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Everything posted by auntvi

  1. Honestly, there are Destiel/Misha fans who are rabid Jared haters and Jared fans who are rabid Destiel/Misha haters. It apparently started with criticism of Jared & AKF and went nuclear from there. Thankfully, it seems to have calmed down today. Edit to add: There are probably 2 or 3 actual people in each extreme group.
  2. He must really love and/or be afraid of Gen! My ex would NEVER have done that for me . . . I also love that he was so relieved that the fine was only 100€.
  3. I miss the original Castiel, before he became Dean's little buddy.
  4. There was a funny bit, that I missed, while Sam and Dean were in the director's office. Dean dropped one of the bottles of Viagra into his pocket!!
  5. Plus who has the most lines. Or most minutes on screen. I'm sure we have very different estimates! ::Just joking, not asking you to tally!
  6. Woo hoo Broncos! I have to admit that I experienced schadenfreude watching Tom Brady lose.
  7. Did anyone predict that even Lucifer would call out Sam on not looking for Dean? I couldn't help screaming "WTF?!" at the TV. I mean, seriously?
  8. It's funny (i.e. interesting, seriously not picking a fight) how different people experience the same thing so differently. My reaction to Supernatural is that it's been 11 yrs of "everything is Sam's fault".
  9. Oh lord, I hope it's not a Styne! I thought Dean got them all? The second photo is one of Jodi's wayward girls.
  10. I'm certainly not an expert, but I'll pretend to be. I saw Dustin Hoffman in Death of a Salesman at Lincoln Center and hated it (I know, call me a philistine). All I could see was D-U-S-T-I-N H-O-F-F-M-A-N playing Willy Loman. I had a similar reaction to Jensen in season 10, especially and somewhat in season 9. It's just too loud and over the top for me without much modulation. Maybe it's the writing and direction that are the problem ::cough cough hacks cough cough:: although I can't really tease that out. So far this season, Dean is showing very, very little emotion which also is driving me crazy, because I want to know what the hell's going on with Amara. The show is usually exposition heavy, but here's a storyline that could really use it. IMHO
  11. Thanks so much for that clip! I had forgotten how funny he was.
  12. So what was the name of the character Alan Rickman played in Dogma?
  13. AND just because SPN is doing so well in TVI ratings, CBS will pull all CW programs off Netflix when current contract is up. GRRR! http://geektyrant.com/news/cbs-planning-to-pull-cw-shows-off-of-netflix
  14. "NO!!," I just screamed at the monitor. Both cancer, both at age 69. Damn! I just did my annual watch/cry fest of Truly, Madly, Deeply, too.
  15. Does anyone know if Jared and Jensen have signed for a season 12? Or is it too early?
  16. OK, been lurking for a while, but I finally joined to respond to catrox14's wild spec. I watched Swan Song this afternoon just to see if there was a bright light when Lucifer possessed Sam. Sure enough, it looks like Lucifer may have possessed Sam -- again. I don't like this at all! No, no, no! Maybe Rowena has magic that's Sam-friendly. hope you're right that Lucifer just lurks. I really, really hope this doesn't provide Dean with another opportunity to beat on Sam for his [supposed] mistakes.
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