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Everything posted by KenyaJ

  1. As he said at the check out, his steak was $150. And by the time he, Charley, and Amanda had their groceries rung up, they were at $600, with $400 left for Laura and Danny, so I don't think Manny deserves any blame for blowing through the Green Team's budget. That really did come down to Laura (they were up to $925 before they even started ringing Danny's items) and it was ridiculous for her to spend that much on her course.
  2. Jenn? Hmmm, didn't see that coming. She seems really young to be The Bachelorette.
  3. Respect to Daisy for realizing she wasn't ready and turning down The Bachelorette. Considering all the fame and money that can come with being TB, it shows a lot of character to turn it down. I don't know what's next for her, but I wish her all the best.
  4. IKR? I've watched this show since Andrew Firestone's season, and it's so refreshing to see nice people being nice to each other and genuinely wishing each other well. As much as I love a trashy season full of drama, this season was a nice palate cleanser.
  5. Awww, my heart just grew three sizes. They're adorable together.
  6. So I said during Joey and Daisy's fantasy-suite week date that I felt like both of them were positioning her to be the next Bachelorette, and this episode definitely sealed it. But I can't be mad. She showed a lot of grace and those last two scenes with Kelsey were really lovely. This is like the nicest, kindest, Bachelor season ever.
  7. Okay, seeing Daisy and Kelsey in the limo together legitimately shocked me. Jesse wasn't lying, LOL.
  8. How many free trips to paradise has Neil gotten out of this show? I'm so jealous.
  9. I have to appreciate how not great Joey is at faking his feelings. He couldn't even pretend to be happy and excited about Daisy telling him she loves him. On the one hand, it sucks for Daisy because she can tell something is off. But at least when she looks back on it, she won't feel blindsided wondering how she missed that he was more in love with someone else.
  10. LOL. Joey's wish was the kiss of death.
  11. Does Karen have a publicist? A lawyer? I want to know who's responsible for her statement to TMZ when news of the accident had broken but news of her DUI hadn't yet. Because to call it disingenuous would be polite. These are . . . a lot of lies.
  12. Rachel has been nothing but lovely on this show. What kind of hateful degenerate do you have to be to send her hateful and racist messages? What is wrong with people?
  13. That was a valiant attempt by the producers to inject some drama into Joey's choice, but I'll eat my hat if it's not Kelsey in the end.
  14. I think he and Daisy are knowingly setting up her Bachelorette origin story.
  15. Did the producers request all those butterflies? LOL. Either way, it made me say "awwww." The difference in Joey's dates with Rachel and Kelsey couldn't have been more obvious. I like Rachel, but her date with Joey was one of the dreariest, least romantic fantasy suite dates I've ever sat through. Meanwhile, he can't keep the smile off his face with Kelsey, and can't keep his hands or his lips off of her. I really like watching them together.
  16. Why should Ariana make it easy for her so-called best friend to maintain a friendship with the ex who betrayed her so badly? If Scheana still wants to be friends with Tom, she's perfectly entitled to do that. But Ariana is perfectly entitled to protect her peace and mental health by putting herself at a distance from Tom's friends. Scheana wants Ariana to absolve her of the guilt she feels for caring more about Tom's friendship than Ariana's feelings and Ariana doesn't owe her that at all. If someone had told me a year ago I'd be defending Ariana (whom I've never really enjoyed on the show), I wouldn't have believed them. But this season was filmed four months after Scandoval happened and it's wild to me that people, including the cast, are acting like she should be over it and ready to play nice already.
  17. Exactly. Dorit is a repeat offender and Garcelle has explained to her over multiple seasons why her microaggressions are problematic. Dorit doesn't care to be better. She's happy living in her "bubble" and Garcelle is right to leave her there and move on. I think Garcelle reached that point at Taco Tuesday when she said she was done trying to educate Dorit. She's sick of Dorit's shit and so am I.
  18. I really liked Lexi and I'm sad to see her go, but I appreciated her so much for realizing she needed to have that conversation with Joey. This is the kind of stuff these people need to be discussing and I can't remember if I've ever seen that conversation on the show in such a serious way. I liked that she knew Joey's desire to put off children for a while was as valid as her reasons for not wanting to wait that long and that they both realized it didn't make either of them wrong, it just made them incompatible. It was such a mature conversation on both their parts and really made me hope for both of them to find the right person. They both really deserve it.
  19. I laughed so hard when Sutton clocked 8.5 for serving Korbel at the party. There's a $3.5 million dollar necklace in the room and you're serving Korbel? Gurl. Heather Dubrow would stroke out. Good for Garcelle for standing by everything she said last season. She was 100% right and I'm so glad she didn't let Erika guilt or bully her into saying otherwise.
  20. Jess, we all remember how you double dipped on 1-on-1 time with Joey on the first night. Spare me the tears about how disrespectful that is. There's such an obvious gap in maturity between the 23-24 year-old (Lea, Jess) and the 29-30 year-olds (Maria, Madina, Lexi). I really like Joey as the Bachelor. I suppose there's still lots of time for him to display tool-like tendencies the way most Bachelors do, but he seems to be a really genuine, respectful guy. I can actually understand why these girls would want him to be their husband.
  21. Seriously. Don't any of these girls have happy stories? It's really repetitive watching all these women cry on their dates with Joey. I know production is instructing them to open up, but even though these are probably things Joey should know, they aren't things the audience needs to see, at least not over and over again.
  22. I want Garcelle and Sutton to have their own spinoff travel show. They're so fun together. Thank you, Erika, for reminding me what an unfeeling bitch you are, and that the "new" Erika has been 100% fake. Both she and her earrings can go to hell.
  23. I've always said this! Even when they're sniping at each other on the show, their actions say otherwise. I remember the episode a few seasons ago when Karen and Ray renewed their vows. It was during a period when Karen and Gizelle supposedly weren't getting along, but during the party, there was multiple shots of Gizelle looking genuinely happy for and celebrating Karen. They know what's required of them for the show, but they really do seem to have a genuine friendship off of it. And, in a surprise to myself, their relationship is one of the only things I'm enjoying about this season. It was really nice seeing them with their girls and seeing what lovely young women they've grown into.
  24. Honestly, instead of raking them across the coals, the whole cast should've been thanking Taylor and Austen for giving them this season's only storyline. Seriously, what else did any of them have to talk about? I can't believe we got a whole season of that nothing of a storyline. JFC.
  25. Did she forget she was being filmed at Annemarie's house when she basically gave Annemarie her marching orders? Annemarie sucks for harassing Sutton about her damn esophagus, full stop. But Kyle's not escaping her part in this. On another note, it's been incredibly uncomfortable to watch Kyle and Mauricio interact all season long. I was shocked when I first heard of their split, but it makes total sense after watching this season. Finally, Annemarie not knowing Taylor Dayne is just another reason she sucks. Add it to the pile.
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