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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I wouldn't worry about the rings. Both Mulder and Scully don't seem like the types, to be honest. And with Scully's job as a doctor, she may want her hands free of jewellry when doing examination and surgery. Also, all of the handwashing can be a pain in the butt with rings. Besides, a ring doesn't signify marriage. A legal marriage of course has documentation, but for all we know, they consider themselves married, thought there are no legal documents. With Mulder and Scully's life constantly being probed, invaded and spied on by shadowy people in - and out - of the bureau, they might want to be not legally married for reasons, but are in their hearts. *grin*
  2. Yeah, but GA separated from the father fairly soon after the daughter was born, if I remember correctly. It wasn't a long marriage, and he worked on the set, so maybe he wasn't in the picture. Okay, after looking it up quickly, they were married 1993-1997. He was Art Director on the X-Files for only a year (93-94). So most likely, he was off elsewhere working on another project (ironically, probably LA). Still doesn't excuse DD for his being selfish, only because many of the production crew in Vancouver would have lost their jobs. And the X-Files atmosphere/vibe was lost, to be honest. With Reyes, I barely remember the final two seasons and probably won't watch them ( and I suspect many others are the same), so hopefully they introduce her properly and she has a purpose. I'm worried that maybe they are bringing back too much of the old guard. It might get too crowded. ETA: I totally covet that greenish khaki jacket that Mulder is wearing.
  3. Is that an.....alien space ship?!? You know, it looks quite deserty - Roswell, NM perhaps! Independence Days Meets The X-Files?? Looks cool. Not just Chris, but Duchonvy. Remember, he was the one who demanded shooting move to LA from Vancouver, he left for a while (seasons 8/9), and apparently acted the diva on set. Now they are back in Vancouver, together, shooting a character that I am sure he got sick of playing. How times have changed. For the record, I know he moved because of his family - he was flying back and forth from LA to Vancouver, but the family could have moved north (even Seattle, if they don't want to be in Canada). Hell, YVR to LAX is only a three hour flight, which is quite doable. Anyway.... Reyes is back....eh. I'm one that didn't quite like her so meh.
  4. I completely agree - it was another reason I didn't like IWTB. I guess I have no heart.... Really? My god, am *I* ever old...same age....wow.
  5. Yeah, in those pics, better than IWTB, only because he has stubble (which looks amazing on DD and I'm partial to for most men), but no great big bushy beard. Also, in IWTB, he was supposed to be I guess worn out from it all, and looked it. He looks good here, but that was 7 years ago. DD was born 1960, so he's 55 but looks awesome. (not to be superfical at all....nah...)
  6. Some more pictures released today on filming, from SpoilerTV. (Click on the black text to see the pics). So they are referring to it was season 10 - interesting. I though it would be more of a mini-series thing. And damn, Duchovny....you look good!!
  7. Hey guys - just a heads up that I've changed both thread titles from "The Six Episode Event Series" to The X-Files Revival, since it's the official name and also makes the title read better (and is shorter).
  8. Just a note guys - I'm changing the thread title from Six Episode Event Series to The X-Files Revivial, as I believe it's the official name now and it shortens the title and makes it sound better.
  9. AntiBeeSpray and Hidebehind, you're having too much fun with this!! Dear god, when we get the first trailer....*grin*
  10. If you click on the #YVRShoots hashtag, you get more pictures of GA and DD. And for those who don't know, YVR is the airport code for Vancouver International Airport. The hashtag though is documenting any filming in Vancouver. G and D DD
  11. Yeah, we're not. And I put a spoiler in my own post (now removed) and I'm one of the mods. Dammit. The excitement is making us sloppy. Bad Us!! Bad! For example, we can speculate on the wedding rings in this thread, but if there is actual proof, it should be discussed and confirmed in the other thread. I'm going to move some of the posts to the Spoilered thread as is our policy that we should all abide by. Apologies to everyone in the thread!
  12. Not really their fault though - it was just the fashions at the time and it was dowdy. Season 1 Scully screamed late 80s/early 90s to me and the suits were not fitted as they later where, but that's what was in. At least I remember wearing stuff like that for work. But the later suits were tailored and I always loves her collarless blouses though with the suit jacket. With Mulder, he's wearing a suit and tie, which have looked pretty much the same for decades, except for tie width and colour choices. Otherwise, a tailored man's suit from the 80s pretty much looks the same as a tailored on in the 2000's. At least to me it does.
  13. I watched this and like many others here, got really choked up too. Partly because I don't want anything bad to happen to those horses and part because of seeing a Triple Crown win. I didn't even know that those horses get one shot at it. Just one. I didn't know that the races are for only three year old horses, so none of these cuties can race next year. Wow. But yet, got emotional too. So many awesome little facts too about AP. I thought it was such an amazing story with the Zayat family that owns American Pharoah, that they put him up for auction and as it's literally going on, they decide to buy him back. So they paid $300,000 for their own horse, but obviously they made the right decision. That the name is mispelled and was an internet suggestion by a young boy. The horse is one of the really calm ones apparently, where usually they are high strung and apparently dangerous to be around. They made him earplugs!! LOL He hates loud noise so they have him wearing earplugs. Awww... And his tail was bit off - poor baby. Secretariat still holds the track record at 2.24, but AP was 2.26.40, which is still pretty impressive.
  14. Mmmmm....Poutine! The best! It truly is a heart-attack on a plate but tastes wonderful. As a Canadian, I have had my share. But it had a huge amount of calories, so I highly doubt that someone like Kelly, who obviously wants to stay thin and watches her weight, would even consider eating it. Maybe a bite or two (as as mentioned, 8 fries), but not a whole serving of poutine. She probably just said it to sound cool/hip. But no mention of a Montreal smoked meat sandwich. Come on!! *grin* Montreal really is lovely though. I've been a couple of times and love the Old Montreal area.
  15. Deceive Inveigle Obfuscate - taken from the opening tagline from S04:E03: Teliko Hee. And I agree.
  16. I'll be honest - I felt sorry for her. When she tells Arnold she doesn't want to get married yet, and he starts getting angry and yelling at her, that bothered and worried me. All I could think was "potential abusive husband". Seriously. And I don't get Arnold's impatience. I get his desire for wealth and status, but his actions in terms of throwing himself at Peggy are creepy as hell. Terrible, eh? On one hand, those men are brave as hell. On the other, they are pure 'cannon fodder.' If this is how real war was (I think they probably tried to be somewhat accurate), then these are the worst war tacticians I have ever seen. The word stealth obviously was not a word these people knew of. Out in the open, with no cover, walking up and just waiting to be fired on. No one thought to charge, or fight with their bayonets (except Simcoe of course) or hide in the woods and do a surprise attack. What a waste of bodies. It gives you a sense of why in the American Civil War, you'd have 25,000 people dead in a few hours in just one battle.
  17. Damn - surprised that they left the finale with such a cliffhanger. Honestly, the ratings since the Monday move have declined significantly, so I didn't expect such a blatant cliffhanger for the show. Expected the final scene to be Washington et all congratulating themselves on winning a decisive and important battle in the scheme of Patriot victory. Hmm..makes me wonder and think that maybe AMC decided to renew for a season 3 anyway. Excellent news, if I am right. (I hope I am) Loved the battle scene with the song (can someone tell me who that was?) playing in the background. Jesus Christ, it was all military suicide. I mean, you are standing in a line, completely exposed to basically whoever can aim a musket with a modicum of accuracy. Terrible. Especially as the "big wigs" were nice and protected sitting on their horses on a safe hill far away. Basically, snipers rule. And yes, there were snipers even back then, with rifled barrels. The whole Peggy Shippen thing rang false to me. First, Arnold basically saying "Hey, let's get married right NOW!" was totally offbase. Especially back then, you wouldn't be able to hold a wedding in a week, since there was no automation to makes things happen fast. No way. Don't know why they portray Arnold as being so eager to marry. (except the whole sex thing I guess) Didn't buy the whole "Peggy is thinking about Andre, whilst Arnold is" - forgive me for my language - "fucking her from behind." Only because of the information I know about the marriage - this drama is not needed nor required. From what I have read, Correct me if I am wrong. It just rang false. And it employed the typical trope of a woman allowing herself to get "fucked" for the "greater good". This didn't need to be the spin (as required on TV) on the Arnold/Shippen relationship. *sigh* Ah Mary, conniving as ever. But it makes her character interesting. To be honest, when Mary burst into Hewett's room, I was like "dammit woman, screwing things up for Abe! But she's saavy and calculating (now). Awesome. Love her. Simcoe on the battlefield, blood spattered and animalistic. Yes sir! You are awesome! Caleb is the best mate ever. He will always watch your back. He looks off without the beard, but awesome person, man. Tallmadge - sexy as hell and also a saavy leader. Good on him for exposing Bernard Lee. What bothered me was the fact that Washington ran this long game against Lee, allowing those troops to essentially be overwhelmed by numbers, and in turn, many men died as a result. So all I saw was the fact that Washington sacrificed the lives of many men, solely to set up a situation to prove Lee wrong. Terrible. Just terrible. You know what would be better? Arrest Lee, throw him in "gaol" way before this on "trumped up charges". and save the lives of the many men who you need to fight your battle. Did not like that. Pathetic (but not surprising for humanity in general). I'll be honest - I struggled with Abigail not leaving with Akinbode. It honestly seems too modern. But I understand the conflict. Abigail is treated well by Andre. We've never seen him treat her badly at all. He respects her opinions, confides in her, and as she mentions, pays her. So I get it. But at the snap of a finger, she could be sold off to someone else, and that person may be a typical human asshole and treat her poorly, so I understood but at the same time, didn't in the sense of wanting to be free. But then, how many of us just deal with our own situations, as long as they are not so intolerable. So yeah, I get it. Kinda of. For the latest superficial record, Akinbode was looking slamming in his Queen's Rangers uniform, leaning against the door like a boss. Damn, this show. Damn Andre. Damn Billy Lee. Damn Tallmadge......
  18. Hey Everyone...before we devolve into a My Country Is The Best Country-pissing match, try not to snark disrespectfully towards your fellow posters. Fact is, unless one actually lives in said country (and moreso, a particular area within that country), you're never going to truly know what it's like to live in that area. By all means, snark about the show, but be respectful to each other. Cheers.
  19. Except in this crappy messed up unfair world, the only thing they will get is more money and more fame. That's it. Hmm...I guess that means that my unpopular opinion is that I actually liked Gambon's Dumbledore. As weird as it sounds, I thought that the movies tended to soften the material from the books to appeal more to kids. Funny eh, since the books are about young kids, but there is so much more serious stuff that happens in the books, and they removed it from the films. The first one under the helm of Chris Columbus being the biggest example. I think that's why Alfonso Cuaron's Prisoner of Azkaban was very popular and considered one of the best - he made it more gritty. HBP Part 2 I think tried to do that too, but over all the series was tamed compared to the events in the books, which I did not like.
  20. So you guys saw this right? Looks like the red hair is back!! *grin* Below are pictures of DD and GA on location/filming I guess. I've put them in spoiler tags only because I hate it when a big picture pops up in a post. It annoys me for some reason (don't ask). Source
  21. This Alice Eve person said this?? (I have no idea who this person is). Why would she have to give up her medals?? As long as she won the competitions fair and square, without doping or cheating somehow or other background corruption, Bruce earned those medals in the 70's. And I'm calling her Bruce because that at the time, it was Bruce Jenner who won the medals.
  22. Have you guys posted this/seen this yet? Episode 10.02 Title Released and Hints about the Actual Episode. Keanu!Whoa.....
  23. I changed the title of this thread to something a bit more...us. Gotta have a fun title. *grin* The quote is Mulder's from the pilot episode, but a bit tweaked. The original quote is "Sorry, nobody down here but the FBI's most unwanted." Let me know if anyone objects or can think of a better line. And thanks to amensisterfriend for creating this awesome thread!
  24. TM may play the "straight man", but he really does have awesome comedic chops. He's really good with the physical comedy and the light Crane bits. From earlier interviews, I don't think anyone - including Mison - expected that he himself would be a natural at it, especially considering his previous roles. (well, he was the bit of goofball in Lost in Austen...) So a goofy fun episode - a la X-Files Small Potatoes or Jose Chung or Bad Blood - would be hilarious and awesome and all three of them would have no problem pulling it off. But it's got to be done right, or it will just be cringeworthy. This is exactly how I see it too, so an episode where Crane is the straight man and Abbie is the quirky goofy one would be awesome, because it's the complete opposite of how I see it. Even an episode or episodes with lots of Jenny and Crane bouncing off of each other in their snarky way. We saw brief glimpses of this in season 1 and those two are awesome together. Season 3 needs more of just those two bonding or hanging out. I do also would like to see this - more of the Crane we saw in Tempus Fugit. Not the curmudgeon out of his element, but where he is as his confident authoratitive self (but not ranting about something), just as we saw in Tempus Fugit, but in the 21 century. That would be cool.
  25. Good one, tarasme! Yeah DeLurker, I'm talking about Sleepy Hollow. Le sigh. It almost feels like a (inadvertent, mind you) middle finger to SH in a way - they screwed up and couldn't make him work, so another show got the chance to snatch him up as a regular. And Elementary won't screw it up. Strange too, because there is a really strong parallel between the two leads on both show (quirky tall British dude, tiny WOC, strong bond/relationship that's not romantic between the leads, strange murders to solve, etc) I'll be interested to see how well he does. Noble did a guest role on Forever's final episode, and honestly, it was pretty much the same guy. I just have to try to get over the tainted shadow that fell over JN from SH season 2 and hope he does well. I think he well. I agree and see comments above. Never watched Fringe but many have said he's a fantastic actor, so again, hope to see him lose himself in the role. JLM and LL bouncing off JN has fantastic potential.
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