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Everything posted by lottiedottie

  1. Usually not--it can take months to get furniture in once you order it. It depends, though. You can buy some crib models and it doesn't take long, but custom fabric choices can take quite some time.
  2. TLC's job is to make money...and drama brings viewers. It's unfortunate that Josie has no say in this, because I'm not sure she will love having this episode on display once she is older. Someone has to draw the line, you know? It's too bad her asshole parents don't know well enough to do it.
  3. Oh wait, this was two episodes? It seemed like it was all one? I'm so confused.
  4. This episode felt like a dozen different topics crammed into one. Redecorate the remaining girls' room! Josie has a seizure! Visit Anna and Josh! Josh and Anna go to the midwife! Jill picks out baby furniture! Jessa makes food! Really weird. I really felt for Jana during Josie's seizure. That had to be so traumatic for her--can you imagine the guilt she would have been left with if Josie died or was seriously injured from the seizure? Boob an Meechelle would have never forgiven her even though she should not have to be responsible for the health and well being of her siblings.
  5. I just noticed that in the Honeymoon episode when Anna tells Josh she's pregnant, McKynzie (or however the fuck you spell it) is wearing pajama PANTS! How scandalous!
  6. There was a viral video around not long ago of a guy's honest reaction to the news that his girlfriend (or wife, not sure which) was pregnant. I think Josh's reaction was pretty much that. If there was a thought bubble above his head, it was "FML". He sure did not seem thrilled with the news. Never mind the fact that Anna woke him up with cameras to give him the news. I'd be super pissed if I was him!
  7. I have such mixed feelings about these two. I hate what they stand for--but as a couple, I think they genuinely dig each other. Ben seems very interested in making Jessa happy, and I love a young guy who is a romantic. (even if some of it is producer-driven). If he weren't a fundamentalist nut job, I'd find him charming and cute.
  8. I just showed my husband that picture Derrickdillard holding Izzy and asked him how old he thought the baby was. His guess was six months. That is one GIANT baby!
  9. Love this article from the Daily Banter! http://thedailybanter.com/2015/04/why-the-fck-are-we-still-talking-about-the-duggars/
  10. Finally got around to watching the series finale. Aside from the implausibility of the entire town just dying to send off Saint Rory, I thought it was a nice ending to the series. I felt Lorelai's pain when Rory said she got a job and was leaving in three days. And then Richard's comment to Lorelai at the party was so heartfelt! I wanted to kick Emily for attempting to ruin it. Loved that they went to the diner in the morning before they left, too.
  11. I just finished watching this episode, and his comment to her made me cry! Can we just declare that the winner of this round? LOL
  12. I didn't realize that Doyle wrote the screen play for both Mockingjay movies--just found that out after reading an article about the upcoming panel.
  13. Maybe that's what they were doing when they left the "stage" at their wedding. Skipped the first kiss and went right for the jackpot! Anything to outdo Jilly Muffin! "Oh you got pregnant on your honeymoon? Well, I *I* got pregnant before I even left the church!"
  14. Plus it seems like we'll be able to avoid the inevitable "Who is Mariah?" questions, since Mariah is an actual name. I think Marsiah makes it clearer who we are talking about.
  15. It's confusing, stupid, and expensive. With all the changes in our health care law, things have gotten more confusing. If you work for a company, they are required to offer something--but they don't have to pay for it--the employee pays for it. If you are lucky, you might find a job where your employer pays for some or all of your monthly premium. If your employer offers health insurance, you are part of a "group" and can get better rates. If you are an individual, you can get an "individual" policy, but it is usually pretty expensive and has high deductibles. For example, my DH is self employed and I don't get health insurance through my work. Our individual plan for 2 adults and 2 kids is almost $800 a month and we have to pay for the first $5,000 (individual) or $10,000 (family) deductible of any health care we receive. The Affordable Care Act ensured that preventive care is "free", that is, it is covered by your monthly premium and you don't pay any out of pocket for that. So, unless JimBoob is paying Ben as an actual employee (and Ben gets a W-2 for filing taxes), then Ben is not considered an employee and would not be eligible for health insurance from JimBoob--JimBoob is not required to offer it if he doesn't have actual employees. There's a way to pay people in the US as independent contractors and at the end of the year they get a Form 1099 that details the income they were paid, but no taxes are taken out--it's on the individual receiving the 1099 to estimate their taxes quarterly and pay them, and there are certain guidelines as to who can be paid as an independent contractor vs a W-2 employee. I highly doubt JimBoob pays Ben as a regular, W-2 employee and withholds taxes. So, to make a long story short--I doubt Ben gets health insurance through JimBoob, but the law requires that he (Ben) have it or he has to pay a fine when he files his taxes (that started this year). Also, Ben would not be covered through TLC, because he would get a 1099 from them (if he is indeed being paid directly from TLC) I don't know if that was helpful or understandable. Your system sounds so much easier!
  16. I thought the same exact thing!! When I saw them together all I could think was "they match".
  17. I wonder if Blessa is shitting bricks after seeing what Jill went through for her Blessing.
  18. 1. Who are your five favorite characters? No particular order: Babette, Richard, Rory, Sookie, Lane 2. Who are your five LEAST favorite characters? Taylor, Logan's stupid friends, Kirk, Michele, Jackson (sooooooo whiny!) Bonus Round: Liz and TJ 3. What are your three favorite romantic relationships throughout the series? Lorelai and Christopher (I thought they had good chemistry together), Kirk and Lulu (although I can't stand him as a character), Lane and that guy from the OC--didn't they go to prom together? I remember him asking Mrs. Kim and reading the bible all night. I thought that was cute. 4. What are your three LEAST favorite romantic relationships throughout the series? Luke and Lorelai--I go back and forth on them, Rory and Jess, Sookie and Jackson 5. What are your five favorite non-romantic relationships? (Friendships, familial relationships, etc.) Zach (not sure how his name is spelled) and Mrs. Kim, Lorelai and Sookie (I can't really think of others that I *really* liked) 6. Name one hypothetical romantic pairing that you might have liked to see. I can't think of any! 7. Rank all seven seasons from favorite to least favorite---no ties :) Haven't seen them all yet 8. If you could keep just 15 episodes, they would be___ See #7
  19. I just watched Lorelai? Lorelai? and I must be in a super sappy mood because I thought Lorelai singing karaoke to Luke was very touching. It made me teary!
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