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Everything posted by rubaco

  1. He's still singing and dancing and being awesome. And by the way, he needs to live forever. That's all.
  2. I have dozens of "favorite episodes" when it comes to this show, can't pick just one. I also stand by my unpopular opinion that the series remained brilliant from episode 1 to the unparalleled finale (despite, of course, a few clunker eps along the way). But for the purposes of answering the question, I'll say my fave is "Quo Vadis, Captain Chandler," where the soldier thinks he is Christ and we get visits from both Sidney and Flagg. Man, the balance that this episode achieves, with the drama of the man's psychological problem, the absurdity of Flagg, the respectfulness for all the topics including religion... and a fantastic scene of this soldier solemnly blessing Radar's bear. Just completely works for me as an A+ episode of television.
  3. Oh man. This is a terrible year. Bye Bob. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/bob-newhart-dead-sitcom-legend-1235952438/
  4. The Raspberries were a favorite of mine in the '70s. I just listened to "Go All the Way" now after hearing Eric died. That song still slaps. What a voice.
  5. "How do you like them... donuts, I'msosorry." This is my favorite Bowl commercial so far.
  6. Why did I think Trapper was from Boston? There has to be a reason. (And no, I'm not mixing him up with Charles!)
  7. National. Treasure.
  8. Mayim is out, at least on the syndicated show. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/mayim-bialik-no-longer-hosting-jeopardy-syndicated-show-1235760206/
  9. 99 is, of course, a great run. But he'll be missed. Spay and neuter your pets, y'all.
  10. Pluto.tv (which is free streaming, although with commercials) shows The Dick Van Dyke Show on a continuous loop (at least I think it's continuous... I'm usually tuning in late in the evening). It's in their Classic TV section. I put it on last night and caught "Show of Hands," which is the one where Rob and Laura end up accidentally dyeing their hands black. Then Rob worries how they're going to look when they go to accept an award at the Committee for Interracial Understanding. They both decide to wear gloves. I've seen the episode a ton of times but last night was the first time I thought to myself: wait, how would you get permanent black dye off your hands? If that sitcom situation were to happen to me, I'd have no idea. By the magic of television, the Petries didn't have any trace of black dye on their hands in the next episode.
  11. Ten episodes (that might be old news, but I didn't know it until now) starting on Oct. 12. https://ew.com/tv/frasier-reboot-first-look/ EDIT: Whoops, I should have read directly above! @AnimeMania already said 10 eps.
  12. I'm still trying to figure out how that impression Chandler was doing was Shelly Winters from The Poseidon Adventure. (And yep, I've seen that movie.)
  13. (Sorry to veer off the topic of Phoebe, but...) Under the heading of "I, also, need a hobby," something occurred to me about Joey's role on Days of Our Lives. When Drake came out of the coma, he was given Jessica Lockhart's brain (fortunately, we had Ross the scientist to explain the whole brain transplant thing). So Drake is now Jessica, at least brain-wise. But later, he's back to being just Drake, right? Because that's when Rachel watches him in a romantic scene and gets all hot and bothered. What happened to Jessica-in-Drake? I just did that recap from my memory*, so please, if I missed some explanation along the way, feel free to clue me in. (*I told you I need a life.)
  14. I get that James is just playing the villain, and all of the anecdotes about his good deeds are fantastic to hear (plus he constantly gives props to his wife)... but I'm now officially annoyed with his game play. How are the others supposed to feel when he writes "Is there no one else?" It's not cool or funny. i started out excited about this tournament, but now I'm not even giving it my full attention.
  15. Smokey Bear / Smokey the Bear! Jeopardy! sees you. 👀
  16. The only episode that I'm positive she's in is "Images." Margaret comes down hard on an emotional nurse, and Judy Farrell is one of the nurses who goes to the Swamp to ask Hawk and B.J. to step in. Bit I think you're right. @sATL, that she's in the finale and has a line in the group dinner scene.
  17. REM's "What's the Frequency, Kenneth" during a party scene. And I think it was an Eagles song playing when Marcel was in the hospital (not Manilow, that was when the duck swallowed the ring).
  18. I always wished we had gotten more of Broyles (Mr. Reddick) singing in this scene from Fringe. Sixty is much too young. So sad.
  19. He seems like a nice guy, I like the stories he tells, but for me, it's the "Uhhhhhh...." before he chooses a clue. It's like nails on a blackboard and I can't get past it.
  20. rubaco

    All Episodes Talk

    Lilith will appear in the reboot. https://www.etonline.com/bebe-neuwirth-returning-as-ex-wife-lilith-for-frasier-reboot-everything-we-know-about-the-sequel
  21. That whole scene is a master class in comedic line delivery and timing. As she's saying the above line, she's shaking her head at herself. Plus: "And you're not gonna believe this..." The whole freakin' story is absurd! Why would that be the part we don't believe? Every time this scene comes on, I have to stop whatever I'm doing and watch it. Bravo, Ms. White.
  22. Photos of Terry Bradshaw when he was a player and Pat Benatar... and we get blank stares from the contestants. Oy, I feel old.
  23. Love seeing old(er) folks take down the whippersnappers! Way to go, Patti.
  24. rubaco

    All Episodes Talk

    It's going to be set in Boston. https://tvline.com/2023/02/01/frasier-reboot-spoiler-setting-boston-cheers-kelsey-grammer/
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