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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. 15 minutes ago, enoughcats said:

    Not looking possible. 

    I know. Hate when shows do that. Show us someone viable as a romantic partner for one of the leads, then either kill them or ship 'em off by the end of the episode.

  2. Thankfully, no sexy times with the two of them, just the kiss that seemed like Bishop tweaking Torres. Definitely didn't pick up anything from Bishop, just a high of doing undercover work.  Overall, an ok episode. Don't feel the need to ever watch that one again.

    • Love 3
  3. On 12/28/2017 at 11:52 AM, pearlite said:

    Now here's a little something to cheer up those post-Christmas days. And believe me, it's -18C here, so I could use some cheer.

    These are the llamas from the High Park Zoo, next to where I live, photo'd yesterday. The zoo people have them on long, connected leads, kind of like daycare people walking kids.



    Wow there's a lot of Torontonians here! I remember going to the High Park Zoo a lot as a kid. We'd then go and visit my aunt and uncle who lived off of Windermere. Went trying to find it a couple months ago and couldn't! (Sun was setting so I couldn't go too deep into the park.)

    • Love 6
  4. On 12/23/2017 at 5:52 PM, BkWurm1 said:

    She savored the little things and refused to accept emotional (and physical, lol) boundaries. 

    And if it was a man doing that to a woman, we'd all be squicked out, right? So why is it ok for a woman to do that to man? And why do so many people defend this behaviour?

  5. On 12/14/2017 at 8:53 AM, oakville said:

    I think the motorcade was filmed on University Avenue in Toronto. There is no way that a truck would be allowed to crash into the motorcade,

    It was so obviously University Avenue. Pretty sure the building they took her to was the courthouse by Osgoode.

  6. Bored by all the gangster stuff but loved Flo making that ass scream in pain, liked Mary getting to be a true cop, and happy to finally see Whiskey Wendy. Did anyone notice when Trudy and Mary were coming up on the moonshiners, the music had a hint of the Mission Impossible theme at the beginning before going into something different?

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  7. On 12/7/2017 at 10:07 AM, pearlite said:

    Old Loretto on Brunswick? Argh. Around me, they convert churches from the 1890s into lofts, if they don't just rip them down.

    Yup. Proud Loretto girl. The school relocated to the Richard W Scott site with a complete rebuild. I lived around the corner from there a few years ago. They tore down the staircase that was worn on the right side from decades of girls going up and down those stairs. Philistines.

    • Love 2
  8. 2 hours ago, aguabella said:

    ???  Don't know - would that be worth her time?  How about she turns over everything discovered to date and then moves on with her life?  And, doesn't the team have actual work to do?  Bull needs to replenish his coffers, right? 

    Although they'd lose the tv drama storyline, Marissa keeps her personal life separated from work.  (Kyle, the character, can always reappear in a future season, soap-opera style, lol)  And, how stupid does she look, in front of her team members!

    Most importantly, as they say:  living well is the best revenge!

    A most excellent point. Writing 101 dictates that won't happen though.

    • Love 1
  9. 13 hours ago, pearlite said:

    Yes--and because it's kind of a "reward" when I get home, I'm irritated about this. Yesterday's CDN was just tedious: I guess we're supposed to be piqued by the mysterious entity wanting to destroy Chancellor Park to put up condos, are we? Nope, Mal--I live in downtown TO, where we accept [unwillingly] the destruction of our 100+-year old buildings because hi-rise condos *must" be built.

    My high school went condo - two actually (The Loretto and the Schoolhouse Lofts). Condo hell is a reality in any large city now.

    • Love 5
  10. @bannana Thanks for sharing your experience. It's karma, I guess, that my mom, who wouldn't let us throw anything out even if it was broken, is now going to be in a position where she will only be able to have a few things and if she progresses like your mom did those won't mean anything to her either soon. I've definitely seen the distress and agitation the last month. I wonder how she's going to react when she moves into a facility and nothing is familiar to her. At least now, she recognizes where she is most of the time.

    • Love 8
  11. 53 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

    I haven't paid for the new site, yet. I came here to get the vibe to see if it's worth it or if I'll just leave disappointed.

    I registered for the free stuff at command and found on the forums someone who has does puzzles for old SG1 episodes. There's also a lot of fun quizzes and interesting articles on the site, so it's worth swinging by. The registration fee also includes streaming all the SG1 eps so I'm thinking of paying the fee just so I can clear a shelf and get rid of my DVDs.

  12. 19 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

    it's all so sad

    after my sisters stroke she had severe memory problems.  after her husband died, my niece had her put in a home.  she had fallen and taken to the hospital and while there, she evicted her.

    anyway, the place my sister was in had her unit on the bottom floor, you had to take an elevator down, and the elevator was coded.  i had to sign her in and out when i visited and took her out for the day.  it was for their own good i know, but it made her feel like she was in prison.

    i have not spoken to my niece since.

    It's actually easier to place someone into a facility out of the hospital. Because my mom was in the hospital, we've been able to put her on a crisis list. My brother said he has a friend who didn't have access to the program we have and has been waiting a couple of years to get their parent into a facility. Maybe this was the best chance your niece had to get your sister the help she needed. Being in the position now that your niece was in (my mom's memory issues started with what has been diagnosed as a small stroke), I can't help but feel for her.

    • Love 4
  13. 25 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    I think you are right. His memory is so bad he doesn't remember conversation we had just hours ago. He fell in the parking lot at his restaurant and he told me the abrasions on his arms were from diabetes. He has never has diabetes. The restaurant called me a week later and said they hadn't called me at the time because he told the I was out of state. A total lie. Now I have them watering down his wine and they cut him off after  2 glasses.

    It's good you have them on your side helping you out. As much as it's hard to say what's going on, the more people know the better.

    • Love 8
  14. 6 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    I think he's just oblivious to the fact that the house hasn't been cleaned since my mom died. We've spoken to him about the unholy mess that is the downstairs bathroom and he claims not to see it. He has also taken to lying about stuff. Like when they were at the doctor my husband said "Jeez man cut your toenails" and he said he did but next time they were at the docs/ nope not done. The doctor gave my DH a card of a woman who does that sort of work but I haven't broached it with him yet. There's just so many things. Is lying one of the symptoms?

    Downplaying, yes. I had to start going to all my mom's doctors' appointments because she would claim that everything is just fine. Cutting the toenails in particular was a challenge. My sister started taking my mom to the foot doctor to make sure it got done. Honestly? Get him out of the house for a few hours and have someone come in and clean. We cleaned out a lot of mom's crap while she was in the hospital. Subterfuge is a practical strategy at this point.

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