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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. 8 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

    I really like this show but I wasn't a fan of the episode.  I think it's great that there's a real depth to her character but, Ginny is a train wreck.  How did she get that far into a career with no support system?  Blip and his wife seem to be her only real friends.  She's distanced herself from her family.  And it seems like what sent her off on her night of drinking beer and playing games at a house party was that she was jealous of Mike and Amelia?  Really?  

    And how did the waitress give Amelia the video?  Did they track her down?  Will Ginny ever see her again?

    I didn't see it as being jealous of Mike and Amelia. She was pissed because Mike knew she had a panic attack because she had called Amelia. That wasn't something she wanted him to know. Amelia had been her support system and now she couldn't trust it anymore.

    The waitress had driven Ginny to the ballpark and waited for her to wake up. Pretty sure Amelia or someone from the team was there waiting for them. I hope Ginny sees her again. I really liked her.

    • Love 15
  2. I really like that we got to see Ginny get some cracks. When we first started watching the video, I thought they were going to work the whole "oh no, she looks like a lesbian" so I'm glad that didn't happen. Really looking forward to see what they do with this.

    • Love 13
  3. On 10/30/2016 at 2:05 AM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

    Amelia royally screwed up the Blip "demand."  Not as most are saying, that it just isn't done in baseball.  But, in that Amelia's entire job is to take the difficult meetings Ginny should never take on her own.  In fact, part of Oscar's anger would have been about this very real dynamic.  Management generally despise agents, but this is the one useful function for both sides they do offer.  They are happy to be a dick to an agent.  They are loathe to take a tough line directly with any player - especially one of Ginny's importance.   It would have been next level for the show to have Oscar vent his anger on Amelia, for whom he has the hots, too.  Oh well.

    • Love 1
  4. 9 hours ago, piequinn35 said:

    I think Ginny is jealous, she would have taken the call if she wasn't affected. 

    I am girl I know the feeling lol.

    I am a girl and I wouldn't have taken the call because I'd be pissed that Mike hadn't told me himself and I'd need some time to process how my worlds have just collided. Doesn't have to be jealousy.


    12 hours ago, Lila82 said:

    Blip's speech was equally great.  Ginny is earnest and kind, but she's also needy and naive.  She makes everything about her because everyone else makes everything about her, and she has trouble separating the two.  It was a good lesson for her, learning when to pull back and find balance in the complicated power dynamics of her personal relationships.  

    11 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    I loved the scene between Oscar and Ginny.  Even though Ginny isn't trying to be some big-headed superstar, she does have a fair amount of privilege and is being treated special.  It was nice to see Oscar give her that come to Jesus talk about baseball being after all a business and the players are commodities to be traded in service of that.  I loved her "thank you for your time"  because she realized she had overstepped.

    But I can see how Ginny went there.  People have been telling her all along to use her unique position to affect change.  She probably wondered, well how is this any different for her to throw her influence round to keep Al from getting fired (also a business decision made by the front office)?  It was a naive move but I think it had to happen, a teaching moment as it were.

    It also illustrated how ill equipped Amelia is to be Ginny's agent.  She doesn't understand baseball.  I hope that they don't drop this as a possible plot point because it is promising.  More promising, imo, than there being some rift because of Mike.

    Great observations about Ginny. I'm liking that we're seeing her stumble around a bit in trying to live with this unique pressure environment she finds herself in.

    I'm now wondering if part of having Mike and Amelia together is him giving her some what for about what she's doing to Ginny. Imagine what he'd do if he finds out about Ginny's trip to see Oscar and that it was Amelia's idea?

    23 hours ago, DaBigDave said:

    RIght. But they never would have traded Blip... and everyone would have known that. While, yes, if you don;t have a no-trade clause you might get traded... this just wouldn't happen - especially since they say Blip has a "team friendly" contract. Which is to say, they couldn't get back equal value on the field without have to pay way more.

    And again, everyone, Ginny included would know they weren't trading Blip and wouldn't stress over it. Mookie Betts doesn't have a no-trade. But he's not going anywhere.

    You bet your ass Mookie Betts will be traded if the Sux got Mike Trout back. Anyone can be traded. It's just that the price would have been really high for Blip.

    • Love 4
  5. 51 minutes ago, In2You said:

    The agent's job is to negotiate the best deal possible, period. Even as rookies players don't just sign the first off.  And we are too believe Ginny is a hot commodity being the only female to make it to MLB. There would've been a good amount of negotiating done.

    When Ginny's contract was done there was no guarantee she would make it to the show. She would have signed like any prospect did. With her stuff she would not have been a high draft pick, and they are the only players that can make demands on their contracts. In fact, she was probably already under contract when Amelia found her.

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

    While there was some emotional satisfaction in watching the Oscar call Giny out for asking to keep Blip, it was tempered by the fact that I have a hard time believing Ginny wouldn't realize that this was inappropriate in a sports context.  I buy it from Amelia because we've already seen her not get the dynamics but Ginny should know better. And I needed her to see the blowback.

    I saw it as Ginny trying to navigate the weird position she's in. Amelia pointed out that she's not an ordinary ball player - she has an intrinsic value because she's a pioneer. Amelia told her to ask and she was so scared of losing her only friend (something that gets highlighted at the very end of the episode when she finds out about Lawson being involved with her agent) that she really hoped that Amelia was right. So she tried it and was rightly told that she wasn't in a position to have a say.

    I believed it because the episode showed us that she was really scared of losing Blip and his family and juxtaposing it with the loss of another close friend so I bought that she was in enough of an emotional state to try it.

    • Love 8
  7. 1 hour ago, DaBigDave said:

    And there is no way in hell a team in contention trades an all-star centerfielder for the stretch drive. All of the trade stuff was dumb.

    They didn't trade Blip though. Ginny's talk gave Oscar the idea to give the Angels a centerfielder, so he acquired one in trade and flipped him for the player he needed.

    • Love 5
  8. 15 minutes ago, mtlchick said:

    That said, it wasn't her place AT ALL to tell Oscar to save Blip. Mark Consuelos isn't a great actor, but it looked like he was actually gnashing his teeth tearing into her about trades.  And there was truth to it: they're getting paid a lot of money for this game.  They know the risks of being traded. 

    Ginny knew that. It was Amelia who told her that she had the ability to ask for it, which comes from Amelia thinking the baseball world runs like Hollywood. So now Ginny is on the GM's shit list and it's Amelia's fault. Hope they deal with this.

    • Love 14
  9. I loved the viewpoint of the front office. Trade deadlines are always a big deal for the fans. Was fun to see the other side.

    I was not expecting the ending to the flashback though. The actor playing her friend is listed for other episodes so we haven't seen the last of him.

    • Love 6
  10. On 10/18/2016 at 10:48 PM, kittygirl said:

    I can't stand Quinn. And I know why... it's her teeth. Bad dental work, too large, too shiny white, too difficult for her to get her mouth around them to talk. It is very distracting to me. She may be a well known actress but a bad fit for the show.

    Since I don't have perfect teeth, I love that her teeth are "non-standard". It's reassuring to see someone more like me on my tv.

    • Love 1
  11. On 10/1/2016 at 0:33 AM, Danielg342 said:

    If I'm not mistaken, the Dodgers in the Pilot were in San Diego, while in this episode the Padres traveled to L.A.

    Anyway, I know how the baseball schedule works...I'm just saying it's a bit repetitive to have, two episodes in a row, the same team featured twice. The writers didn't necessarily have to make that choice but they did.

    When I was at PETCO, I heard all over the place how much they hate the Dodgers. There's a natural rivalry they're playing with and I like that they're using it.

    • Love 2
  12. I really loved this ep. It was great to see Sebastian have a chance to shine by seeing him work under pressure and play to his strengths. The most enjoyable ep this season. Maybe it has to do with Sonja missing and new girl mostly background but being useful. The team's ties to each other and their community is this show's biggest strength and it's the best when they use them.

    • Love 5
  13. It was nice to see Bull off balance and out of his element for a lot of the episode. It was a lot of fun even though it was obvious they weren't actually in Texas. I'm enjoying this series more each week. Probably because I'm tired of angst and this show has very little of it.

    • Love 2
  14. I liked this episode although I can't explain why. Just enjoyed all the interaction, the side stories, and the overall feel. I did like the ending. Nice seeing the elevator being the scene for another life change. Missed you, elevator!

    • Love 5
  15. There's still people like my parents who loved Perry Mason and Matlock. To be honest, I like seeing justice triumph every week as well. If they can keep things going like this week, I think this show has a shot at making it.

    • Love 1
  16. This was soooo much better than last week. Engaging client, getting to know the team a bit more, less focus on the manipulation of the jury. I'm willing to give this show another shot.

    • Love 6
  17. 1 hour ago, Superpole2000 said:

    Also, she isn't big enough. She is 5'8, and pitchers under 6'0 tall are exceedingly rare...again, because of physics.

    Marcus Stroman would like a word.

    • Love 7
  18. 14 hours ago, DCLeague said:

    I dont think its wise to have only "one trick in the book", she should learn more pitches as the show goes or learn to perfect them.

    She also has a fastball. In the commentary, they talk about how she was in a 0-2 count and expecting a fastball and were surprised she threw a third fastball. Sounds similar to RA Dickey's repertoire. He has a slow fastball as well as the knuckler and when he's on they're both effective. 

  19. 6 minutes ago, Last Time Lord said:

    My one concern (if you could even call it that) is I kind of felt this would have been better suited as a movie, especially with how it ended with the twist with Ginny's father.

    Initially it was planned as a movie but IIRC the producers had a tv track record so it was easier to develop it this way.

    • Love 2
  20. I really enjoyed this show. I like that she had nerves and self-doubt. I can't imagine being in that situation and not. Love that the GM is so Preller-like. The dad was Tony Rasmus. Love the gal pal (who's name I'm blanking on). Love seeing PETCO. JOe Buck was just as annoying as ever, so the characterization was spot on. 

    Was not so impressed that they had the Sux beating my Jays on the out-of-town scoreboard. Don't do that again, show.  

    • Love 2
  21. 6 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

    I liked it well enough. It amuses me that Gibbs has gone from a loner who slept on his couch, to providing a hostel for in-transition colleagues. He was very smiley this episode. Nothing wrong with that smile.

    It makes me all kinds of happy to see Gibbs going back to the smiley Gibbs we saw in the first two seasons.

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