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Everything posted by auntvi

  1. Kinda positive, if not super positive. I only saw the 2nd half of the episode on Thanksgiving, and I was so disappointed in it that I didn't watch the entire episode until last night. So now I have to admit it made a lot more sense with a full viewing. Also that the scenes between Cas and Lucifer were not too bad. Michael is sufficiently scary to be a worthy opponent. Colonel Sanders, however, I just can't.
  2. Maybe it was Jensen's idea to have Jared join the panel? He could always let Jared know, during the panel even, if Jared was bothering him.
  3. I loved the scary MOTW, it was a reminder of early in the series. Everything about the opening was really well done. You could even tell which kid’s camera you were looking through. Also loved the Harry Potter-like scene of the reaper running through the vale, “Winchester in the vale!!!” I like Billy & Dean’s scenes with her, she definitely toned down her attitude since she became Death and is seeing the big picture. I’m disappointed they didn’t show much of Sam’s reaction to Dean being temp dead, maybe he would have called someone, tried Chuck. Surely he would have been horrified and panicked when the antidote didn’t work. And you’d think Sam would be in Dean ‘s thoughts when he was considering staying dead, protecting Sammy being his prime directive.
  4. “Dean you exist therefore it’s your fault. “ Which Is basically the same thing as me saying “the first rule of SPN is it’s always Sam’s fault”, which I was criticized for. SPN is not that black & white.
  5. I don’t usually say never, but if they bring Crowley back as a different actor I’ll never watch the show again. That would be too shitty!!
  6. I didn't like him years ago, but I went to a museum in Munich a few years ago that was full of Kandinsky and discovered I love him. It's a small museum that has only paintings from "Der Blaue Reiter", a movement in the early 1900s that included Kandinsky, Franz Marc and Paul Klee. I love the colors, too.
  7. I agree. I usually don't like hearing dirty jokes and get squicked out easily, but I thought this joke was funny and definitely not offensive. Exactly.
  8. Before social media they were "mean girls"! I remember hearing some pretty nasty things in high school. I'm familiar with a couple loud J2 haters - and they're old enough to know better. It would be really sad if J2 suffered repercussions from this.
  9. There was something suspicious about Cas when he talked to Kelly about his vision of Paradise. He cut off her questions and didn't want to give her any details about the vision. I wonder if he concocted the vision story for the purpose of manipulating the Winchesters and maybe Jack, too.
  10. I knew very little science when I started. I picked up a some key words & concepts but that’s about it. Now I’m working for a market research co part time- no where near science or legal for that matter.
  11. Rick Springfield is in this season of American Horror Story. Wonder if he got the role on the strength of his Lucifer?
  12. We in Chicago are so happy Jay Cutler, that whiny little shit, who was paid way too much to be such a whiny little shit, is no longer playing for the Bears!
  13. Castiel doesn't have a soul and didn't sleep, until he lost his grace & became almost human. He didn't have his grace but he also had no soul, because angels don't have souls. What about the guy from the Lizzie Borden episode, after Amara sucked his soul did he sleep? Yeah, WTF.
  14. They did show Sam getting sicker and sicker from the first trial to the church. I got the impression that he just had nothing left & didn't care that he was going to die. Until Dean convinced him to stop.
  15. @DeeDee79 I worked in the chem, biochemistry, molecular biology research supply area on the marketing side for several years.
  16. I came up here with friends when I was in high school. We went out one night, and the guys loved one friend who has a really thick accent. I've pretty much lost my accent, until I go back to Kentucky, then I pick it up again. Y'all or youall has stuck with me too.
  17. That’s the last time I was anywhere near math myself! I grew up in Louisville, spent about 20 yrs in NJ/NY. Now in Chicago. I started college as a French/Art History major (absolutely no aptitude in art, though) and then switched to Anthropology. When I was a preteen my family spent a few summer vacations camping in New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona. That’s where I got interested in the Pueblos & Anasazi ruins. The closest I ever got to real archaeology was a salvage dig in Tennessee one summer during college. Unfortunately the last time I traveled out west was in the late 80s, early 90s to ski - Aspen, Breckenridge, Taos, Jackson Hole ( where I realized that I was a lousy, lousy skier). I worked my way up from secretary to a marketing mgr - back when you could still do that! After I was laid off I decided I needed to go back to school. MBA was out because of math, PhD in Anthropology would take too long and not pay enough $$, so I went to law school. Ended up divorced, but it turns out that’s what I should have done before. I was a writer & editor for a legal publisher for several yrs and enjoyed the work & the people, until I was laid off. I’ve been floating from one thing to another since and I’m semi-retired now, working part time to make ends meet. I discovered & binged Supernatural a few years ago, I think s. 10 was the first I watched in real time. Came to it via Jared in Gilmore Girls and my daughter. Also discovered Fringe & Battlestar Galactica and I think I’m ready to binge them again! Actually the first show I binged was The Wire & I don’t know if I’ve fully recovered from that! While I was unemployed I decided to try knitting again and that has almost literally saved my life. It’s challenged me and has given me a sense of accomplishment I really need. Most of my friends now are from my knitting group, different ages & occupations- even a few other lawyers. And any disposable income I have goes for yarn!
  18. I'm so jealous! My useless degree was in Anthropology, and the Southwest was my interest. It's been so long since I've been to Taos. That's my problem too, but I can't blame it on my non-existent painting! So the SLR sits in the closet.
  19. Last season Ramiel said that Azazel was a fanatic but that the 3 Princes who were left were not interested in the world. I think he said that Asmodeus was interested in his games or toys?
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