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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. 47 minutes ago, pcta said:

    Having lived through too many assassinations, one criticism of crowd scene at bar (?) early on - there would be a lot more crying. (Even in DC)

    I looked at it as everyone was in shock. Just looking at the discussion here, no one would expect something of that magnitude.

    27 minutes ago, hiccup said:

    When the son was being driven to The White House, he called the Secret Service agent by his first name.  There was a lot going on, so I must have missed something.  How do they know each other?

    That wasn't established. Hopefully we'll know by the end of the next episode.

  2. I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to see where it's going. I hope it isn't going in a 24 direction. As much as I like Sutherland (and I've had the pleasure of meeting him), I don't enjoy shows that are heavy on violence. I never watched 24 for that reason. I'm here for the intrigue and watching the development of people being struck in extraordinary circumstances.

    Was I the only one who caught the line that they had secured the White House while they were transporting the Kirklands? When he was outside, we could hear helicopters close by. I thought they did a great job in establishing that there's tons of security around there. I can also fully believe (being non-USian) that having the new President conducting business in the White House would be something that would be very important for the remaining administration as a show of strength in the face of adversity.

    • Love 4
  3. 59 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

    One thing - If the clothes and haircut were so important for the defendant's appearance to the jury, why did Bull wait until after the opening arguments to use the stylist?   

    Wasn't there a comment made that they didn't get access to him until after the opening arguments?

    • Love 2
  4. 14 minutes ago, Packerbrewerbadger said:

    What happened to the English agent from the end of last season?  I thought he was going to become  part of the team and was looking forward to him!  


    He comes back starting in episode 5.

    • Love 4
  5. 19 minutes ago, Ohmo said:

    he "Boss" reference irritated me, actually.  I found it to be lazy and annoying.  Anyone who has watched NCIS knows that Tony called Gibbs "Boss" hundreds, maybe even thousands, of times.  Michael decided that he wanted to do something different from Tony.  The NCIS audience sent Tony on his way to new opportunities.  I felt like the writers were trying to have it both ways.  Michael's either playing Tony or he's not, and since he's not, leave the NCIS references be.

    I liked it because a) it indicated that in this show, he's top dog & b) a throwback to when Gibbs left for a while and he made McGee call him Boss.

    • Love 4
  6. 2 minutes ago, anna0852 said:

    If Fornell is staying with Gibbs, does that mean Emily is there as well? 

    I assumed they packed Emily off to college, since we didn't see her at all.

  7. 1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I did love how Gibbs told Torres how he knew getting revenge didn't work. And dammit, how is it that Mark is still one SEXAY Silver FOX? Sigh...

    Amen to this. This is why Torres' might work. Could give Harmon some new notes to play. 

    • Love 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Callietwo said:

    And if Bull is working for the defense, why was he riding along when they showed up to presumably arrest the mother of the weird girl?  And?  How did they know about her, the necklace, etc?

    My guess is in observing that family he made observations that he shared with the prosecution, which led to her arrest. And he asked to be there when it went down.

    • Love 2
  9. Just now, anna0852 said:

    I missed it. Any mentions of Tony or baby Tali?

    There was a moment when McGee talked about not being comfortable at Tony's desk and Bishop tells him that Tony would want him there. Then she did a credible Tony impression.

  10. I love Quinn. She's going to be a great balance to Gibbs, which has been sorely needed for a while. Not sold on Torres yet but he certainly opens up new story possibilities. Cautiously excited for the season.

    • Love 12
  11. On 5/17/2016 at 6:23 PM, Sweets McGee said:

    Good question! I think a lot of it has to do with opportunity. Girls are steered toward softball growing up, not baseball. What if more girls learned to play baseball and were given the opportunity to fine tune their game like boys are? It starts at that level.

    More girls are now playing baseball so it's possible that we may see more high level women players in the next decade. Hopefully this show will help ignite that dream for many.

    • Love 1
  12. I actually liked shrill Emily. Showed that she is Diane's daughter. And if there was ever a time to freak out, it was there.

    I liked the new additions, especially MI6 man. Can we keep him?

    • Love 5
  13. No one's ever talked about this? Just saw this episode for the first time and just loved Harold being badass. I liked the story a lot, seeing Sandra as the flip of the coin to Harold. And of course, we get the patented "Reese destroys everyone in the place" and "Shaw tortures and gets the answer she wants". 


    I'm assuming the guy who masterminded this comes up again? 


    I have enjoyed this run of episodes. I may be the only person who hangs out here who enjoys stand-alones. When they're done well, they're a joy.

    • Love 1
  14. Just saw Carter die for the first time and wow. If I hadn't known what was going to happen, it would have been a kick in the gut. There's so much to love. Kickass Fusco, electrician Finch, that entire final scene.

    I wondered why we had the scene with Shaw and the car cop but see now it was to setup the protection of Fusco's son and why Shaw would know to do that. I actually loved Shaw and Fusco working together.

    I was also really happy that Root wasn't part of the operation.

    But more than anything else, I adored Carter and Resse. That kissing scene turned me into a Caresse shipper. I loved seeing their soft side and the lowering of the barriers added so much to both characters. I know they only went there because they were going to kill her off but I wish I had had the chance to see more of the carefree we saw at the end. It was a good look for both. Of course, we can't have happiness on this show, can we?

  15. Been watching reruns on and off the last few months and I've come to adore Finch. I love the way he speaks, the ways he can be quietly bad ass, the way he sees and assesses. It's not easy playing such a self-contained character and Emerson makes it effortless. It's such a treat watching his scenes, especially with Reese.

    • Love 2
  16. Didn't catch this the first time (didn't watch a lot of the beginning of the season) so having seen Brody's story line wrapped up, was good to see some of the lead off. Loved, loved, loved the red dress run. If I didn't know that Weber is now mayor I would have completely bought the misdirection. I just really like this show.

  17. Should have billed it NCIS family night.


    Is it just me or did Pride flipping out on Spooner seem forced? The escalation at that point made no sense to me. After the comment about his daughter, yes. But it just seemed as if Bakula jumped a point.


    Did like the return of the militia storyline and I thought it was well constructed. Just a little tired of the family in peril trope.

    • Love 1
  18. Was really nice seeing this side of Senior. Was also nice for Tony to see this side of Senior.

    Was that a Chinese language Tony was learning? Don't know the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese. Or Japanese for that matter.

    Enjoyed the case immensely. Can't help it. Love cases that have nothing to do with terrorism or national security.

    • Love 6
  19. God help me, I am really attracted to Rory. When he's onscreen I have to make any effort to see anyone else.

    Watched both Wednesday and Thursday and enjoyed them both. I was annoyed on the likeability panel that no one touched upon how the Republicans have been throwing crap at Clinton for decades. Appreciate Larry mentioning how the actual person was different than the persona. Surprised no one even considered that maybe the reason she doesn't show vulnerability is because every time she does it's used against her? Just really felt we could have had a deeper discussion than we did.

    • Love 1
  20. I was really glad the sister thing wasn't drawn out. No two parter, no big blowouts, just a tight story. This show really plays the team as family and that's why I've fallen in love with it.


    But those St Paddy day shirts were UGLY.

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