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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. I ended up liking McGee much more with the team than Torres. Too bad Patton had to be away to make a place for him, though. Thought Gregorio was great - much better at undercover than suspected. It was an enjoyable hour, which is all I expect from this show.

    • Love 1

  2. This episode confirmed my love of Benny. Man was Bull ever an ass in this one. I've been able to see redeeming stuff in other episodes but couldn't do it here. Also loved Cable in the scenes she had. The story itself? Meh.

    • Love 1
  3. Avatar! The last great episode of Daniel/Teal'c goodness. 

    What I love about season 8 was the emphasis on the relationships the other three have with each other, something that was completely lost once it became the Vala show. I will always hate Prometheus Unbound for subjecting us to her. She's so incredibly abusive to him in this episode and it's played for laughs.

    • Love 2
  4. @ALenore I found this interview.


    So on November 10, I did that piece from the desk. The following night, we got her a ticket back pre-inauguration, so she's back in the country. And it's exactly because of stuff like that. She was visiting my grandmother and she was supposed to stay through February, and we're like, “We should probably get you back.” 

    It sucks she had to cut short the time with her mother. And now she may not be able to visit again.

    • Sad 1
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  5. On 1/25/2017 at 5:41 PM, Trey said:

    I really thought that was more of a pissing contest between Gregorio and Christopher over who had more right to issue orders.  Please show, don't try to make them a thing.

    That's how I saw it. Gregorio was used to being the one to give orders but she's a probie now. Deferring to Pride is one thing - that's why she joined them - but LaSalle is a whole other kettle of fish. And LaSalle does like putting himself in charge. It felt like natural tension, not forced.

    Of course Pride's been on a rig. But that whole bit didn't feel out of place. There was some effort to make him seem like he fit in.

    I loved seeing Sebastian standing up to an authority figure. Can't remember seeing that before. It didn't feel forced either but fit into the Sebastian we've been watching develop this season. Organic growth for a character is good!

    I thought this was a well paced, interesting episode that didn't once make me go "WTH?"

    • Love 4
  6. So, so happy that this episode killed it! Brian Dietzen is a great actor when he's given something to work with and he didn't disappoint. Loved everything about it - the stories, the flashbacks, the soliloquy at the end about choosing happiness, Torres grabbing Jimmy when he slipped, Ducky being the first to call him "Doctor", the Gibbs hug at the end - all beautiful. I get why they didn't bring up his relationship with Tony and I didn't miss it because there wasn't a place for it in the story, even though I adore all the scenes they had as next-gen Gibbs and Ducky.

    Just really, really happy that we had a good Jimmy episode. I've heard that David McCallum is leaving after this year (and watching his hands shake on camera sometimes I understand it's probably getting harder for him to do it) so this is a nice way to ease Jimmy into the slot.

    • Love 6
  7. Got suckered into watching this by Thomas King. Was excited that they got him to appear. I stayed for the lovely Thom Allison, who was a delight as one of the Schmitties. And I ended up really loving this episode. The banter, the characters, all the lovely shots of Toronto, the literary ideas bounced around. It surprised me. I had sorta watched parts of some of the other episodes but this one really grabbed me. Are they all as good as this one?

  8. I was really bored with this episode for the first half. Glad it picked up. I did like that the bad guy in the end was worried about his family before anything else and seemed to be trying to get his stuff together. Not sure what the whole plate thing played into all of this. Can someone enlighten me?

    • Love 1
  9. I didn't see part 1. I appreciated we only got a little of Pride being on a rampage. I loved seeing the team all working together a bit out of their element. I liked the scene between Percy and LaSalle at the airport. Show, if you can keep their relationship like that I'd be very happy. Loved everyone's look in the betting parlor. Happy that Sebastian found his mojo - loved the idea that he uses the clubs that Garcia threatened him with. 

    Not a fan of the story but loved everyone's interactions this week, even Gregorio. If they can keep the series at this level of usage for the characters they've turned the ship around.

    • Love 2
  10. Well that hit close to home. A few years ago I met a young man just out of his teens and lets just say I'm much older than him. I'd already owned my cougar side and had a hard rule of not going anywhere near someone under 20 and only having fun with someone under 25 because of the developmental issues the one expert talked about but this guy tested that. I really admired what he had already accomplished at his young age and I could see the kind of man he was going to become. It freaked me out how drawn I was to him because I knew about the power dynamic the other psychologist in the episode talked about. Lucky for me, he lives in a different city so I was able to limit contact with him to this year, a few months before his 25th birthday. At that point, I told him how I felt and that because of the power dynamic I wasn't going to make any moves on him. He didn't take me up on it because he had gotten involved with an 18 year old. And yes, he was aware of the power dynamics he was in too.

    All of this is background to how I saw this episode. When she talked about it being true love, my thought was "wait until he's 25 then". I liked how the issue was looked at from all angles, and how having Danni with a younger man illustrated the other side. I was so afraid that they'd beat her over a stick for being with the young man and make a point that older women with younger men is a horrible thing but the question that Bull asks her was just the right thing to say. It was the same question I asked myself. 

    I also appreciated that Bull's focus ended up being about helping the young man get his life back instead of showing how smart he is. He seemed more subdued here than we've seen him. I liked it a lot.

    • Love 3
  11. On 1/6/2017 at 7:03 AM, ihatedimes said:

    The relationship with Gibbs really squicks me out.  I think he's supposed to portray a fatherly figure towards her, but it comes off way more icky than that.  She makes subtle and not-so-subtle sexual innuendos and he kisses her cheek.  I don't know, maybe the problem is that Mark Harmon would have chemistry with a coat rack.

    I've never bought him as a father figure. They were so flirty the first season. My own personal head canon (I even wrote a fanfic about it) is that everything changed when Kate died. They had a one-night stand then decided the best thing to do was to pretend it never happened. Gibbs shut down and restricted his affection. But he can't help himself sometimes. (Witness that time he was patting her thighs looking for something.) Abby when she's feeling fearful doesn't hide her need for him.

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