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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. I guess this is the place to have this discussion (I so miss the one thread).

    I mainlined Dan/Jan fanfic yesterday (and I mean seriously - I did an all-nighter Thursday night and only got to bed at 3am this morning). As I slowly tracked down my favourite stories (and it's criminal how much got lost - all the archives/contest sites are gone and a lot of it never made it to fanfiction.net or AO3 so thank god for the Wayback Machine), it really highlighted to me how the loss of Janet really did a number on the show. So many of those fics, even the angsty ones, gives a wider perspective to the team. I know that's the nature of fanfic but it's interesting how there's such a difference in feel between the two.

    By the end of season 7 you've lost Janet and Hammond, which essentially isolated the team. Yeah, they interacted with other people but there were no friendships. Janet in particular was a person that the team could talk to who loved them yet could provide an outside perspective. Maybe she would have become as jaded as the team did, or she could have been the touchstone that tethered them.

    In the end, there was so much opportunity lost to develop the characters by not giving them friendships where they could talk about their fears and hopes outside of the team dynamic. I think there was a recognition of that going into season 9 with Landry and Lam but because they hadn't been there for the journey, the attempt at friendship never clicked.

    Anyway, that's just happens to be how *I* feel about it. What do you think?

    (Thank you, lexicon! I'd forgotten how it went.)

  2. 22 hours ago, LakeGal said:

    I had never heard of Chris before he was announced as the Bachelor.  He is a tall one.  I did notice how he stood with his hand in his pocket while hugging most of the women when he was introduced to them.  It struck me as funny.  Maybe a nervous thing or he had something valuable in his pocket.  

    Know of him from his baseball days. The hand thing is probably a habit developed during his playing career. Your pitching hand is an asset that needs to be protected. And pitchers in the major leagues are almost never less than 6 feet tall and can be as tall as 6"6'. It's an asset when you're pitching (has to do with downward plane).

    21 hours ago, LakeGal said:

    I don't think there is anything special about his looks.  In fact I think his beard looks too dark for his light hair.  

    The beard is a big mistake.


    • Love 5
  3. On 10/12/2017 at 5:48 PM, stuckin60s said:

    bishop again, going in the door first?  She is not a senior agent nor is she as trained with fighting and tactics as others.  

    Neither was McGee at first. She's been on the team for a bit now - why is it so hard to believe that she has gotten advanced training in that time? Didn't we have an episode last year when a friend of McGee's came to do exactly that? I can't see why Gibbs wouldn't have insisted on it.

    • Love 2
  4. 26 minutes ago, brgjoe said:

    One thing that kinda bugs me is they all are dressed so casual.  Double agent FBI lady was a murder and traitor and all, but at least she dressed appropriately.  :)

    FBI folks aren't scrounging around crime scenes. If you might have to run down hills or put your hands into garbage at a moment's notice, why would you wear nice clothes? Jeans and a shirt that can survive wear and tear make perfect sense for what they do.

    • Love 1
  5. I've never finished this season because I was sick of the Vala show and even sicker when it became apparent that they were going to make her and Daniel a couple. I adored Daniel and away from her orbit he was still the character I loved. Around her he became someone I didn't recognize. Honestly, I saw Michael Shanks in those scenes, not Daniel.

    And there was not one scene in the first 16 when Daniel and Teal'c had a scene alone together. Not one. This relationship (one of my favourites) which had required Daniel to go through so much growth, and one in which they both got to share their spiritual sides to each other, just disappeared to appease the Vala show. And I will never, ever understand why Daniel wasn't talking to Sam in the final scene of the Pegasus Project. After all the years of searching for Atlantis together, Daniel's time being ascended, all the years of fighting bad guys together, Sam was the person to be sharing his thoughts and feelings with. But no, Vala had to be shoehorned in to this moment that was the culmination of so many years of Stargate history.

    It turned me off the show, to be honest. The relationships that I had loved and watched grow were back-burnered for the Vala shinny new toy. And when I saw the last few shows were all about Vala, I just couldn't do it.

    • Love 2
  6. On 10/4/2017 at 1:59 AM, BkWurm1 said:

    I have a completely different take and reaction to the character and I'll take most of that to the season ten thread since it covers that season as well but I will first say that what made me into a solid Vala fan wasn't just how much fun I found Daniel around her but how much his character impacted hers and how much truth I saw in her lies AND for how well Daniel was also able to mix in lies with his truth.  I loved what her character did for his. 

    And I hated what her character did to his. I didn't enjoy watching him turn into her punching bag - literally in PU's case.

    Oh @Idiotboy, so happy you're here to share my Vala hate and Fraiser love. The show really suffered in season 8 from losing the latter. The only good thing about this season was all the Daniel/Sam/Teal'c friendship goodness. Goodness that went to hell when Princess Vala showed up.

    And ok, all the Daniel in a suit goodness. *swimming in the shallow end*

  7. I really loved professor Ducky. If we could get a couple more of those, I'd be happy. And I love how they're transitioning him. Yes, it makes total sense for him to write a book with all the crazy cases he's been a part of and the show has done a great job in the past year showing us Palmer is ready to take the reins.

    I actually liked the story too, especially the storyline with the boy's parentage. I liked the touch of talking about what it must be like to come from a shady background into the light, how there will always be people doubting you, and tying it in with the idea of starting over.

    And for once Torres didn't annoy me, so that's something.

    • Love 6
  8. Wow, I did not see that ending coming. I really liked it. This whole episode was great - the role reversal Pride was in, the story of the Russians, having the team clash in ways that are consistent with their personalities and not some made up BS, and a very satisfactory ending. Sorry to see Eva go but it's a great way to go out.

  9. On 10/8/2017 at 0:08 PM, ForReal said:

    Bishop's behavior as lead isn't horrible, but for me it isn't believable, either. As mentioned previously, her Breck girl golden locks and her skinny jeans make her look like a college student wandering around the crime scene. Shouldn't she be dressed in a somewhat more professional manner? She looks like she belongs on NCIS LA.

    She's going to be crawling around at crime scenes and you want her in a suit and heels? She can't help that she looks young.

    • Love 3
  10. 2 hours ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

    Please tell me this isn't a permanent exit :(

    They've left it open for him to come visit. David McCallum probably needs to cut back. His hands aren't steady anymore. :(

    • Love 5
  11. I liked this. The story was engaging and I liked the look into the group dynamics and how to break through them. 

    I loved the ending, that Bull had that moment of realizing that his faithful lapdog, Marisa, wasn't not there waiting with baited breath for him. You're not first with her anymore and that's gotta hurt.

    Again, they let him not always be right, which is a trend I hope will continue. I had to laugh when he told ADA Abernathy that he was arrogant though. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black!

    Liking the reset of this season so far!

    • Love 2
  12. On 10/4/2017 at 6:55 PM, stuckin60s said:

    I just cannot watch if they are going to let Bishop take a stronger lead role and let Gibbs and McGhee step back.  She is just horrible,  Her character began as a quirky young computer geek.  Leaving the door open for McGhee to move into a more "agent" role.  then all of a sudden she is in charge.  nothing happened to her with ALL of her huge mistakes.  Apparently the powers want her.  

    This show is over.  But I still love Ducky and miss Franks

    I don't honestly believe that's going to happen. Her being able to run the team will give the show time to explore what happened to McGee and Gibbs without turning on a lightswitch and making everything ok, like they did after the African adventure. But I feel confident that within a few episodes we'll see McGee back in his role as senior agent and that will give Gibbs a chance to step back, which opens up new possibilities for Mark Harmon to play. 

    I don't miss Franks at all. I'm happy he's gone. Couldn't stand the guy.

    • Love 2
  13. I really liked this episode. The mystery wasn't much but I didn't want something convoluted. I wanted to see how Gibbs and McGee's return affected everything. Plus, I can never get enough of Laura San Giacomo. I like the direction they're moving Gibbs in. It's a nice change. Seeing Jimmy take charge was wonderful - I'm loving this confident man he's become. I liked how Ellie was running things. Great growth for her character too.

    I just loved the feel of this episode and liked what it has set up for going forward. More like this, please.

    • Love 3
  14. On 9/27/2017 at 11:18 AM, stuckin60s said:

    Did anyone else get the feeling that the visiting coroner will slowly replace Ducky?

    I'm really hoping that Ducky gets replaced by Jimmy, myself. You can tell that David McCallum's hands are getting too shaky to be a credible coroner.

  15. 13 hours ago, shrewd.buddha said:

    Bull's mock jury members actually attend the trial (??!!) and are given transponder watches in full view of the judge (??!!). 

    Didn't they do it last year? I seem to remember one episode where a plot point was that the courtroom was cleared so they couldn't get the mock jurists in.

    • Love 1
  16. I like how they've reset the opening of the show. It has a warmer feel with the voiceover off the top, the views of our team starting the morning, the musical underlay. I like we don't even get to the court stuff until halfway through the episode. 

    And Danny reading Bull the riot act? Someone heard our bitching about Bull being annoyingly right all the time.

    I enjoyed this one a lot. Hope this is a good sign for this season.

    • Love 3
  17. This was a surprisingly good episode. It made sense that Ellie would be the one to step up - can't see Torres pushing paper and no way Reeves would be given that level of access. They just had to get rid of Quinn to set that up. I could have done without the torture porn too but the rest of the episode had a good balance of using everybody and no one element overpowered the others. 

    Dare I hope this is a good sign of things to come?

    5 minutes ago, slothgirl said:

    Was Jimmy in this episode? Did I blink and miss him?

    We saw him with the body. He was the one who told them which club they were looking for. 

    "What? I have a life!"

    • Love 4
  18. On 9/17/2017 at 5:44 PM, CooperTV said:


    Zoe McLellan (NCIS: New Orleans) has joined the Season 2 cast as a series regular, playing White House counsel Kendra Daynes.

    Sad that she's not coming back but happy she's found a new show.

    • Love 2
  19. On 11/22/2016 at 9:01 AM, Raja said:

    What was up with the director?  I was going dizzy with his circling camera. 

    Thank you! I was coming here to post the same thing. Usually I only see that with a first time director but this guy has 15 years experience! 

    Somehow I missed this at the time. I liked the story and unlike the overwrought stuff with the mayor later, this just felt like good storytelling of which there was little this season. I especially liked that Loretta was being inflexible here. Yes, she's a wise woman but I like that she isn't perfect. Keeping her real has been a great achievement of this show.

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