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Sup wit dat

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Everything posted by Sup wit dat

  1. OMG the tough "cash me ousside" girl has a app on the playstore! She's really milking her 15 minutes: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cash.meoutside
  2. Rofl, a pic outside an extended stay hotel? Wait, what? You mean they're not heading to Brownsville to live in Noah's "lab"? Wow, I feel duped. /sarcasm
  3. I laughed during Bam's heart to heart with dear ol' dad when he said: "I'm not the most nostalgic in the world but it's different when you turn 30 and you're not a teenager anymore..." Note to Bam: you stopped being a teenager at 20, not 30. So much for bush homeschooling. What's really on Bam's mind: "I hate this show and I'd rather be banging my girlfriend in New York. I'm outta here."
  4. Co$ is creepy in so many ways, right? I'm sure they're not stalking you. They obviously keep everything and anything they have on anyone and looked up your hubby on the internet for his current address. I wonder why they're blitzing everyone with marketing info. Perhaps Leah is having an impact so they're desperately recruiting. That would be amazing! But nowadays there's a handy little thing called the internet and all people have to do is google Scientology to see what they'd really be getting into with this cult. I wanna see the downfall of Co$ so much!
  5. The newsletter makes it all sound so easy: What a bunch of bullshit. And by the way, the first class is $50, which is what the return envelope was for. The address on my newsletter: Church of Scientology of Mountain View 3226 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054 Weird they're like 3-1/2 hours away from where I live, but it's almost worth the drive so I can bang on their door screaming, "But I wanna be an aaaaaa-leeee-unnnnn!" And if you want to create a throw-away email account for them, there's this: Mountainview@scientology.net i might create whereisshelly@gmail.com, or, iwannabeanalien@gmail.com, or...tomcruiseismybitch@gmail.com (I'm having way too much fun with this newsletter!)
  6. Today I received a Co$ newsletter in the mail...I just about jumped for joy! I'm going to write "Where's Shelly" on the postage-paid return envelope and drop it in the mail, haha!
  7. My worst nightmare would be if put out a distress call and saw these motley clowns coming to rescue me in that rotting rustbucket that only moves about 2 knots max and has smoke coming from the engine room. /facepalm
  8. But to enjoy the restaurants of Hoonah, they've gotta travel one, er, two, no, wait...SIX hours across the brutal sea that always gets stormy every time they get in their boat that catches fire and breaks down but is miraculously fixed just before they hit the rocks...we're talking life-threatening situations here. Surely they wouldn't abandon their self-sufficient bush lifestyle and take such risks just to eat in a restaurant. They'd much rather wait for Matt to get back with his kill, or maybe they waited for the tide to go out and found their crab pots. On a more serious note, I'm craving fish and chips now.
  9. @SRTouch I can't stop laughing. I hope you keep watching because your recaps and comments are freakin' hilarious! I was about to delete the timer on my dvr because I was getting tired of saying "WTF" to my tv, but reading the comments on this forum make it worth watching. Edited to add: after Bear's extreme awesome explosion to clear the rock(s) from the hole for the wind turbine base, there wasn't any rock removed. They also showed an aerial shot and there weren't any rocks laying around looking like they had just been removed from the ground. It looks like after the fail explosion they threw dirt in to cover the rock back up and called it a day.
  10. Yes, but that's their MO. The thing is, she was kicking their ass in court so I find it incredible that she agreed to a gag order. Scientology is so good at silencing people it's unbelievable. Leah mentioned in this episode that they are working on things they can't talk about. If that's the case, I hope Miscavige doesn't find a way to silence her, too, because every case seems to end in a settlement with the victims silenced. I often wonder how much they paid that pilot to stop spilling about his six year relationship with John Travolta.
  11. Yeah, Andi dumped Nick after sleeping with him, Kaitlin dumped him after sleeping with him, and Liz didn't want to give him her number after their hookup. I get the feeling Nick gets that a lot. Maybe just coincidence...or not, haha. I think Nick's about as ready to get married as farmer Chris, which is not at all. I didn't know Nick was that old. He's getting old but hasn't matured very much. He's probably not done making his rounds in bachelor nation. I don't understand why they still have those huge mic packs on their backs. It's 2016 and electronics have gotten tiny but this show still uses those huge boxes.
  12. So true. Actually, can anyone think of ANYTHING they have in common?
  13. I'm with ya. I don't see any problem whatsoever with Leah getting paid. It's not like a person has to live in poverty and take a vow of chastity to do good work and help people. Journalists get paid to expose shit all the time, and that's basically what Leah is doing. She should set up a Go Fund Me page. I'd donate.
  14. Aside from the twitching eyes why would their only spokesperson be a lawyer? Like we'd all believe a lawyer anyway. There was one Co$ chick who was smiling and she said, "I'm living life on a higher level." Wtf does that even mean? Ugh...cult lingo... I don't think after all that harassment there's any way Rathbun or his wife would drop the case because they "lost motivation" to fight them. That's just absurd! Co$ silenced them. Anytime a lawsuit is brought against Co$ it's always mysteriously dropped. Always. Google "lawsuit against Miscavige dropped." It's not only mind boggling how many have been dropped but it's a red flag that there are so many in the first place. And how often is there a celebrity divorce without one or both celebrities hanging out the dirty laundry to the tabloids? Like, never. But look at Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes...neither ever spoke a word against the Co$ golden boy Tom Cruise. This cult is pro at silencing people. Except Leah. Get 'em Leah. She must be having an effect if the cult actually participated in this show. They usually so secretive.
  15. I agree so much. They are all very brave and it takes a helluva lot of courage to stand up to unpredictable consquences. Co$ has money and that carries a lot of influence in this country so they really never know what Miscavige and his minions will pull next. Leah and crew are like the minnows trying to swallow the whale. They are basically giving up their lives to fight for those still trapped. More power to them.
  16. Leah is one badass chick and no Co$ intimidation tactics will make her cower. She's on a mission and I admire her for keeping it going in a big way. I truly hope I see the day this cult crumbles and collapses and Misgavage and Cruise are put away in total public disgrace for what they're doing to these people.
  17. Devin the playa...yeah that's gonna work, lol! And as if he didn't gross me out enough, his mom was worse. Damn, she looks rough. She needs to fix her hair and put on some makeup, and she needs to quit smoking. It's ruining her skin and that smoker's voice is disgusting. Based on how little she cares for her appearance, my bet is she smells like an ashtray too. And srsly, who can't walk down a dock and take a step onto a boat?
  18. Ben's been with Lauren for a year. They're living together. I truly think he's ready to marry her but he's obviously freaking over the kids and white picket fence. If she wanted to wait in having kids I think he'd marry her tomorrow. The twins at the group therapy was probably one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on TV.
  19. I agree, but who knows what could happen to May in that week of time? Nicole doesn't seem capable of thinking things through so who knows where she'd take May. I suspect that's what would cause Nicole's mom to give in to her demands, before anything happens to May.
  20. Woo hoo, season finale coming up. How did we survive this.... Anyway, my season finale predictions: Narkiya reports that she and Lowo are still planning to get married, that is, as long as she agrees to not have ice cream cones around him anymore. She still has some trust issues but her intuition tells her he's being faithful. Except his texts and calls to the baby-mama. And his repeated trips to Vietnam. And how he keeps losing his phone for days at a time so she can't get in touch with him. But...cupcakes and pink fuzzy handcuffs 4-evah! As seen in the preview, Anfisa storms off the stage. The reason she's mad is because Jorge finally (!!!) tells her to fuck off. He then brings his new love, a cute Amish woman, on stage who gazes up at him adoringly. Anfisa now stands on street corners with a sign that reads: "Will (not) work for $10,000 a month." Chantel decides spring break partying is way more fun than being married and kicks Pedro to the curb. Fortunately, the pre-nup did not hold up in court and Pedro now is rolling in money from Chantel's inheritance. Alla and what's-his-name are still married, but her sister is a surprise guest on the finale. She is now in the K-1 visa process with Patrick and he enters the stage wearing a choke-chain and leash. Sit. Stay. Good boy. Patrick is now trained to only speak on command. Nicole doesn't show up to the tell-all. She was last seen with a bucket of fried chicken tucked under her arm chasing a terrified Azan across the desert yelling "Come back! I love yoooouuu-wuh." May is now blissfully happy being raised in a stable home by Nicole's sister.
  21. If Jorge thinks his engagement with Anfisa has been contentious, lord help him if there's a divorce. He won't have a dime to his name for the rest of his lonely life. I was absolutely amazed when Anfisa treated him so badly then threw him the tiniest little bit of hope and he lapped it up like a thirsty puppy. He'll take any scrap she throws him. Man that guy is pathetic! I thought Nicole was using her daughter to blackmail her mom, as in, "Fine. If you won't sponsor Azan to come here then I'll take May to Morocco." She knows May is her bargaining chip. I think there's a chance mom may cave to protect May. What a heartbreaking dilemma! Nicole puts on this childish facade but below the surface she's a mean, manipulating spoiled brat.
  22. I agree Russ and Pao are in trouble. If it was just her pictures or just her name change or just her move to Miami for work I'd say they could work through it. But all of those things combined is her just flipping Russ the bird and saying "It's all about ME now." I think she got bit by the fame-ho bug.
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