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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Nah - I think she's back. Slug it out for one more year, again pad that bank account, and put out the feelers for another role, something to move onto. Also, she could negotiate in a movie or extra time off or some role flexibility for other things. But name/fan following translates into money. At least to me, it ALL boils down to money for a network. They want a nice return on their investment with little outlay or effort (as does any business). However, we have heard this a lot recently with movie roles and lack of female directors, but isn't there a pay descrepency that occurs a lot between male and female leads anyway(oh wow, just like real business)? Like, maybe a show with two clear leads (Bones for example), Boreanaz and Emily D both most likely make the same. And what about on Elementary - who makes more - Lui or JLM? Or is it the same? I DO remember that Gillian Anderson made less on the X-Files up until the seventh or eighth season, no matter hard hard she negotiated. The network obviously saw her as not as important as Duchovny, but c'mon - the X-Files, they were equals - especially by the later seasons. halwideman, these is just the info I know of, doesn't mean I am right (pretty sure about the X-Files one though), so feel free to correct my post. But I think there probably still is a pay gap between leading men and women.
  2. Nah, not me. (I'm weird). I tend to like guys with scruff and longish hair. Always have. Any corporate-looking guy that are perfectly put together are not my thing at all (I think they are shady self-absorbed assholes - no history about that at all...not at all). Anyway, jeans and T-Shirt sort of person, or a casual look preferred. For example, take my love of the Chameleon (I dubbed Mison that because he always looks different depending on hair/glasses/beard.) Drops Dead on Floor with a Thud shot to me. (I believe it's an early casting head shot). I think it all depends on the person and what they like. Second, I like taller slender guys. Some woman love the really bulked muscled up ones, but not me - too big. :') You know what else? The joke about a guy with an English or Aussie accent being something that makes men even more attractive, along with being someone who can make a woman laugh. Makes a big difference on attractiveness. ETA: Got pulled away before I could finish my post. So my UO would be that I find Mison hot even though he's not the textbook Hollywood definiton of a buff leading man - a la a Chris or Liam Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Bradley Cooper, etc. Any of those big buff guys you see on screen today. He could, like those other guys who worked out, but I get the feeling he's like "Meh. Not here for that."
  3. I completely agree. Nicole (and Lyndie) are gorgeous, but I'm here for some Mison. Orlando's a hottie too, so if media could please find ways to let me objectify them in a magazine or whatever also, I would be much appreciated. Equal opportunity, you know. *thinks about SecretDiaryofACallGirl1stEpisode*
  4. I read that the showrunners had no idea it would be cancelled until the days before the aired. They fully expected another season to address the cliffhanger, but the show was abruptly cancelled, so that was all they could have done. Crazy, eh? DS9 ending was great. Lost was...dumb and such a letdown. I'm actually glad that I didn't bother with season 2 and 3, just for that letdown. By that time, the band themselves couldn't care less about the show. They wanted a variety show the third season and the network said no. They were tired of the schtick and just didn't care (and were stoned part of the time). Hence the weird. Oh, and Micky Dolenz wrote and directed the final episode and I think was going for trippy psychedelic/I don't give a fuck anymore vibe with the whole thing., :')
  5. Oh, I thought they were referencing Baron von Steuben I thought they quickly referred to him being at the table too. He was a Chief of Staff for Washington and wrote the famous "Blue Book" for military regimental training. He also instituted a cleanliness regime for the soldiers that greatly improved their health and overall conditions. Before that, they were is pretty bad shape. He was rumoured to "enjoy the company of men" and because he was so valuable an asset, that fact was ignored (mostly).
  6. OU: I have no desire to see Mad Men, not interested it the subject material at all, and don't really care about Jon Hamm (or the rest of them) or think he's attractive.
  7. Any of the 50's housewife type shows - by this I mean Father Knows Best, I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners. No, Father does NOT know best. There was a rerun of the Honeymooners on recently whereas the women were pissed off that Ralph and Ed didn't help out around the house, did not treat the ladies like "gentlemen." Then they did (pulling out chairs, making food for the ladies), and the women protested and everyone went back to their "proper place". Bothered the hell out of me. Same with the "sirs" and the allowances. Just bothers me. Also the perfect kids who learn they lesson and sit at dinnertime with suits on...yeah no. You know what does stand up? A 50s Western called The Rifleman. It really goes and is gritty for it's time but fares well today. Good show. Anything with obviously fashion from the 80s (the shoulderpads, teased hair, pastels) just looks wrong and very dated. But I swear my niece is now wearing the exact same flannel shirts, ripped jeans, Docs and hippie hair from the grunge 90s that i wore as a teen in the 90s - and actually still do :') The first two years of TNG were extremely dated - the hair styles, overuse of makeup and shoulder-padded clothes again being the problem. On the flip side, DS9 totally stands the test of time against it for every year. Crazy.
  8. Oh, I believe it. I know that you KNOW how the negotiations really go, but the general viewing public does not. Like I said, if the network didn't want the show back, or won't want it renewed without Fillion, why waste time on the others. However, but they did not wait till the last minute to discuss season 8 options, etc with the actors. They have writing and pre-production to do, that all takes time. Also, fans I think tend to mistake the personal lives/interactions of the actors with the characters and only go by what we see via twitter. I am heavily involved with the clusterfuck that is the Sleepy Hollow fandom and the season 2/renewal mess of this year, and let me tell you, negotiations for getting rid of the old showrunner and bringing in a new one started months ago. It's just the public wasn't told about it until April. Same with the two leads. If I were to go by twitter, I could say they avoid each other completely, but other (rare) evidence suggests otherwise. I am sure they talked to each other, let them know plans, etc, what they wanted to do. Just because they are not considered "besties' doesn't mean they are not professional and respectful to each other. It is a job. If Katic wanted to jump to movies and forgo the TV, that would have already been most likely know, as with Fillion. But it's nice for them to have another year of secure income and knowing that it's coming to an end, they can plan accordingly. Fact is, making $500K or whatever he/Katic makes per episode is a pretty good incentive to stick around for another year, pad up that bank account and then move on.
  9. Honestly, wouldn't the network and series itself make sure it got Fillion before doing anything else? I mean, it is Castle? So they have to make sure they lock up Fillion, then the show can go ahead with other cast negotiations. That's how I see it. Even renewal of the show...if Fillion doesn't come back, then the show might be considered done, they would end it, and move on to something else. Why waste time with the rest of the cast, unless a spinoff with them or something else is considered.
  10. Wow. Stopping watching a few seasons ago, but surprised at this one: Nathan Fillion signs for season 8 of Castle. Series looking for new showrunner. Guess it's easy and good money, so why not, right? ETA: Verdana got there first!
  11. This is a fabulous idea for a thread, JacquelineLHope. I love it. I modified the title a bit, but am definately open to suggestions if someone finds a better quote/line (the quote is from Mulder). I rememeber the Mulder doesn't drink throughout the show (excepy Szyzygy), but then in FTF, he's wasted in a bar, until Kurtzweil finds him to tell him something. I could chalk it up to - you know, years of fighting aliens/government - but it seemed to come out of nowhere.
  12. Darin Morgan!! Now THAT is excellent news. He wrote many of the episodes I adore.
  13. As for the stuff about the spoiler - not sure I'm happy about that it will all be mytharc. But I do see it as CC is doing a proper closure on it. Maybe a movie will follow, but if not, this is CC and the X-Files show itself closing it's story for good.
  14. Well, I have read that many people love John Noble and wish he stayed on as the Sin Eater, so I think for the most part, it was only turning him into a whining man-child was the problem, along with CFD. But yeah, the dislike of the wife is a popular opinion, but does she make your fur raise? Or like me, now when I hear the name of the wife, I get angry. *sigh*
  15. Sorry to hear about that, Micks Picks. That sounds awful but am glad you found help. What sound irritating and annoying is that it took so long for anyone to diagnose you, which is very problematic. As for the nutrients, this is going to sound very weird, but my dog has a similar issue to this, regarding nutrients. Let me explain. I have a German Shepherd that has pancreatic insufficiency. Basically, her pancreas does not produce the enzymes (Amylase, Protease, Lipase) necessarily for proper food digestion and more importantly - nutrient absorbtion. Before she was diagnosed, she lost 30 lbs and was emaciated. How did we "fix" her? Adding powered enzymes to her food. She's perfectly fine now. I mentioned this because I have seen these digestive enzymes for sale for humans in pill form in the organics/herbal suppliements section of my supermarket. It's just a thought, but I wonder if you haven't done this yet, adding digestive enzymes as a supplement when you eat a meal(if you don't already do this), could it help? Like, it will help your body extract more of the food nutrients that you need, and therefore for you to absorb into your system. And then a diet of foods that are easy to pull nutrients from?? I'm just throwing it out there. But I had a starving dog that was skin and bones and a simple powder on her food helped her, so there you are. The same can be purchased in pill form, so that could help. Sorry about your daugher, RuthThomas. That is something that maybe we forget. I do eat when bored, but I will stop because I feel full and the thought of more food is just off-putting. And I am sure there are a lot of people who eat a big restaurant meal and literally feel like they will explode if one takes another bite. I've had times where I feel like if I take another bite, I will be sick (again, heavy restaurant meals). So imagine if one DOESN'T have that feeling. You just eat and eat and whatever, eat because what else is there to do? But she has you, so that is a huge positive.
  16. Apparently we won't be seeing jhlipton for a few days.... ;') I actually deliberately put the Black on the left side, because you know how left-handed people were/are considered a bad thing, evil, is devilry etc. Should have had the title be Right/White on the right side. The sad thing is that while we can mock this, make fun of the tweets and opinions, the cold hard reality is that these people truly think like this/believe the things they are tweeting, saying, in a public forum. It's not simply ignorant trolling. It's an ignorant troll who will spread their hate all over. Yet another reason why I am sad for humanity.
  17. I had always read/heard for the longest time, that CC didn't want any Mulder Scully romance, because he himself really liked Gillian A, and by extension Scully, and wanted her to remain "pure" on the show, in the sense of not being seen having one nights stands and messy romances or even being with Mulder. He wanted Scully to himself, the rumours said. That's why in the episode Never Again, the episode was cut /changed to have Scully wake up alone in bed, while the guy Ed wakes up out on the couch. The episode was supposed to have more "sexual activity" between her and the guy (fooling around more), but CC nixed that completely, because he didn't want to cast any shadows on Scully. Maybe that's why Mulder is such a dick to her at the end of the episode - he's CC mouthpiece for that spot. That's just the rumours I rememebered hearing way back when. Speculation, I know, Either the fandom finally wore CC down, or by season and on, CC didn't care anymore, and with DD half gone, they needed the ratings boost - hence the sudden relationship.
  18. Man, in my "ignorance", I totally didn't realize that I was watching the show completely wrong. In the opening credits, I was to always have a pen and piece of paper in front of me, with a line drawn down the middle to divide into columns. Left side column should be labelled "Black", right side labelled "White". Then as the credits rolled and the show began, I was to make tick marks the the two columns, noting the skin colour of every character that appears on screen, to make sure that the "right" percentage of light skin is tallyed for each and episode. Totally have been watching this show completely wrong...Stupid me. ^^ Yes, the above comment is dripping in thinly veiled disgust and a heavy dose of sarcasm and eye rolling. What I truly hate, in addition to these terrible comments, is that these people never get "punlished" for this. Like, why can't her employer find out about this and fire her racist ass just because. But no. Alas no. Life unfortunately never punishes these types of people the way it should. I mean, these are public comments - why isn't she somehow held accountable...I don't care how, just somehow... Yeah, I saw that - awesome.
  19. I read/have A. Rose's book too, Kabota, and I completely agree. Townsend is a much bigger player in the spy ring, so it will be interesting to see where the show itself takes it. Also, yeah, Abe is portrayed throughout the book as whining and complaining about money and being afraid of being caught, but can you blame him? I certainly don't. And once you find out that the Culper Spy Ring's activities were only realized/discovered in the early 1900's, that makes their actions and methods even more admirable. And the impression I got from the book was that without Tallmadge and the Culper spy ring, the future America would have LOST the war. I know it's the spin he puts in the writing, but still. The information that was provided via Culper et all seemed very influential in helping Washington win the war. That's just how I read it. Tallmadge is definitely the most important player in all of this. The show decided to focus on Woodhull, but Ben Tallmadge is the man truly responsible for this effectiveness and success of the spy ring. Fascinating!
  20. You are Quebecois, yes? Totally I have the Anglophone view of history - I'm from Ontario, but my parents are East European immigrants. But still, what we are taught is most likely different then yourself. But you are correct - Canada as it is now did not exist. People forget that. However, yeah, I see where you coming from. But if you want to go back, the UELs and others are people that took lands and such from the natives who originally settled on those lands. So the Anglos and the Francophones are both entitied, that have colonized and taken over the true inhabitants of the land that eventually became Canada. I still believe that England was a decent influence on us, for the majority of Canada as a whole. And I will be very verbal about Quebec separating, because I don't think that Quebecers really understand the implications....
  21. Unique access?? What kills me is that it's not a one-off. She does not realise that the MAJORITY of viewers were disgusted by season 2. Unique access, my ass. Yeah, those of us who wanted GOOD TV are the rarity. Idiot. Ack. I have to watch that movie now. Not only does it have Orlando, but Keanu. Yummy! Sleepy Hollowers is a great site!! *sings* I Will Survive!
  22. Hmm...well, the fate of the Rev War, and the fate of Washington are pretty well known throughout history, and I'm not an American. The book that this show is based off of, is also quite different - i.e. the show takes liberties, but at the same time, DOES respect the history in a way. It's a tough one, because everyone is versed in the history in varying levels. We do have two threads that may help; One - unspoiled speculation: Turn Speculation: Intelligence in America Two - Spoiler laden stuff: Spoilers and Speculation: Smithy, Sailor, Soldier Spy.
  23. Here are some recent tweets from this Sandra idiot: The hell? What the fuck is this idiot talking about. Here is a concept, dear Sandra..Let's have interesting actors on the show, regardless of skin colour. Just give me characters that I care about, not boring-ass dull people that are only there because they are a white-skinned muse. And my skin is friggin pasty white! And yeah, we do own the fucking show. That's right. Because without us, the show would be dead and done. Without us, the show would not have the ratings it did, and would not have suffering a massive ratings drop because we were displeased. Thank bloody god Clifton Campnell isn't retweeting this crap. He's only retweeting the good stuff. Smart savvy man. He is going to do good for season 3. Again, I cannot in words describe how thrilled I was for this show to be renewed. Not just because I love the show, but because we won. Because the racists idiots lost big time. I have never EVER described a TV show in my life by skin colour. I have never ever thought 'Oh, well that show has X amount of *skin colours*.' Never. It's either good or bad and characters I love or hate. So tweets like this just kill me. Oh, season 3, please bring me Ichabbie. Not just because of the amazing chemistry between Beharie and Mison, but because these people will be royally peeved. I know it's terrible, but so are these people.
  24. Yes, you are absolutely correct, the "Dominion of Canada" did not exist, only Upper Canada (Ontario) and Lower Canada (Quebec) eventually existed due to the Constitutional Act of 1791. After the Rev War, John Graves Simcoe settled in Upper Canada and helped found the town of "York", which we know of today as Toronto (capital of Ontario). He was the person who helped pass law to ban slavery in Upper Canada (Ontario). Good man. The interesting thing - to me at least - is how many United Empire Loyalists settled into what eventually became Canada. There is a gravesite close to my parents house that notes the UELs buried there. UEL's are those that remained loyal to England and the Crown during and after the Rev War, and settled in the future Canada. The funny thing to me always is how those who remained loyal to the Crown, settled in our "Great White North", thrived and became a strong nation under "English rule". I mean, everyone knows that Canada is strongly influenced by the US, but still, we did pretty good as a "British colony". And very few people know that Canada became completely independent of England in 1982. Yes, just thirty so years ago. Because Canada ran pretty independently on it's own, things like this are just legal formalities but still. Blows me away. That England and it's 'tyranny' was such a burden to the eventual US (and I know exactly why), yet my country seemed to deal with England quite well and not be hobbled by it's will. Probably because England learned from the Rev War. Still... Truly, I find it fascinating. Canadian history is pretty boring otherwise (lots of beaver pelts and such). Very interesting to see how different and yet how similar the two countries ended up being,
  25. Is it wrong that I am actually rooting for John Andre. I actually really like his character and the actor himself (JJ Feild). Granted, I know it probably wasn't so true in real life, but yeah, on the show, Andre treats Abigail well, so in a weird way, seeing her spying against him makes me sad. Same with Simcoe, because there Samual Roukin is brilliant at being the baddie and what can I say, loved his poetry!! Oh, and useless trivia. My birthday falls every year around the August long weekend, which is a Canadian holiday and in Ontario is known as the Civic Holiday. What I didn't know until recently, is that the holiday was originally established to honour J. G. Simcoe. So thanks dude - we all get a long weekend in August and I always get a birthday long weekend because of this. Awesome!. Same with the fight between Tallmadge and the others. Though I wonder was 'nutsack' a commonly used term back then? Or the other insults that Ben and Caleb threw out. These are important things to know, you know. I too got a kick out of Andre marveling at/playing with Ben Franklin's inventions. Any Ben works for me too - damn, he's a good looking man. *sigh* I feel sorry for Mary in a way - to actually be in love with her husband (though I wonder if she convinced herself she is) and to know that he isn't. I do feel bad, even though I know she's going to be very problematic. I mean, c'mon Abe. Fake it, for fucks' sake. You're a spy - selling convincing lies is part of the territory. So yuggapukka and I are both Canadians. Excellent! So I wonder how many of us watch the show and post here!!
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