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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. So there was some Pride redemption and a feel good ending, which was nice. But Pride better get some consequences for him going so insane last week. 

    Of course, this is NCIS, land of people going rogue. Won't happen.

    • Love 5
  2. On 5/11/2017 at 8:48 AM, MortysCleaningLady said:

    So, no family for the wedding and only McGee's office?  What about workaholic Delilah's office?  (And ditto to whomever commented on the two newbie agents and Mrs. Jimmy.)   That said, Tim had time to pick up a tux?  And honestly, a quickie wedding could have been held three days later with Delilah's parents and sister.   

    It really bothered me that there was no one there for Delilah. Doesn't she have her own friends?

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  3. On 5/13/2017 at 0:27 PM, Camera One said:

    I've also only watched clips of the BBC "Anne of Avonlea", though I do hope to watch the whole thing one day.  In that case, Marilla really takes me out of it.

    Marilla in that adaptation is Barbara Hamilton, from Kingston, ON. She's a treasure, surprised she wasn't a good Marilla.

  4. On 4/24/2017 at 8:00 PM, Syndicate said:

    The Edge of Night was a gem of a soap (though many had called it a crime drama which is also true) that didn't focus all that heavily on "who's the daddy" stories or other typical soap fluff. The reason being? See what I have in parentheses. This is going off topic, but I LONG for an updated PRIMETIME version of The Edge of Night. That show was so good and cleverly written. 

    My first soap when I was a wee lass! I cried when Draper left.

    • Love 2
  5. 7 hours ago, Keener said:

    RH Thompson (the actor who plays Matthew) is one of the most acclaimed Canadian actors.  Road to Avonlea is probably his most commercial success, but he's really a darling of the theatre scene. A colleague mentioned she'd seen a play where he'd been called in to be the stand-in for the lead and they made an announcement that he'd be using a script because he'd only been assigned the role that same day. She said that it was almost as though the script didn't exist. He was exceptional. 

    I live in Toronto so I've seen a lot of his stagework. He's brilliant.

    I'd also like to point out that the Sullivan adaptation was first aired on CBC but was eventually sold to 160 countries. At the very least, Japan and China will be markets it will be sold to, as Anne is very popular there.

    • Love 4
  6. I admit that I enjoyed seeing a client that was more out there than Bull is. It was fun to see someone else do to Bull what he usually does to others. Happy to see Chunk doing some sleuthing too. I didn't see the twist coming at the end either. An enjoyable hour.

    • Love 3
  7. God that was a boring hour. I'm so sick of Torres. Everyone complained about Elly being a special snowflake but Torres really is. Taking off like that? Going above Gibbs' head? Any other character would catch shit for that. 

    And to think I actually liked the last Torres episode.

    • Love 5
  8. Except that there's many documented instances where she does readings spontaneously for free or group readings for charity. And as has already been said, she's providing comfort to people. She's not affecting your life in any way and she's providing a service for people who are grieving that helps them through the process. That seems to me much more important than some dude on the internet who wants to tear people down.

  9. Yup. Sam and her staff can be added to the long list of feminist writers/media who were screaming about all the shit going down before the election, only to have to listen to white male pundits now saying, "We didn't know. Why didn't anyone tell us?"

    I want to scream in a pillow too. Well done, show.

    • Love 12
  10. On 4/3/2017 at 6:39 PM, Fireball said:

    Crap Humphrey leaves; I haven't watched season 5.  :(  Totally my fault for coming on here before watching the current season.

    Sorry, thought it was common knowledge. On the plus side, you have a bunch of great episodes to look forward to!

    • Love 1
  11. As an ENFP myself, I'm finding this discussion fascinating. @BkWurm1, you're probably right on the edge of E/I. I know I'm on the edge of F/T and at first I was an ENTP but it didn't quite fit. So maybe that's why I identified with Chloe so much. Also to another one of your points, I too am great at admin and have spent many years making a living at it but I utterly hate it. I got that sense from Chloe as well. 

    She was also the best written/most consistently written character, at least for the 8 seasons that I watched.

    • Love 2
  12. I just saw Mooney's first case on Saint Marie. I think they handled the transition between the two wonderfully well. They gave Goodman an excellent reason to live and didn't kill him off! Mooney also has a great reason to go to Saint Marie and giving him a daughter opens up all kinds of story possibilities down the line. I'm like that they're not using Florence as a romantic interest the way they did Camille. 

    Only 8 episodes in the season though? That's disappointing. I'm really looking forward to how next season is going to go.

    • Love 5
  13. On 3/26/2017 at 11:00 PM, Miss Dee said:

    I have a doozy of an unpopular opinion about the Anneiverse (all written or filmed adaptations of Anne), so I thought I might as well start a thread.

    While I love Jonathan Crombie, and while I know Gilbert was a handsome boy, I think Crombie's looks would have been better suited to Roy Gardner (had he shown up in the Follows movies) than to Gilbert Blythe. Had Gilbert actually looked that romantic Anne would have been head over heels about him. Gilbert should look roguish and fun, not melancholy and romantic.

    What are some of your unpopular opinions? Anything in the Anneiverse goes, if the mods are okay with that.

    Jonathan in real life was roguish and fun. He was just shot romantically.

    • Love 1
  14. I really like how they introduced Gilbert. It gives us a better understanding of why he's considered superior to all the other boys in school beyond him being cute. It shows his kind heart in trying to protect her first off and his curiosity about her.

    Also really like Marilla's journey in this episode, with Matthew once again having the voice of reason and compassion. The end of the episode, with Marilla and Anne hugging, was a lovely moment. I consider myself a purist but this episode captures the spirit of the book and I'm satisfied with that.

    I also really like what was done with Diana - having her put in the middle. It gives her some great depth.

    I was drifting the first half of the episode but the last 20 minutes were very strong.

    • Love 6
  15. On 2/18/2017 at 4:13 AM, maxmac97 said:

    Didn't Harry Houdini prove people like Theresa Caputo were fake. It amazes me that people still believe mediums are real.

    Harry disproved the mediums of his time, who operated very differently than the way Theresa and other modern mediums do. What we've learned since Houdini died is that at the deepest level we're all made of energy. Knowing that, is there such a leap to the idea that part of that energy survives when we die? And adding on, that certain people have the ability to tap into those frequencies and be able to translate those energetic impressions?

    In the end, why do you care? Nobody's forcing you to watch the show or see a medium. Other people have found healing in this way. So does it really matter? What is real, anyway?  

    • Love 3
  16. 1 hour ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

    Jerry isn't quite an addition; he exists in the books but doesn't tend to appear directly. They do appear to have changed his name for the purposes of the Charlemagne digression, and also turned him from a sign that the Cuthberts are going to keep Anne (since he can help Matthew with the farm work) to a threat in Anne's mind that they won't need her if they take a hired boy.


    I did not make the connection between this character and Jerry Buote. Thanks.

  17. Ahead by a Century was a weird choice of opening music. I like the flashbacks to Anne's life before. It informs us of her state of mind without dampening the joie de vive of the character. I was really enjoying the story (including the addition of the French boy) until the deviation from the book at the end.

    Matthew's mad dash to the train station was way over the top. And looking at the previews, it looks like next episode is all drama outside the book. Quite frankly, I don't care to see Anne in more difficult straights or watch Matthew search the town for her.

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