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  1. She's almost 5. I only know this because my son is roughly the same age as Addy. A 4 year old cannot fully comprehend death. They are still energetic, silly, and can easily forget rules. Yup, a gun sounds like the perfect gift.
  2. The first month of breastfeeding can be painful for a first time mom. I'll give her that. After you get into a groove with baby, it's smooth sailing. I've been there. But you know what I did? I called a lactation consultant for 1 on 1 help. I didn't realize that Auj was the only woman to have a newborn. I also couldn't muster up the energy to hum a Jesus tune at 12, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 am to my baby. This girl's sacrifice is incredible. Through tears even! Actually, I smell PPD and I'm very curious to see what her stance is on seeking help for mental health issues.
  3. Looks like she got her perfect faux redneck hoedown wedding, pool party included. That giant, future murderer could barely walk down the aisle. That was like 2015 Leah Messer level of fucked up. Leaning on Jenelle for balance, kla$$ee. The lawn was long and scraggly. I know, you shouldn't mow newly laid sod, this is why planning ahead is important. Jenelle's dress is see through, New Step-Dad's suit isn't tailored, Jace's suit is too big, Kaiser has no shoes, Maryssa had to hold Ensley the whole time, her poor arms must be sore. Lastly, I don't see Footloose on her playlist, what is a wedding without Footloose?
  4. You're right, the house Javi initially moved into is a different house. Javi moved again, just within the past month or so, so it won't be shown on the current season. On his Snapchat he was walking through their old empty house and explained that it was his and Kail's first house, and he's moving back into it as part of the divorce settlement. Then he was showing how he's decorating Lincoln's room and getting his living room set up. I'm just going by what he said on his Snap video. Just checked land titles and mapped it, that house is a 10 minute walk/2 min drive from Jo's.
  5. Javi actually moved back into his and Kail's first house (which they kept as a rental), while Kail got to keep the newer house. Remember, Jo wanted to move closer to Issac, so he bought a house in the same neighbourhood as Kail and Javi, which prompted them to move away from Jo immediately. I don't believe they are literally next door, but they are living close enough to walk. I bet Kail hates that.
  6. I think you're right. A few episodes back, Mackenzie and Ryan were looking at venues. Mackenzie told Ryan she was pretty sure Keelie's wedding reception was at that particular place. Keelie is Maci's longtime school friend. Maci and Keelie are what, 26 years old, or close to it. Unless Mackenzie has an older sibling or worked with Keelie at one point, I don't see when she would have befriended Keelie and been invited to her wedding. Probably internet stalked their whole group before pursuing Ryan.
  7. She did actually. For the most part, she was curled up in the chair looking bored and upset. When Debz said she wanted to die, Sophia's eyes widened, she turned to her grandma and you could see she mouthed "no!" at her. That's got to be a terrifying thing to hear at 8 years old.
  8. Chris's snide remarks are going right over Amy's head. She's eager to have a new husband and her poor self esteem is making her feel like Chris is her only option. That, and in comparisons to how she was treated by Matt, Chris doesn't seem so bad. The asshole wants sex, tv income, and is drawn in because Amy's always doing something fun and different. He doesn't want to be with Amy for who Amy is. He doesn't want any woman permanently. If he were upfront about that, he'd lose the fun perks associated with Amy and would have to 'play' with regular ladies. So he leads her on with a we'll see what the future holds. Jeremy, toddlers love watching airplanes fly overhead. Anyone else catch Jer saying he's excited that Zack is having a baby, and Poj quietly agrees with a "yeaahh..." Such a supportive girl that Audrey is. Matt and Amy really don't seem to have a volatile, noisy divorce where one would want to shield small children from seeing, in fact it seems quite cordial. Jeremy just doesn't want his child exposed to his parents dating and living separately, because that is the ultimate sin when your job is to sell marriage booklets on Instagram.
  9. What a squish! Jackson is so cute. Thank you Zach and Tori for spelling his name correctly. I'm seeing far too many "Jaxons" lately, I almost forgot there was a proper spelling. Oh and both parents look fresh and well rested, what is this? Pretty certain I looked like I was hit by a truck 2 days post partum, lol. This baby will be so loved!
  10. I predict Jeremy is going to be a fairly hands-off dad. Audrey is the woman and she will be doing woman's work. Jeremy will be taking nice photos of the baby and posting them to appear involved, but he isn't going to be doing half the dirty work. Audrey sells essential oils through a MLM business. She posted on Instagram something about how the oils help keep her pregnancy peaceful and relaxed. I understand it's sales and that's what you're supposed to write, but I'm totally cringing knowing it's a dig at Tori. I had easy, breezy pregnancies too, but it's definitely not something to boast about around other pregnant women. Audrey's Christian lecture writing may as well become a new DARE program, but for Jesus. Don't do drugs or you will go to jail. You must follow Jesus to the core (like Jeremy and I do) or else you will burn in hell. I get it, you strictly follow the Bible... chill, guys.
  11. iheartla

    Being Matt

    Of course she bonded with the kids more, 19 and 26 aren't too far off. I don't think they would be friends if it weren't for Matt, but they easily had a little girl talk together. Brooklyn was uncomfortable but polite when Leah was laying on her at the restaurant. She didn't seem to know how to react, like she hasn't been around kids much. She should meet her 10 younger siblings. The rest of the special was painful. "You're a good person dad." "I know" Matt was trying so hard to redeem himself, totally hamming it up for the camera, which thankfully only made it more obvious that he's a creep.
  12. Jenelle is an idiot. You don't buy floor seats for little kids. She's been to Kesha, her idol, she should know how concerts are. Although yes, it's annoying when people stand on their chairs and you're short. Again, don't buy floor seats. Who leaves her newborn for the 100th time? Jenelle does. This time she's choosing to be absent for her very first Easter, while Kaiser is at an age where he's actually going to enjoy hunting for Easter eggs. Between Ensley's flat head (from laying her down too much) and being left with a sitter every other week, the contrast between Ensley's and Watson's little lives are already harsh.
  13. Leah the life coach... okay then. Who would like life advice from the girl who dropped her panties for another man the night before her wedding? Or who jumped into a serious relationship immediately after her divorce? .... and then cheated on her second husband? Who has a dangerous hoarding problem, and abused drugs to cope with her anxiety and depression, to the point where her kids were neglected and she lost custody? Who doesn't believe her doctor when It comes to MD and whel-chairs? I'm glad she seems to be trying to be there for her kids now, but she's no where near role model/life coach status. Also, what happened to the puppy she got a little while ago?
  14. Is it just me or does she not even look pregnant? The extreme curve from her ass implants with her large chest makes the bump blend in like it belongs.
  15. I look at that water and all I picture is long slimy seaweed growing throughout and driftwoods and God knows what else entangled in the seaweed mess. For a girl who loves the beach and ocean, why does she spend her time here? In this muck? Living and boating in a swamp. There's a perfectly nice ocean available in NC, lol. I know, David wanted to. Silly question. Ensley can't even hold her head up yet. She's not heavy enough for a lifejacket. She should not be on that boat. Unfortunately, I see a lot of invincible parents taking tiny babies on the boat thinking it's fine. It's not.
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