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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. Noah!!!!!!! *flails around*

    Can we just ditch the Bawson bullshit and go full-on Ginny and Noah? There's so much potential there. Noah being someone used to being in control yet having a caring side can create a lot of relationship tension without needing the "will-they-won't-they" dynamic I'm so very bored of. Plus, they're fun together. God, I miss watching relationships that are just fun. So sick of angst.

    Ginny going down after a angry(?) throw to first reminded me so much of what happened to Jose Bautista. His arm hasn't been the same since. Is that where they're going with Ginny? I didn't see the promo so I didn't know she was going to get hurt and gasped in shock when it happened. I don't blame anyone for going for the no-hitter. I still think pulling Rich Hill was dumb. You've got to go for it. That opportunity may never come again (see Morrow, Brandon and McGowan, Dustin).

    I really hope it gets renewed. Can't wait to see how they're going to handle the injury. And good riddance, Amelia! Give Ginny a real sports agent.

    • Love 2
  2. I liked Ginny with tech dude! He was funny and knew how to get her to laugh and the right way to woo her and he's out of baseball and just soooooo much better than Lawson. But nooooo, we've got to force this thing with Lawson. Stop it, show! Let them be mentor/mentee and friends.

    Which is a shame, because I loved the rest of the episode. For once they let the Jays win on the scroll! Against Cleveland, no less. I liked seeing Evelyn being a businessperson. I hope we see more of that side of her. Blip's handling of the whole thing was great. I've come to really love Oscar and he got to do some great stuff in this one. Nice seeing Sarah Shahi again. Amelia taking Elliot's advice!  Al being his usual awesome self and Buck supporting him. There was a wealth of lovely scenes which is all I need to make me happy.

    We all knew Mike wasn't getting traded but honestly, I don't care. I remember when all the rumours were floating around about trading Roy Halladay (also long-time member of one team who wanted a ring) and the way they played it here was very true to life and I was happy to see it. Plus, it coming down to money and wanting to season young talent also made a lot of sense to me, so bravo for finding a legit way to wiggle out. 

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  3. On 5/18/2016 at 8:03 PM, Minneapple said:

    I agree. Tali was perfectly safe and uninjured. All her things were perfectly ready to go including a perfectly framed, untouched photo of Ziva and Tony. Tony said, "Ziva loves Paris." Not loved, loves, and that seemed like really deliberate thing to say.

    Just watched a rerun of this episode and note how many times Tony asks for the proof of her death and no one ever answers it. He knows she faked her death and knows where she is. The rest is all a cover.

    • Love 3
  4. When I saw the lead up to this show, it was the LUSH windows I was most looking to. And I wasn't disappointed. I loved Tara's window so I was pleasantly surprised that she got to have it go into an actual store. 

    Felt so bad for Shani. I loved what she did last week. I don't get it. She was top 2 last week, shouldn't that have given her a week pass? Especially when Spenser hits the bottom 2? Obviously the judges are in love with his creativity but I'm sad I won't get to see Shani do another window. I really don't care to see another one of Spenser's.

    I will never understand why they would have designers team up. Does that ever happen out in real life? How are they supposed to be judged on the criteria if they don't have full artistic control?

  5. It was a huge error to launch this show while the season was going on. On my blog, I have a lot of people who have been thinking about watching the show but weren't going to while baseball was on and now they're not getting the push to start it from the beginning.

    • Love 4
  6. I came here after the episode aired but there was no thread and I couldn't be bothered to make one so thank you, @betsyboo.

    I enjoyed it, except for the subplot of her brothers being asses at her workplace. I have three brothers and if they ever tried any of that shit they'd be kicked out of my apartment so fast they'd see stars. Luckily, only one is that ridiculously overbearing.

    I liked that Bishop was seeing the flip side of her jobs at NSA. I liked that the show was willing to acknowledge that there are some people at Gitmo who were railroaded to be there. I was so happy to see Qasim again. Didn't guess him for the boyfriend but was extremely happy he was. I loved their chemistry last year. And it's nice in these times to see a mixed-race couple like them being accepted. Granted, the brothers were softened up after the Gibbs scare but still, that was heart-warming for me. 

    I also didn't miss the mention of the brothers egging Jake's car, show. Still unhappy you took away Jamie Bamber with glasses from our screens. I still don't buy him cheating on her. Nice try though.

    On 11/24/2016 at 5:06 AM, snuffles said:

    Since when does Abby go to crime scenes? At 2am no less, lol.

    Love Clayton Reeves, but he's being written as such a puss now. He's a MI6, but can't lie to Ellie's brothers? The translator turned meditation guy got the upper hand on him?

    Second this. #letReevesbebadassagain

    • Love 4
  7. This is the final year in Mike's contract, IIRC? So he needs to make a deal at the end of the season anyway?

    I'm pretty sure that we're meant to assume he meant the Cubs. He would know that they don't need a catcher, wouldn't they? Which would be a smart way of appearing to acquiesce but not really. Given the context just before that though, that's probably not what they're going for.

    • Love 1
  8. Happy to see Will back and loved seeing him interacting so well with Evelyn. 

    I'm really coming around to Oscar. He had to handle some difficult political footballs in this ep and I enjoyed watching his balancing act. And he's seeing Al's daughter?

    And Mike isn't going anywhere. Good for him to face what's coming up for him though. Thanks Blip for the assist.

    • Love 5
  9. On 11/13/2016 at 10:35 PM, Raja said:

    In effect even if the rules dictate the battle must be completed  a manager doesn't want to lose the war because he used everything to win a single battle. As it looked like was about to happen this year in the World Series when the Cubs used up their "closer" (the best short relief pitcher) in game 6 and he wasn't up to his previous standard  in game 7.

    I'm reminded of the Canada Day game with the Jays and Cleveland. The Jays went to position players, Cleveland went to a starter and won it in 19 innings. Cleveland then went 4-7 to the all star break. I ran into a Cleveland fan at that time and they said they had just finally got their rotation reset. The Jays went on a 7 game win streak right after and went into the break 8-3. A fine example of losing the battle to win the war. 

    • Love 4
  10. 4 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

    A fastball that's kind of like a slider, because it breaks just before it reaches the plate.  Or you can call it the pitch Mariano Rivera perfected, and nobody's come close to duplicating it.

    Roy Halladay threw a great one.

  11. On 11/13/2016 at 5:44 AM, DAngelus said:

    I swear on a Roger Clemens 'Roid Rage temper tantrum.  Bautista's sudden jump to the 50 HR threshold is IMO as legitimate as that of Brady Anderson (white) or Luis Gonzalez…i.e., not at all.

    So I took this to my folks on my Jays site and they had this to say:


    Jose had four 35+ HR seasons over a six year period. If six years of tests didn't reveal anything, then I'm inclined to believe he's clean.

    But to hell with logic! Gotta hate him because he's Dominican and plays on the Canadian team.


    Judging by the one post, it's also patriotic/nationalistic bias as well. He inferred that Canadian teams don't have to abide by the same rules as the US teams, which is the dumbest thing I've ever read. If THIS is the type of insight we are getting from the accusers, it makes it hard to agree with them.

    PEDs or not, Jose also walks a ton, he has a great eye at the plate allowing him to recognize good pitches to drive, great bat speed, an improved swing, and he started pulling everything. That alone can explain the surge. If he was on PEDs and getting away with it, good for him, so was a majority of the league at the time.


    People will believe whatever they want to believe.

    The entire case against Bautista is literally "He used to not hit a lot of homeruns and then he hit a surprising number of homeruns".

    You know who else is a clear steroid user, based on that reasoning? Wade Boggs. Jacoby Ellsbury. George Foster. Rico Petrocelli. Hank Sauer. Lefty O'Doul. Sherry Magee. Ozzie Smith.

    And from an article ESPN wrote:


    Here's what the Baseball America Prospect Handbook wrote in 2003, when it named Bautista the No. 7 Pirates prospect after he hit .301/.402/.470 at Class A Hickory of the South Atlantic League:

    "He has a good eye for a young hitter and should develop into a high on-base percentage guy with experience. Bautista is a good defensive third baseman with above-average arm strength and athleticism. To add versatility, he played center field in the Dominican League. Bautista hasn't been able to translate his bat speed into power yet, though that should come as his body fills out."

    Bautista did hit 14 home runs for Hickory, and also outhit Robinson Cano and David Wright in the Sally League that year (although they were 2 years younger). Anyway, note the key phrases: good eye, athleticism, power potential.


    I was going to look to find that bat speed thing too. The scouts were drooling over that and no one could translate it into power except for Cito and Dwayne Murphy, with an assist by Vernon Wells. (By getting him to start his swing earlier)


    On 11/13/2016 at 5:44 AM, DAngelus said:

    The only parts of Texas I've ever set foot in are airports, changing planes from Las Vegas to the East Coast, just so you know.  I've literally never breathed open Texan air.


    I'm pretty sure I know what fanbase this guy is a part of. It's all right there in the phrase "Quality Canadian Steroids". O's fan's gonna O's.

    Whom the Jays beat in the wild card game this year. Who have had a hate on for the Jays ever since the 1993 All Star game, in which Mike Mussina got up to do a warm up and Os fans thought that meant he was going into the game, although Cito Gaston (Jays manager and manager of the American League team) had promised Os front office that he wouldn't use him since he had pitched only a couple of days prior. Mussina was being an ass but Os fans have always blamed Cito. That fan base has been looking to find reasons to hate the Jays ever since.

    • Love 1
  12. On 11/11/2016 at 6:48 PM, ProudMary said:

    Lastly, what bothered me about Ginny's relief appearance was that the Padres had taken the lead in the top of the 13th.  Assuming that their closer had already been used, why wouldn't Skip bring her in to start the bottom of the 13th as a clean inning rather than bring her into a bases loaded, one out situation?  I highly doubt they'd do that IRL.  Dramatic effect, I guess but a bit of an eye roll from me on that one.

    I got the feeling he didn't want to use her but when the pitcher he had chosen couldn't find the plate, he had to do something.

    • Love 1
  13. On 11/11/2016 at 5:46 PM, DAngelus said:

    Well, Rougned Odor, for one, obviously.

    Suck fist, Joey Bats!  Can't wait for you to come back to a US-based team and see your stats collapse once you can't get those Quality Canadian Steroids any more.  

    (Bautista, who had hit a total of 46 home runs in 5 years as an Oriole, Devil Ray, Royal and Pirate [2004-2008] and who managed all of 13 in his first year with Toronto, suddenly hit 54 bombs in 2010, at the age of 29, when most players' skills have started to decline.  Nah, not suspicious at all.  Perhaps 'roids are covered under Medicare up north, eh?)

    He finally got regular playing time and they revamped his swing. His development had been completely messed up when he was a rule 5 player and ended up bouncing around through 4 different teams that year rather then getting daily work in AA. He always had power - that's why the O's rule 5'd him in the first place. Screw off with the sour grapes steroids thing. Where were people saying that when Chris Davis came out of nowhere, especially because he actually was using an approved drug (Adderall)?  Dominican hits 50 home runs? Must be on drugs. White American hits 50 home runs? Well, he worked on it. It's racist.

    People outside Toronto don't get that in that moment of the bat flip heard around the world, Jose was all of us. Context is important.

    Toronto sports fans had suffered from incredible disappointments from all the teams that had the major profile in the city. Toronto FC had never sniffed the playoffs in their entire existence. The Raptors made the NBA playoffs only a few times in theirs and had never gotten out of the first round. The Maple Leafs, the biggest team in Toronto consciousness, hadn't seen the playoffs since 2004 where they were eliminated in heartbreaking fashion.

    In 2011, ESPN names Toronto the worst sports city in North America. Grantland calls us the worst sports city in the world. Frustrations turn to doom and gloom, a sense that the sports gods are against us. Fandom is a bleak place that always expects the worst.

    And then the Jays go on a magical end of the season run and get to the playoffs for the first time in over 20 years. It's hard fought. We're now in a win or go home situation. The go-ahead run for the Rangers scores on a throw back to the pitcher which hits off the batter's bat - something crazy that all the media covering the game had never seen. We get angry, convinced we're getting screwed yet again. Some people took out their anger in throwing stuff on the field and while I don't condone that action, I understand it.

    Have you ever been in a room with angry people? It's unsettling. Now amplify that by 50,000 people in an enclosed space because the roof is closed and that's the atmosphere going into the bottom of the 7th in Game 5 of the 2015 ALDS. I'm convinced that's why in the bottom of the inning 3 errors on routine plays happen. We get the tying run across and we begin to hope.

    Jose comes up to bat and the second he makes contact we know it's gone. Jose says he doesn't remember that moment. That's because he was all of us. He was our warrior, our champion. In that moment, we were saying a collective FU to decades of futility. It was the release of a city's angst. It was a fist pump with a bat and it was beautiful.


    Odor sucker punching him because he dared to show his emotions after hitting one of the biggest home runs in Blue Jays history is the biggest piece of bullshit ever. It's ridiculous that MLB didn't throw the book at him. It was assault and he should have been arrested. And you Texas jerks CELEBRATED it.

    So happy we swept your asses in the playoffs this year. Karma's a bitch.

    And for those of you new to baseball, the 7th inning is online for you to see for yourself. It's one of the craziest innings of baseball ever. Here's a 5 minute recap.

    • Love 7
  14. 1 hour ago, PreviouslyTV said:

    A lucrative endorsement deal leads to a social-media meltdown for our hero while Sarah D. Bunting wonders what the BFD is about a little Roomba beer pong.View the full article


    Manager Al is obliged to explain to the pitcher and catcher who work there already that she's "got to eat some innings" because the bullpen got "wiped out" yesterday.





    Wow, I find myself disagreeing with so many things in all Sarah Bunting's reviews.

    Why does the writer think it's a BFD Ginny's being told she has to eat innings? We hear that same stuff ad nauseam on game broadcasts. It felt completely natural to me, a dedicated baseball fan, and it's important information for those who don't watch. So why dump on it?  

    • Love 6
  15. 1 hour ago, DaBigDave said:

     And maybe Ginny could do an ad for the Law Firm of Babip, Pecota, Vorp and Eckstein.

    I have a bunch of people on my website that would hire that firm in a heartbeat. Although they'd want to make Eckstein pay for Aaron Hill first.

  16. 10 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

    Oh I liked that we got this episode, the look at how the immense pressure and stress is affecting Ginny's mental health.

    There is so much expectation placed on her and the show has made a point of showing that Ginny had not been 100% committed to making baseball her future. With her father dying at the time he did and the way he did it seemed to push her into this path and a decision she made while she was still grieving. 

    An even tho Evelyn and Blip are friends, that aren't there primarily for her.  I also think that the Amelia/Mike thing isn't as simple as jealousy.  Amelia was the one person there that was solely hers.  And when she hooked up with Mike she wasn't just Ginny's anymore.  Ginny already lives in a fishbowl and has very little freedom of movement, to have even something as simple as a midnight phone call over a panic attack become something that becomes 'known' is just a further example of that.

    So I can see why she feels the walls closing with an added dash of imposter's syndrome plus the sheer exhaustion of having to watch everything you say and do all the time.  I imagine that newbie pro athletes wild out all the time with something similar to this but  the conversation around athlete behavior doesn't trend toward mental/emotional stresses.

    I loved the scene in the office where they showed her the crying in the bathtub and how they actually seemed compassionate, even Oscar.  And Ginny's face just dropped and she let herself admit she needed help. 

    I hope that if Rita Wilson doesn't return, they at least allude to the fact that she is staying in therapy.

    There's all kinds of stories of players going nuts when they first get to the show. And there's tons of impostor syndrome. Read Dirk Hayhurst's Out of My League, which goes into this in depth.

    • Love 3
  17. 4 minutes ago, In2You said:

    I'm tired of the constant drama of Ginny's life  that doesnt even correlate with baseball. If she's such a fragile mess how did she get this far? Because year one of the minors would've broken her down. And next week we have to deal with stupid nude picture nonsense.

    I don't see her as fragile. She pointed out that she wasn't the first woman to play professional ball so she wouldn't have gotten the kind of reaction she's dealing with now before. I remember reading about Jackie Robinson's experience. There's a lot of pressure in being the first and the show nailed it when she talked about how there was her and then there's this other thing that is so much bigger than her. How many people can go throw that kind of pressure unscathed?

    I don't think they're nude pictures but they are pictures of her with a player on a rival team. That's going to be enough to make the tabloids crazy. 

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