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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. OMG! Really? Darin Morgan especially. I loved the episodes he wrote, but I know he had some personal issues and dropped out of Hollywood/writing for a while. So glad he and the others are back. Whenever I created those X-Files episodes threads for the recaps, I always added who directed and wrote the episodes, because I thought it would be nice to know WHO wrote what episode just for kicks. Like, Darin Morgan has written many of the standalone episodes that I love. Wow. So they managed to drag Duchovny back to Vancouver, eh? Hee. I know there are good filming tax credits there, and the mood (read: weather) is perfect for the show, so that's good.
  2. SpoilerTV: The Walking Dead Season 5 Finale: Spoilery Q&A. Big ass spoilers, people. Lots of spoilers on what actually happens in the episode in Q&A format. Read at your own risk! I do like their little disclaimer: Note: the information is correct at the time of posting. As always, anything can change. Especially for the finale, it's likely alternate scenes were filmed.
  3. In this case, the Television vs. Comics thread would have spoilers about BOTH the comics AND TV Show. Back and forth discussion on it, like "OMG, in the comics, they dyed Carol's hair bright pink and let it grow it long, but on the show, she has short grey hair." (obviously I made this up) Then we would designate the The Comics thread as only talking about the comics, but no TV talk at all. So you could go ahead and discuss comic events, storylines without worrying about the TV show. Problem is, the comics thread may be more up to date with information than you are up to date in reading them. This is the problem - we cannot accommodate everyone - people will just have to have discipline in what they read, if that makes sense.
  4. queequag - I spoiler tagged your post, in case there are those out there who are re-invigorated about X-Files and who may haven't seen the final seasons yet (oh, like me) and may make an effort to watch it. Same with the movies. You never know. Same with your post, ErinW. Thanks for the summary though and I don't care about being spoiled - I have the DVDs, but haven't made the effort for season's 8 or 9, so good to know what happened!
  5. Ha! LOL Not THE MATRIX, a matrix. Am I the only geek here....? Though I do prefer me some Keanu so... I appreciate everyone's responses, BTW. Most helpful! :')
  6. Okay, so right now these are the threads we have: Watch Duty: Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation Here, we can talk about the spoilers about the show, about what's coming up, but mostly with the show, not the comics. The Comics: Same yet Different: Talk all about the comics, just a little bit about the show, but not too many posts. Speculation without Spoilers: Show only discussion, with no comic mention at all and of course NO spoilers. The only issue with using this thread to discuss the show, is that the comics were released much earlier, so if you guys want to talk about the comics, but don't want to know what's going on with the show, then reading this thread will spoil you on the show. I think this is why I thought TV vs Comics thread. A spoiled thread about the comics and the show, all spoilered. So we could end up having something like this: Watch Duty: Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation --> TV Show talk only - Spoilers - NO Comics talk. Speculation without Spoilers: TV Show Talk --> TV Show talk only - NO Spoilers. NO Comics Talk The Comics: Same yet Different: --> Comic talk only - Spoilers. NO TV Show talk. Television vs. Comics: --> TV Show and Comics Talk - SPOILERS galore. This feels like a matrix.
  7. *Rolls out Red Carpet for Bastet.* *Begs for Info-Sharing from Bastet* How close are you to this friend, Bastet?? You should see if you can get a set tour. I think they will be very careful with spoilers, except the original X-Files aired pre/start of the Internet, so less chance for spoilers to make the rounds. Unlike now. (hello twitter/tumblr/y'all) Yeah, I love spoilers too - hve no problems with them at all, because seeing how that spoiler unfolds on screen is a completely different thing. However, some people have actual will-power to resist, so we gotta watch out for them! But yeah, I'll be in here!!
  8. Hey everyone - just a quick heads up and "Oh, lookie! A new thread" announcement. If you guys want to comment and speculate about the Six episode event series, but with NO spoilers in the thread, go to this thread: The X-Files Will Return for a Six-Episode Series. If you want to speculate about what's going to happen, and also discuss spoilers that are released, go to this thread: The Six-Episode Event Series: The Truth is in Here. Otherwise, this thread should be used for any media releases about the show and the series, but not go into detailed discussions on it. Cheers!
  9. Hello Everyone! Just a quick note about this thread. Until the event series actually airs, this thread should be used to comment on how excited you guys are about the show, and also any spoiler-free speculations you have on what will happen during the episodes. Will be MoTW only? MoTW with some Mytharc, what do you think will happen? This thread is intended as a SPOILER-FREE speculation thread for the event series. Talk about what you think will happen, not what you KNOW will happen. For any discussions that contain any spoilers at all, please go to this thread: The X-Files Revival: The Truth is in Here. We know that some of you XPhiles out there are going to be very vigilant about not wanting to be spoiled, so we are going to be very vigilant about moderating this thread. This is a once in a life-time series event for a popular and amazing cult show, so let's make it a great experience for everyone! If you have questions or concerns, please PM the mods of this board: @AntiBeeSpray and/or @HalcyonDays. Have fun and remember, ”ÉÍ 'AANÍÍGÓÓ'ÁHOOT'É”
  10. Oh, I like this idea a lot. A LOT. Because it could put a twist to how Henry (and Adam) for the matter were made immortal, could be killed in the future. Adam thinks it's the weapon that killed him/Henry, but what if it's something else, in conjunction with a weapon. That's why CGJr made it too. He would have been maybe behind the guy with sharpened teeth, hard for Henry to see in the darkness of the ship's hold. Then of course, like Henry, CGJr isn't going to be telling anyone about his condition - even Henry - until he gets to know him a bit better, can trust him, etc. We've seen Adam do some shady stuff, have shady motives, so CGJr could think the same of Henry, or have those motives himself. Final twist - Adam and CGJr are working together, which is why Adam could so easily take the gun from the museum and hand it to Henry - he has permission. See, the show could be renewed and this could be covered in season 2. Ugh. And I keep referring to the character by the actors name.. what was the character name?? I thought it was Issac...
  11. This is your thread to discuss all spoilers and spoiler-filled speculation about the X-Files six-episode event series that will be airing on FOX. Please DO NOT use SPOILER TAGS In this thread. If you don't want to read spoilers, click the BACK button immediately before your eyes start to burn and melt. Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny will reprise their iconic roles as Agent Dana Scully and Agent Fox Mulder. Chris Carter is back at the helm as executive producer/director and a few of the original writers will be back in the saddle penning the limited series. Once the series begins, we will have dedicated threads for discussion of the actual episode. If you want to discuss the series without being spoiled, please go to: The X-Files Revival: All Speculation Leads to the Truth thread. The Truth is Out There!
  12. SpoilerTV Promo for Season 2: A New Enemy. Show returns in June. Be patient with the video game ad before - I thought for a sec it was the actual promo.
  13. OMG, kikismom - breathe! You make me laugh. No, I just threw the 8 months out there. Assuming the show comes back in October, okay SEVEN Months. However, I am sure you remember when TWD came back after more than a YEAR a couple of seasons ago!! FOCUS on the thread! *grin*
  14. First of all, the warning that I put in had nothing to do with the comics - it has to do with the repetitive back and forth in-fighting over Jessie (and Rick) in the show only and how she is perceived. The comics are irrelevant to the discussion and should not be referenced here at all, unless briefly and under spoiler tags. Second of all - I've started a thread for possible suggestions on this. Go here and tell me what you think, want, whatever.
  15. So bring over something that Watcher0636 and others have been talking about: First - I perused the comics thread again, and there are not very many posts in here. Only six pages, and considering how prolific you guys are in the episode threads, that seems very low. There is talk about the comics, and a bit of comparison to the TV show. Now I don't read the comics, so I have no idea how much material there is, but the GoT threads are covering BIG books that are very detailed oriented and garner a lot of discussion. They are also very different from the show (but then, so is Walking Dead). That said - I did notice a Television vs. Book thread in GoT, which might be a good idea for us. A thread that you can discuss all manner of spoilers and comparisons to the TV series, spoilers galore, discussions galore. But then I would want the Comics thread to be purely about the actual comics themselves - i.e. no TV talk. I personally don't think there is enough traffic for dedicated episode threads that allow Comics talk about a particular episode. Fact is, people like to follow the discussion, which happens to be in the episode threads. The thing is, next week is the last episode of the Walking Dead for what? - another 8 months or so. How much conversation will this generate? So I would like to hear your opinions on this - what you would like to see, that will appease the Spoiler Adverse, those who read the comics also, and those who don't care about spoilers at all. A thread that will interest you and you will want to post in, during the - sigh once again - long hiatus. Post your thoughts, please!
  16. Forever airs in Canada on Monday nights, not Tuesday. We get it one day before the US (we get Castle too on Sunday's). So there are a few people who will see the show Monday night, which is why the thread is available for comment.
  17. From Variety: The X-Files Revival. God I love FOX right now. First, they give me back my Sleepy Hollow, and now this. So Excited! I think with only 6 episodes though, I see it being more like a mini-series. Like, there will be a connecting arc throughout the six episodes, that come to an amazing conclusion - one that closes the series (no movie) or even better, opens it up for a movie. Maybe I'll just read up on what happened!
  18. *KicksThreadHard* Alright, alright, let's move on from the Jessie back and forth. It's becoming eerily similar to the Beth back and forth and I swear, if Jessie shows up with a guitar and starts singing, I don't have enough vodka in the house to cope with that. We are all going to intrepret how Jessie is being presented on screen, alone and with respect to Rick, differently (through our own lens) but let's not rehash and argue back and forth over it. Everyone's been pretty decent: I just don't want this to devolve into a "shouting" match. Please and thanks.
  19. Just a reminder guys that this thread shouldn't have any comic spoilers in here. We should be discussing who appeared on the show and what was discussed on the Talking Dead, which in turn discusses the episode that just aired. The Comics thread is HERE. Just be careful with what you post. Some people are spoiler allergic and get mad hives and may pull a Rick when reading things that tip them off to what happened (though I doubt they are covered in blood and look like a madman or madwoman). *grin* I've deleted the posts that contained the spoilers. Carry on.
  20. Wow. Just wow. Cannot believe they are coming back. I have to say I am actually surprised that Duchovny and Anderson decided to do it, but a 6 episode mini-series I think might be fun for them. So looking forward to this. Let's hope they do the X-Files justice. Does this mean I have to actually watch season's 8 and 9 now? Hmm..... Wonder if they are doing this as a precursor to hype up a new X-Files movie. I seem to remember that being hinted upon recently. Or will this be the movie replacement?? From EOnline: The X-Files is Officially Coming Back.
  21. I thought Henry said to CGJr that CGJr was the direct descendent of the scholar, which is why he (CGJr) was so interested in finding the ship in the first place and CGJr just smiled knowingly. Maybe I missed that. I did love Jo being so ackward, since it has been such a long time since she went on a date. Love Alana de le Garza in the role.
  22. People are forgetting emotional/psychological abuse. We all assume its physical abuse, because Carol I think said to Rick that Pete is hitting her. But no one is suggesting emotional/psychological abuse, which of course does not leave physical signs. That I can believe, but its more likely that visible bruises then negates the Carol suspects Pete storyline. They want us to not be sure about Pete. Of course, simple solution would be to have Jessie not being wearing tanktops and instead wearing clothing that covers her up more. In addition, she could be shown nervously adjusting her clothing to make sure certain areas are covered up, thus hinting at her deliberately hiding her bruises. But then as you said, it might hide her "hotness." The reality is that this is a typical TV Trope. Blonde woman, Abusive alcoholic husband, Main male interested in blonde, etc. One of you mentioned last week having that trope be flipped - that Pete is being abused by sweet Jessie, and drinks to cope. That would break the mold, which would be different.
  23. New episodes of Forever airs Monday nights in Canada. The US airing is Tuesday night. Basically, if you don't want to be spoiled, because we've seen the episode already, don't pop into this thread from Monday night to Tuesday night. *grin*
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