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  1. If sprinter vans are involved I want one of the RHOSLC ladies to be involved, HLS and Kathy Hilton.
  2. Me too - I was uncomfortable watching it. That's just how I am. I think her saying 'I wore the pants for nothing' was because there was no way she was going up on that stage, not that she was jealous.
  3. I think that Heather was raised as part of the church elite due to her heritage. And she has been held to a higher standard for the same reason. So she lost "more" than a Morman who divorced and no longer follows the "rules".
  4. I don't understand why Tumi didn't just give Jack a shot of water instead of skipping him. That would have kept the guests happy and Jack out of trouble. Kyle must have grown up using illness to get out of trouble/work - between his teeth, ankle and now "I'm soooooooo tired" (like the rest of the stews aren't exhausted) - makes my skin crawl.
  5. I would bet they rent out their house when not in use. So Mo can't fly off at the drop of a snowflake and use it any time he wants. That's why the bunk beds are there - so they can get more people and more $$$.
  6. Why didn't she offer the room to Todd so they could ALL have a blessed night of silence?
  7. Rumor has it she is going to be a contestant on next month's Celebrity Big Brother.
  8. Seth is just, ugh. How can I bleach my TV? I watched it twice and I still can't figure out why Jen went ape shit on Lisa.
  9. I actually had to watch the commercial to figure it out (I rarely watch - usually FF thru). The message is that while you think you are renting to monsters - they are really just a regular family who enjoy games, hiking, etc. When they close the door at the end they transform into humans.
  10. Emergency is on COZI TV - if you get that channel.
  11. I wonder if it was a vaginal hyst? No scars, and it is basically an outpatient procedure.
  12. I think that Beth told Jaime she didn't want anyone to know - and if they had gone any where else it would have gotten out (no HIPPA at the time). So Jaime felt that the only option was the Native clinic - no matter the cost. At 16-17 he wouldn't have been thinking about the consequences of the sterilization. Jaime has a weak character (nature wins in his case). They should have sent him to the 6666 instead of the bunkhouse a few seasons ago.
  13. Jen (geese lady) - was on this year's Holiday Wars
  14. I thought that the sheriff said he was happy he had no family for those brothers to kill two seasons ago. How did he suddenly have a daughter and grandkids?
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