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Everything posted by Whyyouneedaname

  1. my take from the gingerbread house contest: Jana would act just like Lauren did at the couples retreat, the minute things weren't going well she's out. Whether it be with the siblings or with a mate she taps out when things start going a little south. The Duggar Dash she had the same reaction, she wanted to give up. & if they had left Kendra alone she would've birthed that baby in a matter of minutes instead of laying there in pain for an hour, was that even a push when the nurse gave her to okay lol.
  2. what was it the grandmother said in the previews about the 13 year old...."Deon & Karen don't know what their 13 year old is going thru" or something to that affect. I wonder what GiGi thinks of all the kids?
  3. My husband has a cousin that had twins with her first pregnancy, got pregnant again with twins so she had some test done, her dr told her she would "probably" have twins or multiples with every pregnancy. She had her tubes tied after the second set lol.
  4. Is this the same pic she used before with something stuck in her teeth or is this just a thing with her 🤢
  5. my first thought was....why??? Why in the world would you post a selfie looking this haggard???
  6. fell asleep, woke up to a Jessa talking head with bangs....took me a minute to figure out it was old footage. What was the deal with the rerun??
  7. looks like she didn't comb her hair for the interview 🙄 or wash her face.
  8. I didn't watch the video but she looks like this most all of the time 🤢 I just can't see Chris looking at her and thinking "this is who I want to spend the rest of my life with" oh well......
  9. we went out on the lake this past weekend and got out of the pontoon at a sandbar to swim around and cool off. My grandson, he's 2, had on a lifejacket, it was different than the puddle jumper he uses at our pool. This life jacket kept tipping him forward and he couldn't keep his face out of the water. The puddle jumper has arm floaties built in and it keeps him face up. I was shocked that the life jacket did that. It was a little scary for me until we got back to the pier, just knowing if something happened he could possibly drown 😞
  10. No I think that was Amos, he lost & found his ax last night.
  11. & the confetti filled things were a waste because the ticket number holder had the pink ticket. Am I missing something?? I honestly had to rewatch that scene to figure it out.
  12. the wedding I think, by the mention of Thanksgiving, was in November & outside. From my experience with my son getting married outside Courtney had on appropriate attire, especially having to deal with toddlers. Not something I would wear to a wedding but what others wore. I don't know what Kayleigh's mom looks like but I only saw Courtney's friends and mom helping her. The blond friend is Kayleigh's cousin.
  13. I guess I never thought it was any different. I always say "crank the car" 🤷‍♀️
  14. As much as most people dislike Amy I'm glad Jill has someone in her life that she grew up with.
  15. people were commenting that he had had the cyst or whatever was on his neck removed. I think he's just gained so much weight that its now hidden in fat 😳 good gracious they look a mess.
  16. I think the whole idea is she has said before she can't cook anything but spaghetti. The whole show will probably be a "lets laugh at Courtney because she can't cook". I myself can't understand why you wouldn't want to learn how to cook, I like to eat out just like everyone else but nothing beats a home cooked meal, that's just my opinion lol. Speaking of which can you imagine the food bill at a restaurant for that many when the tups get a little older 😳.
  17. I think the lady she was talking to about the house was Junes momma, I also think they whole idea behind it was to show their relationship as opposed to MJ & momma.......just my take.
  18. I hate when someone pronounces it that way.....but I'm from Northern Aluhbamuh 😉 maybe a little further south.
  19. I know right, but then again it worked out so well for her mom 🙄
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