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St. Claire

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Everything posted by St. Claire

  1. Exactly. Even if she didn't grasp the cry for help when he first uttered it, the repetition should have tipped her off.
  2. With all of April's talk of her needs for healing and such, I expected Jackson to respond to her asking "Do you really want this divorce?" to "No, but I need it." Through every fight, everything was all about what she needed for herself and she continued to ignore what Jackson needed in the healing from the death of their child (newsflash, April, both of you lost a son) and what he needed from their marriage.
  3. Ah, Grace, you came so close to being this episode's hero! She probably had no idea how important her moment of kindness was to Taylor, and it was shattered by him encountering Wes as he left. If only he'd been able to leave the campus without being set off again. Sometimes we can lose sight of how a simple, basic, seemingly minor moment can make such a huge difference- the small amount we've seen of the school receptionist indicates that she's good at her job (efficient, personable) and it's likely that she didn't make a conscious choice to show some kindness to Taylor, she just did it. And now it's all been undone. Anne refusing to leave Taylor, just cradling him in her arms, while the police came gutted me. My son, when he was younger and some of his mood disorder-related outbursts weren't yet fully identified and treated, used to have to be restrained but when the incident would pass and his brain allow him to actually process what was happening around him, he would just sort of collapse into my lap. There's a huge difference between a nine-year-old who is thrashing and throwing things and kicking and such versus a high school boy with a gun, but I still had a visceral reaction to seeing them sitting in that booth.
  4. Now we see the stubborn dad who refuses to call an exterminator for the squirrels. I wonder if the spy son likes Cornish game hens and endive salad?
  5. I had a jerk turkey flatbread sandwich at Green Turtle the other night. I dipped it in raspberry sauce; it was tasty.
  6. Even though I am often annoyed by Straight Talk commercials, the delivery of "No, it's absolutely pronounced 'ohn-deeve'" is a longstanding joke between me and my sister and still makes me laugh even though the commercial no longer airs. I thought of this commercial yesterday while in the produce aisle, and I suddenly realized that this is the Mom from the GEICO commercial.
  7. It's too bad that Courtney Cox doesn't use the same surgeon as Marilu Henner. Lu looked good. I think the Taxi cast was my favorite on the couch, but I also really like Will&Grace and Cheers. #HisNameIsGeorge made me laugh.
  8. His cardboard cut out is there on the call, smiling blankly back at this colleagues. I'd rather be making s'mores instead of doing a call, but a life-sized replica of me won't be able to take meeting notes!!
  9. It looked to me like her ep14 hair was shoulder length, which is consistent with where Dr. Crazypants hacked it. While she was constrained, she had some decent length on the ponytail beyond her shoulders.High Maura made me laugh.
  10. OK, but what happens when the woman leading the meeting asks "What do you think, Tad?"
  11. Is it awful that I saw that George Gaynes died and my first thought was that he'd been dead for years?
  12. I think all of those songs are more compelling musically (and I would have been thrilled to pieces if they'd performed one of the Cabinet rap battles), "Alexander Hamilton" is a perfect song for an audience who isn't fully familiar with the show because it puts the whole cast out there- the other songs cover either the wartime/political A.Ham (missing out on the fantasticness of Phillipa Soo) or the personal one (missing out on the fantasticness of Daveed Diggs and Leslie Odom, Jr.).
  13. I've lived in MD for my entire life, and often hear it pronounced as ree-dic-u-lous. Or even worse, I saw post on one of the discussion board that said a scene on last night's Grey's Anatomy made him or her feel "nauseas." I'll go one step further- I believe it should have a semicolon. "The alleged assailant and the victim argued" has both a subject and a verb and, thus, is a complete clause; "about what, we don't know" is as well. That may be my personal love for the semicolon showing through, though.
  14. From the comment string in "The Me Nobody Knows": Maybe the writers do sometimes think ahead, or refer back to previous episodes. I know that Mer was not critical when Penny had to stand up to Jackson and defend her reasoning for cutting the wires, but she finally did assert herself against the established male doctor, and what she did was in her patient's best interest. So, can this be the end of her arc? I'm OK with Penny fading into the background or going away completely.
  15. Amelia can have all sorts of seats. "Oh, poor me, when I saw you on the trauma room table, all I could think about was how hard it would be for me to face another funeral!" I'm almost glad that Meredith kept your 30-day chip. (I'm really not. Keeping the chip felt vindictive, even though I have barely any sympathy for Amelia at all.) Shondaland likes to go all out with beaten-doctor make-up. I've done theatrical make-up, so this episode (like Charlotte's attack on PP) made me watch for realistic bruise shading. I thought they cleared it all up a bit too quickly; there should have been some scenes with yellowing bruises around her eyes and cheeks. As much as I would have preferred that Jo was Mer's doctor instead of Penny (it would have been a great way to underscore Mer finally coming to respect the woman that Alex loves), I guess they wanted to give Penny her "stand up to the men in power" moment by justifying her action to Jackson after she cut the mouth wires. That scene wouldn't have worked as well coming from Jo, since she wasn't in the intro training scene with the voiceover about the women's voices not being heard.
  16. OK, I concede that I'd rather have the Golden Corral gift card than the Vermont Teddy Bear. But either one (or an open butt necklace) is reason for me to question whether my husband has sustained a head injury that impaired his judgement; this year (as we have for the past couple Valentine's Days) we have reservations at our local ale house, which has an excellent chef as well as an outstanding brewer.
  17. Pretty much all I did to earn accident forgiveness on my LM policy was to live in a state that has it. I never signed up for it, but I was glad to have it when I skidded on an icy on ramp after a storm a few years back. The daughter doesn't require a loan to pay for her college because she's so super smart that she got a full ride to the university of her choice. :-) I don't think they are too tight, but I do thing the length is kinda wonky. Not quite long enough for regular pants, but too long for ankle pants.
  18. Even better are the outtakes/alternate Momversations that you can find on YouTube. My sister has taken to posting random quotes on my FB wall, like "have you ever heard of a nutria?" Of course it's better. Dame Helen Mirren can do no wrong.
  19. I think the Denny's ad folks are in cahoots with FX, which is now running a 10-part mini series about the OJ trial as season 1 of American Crime Story.
  20. Jeff Foxworthy is encouraging all the menfolk to give the ladies a gift certificate to Golden Corral for Valentine's Day. My husband told me that he assumes that giving me a gift certificate to Golden Corral is actually shorthand for "please take me to divorce court."
  21. It just got really dusty in here, or maybe somebody's chopping some onions. Dang. Organ donation is a particular cause of mine, and loyal dogs tug at my heartstrings.
  22. At first I thought she was asking because she thought Jamie was only pursuing the topic because he was possibly interested in Carpenter. So, when she said that giving his shield number to an attractive lady cop would have been right up Joe's alley, I laughed.
  23. While I was not surprised that the entire family came to the decision to let Carpenter have Joe's shield number, I felt like the discussion got very pushy. Put it to a vote, then call out everyone who hasn't jumped in with his or her "yes" (Nikki, Jack) until they cave; then you can proudly say that the vote was unanimous.
  24. I refer to my husband as "Dad" if I am speaking of him directly to our kids ("go tell Dad that dinner is ready"), just as I refer to my own father as "Grandy" when I speak to my kids (but I call him "Dad" if talking to my mom or my sister). The entry in my phone that says "Dad" is my father, though, because Dad is not my husband's name.
  25. I just saw a commercial last night which was, I think, for a car with built in voice-to-text capabilities (or maybe it was for texting service that can be used in your car. Not sure). The boys were in the car while their dad went into the store or whatever, so they texted "Mom" and started leaving messages about how well behaved the boys were and how they deserved rewards. The reply text was "You decide; they're your kids." and Dad returned to ask "Why are you guys texting Grandma?" First, any kid old enough to be left in the car unattended is old enough to know that the "Mom" entry in their father's contact list wouldn't be his wife. My kids used to try to get the voice call option in my car to respond to their voices by saying "Dial [Hubby's first name]" Also, those boys can stuff it, trying to finagle their way into being rewarded for...whatever.
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