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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Season 6 is here everybody! Oct 11th heralds the returns of the 6th season of The Walking Dead, and here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread foir the first episode, for your posting pleasure. This season's threads will operate as last season - a speculation/live chat thread open up until the entire episode airs, then the actual episode thread will be open and available for discussion. Here is a quick link to the first episode thread ---> S06.E01: First Time Again Also, the episode is 90 minutes long, so bear that in mind when settings our DVR's to record! This thread will close shortly after 10:30 pm, at which time the actual episode thread will open. All of the same rules as last season apply - DO NOT post any comic spoilers. We have a separate comic thread for that. Also, as always, be respectful and civil in your posts. Enjoy the new season of Walking Dead awesomeness!
  2. Well, these two have actually appeared in a TV movie together - Lost in Austin. Mison played Bingley, and Arterton played Elizabeth Bennett. They did have a few scenes together, but not romantic. Actually, in that show, I didn't think Arterton was good in the role, but Mison was awesome. Which is why I really like him as an actor. Compare his looks and character beats in Lost in Austen to SH, and he looks and acts completely different. Completely different. This (and other stuff I've seen him in) is why I've dubbed him the "Chameleon" to me and an excellent actor. Another part that rang a bit false to me (especially from watching TURN). The flashback where Crane says he was captured and almost gave up spy names. I know there is a lot of violence-washing in this show, but if Crane was captured, he sure as hell would've been jailed and beaten up/tortured if he refused to reveal the names. The shot of him at the table in fine clothes and they are waiting and he decides no - yeah right. Violence-washed. If he said "No, I will not reveal the name", like they wouldn't have beaten it out of him. Also, Crane calling Marcus Collins a turn coat?? Dude, YOU were a turncoat. That is exactly what you were by choosing the "American" side. It's like the writers forgot that Crane was originally a British soldier. I liked the flashback, except BR. The girly voice, the attempts at being coy/flirty are not well done at all by NR. The rest are awesome. Jealous Crane and LG's character thinking they are a couple! The opening scenes, the creepy shadow demon, the porch scene was all great.
  3. Responding before I read the thread. Good episode. Very enjoyable episode. Creepy, fun, shippy and just awesome. Now for the nitpicks. Hey writers, I see you there. I see you channeling the Harry Potter Dementors most exclusively. Not that I wasn't creeped out by them. but damn....If that creature was sucking the soul by the mouth..yeah well...Dementor. In this show, that demon = Dementor. Not that I mind, because you are cribbing from most excellent material. But that's what I immediately thought. And the earlier scene showing the "shadow mist: following Pandora - I couldn't help but think of the Smoke Monster of Lost. I will say this - I'm loving the more creepy elements that Cliff and co are bringing to the show. Loving it. Bring it on. This type of show needs the creepy element with it. So thank you. So kudos, show. Creepy effects and awesome. Speaking of Pandora. Yeah, like her. Like her lots. She is introducing that creepy and evil element that I want to see. Her presence and purpose is slowly being unveiled, one episode at a time, and it's awesome. The little bits of her doing her magic, then her interacting with the modern public as a modern person - love it. Shannon Sossaman is killing it. Love her. Want to see more! THIS is a good "Big Bad" Now, the not so loved. Yeah....Nikki Reed as Betsy Ross...No. Bad casting, tbh. She speaks too modern, and she seems to just be a plot point. Out of all of the brilliant actors that appear on this show, she is one that is not so....talented. There was another who was killed off (hint hint redhead), but the disparity is quite jarring. It takes one out of the scene, the scenario, etc etc. She is not a good fit, whilst everyone else is. Now for the scene that my stupid shipper heart rewatched ten times...that bloody porch scene. That Porch Scene. That scene killed me. From tiny Abbie walking onto the deck (the same height as a seated Ichabod!!), from his teasing and flirting about her revealing her secret, to Daddy!Mills being alive!! (knew it!!) to more Crane!flirting and that bloody connection these two actors can seemlessly have. I can't take it. Clifton Campbell. I can already tell that you are the most excellent showrunner for this show. Even if it only lasts a season, it will have been worth it - because this awesome man is at the helm. *le sigh* ETA: Tom Mison - you have a beautiful (sexy deep) singing voice that is just lovely.
  4. I liked this episode overall. I actually liked the spiderweb infestation, but I get what they said about no hint of a person there. But it was good. First time I've seen the judges raves about ALL of the treats. Did think the demon "infested" Lawyer team should have lost though. Really liked the cockroach/gross landlord in motel challenge, but yeah, the ButterCream Queen is annoying - it seems to be all about her. New host is okay, but I think he's trying too hard. Still, love the artistry and the sheer talent these people have. Amazing.
  5. The drinking game is a hilarious idea - we'll be all passed out on the floor by second commercial break. Someone do a Bingo Card! I'm finding the show okay but very repetitive, like they copied-and-pasted half of the dialogue into each script to same time. "Who am I?" "Do you know me?" "Stay in the car." "I can help?" "Who did this to me?" It's literally the exact same dialogue, complete with the wide-eyed stare. And everyone is right, that Stapleton does growl his dialogue a lot. The body count on this show is going to be really high, if every single person who knew Jane/Taylor is summarily killed off each episode. I was kinda hoping bearded guy would pop in and out of her life, dropping hints here and there, but no. Just an increasingly populated morgue.
  6. Hey Everyone, Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about AMC's short series called Fear the Walking Dead: Flight 462. Originally I was going to put a link in the Walking Dead episode threads linking to the thread, since the small episode snippets were going to be aired then, but it's already being released online NOW. FTWD: Flight 462 is basically a collection of 1 minute promos that will show what happens when the outbreak occurs during a commercial airline flight. Click on the link below to get more info on this weird AMC offering and to discuss the promos!
  7. Whoa! That's a helluva jump! Bodes well for Sleepy, especially those who may now actually realize the show is back! Excellent!!
  8. Oh definately. It's how I always saw those two (three). Crane and Jenny are the emotional, more prone to displaying their feelings openly . Abbie is the logical one, the one who bottles up her emotions, pushes everything away and with her stiff upper lip, pushes past it all. When Abbie does break - and she will - it will be epic, in the sense that the breakdown will be unexpected and unlike her and so devastating (can't get the words right). I'll compare again to the show Castle, where they have Beckett with the same issue. Nothing is due with race (she's white). Mostly the successful woman trope, but basically, she builds up her walls (that's the term they always mention on the show, Castle taking down Beckett's walls), because of her past traumas, and works like a dog, is too focused and emotionally detached from everything, and only cares about finding truth and justice in her work. It's a coping mechanism, just like what we see with Abbie. That's why it would be nice if Jenny and Crane could help break down those Abbie-Walls.
  9. Good episode! Thought for sure Jerome was still alive. Though the knife was one of those props that actors/magicians use where the blade retracts into the hilt. The blood from his mouth..just those blood packets one can bite on, a la Halloween makeup. Drugging him to knock him out, make it look like he was dead (there are drugs that can put a human into a Zombie-like state), and then Theo can do his thing and look like the hero. Cameron Monaghan killed it as proto-Joker, so I hope to see him back actually. If not, damn, forget Jared Leto. Hire this guy to be Joker in the next Batman films. He was perfection. There is no way future Joker is gonna see enough film of Jerome, to really be able to be a perfect Joker. It seemed weird, all of those random people getting off on the violence. Crazy!Barbara is awesome, isn't she? The character - and actress - seem to be reveling in their newfound role and purpose. Loved Harvey being back to business, calling out Penguin on his deferrence to Fish. Harvey's a solely missed, much needed asset, and an awesome character. Jim gonna buckle at some point, because he never gets a break.
  10. Here the FOX press release for the Bones/SH crossover show (scroll to bottom). Similar to above. I don't know what to think, since I've never seen Bones but maybe if it's chock full of humour and creepy it'll be good. Either way, I'll watch both, just to see Crane and Abbie on my screen.
  11. I totally get this (am also an introvert), but I'll take it one step more. I think Crane was experiencing a mild/modern depression. As someone whose gone through this too, that's what I think. I mean, this guy has been through a lot. In a span of a year+, he lost his home, family, friends lifestyle, "job", position of authority, ability to be independent and secure. Then he ends up somewhere that's unrecognizable to him, the people act weird, the speech is weird, etc. He's got no power, no control and suddenly his job is to go around not killing things to create the nation of America, but killing things that are directly targeting you and destroy the world. On top of that, everything he did know as truth was outright lies, starting from the wife to everyone. He can't even trust what he knew as fact, what he knew as truth in his life. Now after so many lies and deceit, his own son and wife try to kill the only stabilizing force of truth and purpose he's known. The person he feels an upmost bond with, trusts implicitly was almost killed by his own family. The loss of hope of regaining part of his old life, plus the almost loss of the only person he feels a strong bond, coupled with the insanity of fast-forwarding through 200+ years ahead in the future would break anyone. Anybody. The fact that Crane hasn't cracked (too much) is pretty impressive. He's "acting out", feeling shame for certain decisions, upset by Abbie almost being killed, is hobbled by regret and also fear and what his life is supposed to be. He's literally lost and trying to cope as well as he can. That's how I see him. A lesser person would have cracked. I'm not saying he hasn't been a jerk at times, but everyone has. When we're tired, irritable, sad, depression, etc some of us withdraw into a safe coccoon, some of us lash out, but it's never purposely. It's frustration and desperation and feeling lost and alone. Crane has done all of this. It's all he has, otherwise he may as well check himself back into Tarrytown, because this man is due for a breakdown very soon. As for him and Ichabbie. I ship this and I ship hard and what I see is a pair of people who bring out the best in each other. They really do. From Abbie's being emotionally closed off and throwing herself into work, from Crane being stiff upper lip and so reserved and had no trustworthy people in his life, they are good for each other. It'll take time for those "walls" on either side to come down and for them to realize it, but it will happen. But during the journey, they will help the other person discover things about themselves that will help each of them grow and become better people. Then (hopefully) realize that they really do belong together.
  12. Fun (and funny) recap from the girls over at HeadOverFeels. It is a long read, but good.
  13. I watched the episode again and yeah, I'm liking Pandora. A lot. Just love that scene with the police officer, then when she was chatting up Abbie in the bar. I like that she appear and speaks "modern". Shannon Sossamyn I think will do a great job. I think because don't they need the books for their own research? If they sell some off, then they won't have access to the books, which always provide the clues for them. I'm going to be sad to see the Archives go (if it does). It was a beautiful set. Other ways to get some money - Crane selling off any possessions his family owned, assuming they still exist. I kinda wish they had him find something (maybe a watch or a small dagger or something) and he owned when he was a kid or something (buried in his tomb). Something sentimental to him. I found it interesting that I didn't see any dates on his tomb, so technically there could have been another Ichabod Crane in the family.
  14. Season 6 Premiere Episode - First Time Again - Advance Preview. The link is an article from SpoilerTV that talks about the episode in lots of spoilery detail! Looks good!
  15. Genevieve Valentine!! Yes! I was worried that she would stop doing her reviews, because of that little kerfuffle a couple months ago, but excellent, she's back! Great review as always.
  16. This is your thread to discuss the FTWD companion series - Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462. As we were told before, originally AMC was to air a 30 minute episode that showcased what happened on an inflight airplane once the outbreak hits. Instead, AMC is now airing this series online, AND also in one minute increments during commercials of The Walking Dead. You heard that right folks - the "episodes" will be approximately one minute long promos occurring during commercial breaks of The Walking Dead. Sixteen of these promos will air, eventually making the entire "episode". One of the characters on this series will eventually appear either on Fear or TWD. Here is a link to an article on the AMC website that discusses the series. Weird, eh? As with all things 'Dead', I know that everyone will want to discuss the little episode snippets that will air for the next 16 weeks! That's what this thread is for. This thread will remain open for discussion on the series. Please don't discuss anything about Fear the Walking Dead or The Walking Dead itself. This is solely a discussion thread for the promo snippets, that eventually will make a full episode. Enjoy and have fun discussing this really strange way AMC is presenting this companion series!!
  17. Everyone. There is a pinned note at the top of each page that asks you all NOT TO POST Walking Dead spoilers in here. I also put a note in a couple pages ago, asking for no Walking Dead spoilers, yet there have been a ton of posts recently with just that. //// - --> *** DO NOT POST ANY SPOILERS ABOUT THE WALKING DEAD. *** <---\\\\ References to The Walking Dead that are okay - It's filmed in Atlanta, it's about Zombies, they have a larger budget, the shows have the same writers, producers whatever, Talking Dead mentioned the show, TWD has better ratings, it airs Sunday, I like the show better, yadda yadda. References to The Walking Dead that are NOT okay - Everything Else!! I've removed some posts that clearly contained Walking Dead spoilers, and spoiler tagged others. If you want to talk about the Walking Dead, go on over to the actual threads! If you want to discuss both, we actually have a thread for that - the link is in my note at the top. Go there! But just like over there where we are very allergic to spoilers, the same applies here. Please respect this. Thank you.
  18. EVERYONE - NO Mention Of The Walking Dead In The Fear Episode Threads Please, no matter how mundane. We're trying tor respect those who really don't want to be spoiled about TWD. Thanks!
  19. I like the hair a lot and I'm partial to guys with long hair. It looks really good on Mison and he's probably thrilled (and I'm happy for him) he doesn't have to wear a wig anymore in the Atlanta heat, or spend 1.5 hours having it put on. Oh, and he looks good in orange scrubs too (to me).../endshallowcomment I do get a kick though, that every season, Crane and Abbie have matching hairstyles....
  20. Hands down, AMC. They won't be hobbled by regular network censorship, so they can be as scary and gory as possible (a la Walking Dead), and also allow for more crude language to be used (like, a demon's coming for ya, it's "Holy Shit!", not "Oh damn"). Also, AMC promotes its show well, so SH could use that. From reading some comments elsewhere, I can see this actually. Same with Scandal, if it goes off the rails, people will bail. And you never know. Ratings may slowly go up, like what happened with Empire last year. Word of mouth gets out that the show is still around, and the episode reviews are positive, that maybe some people will come back, or choose SH instead of the other shows.
  21. Are you asking me, or someone else? No, I didn't DVR The Blacklist. I never watched it, and never watched Bones or Scandal either (but I'll watch the Bones crossover). I guess something happened on that show that people will stop watching now?
  22. Not as bad as I thought it would be, considering the competition and the lack of promotion. I've seen tons of comments in posts linking to promos, that were essentially "Wait, the show is not cancelled??" I think lots of people thought it was cancelled. Plus the lack of promo and negative feelings over season 2 and the pre-set notions of the first episode probably made people not want to watch live. Also, some people probably chose Scandal over SH, so I will be interested to see what the Live +3 and Live +7 numbers will be. And I'll admit it - I started watching the show at 9:40 pm, after the first two quarters of Football. Granted, my TV doesn't contribute to those TV numbers, but you know what I mean.
  23. Whoa, what? THAT was C. Thomas Howell. Wow? Did not recognize at all.....
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