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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. Funny, I watch Private Eyes and I didn't see any parallels to Castle at all. For starters, there isn't always a murder. Second of all, she's a PI, not a cop. Third, there isn't any overarching deep tragedy that takes over the show. I find it all refreshing. It's as much Remington Steele as Castle.

  2. Love how Jules saved the day here. I'm also happy that they didn't kill the kid off, nor made his buddies the bad guys. That trope is so overdone it's refreshing to have this show time and time again keeping away from them. And the ex was actually helpful!

    Please, please, don't make Shade and Angie a romantic thing. I like their friend vibe and it would be so nice to leave it that way.

    • Love 1
  3. On 6/19/2017 at 5:22 PM, bannana said:
    • But the best thing of the ep was Drinki having some sort of emotional breakdown, when she keeps making mistakes playing the piano.  It could be her MS or just her nerves but it appears to a full blown panic attack with her writhing around the living room floor, sobbing "Help me"!

    An MS flareup can be triggered by stress. The way she was moving her hands during the conversation with Sharon pointed to it. An MS attack starts with the hands and can lead to temporary paralysis. I read a romance that had the heroine be a former Olympian who had MS and in the climax of the book she had an attack pretty like what we saw with Nikki.

    • Love 11
  4. On 4/6/2016 at 1:26 PM, JessDVD said:


    That was why I wasn't sure. I couldn't come up with anyone else who had appeared previously, but my recollection of their "date" didn't track with her newly revealed actual motivation. If she was just in it for his ID, one would think she would have left way before his monologue about the case was over. I kinda doubt they had planned this one out before they filmed Leah's first appearance.

    Having just seen it again, what if her plan was to sleep with him to get him under her control? She slept with the Senator to get the blackmail material, so maybe this was a way to get him under her thumb (or at least access to his security clearance) and when the date broke up like it did, she went to plan B?

  5. @Miss Dee I had the privilege of working on three theatre shows with him and was blessed to count him as a friend. Yes, he was a great actor - and a very neurotic one. :) 

    I made a point of never asking him about Gilbert (I had to work to separate the two of them in my head when we started to work together) but he did tell me once that he clashed with Kevin Sullivan and only did the last movie because he was under contract. I got the sense he didn't have freedom to interpret the character the way he wanted to.

    The funny thing was one of the last times I saw him a good friend of his had died and we talked about how we had to accept we were going to start losing our friends. And the last time he saw Megan (she was doing a show we both wanted to see) he invited me along but I got the message too late to get there. It's for the best that her last memory of him doesn't have me cluttering it up. (Heard they went for drinks after.) So it was hard when he died and I miss him. 

    I'm actually glad there's a new Gilbert. There's something that just feels good about that.

    • Love 13
  6. I liked this one. It's too bad we didn't see much of the team but I like that we got to see them out of their depth and that things are unsettled between Bull and JP. I liked how JP rattled his cage the last couple of episodes but I'm done with her now.

    • Love 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Miss Dee said:

    Different strokes, I guess. I can't see dark-haired Jonathan Crombie looking at Follows somberly and whispering "I hope he breaks your heart, whoever he is" without thinking that's exactly what would have been catnip to Anne in the books.

    No live version of Anne has ever gotten Gilbert right. Gilbert is roguish, practical, fun, always up for a laugh or a prank. He's intelligent and thoughtful, sure, and we're told he's handsome, but they keep casting these dark-eyed, dark-haired, soulful fellows and the problem is that's exactly what Anne wanted and couldn't find in Gilbert! Gilbert is not supposed to secretly conform to her romantic ideals; shes supposed to realize exactly how foolish they are and grow out of them!

    Don't get me wrong; this doesn't dampen my enjoyment of the adaptations. But one of these days someone's going to get a Dennis Quaid or Josh Lucas type of actor to play Gilbert and that's when I'm gonna sit up and take notice.

    The kicker is that Jonathan was the biggest trickster I've ever known. Soulful? He'd played it very well and he could get into deep philosophical discussions under full moons but fun is the word that comes to mind whenever I think of him.

    • Love 3
  8. 6 minutes ago, General Days said:

    Also, everyone else here probably knows this, but I didn't. Our 1985 Gilbert Blythe -- Jonathan Crombie -- died in 2015, of a brain hemorrhage. LINK. Oh, Gil.

    It was a shock. I believe he'd be happy with how Gilbert is being handled here. May even be a little bit jealous of what Lucas Jade Zumann gets to play. :)

    • Love 2
  9. I actually liked this episode. Looking at the different side of the privacy issue, a more vulnerable Bull, Cable being the one who gets to do the words of wisdom, some points of natural conflict between the team.

    Don't know how I feel about the obvious setup of JP with Bull - it was done pretty heavy-highhandedly with the apartment search criteria but I do like that she doesn't let him manipulate her. It gives Bull some much needed humbling.

  10. I'm sick of cliffhangers. And how predictable. This episode was a big nothing burger. And shut up, Torres. I've really come to hate you.

    Really hope there's some retooling for next year.

    • Love 5
  11. So there was some Pride redemption and a feel good ending, which was nice. But Pride better get some consequences for him going so insane last week. 

    Of course, this is NCIS, land of people going rogue. Won't happen.

    • Love 5
  12. On 5/11/2017 at 8:48 AM, MortysCleaningLady said:

    So, no family for the wedding and only McGee's office?  What about workaholic Delilah's office?  (And ditto to whomever commented on the two newbie agents and Mrs. Jimmy.)   That said, Tim had time to pick up a tux?  And honestly, a quickie wedding could have been held three days later with Delilah's parents and sister.   

    It really bothered me that there was no one there for Delilah. Doesn't she have her own friends?

    • Love 5
  13. On 5/13/2017 at 0:27 PM, Camera One said:

    I've also only watched clips of the BBC "Anne of Avonlea", though I do hope to watch the whole thing one day.  In that case, Marilla really takes me out of it.

    Marilla in that adaptation is Barbara Hamilton, from Kingston, ON. She's a treasure, surprised she wasn't a good Marilla.

  14. On 4/24/2017 at 8:00 PM, Syndicate said:

    The Edge of Night was a gem of a soap (though many had called it a crime drama which is also true) that didn't focus all that heavily on "who's the daddy" stories or other typical soap fluff. The reason being? See what I have in parentheses. This is going off topic, but I LONG for an updated PRIMETIME version of The Edge of Night. That show was so good and cleverly written. 

    My first soap when I was a wee lass! I cried when Draper left.

    • Love 2
  15. 7 hours ago, Keener said:

    RH Thompson (the actor who plays Matthew) is one of the most acclaimed Canadian actors.  Road to Avonlea is probably his most commercial success, but he's really a darling of the theatre scene. A colleague mentioned she'd seen a play where he'd been called in to be the stand-in for the lead and they made an announcement that he'd be using a script because he'd only been assigned the role that same day. She said that it was almost as though the script didn't exist. He was exceptional. 

    I live in Toronto so I've seen a lot of his stagework. He's brilliant.

    I'd also like to point out that the Sullivan adaptation was first aired on CBC but was eventually sold to 160 countries. At the very least, Japan and China will be markets it will be sold to, as Anne is very popular there.

    • Love 4
  16. I admit that I enjoyed seeing a client that was more out there than Bull is. It was fun to see someone else do to Bull what he usually does to others. Happy to see Chunk doing some sleuthing too. I didn't see the twist coming at the end either. An enjoyable hour.

    • Love 3
  17. God that was a boring hour. I'm so sick of Torres. Everyone complained about Elly being a special snowflake but Torres really is. Taking off like that? Going above Gibbs' head? Any other character would catch shit for that. 

    And to think I actually liked the last Torres episode.

    • Love 5
  18. Except that there's many documented instances where she does readings spontaneously for free or group readings for charity. And as has already been said, she's providing comfort to people. She's not affecting your life in any way and she's providing a service for people who are grieving that helps them through the process. That seems to me much more important than some dude on the internet who wants to tear people down.

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