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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. 22 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    (I think using paper helps because machines aren't needed.)  Then there are the states with all-mail ballots.  They tend to have good turnout. 

    Big fan of paper ballots. We use them here. They don't take that long to count at the end of the night and with the crosschecks built it it's very hard to stuff the ballot. Then you have records to refer to with no opportunity to tamper electronically with the results.

    • Love 6
  2. In Canada we have a law that employers have to give employees three consecutive hours off during polling hours on election day so they can go vote. That kind of thing would have to go hand in hand with reducing waiting times to vote (therefore, tackling voter restrictions).

    • Love 3
  3. Torres' story was actually ok. I liked the Lieutenant and appreciated that her connection with Torres wasn't a romantic one but rather warrior to warrior. I also really liked the opening where we had the conversation with the ghost of Collins and the in-between of Ellison. It was something different and much appreciated. Quinn punking McGee and Bishop was fun too.

    They seem to be getting a better idea of how to work with the various parts. I've enjoyed the last few episodes.

    • Love 7
  4. On 3/9/2017 at 8:35 PM, roseha said:

    Nice to see a  Tim-centric episode.  I wonder though, have they gotten away from Tim's computer-whiz geekiness?  I didn't see much of it in this ep or in the others I've seen this year (not many I admit).

    Now he's senior field agent so it doesn't make sense for him to spend his time doing that work. It seems they've given Quinn some of those skills and they haven't done any stories this year that requires anything particularily "hacky".

  5. On 3/7/2017 at 9:07 PM, AimingforYoko said:

    Forget about telling Delilah, who's going to tell Tony he lived with a dead body for 14 years?

    I wanted to have someone at least mention telling Tony. Why did you deny us, show?

    • Love 4
  6. Vastly enjoyed the "mirror Bull" ribbing the team was giving him. Any time they give him the gears it's vastly enjoyable. And Liberty playing hardball? Loved it.

    Noticed that it was all the women who took the risk to jump. We know who's the real risk-takers are. 

    Glad that the wife didn't punish the daughter but agree with everyone that she should have found a way to get back at Bull.

    And Benny? You're breaking my heart.

    • Love 1
  7. Just saw this again. Original recipe, how nice. Brody and Lasalle talking smack to each other, Pride going up against the brass to get answers, Loretta giving Pride the side eye when he asks if she's missed anything, Sebastian coming up with some off-the-wall way to find evidence. I miss this NICS NOLA.

    • Love 1
  8. So we actually don't see Granger in this episode (unless I missed something). Nice way to exit though.

    You can keep coming back though Nate. The more of you, the better. Love that Nell admitted that she wasn't doing well. She's right. They all need help.

    • Love 7
  9. 9 hours ago, attica said:

    I'd forgotten that DW and KR had done Much Ado together. That was a long time ago. I really recommend that if you've never seen it. Denzel does the bard's text with such ease, grace, and warmth, it's delightful. If I were Emma-as-Beatrice, I'd totally take him over KB! And then there are the leather pants, which? Ohhhhhh. Words just can't.

    I remember seeing this in the theatre and when Keanu said, "I'm a man of few words" the audience applauded.

    • Love 6
  10. They're airing season 6 here in Canada now on BBC Canada. Just saw episode 3. Humphrey has a girlfriend! I'm guessing she's how they're writing him out, which is supposed to happen in the next few eps.

    This episode featured Jason Hughes from Midsomer Murders. Good to see him. The murderer and the motive came out of nowhere, which I appreciated. One of the better episodes I've seen in a while.

    • Love 2
  11. On 2/22/2016 at 2:10 AM, Irlandesa said:

    I was really enjoying the flashback story but it kind of took a not-so-feelgood turn.  I thought it'd be revealed that he only thought he killed a man.  But nope, a rich teen who started scamming the competition by making her fall in love with him (because this is what he does) gets drunk when she doesn't take kindly to the truth and kills a homeless man.  But hey, he's young so he can get his record expunged and go on to be governor. 

    Finally got to see this and wow, this is a cynical viewing. I see rich kid who starts to scam the competition, only to find himself actually being challenged by and falling for her, only to be crushed by having his past actions come up and ruin the good thing he had discovered. Heartbroken, he drinks himself into a stupor, blacks out, remembers what he did when he sobers up, realizes he screwed up, pays the piper, and devotes his life to making amends.

    But hey, why be sympathetic when it's someone with money?

    • Love 1
  12. Finally got to see it and loved there were so many character moments in it. I'd be happy to watch an episode with just Gibbs, Fornell and Confalone exchanging wise cracks for an hour.

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