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Sup wit dat

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Everything posted by Sup wit dat

  1. I personally wouldn't do what Anfisa is doing, but I have way more respect for her being open than Mark in s3 who was saying he loved his bride when he really had hidden agendas all over the place. If someone deliberately misleads a person into a trap then they're the lowest of the low. But if someone lets you know what they're about and you walk freely into their life then you shouldn't expect tons of sympathy when it goes off the rails. If I know a person hurts animals and small children and I choose to associate with them then I'd better not be surprised when they hurt animals and small children. If I choose to date someone in prison then I shouldn't be surprised when they can't go with me to the county fair. Jorge freely walked into this knowing Anfisa is a gold digger. He spent lots of time with her before she came to the US. If he says he's gonna put out the cash and Anfisa let him know she'll take it then more power to her. If, however, she promised him love and home cooked meals every night that would be a different story.
  2. I also thought Nicole would lose weight in Morocco but if she did, it's not enough to show. It looked like she might've even gained weight? Jorge, however, looks like he's lost about 50 lbs! I suspect it's from stressing about how he can afford to keep Anfisa from leaving.
  3. Another preview for the upcoming shows: Anfisa is still pissed so Jorge buys her a diamond. She says she's bored and hounds him constantly on his phone and is tracking him. He spends $11.7k on the diamond and I think that's just for the diamond without the setting. They don't show him presenting it to her but they show a preview of them having another blowout. Nicole comes back from Morocco and is disappointed in how it went. She goes to her mom's for dinner and complains again about Morocco, this time it's because the food portions were too small. (They show her eating dinner at her mom's with a HUGE plate of mashed potatoes and corn.) Her mom and sister press Nicole for details on the trip so I'm assuming that discussion will be shown but it wasn't in the preview. Everyone from Happily Ever After is together and sitting on couches. Noone and Kyle are living in Thailand but return to the US for this show. Pao and Russ are living apart. She's in Miami. He has his arm around her but I don't think they're getting along at all. She seems annoyed by everything he says. Devar and Melanie seem ok. Mo and Dani are sitting on opposite sides of the host. Mo plays the victim, Dani says she's the victim. So, the usual! Alexi and Lauren are there but they don't say much in the preview except Lauren who says Alexi is sometimes crazy. That's it for the preview!
  4. Yeah, I know you're right but damn, their relationship has gone beyond dysfunctional and crossed into freaky disturbing.
  5. When Russ was looking at Pao's pics he said they weren't as bad as he thought...until he got to the ones where she was topless. He may be a buzzkill a lot of the time but no man wants his wife posing topless. Unless he's a pimp. Or Kanye West. I noticed when she was talking to her parents she lied and said Russ didn't want her modeling lingerie. She didn't mention topless. Bringing her parents into their argument was childish and wrong on so many levels. IMO Pao is too old to do high-end modeling. The only jobs she's gonna get are the soft-porn ones, even more so since her portfolio is full of sleazy pics. That's not a modeling portfolio, that's a sleazy magazine portfolio. There's a huge difference. If I were her hubby I wouldn't like it.
  6. For whatever reason Anfisa did see it as a blank check and reminded Jorge about it repeatedly. We saw it every episode more than once. Jorge didn't ever dispute it and even bought her expensive things and took her to expensive stores to validate the idea. I don't see her as a bad person for taking advantage of that...she's made no secret that a gold digger's gonna dig. But Jorge's made the big mistake of thinking money can buy love. That just doesn't ever end well. (Note: I still don't think she should've treated him so badly in this week's episode. Nobody should be treated like that no matter what they argued about.)
  7. Ugh. He would probably fall for that, too. Gullible isn't a strong enough word to describe this otherwise really nice guy. Nobody's heard from him in years so we all just hope he's ok and the b&b really was the real deal.
  8. I don't think that was the end of it. He was training me because he was moving out of state because he found a great deal on a bed and breakfast...that he hadn't seen yet. If I hadn't met this guy personally I would never believe people like him exist. But they do. /facepalm
  9. I'm fascinated by the people who fall for these scammers. It's so bizarre! I was trained in my current job by a guy who got email scammed. It was something about someone in Nigeria inheriting millions of dollars but there were taxes that had to be paid before they could collect it. My co-worker paid $3k to cover the taxes and was promised he would be paid a huge sum once the Nigerian received the inheritance. Needless to say he never got a dime. But then you won't believe this....a few months later he received another email about a lottery he won. He called the number and was told he could collect his winnings or pay a monthly broker fee to re-invest it in a high-yield lucrative overseas fund. Yep, he paid to re-invest. They even sent him monthly statements! Once his "investment" got to $2 million he called them to say he wanted to collect his cash and retire. They hung up on him and the number was disconnected. He had paid them almost $40k in broker fees. To fall for a scam once is really dumb but twice in the same year???? I couldn't even feel sorry for him.
  10. Isn't it hard to believe there are people with that much ego walking around that they think they're some great gift to the world? Mind = blown. That guy is so consumed with himself that he is probably unteachable. I just can't believe the vile stuff he was spitting out, especially to his son, and being very satisfied with himself for saying it. Being right is everything to him and I bet he destroys a lot of people to get there. Yeah, and he's a counselor? Omg beyond scary. And his sister...I didn't buy her "message of love." She's also got that whole self-righteous jam going on but she's learned to mask it with prettier words and a calmer facade than her brother. Anyway, I'm so glad Pamela is getting help but like @PsychoKlown said, she will probably spend the rest of her days pining for him. I'm also really glad the son is getting help. His parents are using him as a pawn and I hope he finds a way out of the line of fire. He deserves to be able to make his own life and get out of their dirty war.
  11. I agree with this and especially the part that Jorge is genuinely hurt. He looked like hell. Anfisa was so abusive to him that I don't think she's funny anymore even though I loved her up until this episode. And yet if it wasn't for her cold abuse, Anfisa could be justified getting mad if during the fight Jorge told her he won't be able to buy her the things he promised to lure her over here. That's no different than Lowo promising Narkyia the world with his fingers crossed behind his back. The fight may have started over something small that Anfisa "can't remember" (yeah, sure), but it had to turn to money at some point. I can't think of anything else that would rile Anfisa so much that she'd get so ruthless. I think Jorge knows his days with Anfisa are numbered because he can't afford her and it's wearing him down trying to keep up the facade. When this season started I was waiting with popcorn for Jorge to crash and burn. Now he's looking so pathetic that I find myself hoping he'll get professional help, (and not from the hooker profession, lol).
  12. I want to know what Jorge did or said that got Anfisa so mad and caused Jorge to apologize so profusely. Too bad they didn't show that because maybe Anfisa really is justified in her reaction, like if Jorge told her he's broke. As it stands after what we saw last night, she can be an admirable bitch but the way she acted was below human decency. We need to know what the fight was about.
  13. This might not be a popular opinion, but I think if there's a fight and one should leave so it doesn't escalate, it's safer for the man to leave. It's just not a good idea for a woman to be out late at night looking for somewhere to stay unless she has a friend's house to go to. Anfisa isn't paying for the apartment but she also has no income except from Jorge to pay for somewhere to go. She also doesn't have a license to drive. I'm not defending Anfisa, no way in hell. But even if she was in the wrong she should be able to stay in the apartment.
  14. Jorge's losing a lot of weight so I think this relationship is taking a toll on him. Anfisa even kicked him off the couch? He looked like hell after sleeping in his sports car, if he slept at all. He better get an RV if he marries Anfisa so he'll have somewhere to sleep when she kicks him out again. And again. And again. And his groveling was disturbing. Unless they have a master/slave agreement, something is seriously wrong with him to put up with that and then beg for forgiveness. I mean, he's really got something wrong with him.
  15. What a gut-wrenching situation for this family. The woman (Pamela) having her ex-husband (Pete) cheat on her, give her std's, leave her for a massage therapist and then have her son commit suicide...nothing can ever put this to rights. That guy will never ever EVER admit any wrongdoing. He's one sick mofo. Pamela has every right to be fuming mad. But imo it's Pamela who needs to get help. She's never gonna resolve her anger and resentment directing it at him. She's will ruin her own life, and her son's, being consumed with all he did wrong to her. She's been through hell and deserves to have a good life without that asshole. He can seethe with jealousy as she walks away from him down her own path. Let karma give him his payback. I hope by the time he implodes in his self-righteous demented thinking, which he will, she won't even care.
  16. FYI had a 15 minute preview for Sunday nite's episode. It started with Azan in a TH wondering if he really wants to marry Nicole. She asks him why he loves her and he says it's because she cares about him. But I don't know why SHE wants to marry HIM. He doesn't treat her good and it's sad to know her self-esteem is so low that she still wants to marry him. It's a pitiful scene. Next they show a brief scene where Jorge and Anfisa have a huge blow-out and I just don't have the heart to spoil that part because it's ROFL awesome! not funny anymore. The rest is Happily Ever After stuff with no surprises. Anyway, looks like it will be entertaining!
  17. This mom has fucked up big time and knows it. Believe me, I'm not defending her, but I still feel for her. I live in the San Francisco bay area so it seems ridiculous to me that people can't accept lgbt with open arms, yet there are those people who still don't. But usually they're not even willing to listen to a different way of thinking. They get defensive and start raising their voice and won't shut up even though they sound ridiculous in their hate and prejudice. I think that's where this mom started but doesn't like being that way and she's listening and is trying to find answers to help her take that first step to change. No doubt this family lives in a military town. No doubt both parents have been military all their lives. And no doubt this woman will most likely lose friends, might be ridiculed, maybe even socially outcast from her current peer group, and probably lose her marriage. Should she go through it for her child? Oh hell yeah! But it's not an easy decision and will be extremely painful to go through. She will have to start her life all over again and that's why I feel for her. I hope she makes the right choice. The world changes one person at a time and I think this one might have a shot at changing (unlike most people on this show).
  18. Hope it's ok if I modified your post a little!!! I might actually be able to muster some respect for her if she had the goal of becoming head barista.
  19. Don't worry, Jorge, you'll have plenty of cash when CA legalizes mj. Where does he get off acting all surprised Anfisa is only with him to get stuff? She always said that so it's no surprise it was never about love. I like how she turned the tables on him and asked if he'd want her as much if she was overweight. It's so obvious he wouldn't, but she should accept his weight? What an ass. He promised her the world before she came over and is now discovering what that means. He'll be back online in no time trying to buy someone else. I get so mad when I see Nicole neglecting her child. It makes her such a loser in my book. She's lazy intellectually, physically, career-wise, and as a parent. Thank goodness that adorable little girl has Nicole's family to give her some stability because as a parent Nicole isn't worth shit. Chantel said her family's reaction to her engagement is why she didn't want to tell them in the first place. Great, so now she has the engagement AND the lies to contend with, which is way worse than just the engagement. None of her reasoning makes sense. What happened to Narkyia this week?
  20. Personally, I'd be more proud to say Anfisa is from my country than Nicole! I am team Anfisa though. I think she's honest and up-front. She's a gold-digger and knows it and lets Jorge know it. She knows there's always sucker guys around so might as well cash in and Jorge CHOOSES to be that sucker. As long as they have an understanding it's all good in my book. All relationships don't have to be something I'd want, so I say if it works for them more power to them. They may not be getting 100% of what they want but nobody does.
  21. I think the mom with the son transitioning to female isn't a bad person at all. She seems truly bewildered and is genuinely searching for a way to reconcile what's happening with what she's known all her life. I can imagine things are tense as hell at home but I think the mom does love her child. She didn't argue with Dr. Phil. She was actively listening to what she was being told. She doesn't seem to be happy that she can't understand and wants to change but hasn't found the way to accept this change without feeling she's compromised all she's ever known. I really felt for her. Somehow I think she'll get there because she wants to understand. She wasn't sitting there arguing like a closed-minded dumb redneck, she seemed to really be searching for answers. I truly hope it works out for this family.
  22. Haha so true! I was thinking the same thing. Plus, this is how Azan views Nicole: -She won't stop talking -She doesn't respect his culture -She hasn't tried to learn about his culture -She doesn't eat healthy -She doesn't exercise -She shows no interest in changing to a healthy lifestyle -She has a child from a previous relationship (I wonder if Azan's family is even aware she has a daughter) -She wasn't married to the man she had the child with (obviously a big no-no in Azan's culture) -She cheated on him. But Azan says he loves her and wants to marry her. Uh huh...riiiiight. What could possibly go wrong?
  23. Hey, wait a minute...I take offense that this show replaces the Kartrashians as the lowest of the low, haha! And what about the bad editing to manipulate the storyline? Of course there's a lot to side-eye about this show but it's still awesome to watch. I love the science channel and documentaries and the news. But I don't always want real-life thought-provoking self-examination educational documentary shows. Sometimes I want a train wreck or the 3 stooges. I don't turn on 90 day fiance to watch average people working through the K1 process, I turn it on to watch wtf tv, lol! Anfisa and Nicole are my favs and great entertainment. I was thrilled when they were shown and knew it would be something completely different than anything in my life and fun to roll my eyes at. Likewise, they're adults and knew what they were signing up for. If the producers want to manipulate it or try to keep me guessing then go for it! If it gets too obvious or trashy I lose interest but everyone has their personal threshold for such things. In the meantime TLC should bring it!! And as if the show wasn't crazy enough, it's added fun to come snark about the show on these forums. Even more fun is reading everyone else's opinions and snark. (Love you prev tv!)
  24. Bwahahaha When Anfisa and Jorge walked into the photography studio did she REALLY say, "Who's that gorgeous girl there? And it's a mirror and it's me." I couldn't stop laughing! And next episode Jorge asks her if she's only with him because he buys her things. Wtf, she's been honest about that from the beginning so we know he doesn't care about that, he just got the wakeup call that her modeling career will bring in other guys that he can't compete with. It's so obvious what's really going through his head. PSA Jorge: money can't buy you love. Chantel and Pedro...huh? I'm still confused about why she lied in the first place. She's got the most friggin' awesome family ever to be on this show and she lied to them. Just...huh? Nicole said, "the camel ride sucks." Did she ever consider how it was for the camel? Azan never says anything positive about Nicole. He says he loves her but then doesn't seem to like anything about her (unless they're editing it out?). If he keeps pushing the exercise regiment I'm pretty sure Nicole will change her mind about marrying him cuz I bet the only thing Nicole hates more than being single is the gym. The look on her face said it all when Azan told her she needs to change to a healthier lifestyle. You'd think he just told her to jump in a pit of rattlesnakes, lol! Careful, Azan, or you're gonna lose that green card! Narkyia, ain't gonna happen. Alla, I hope it ain't gonna happen but it looks like they're really gonna go through with it.
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