine people might not be into it at all. The issue with David, which you point out, is that he is so insecure about his masculinity that IMO he's the type to try to "prove" it with violence. He's a scared child, but one who will do anything to prove he's not.
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