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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. On 12/14/2016 at 7:47 PM, Maverick said:

      I thought it was odd the mall operators were offering a contract to the winner.  Don't the individual stores hire their own window dressers? 

    Don't large malls have windows at the entrances and stand alone displays inside that they cycle with products from different stores? That was what I was assuming was being offered.

  2. The right designer won but Edward made it much closer than I thought it would be at the beginning of the series. Loved the door and trees linking the two windows together. But I agree with the shoppers - I loved the window full of blow up lawn ornaments. That was the true definition of whimsy and I do wish he had carried it through both windows.

    When Erin was paired with Tara, I thought it would great. Using Erin's planning skills would address the deficit in that Tara has. I think that situation might had been handled better by both of them. I do think that Erin was probably edited to look more resistant than she probably actually was. It would have said a lot about Tara if she could have brought Erin on board. Speak to Erin's strengths off the top, apologize for the incident that had bothered her so badly, and make her feel appreciated rather than tolerated would have gone a long way. That's essentially what Edward did with Spenser.

    Love the NY window and it was nice to see the other designers there during the unveiling. I would have liked a couple of more minutes with them at the end - it felt rushed.

    All and all, a good first season. Looking forward to the next one.

  3. I had to have a hysterectomy because my fibroids were too big. Turns out when they did the operation they found an extra one as well. Shouldn't she have been told that might have been a possibility or were they so damn sure their machine was perfect.

    Unlike everyone else here, I actually like Marisa and I liked seeing this side of her.

  4. On 9/2/2015 at 3:22 PM, kassa said:

    Have to speak up for my favorite version -- 1980!  David Rintoul will always be Darcy to me, and I think Elizabeth Garvie had fine eyes. She definitely had more of the kind of beauty that would grow on you, as Elizabeth's is supposed to.  Ehle really nails the charm and humor of Lizzie, but she's so sparkly the whole time it's hard to see any group of men at any time not thinking she was the most attractive girl at the ball.  


    And Judy Parfitt as Lady Catherine de Burgh!


    I enjoy the Ehle/Firth version, but Firth seemed too common to me.  I enjoy it in rewatching, because he's very charming, but not really imperious enough.  And the river scene annoyed me (though, similarly, I can enjoy it in rewatching because he's hot)   


    Sadly the 1980 is more of a theater piece, lower production values, etc.  But it definitely cemented all the characters in my mind and I would love to see it shown occasionally.

    Yay! Someone else who loves it as much as I do. It was my first version, so that may bias me a bit but it's long enough to truly capture the book and I think the casting is closest to the descriptions in the book.

    I'm also a huge fan of the Ciaran Hinds/Amanda Root Persuasion. Again, great feel for the book and the characters.

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  5. So happy Spenser's gone. His final comments made it clear that he still just doesn't get it. I wish him a great career working with brands who fit with his sensibilities.

    I also think they keep hoping that Tara learns more about time management. Her LUSH window is still one of my favourites of the whole thing. She may just be one of those people that needs to always work with a partner who can do the major elements so she can focus on the detail work she does so well.

    I really think Timothy's going to win this thing. Edward's window was beautiful but I loved the cascade idea in Timothy's. Both were really great.

  6. On 12/14/2016 at 10:15 PM, JessDVD said:

    Young Ducky. More please. More all the time. Several times per season. Spin-off series. Something.

    I'd watch this.

    14 hours ago, basiltherat said:

    The actress they got to play Ducky's mum looked so much like she would grow old to look like Nina Foch (the old mum).  Didn't Old Mrs. Mallard flirt with Gibbs back 6 years ago?  so her behavior in this episode was quite in character!

    She was fantastic.

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  7. 1 minute ago, attica said:

    [gasps] Shut your mouth! Or, better yet, go outside, spit, and turn around three times while chanting Gehrig! Jeter! Ueker! Cobb! /Scully! Enberg! Barber! Bob!


    That's my thought but my broadcasters don't agree. :(

    1 hour ago, Moose135 said:

    I really liked how that played against her first start, after walking three guys she was asking Al to take her out of the game, now she is fighting to stay in - it showed her growth as a player and a person.

    I absolutely missed that. Great point.

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  8. 16 hours ago, PreviouslyTV said:

    A couple, actually -- but does it have anywhere else to go?

    View the full article

    @Sarah D. Bunting Actually, a lot of broadcasters will use the term "no-hitter in progress". There was a whole debate up here in Toronto about it. Their argument was that it's their job to notify the viewers/listeners of what is going on and besides, what they say or don't say doesn't affect the outcome on the field.

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  9. Noah!!!!!!! *flails around*

    Can we just ditch the Bawson bullshit and go full-on Ginny and Noah? There's so much potential there. Noah being someone used to being in control yet having a caring side can create a lot of relationship tension without needing the "will-they-won't-they" dynamic I'm so very bored of. Plus, they're fun together. God, I miss watching relationships that are just fun. So sick of angst.

    Ginny going down after a angry(?) throw to first reminded me so much of what happened to Jose Bautista. His arm hasn't been the same since. Is that where they're going with Ginny? I didn't see the promo so I didn't know she was going to get hurt and gasped in shock when it happened. I don't blame anyone for going for the no-hitter. I still think pulling Rich Hill was dumb. You've got to go for it. That opportunity may never come again (see Morrow, Brandon and McGowan, Dustin).

    I really hope it gets renewed. Can't wait to see how they're going to handle the injury. And good riddance, Amelia! Give Ginny a real sports agent.

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  10. I liked Ginny with tech dude! He was funny and knew how to get her to laugh and the right way to woo her and he's out of baseball and just soooooo much better than Lawson. But nooooo, we've got to force this thing with Lawson. Stop it, show! Let them be mentor/mentee and friends.

    Which is a shame, because I loved the rest of the episode. For once they let the Jays win on the scroll! Against Cleveland, no less. I liked seeing Evelyn being a businessperson. I hope we see more of that side of her. Blip's handling of the whole thing was great. I've come to really love Oscar and he got to do some great stuff in this one. Nice seeing Sarah Shahi again. Amelia taking Elliot's advice!  Al being his usual awesome self and Buck supporting him. There was a wealth of lovely scenes which is all I need to make me happy.

    We all knew Mike wasn't getting traded but honestly, I don't care. I remember when all the rumours were floating around about trading Roy Halladay (also long-time member of one team who wanted a ring) and the way they played it here was very true to life and I was happy to see it. Plus, it coming down to money and wanting to season young talent also made a lot of sense to me, so bravo for finding a legit way to wiggle out. 

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  11. On 5/18/2016 at 8:03 PM, Minneapple said:

    I agree. Tali was perfectly safe and uninjured. All her things were perfectly ready to go including a perfectly framed, untouched photo of Ziva and Tony. Tony said, "Ziva loves Paris." Not loved, loves, and that seemed like really deliberate thing to say.

    Just watched a rerun of this episode and note how many times Tony asks for the proof of her death and no one ever answers it. He knows she faked her death and knows where she is. The rest is all a cover.

    • Love 3
  12. When I saw the lead up to this show, it was the LUSH windows I was most looking to. And I wasn't disappointed. I loved Tara's window so I was pleasantly surprised that she got to have it go into an actual store. 

    Felt so bad for Shani. I loved what she did last week. I don't get it. She was top 2 last week, shouldn't that have given her a week pass? Especially when Spenser hits the bottom 2? Obviously the judges are in love with his creativity but I'm sad I won't get to see Shani do another window. I really don't care to see another one of Spenser's.

    I will never understand why they would have designers team up. Does that ever happen out in real life? How are they supposed to be judged on the criteria if they don't have full artistic control?

  13. It was a huge error to launch this show while the season was going on. On my blog, I have a lot of people who have been thinking about watching the show but weren't going to while baseball was on and now they're not getting the push to start it from the beginning.

    • Love 4
  14. I came here after the episode aired but there was no thread and I couldn't be bothered to make one so thank you, @betsyboo.

    I enjoyed it, except for the subplot of her brothers being asses at her workplace. I have three brothers and if they ever tried any of that shit they'd be kicked out of my apartment so fast they'd see stars. Luckily, only one is that ridiculously overbearing.

    I liked that Bishop was seeing the flip side of her jobs at NSA. I liked that the show was willing to acknowledge that there are some people at Gitmo who were railroaded to be there. I was so happy to see Qasim again. Didn't guess him for the boyfriend but was extremely happy he was. I loved their chemistry last year. And it's nice in these times to see a mixed-race couple like them being accepted. Granted, the brothers were softened up after the Gibbs scare but still, that was heart-warming for me. 

    I also didn't miss the mention of the brothers egging Jake's car, show. Still unhappy you took away Jamie Bamber with glasses from our screens. I still don't buy him cheating on her. Nice try though.

    On 11/24/2016 at 5:06 AM, snuffles said:

    Since when does Abby go to crime scenes? At 2am no less, lol.

    Love Clayton Reeves, but he's being written as such a puss now. He's a MI6, but can't lie to Ellie's brothers? The translator turned meditation guy got the upper hand on him?

    Second this. #letReevesbebadassagain

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  15. This is the final year in Mike's contract, IIRC? So he needs to make a deal at the end of the season anyway?

    I'm pretty sure that we're meant to assume he meant the Cubs. He would know that they don't need a catcher, wouldn't they? Which would be a smart way of appearing to acquiesce but not really. Given the context just before that though, that's probably not what they're going for.

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