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Everything posted by Caseysgirl

  1. I cannot understand why no one is even looking at Adam ( other than Laura who was using him to interest Luke). He IS a little young & grumpy, I guess, but he’s pretty hot.
  2. I actually think that Colin overreacted & my theory is that he had ruined his reputation as the one cast member that never made a fool of himself by sleeping with the crew ( he was all of our favorite just because he appeared so cool). In order to save face and not look like an ass for sleeping with his close friend’s “ friend with benefits”, he thought he should immediately divorce himself from both of them. Just my opinion.
  3. I hope we can put to bed this entire”scandal” for good. Why was the “ nation” so invested in this? Personally, there wasn’t one person on that whole stage ( yes, including, you Andy) that I would want to spend any time with, & yet, here I am weighing in on it. Ariana proves to be not a very nice person & I think I know why Tom was afraid to break up with her. She’s vicious! Neither of the Toms’ or Raquel deserve any attention, they are all so shallow. Layla & James deserve whatever unhappiness life brings them - they are beyond nasty. I would say that Ally should get out of there, but she seems to be revelling in this nonsense so I suspect she’s just playing the part of the naive little girl, much like Raquel did. Katie & Scheana - meh to both of you.
  4. Ok! Enough. Both Tom’s are shitty partners ( business & personal]. But Ariana is not a 60 year old woman who is being left after 30 years of marriage after the kids have left. She’s a young, beautiful, intelligent reality star who is now inextricably being invited to the White House correspondents dinner & other places where most reality stars don’t get to go. She has had our attention for about 3 months but honestly, get OVER it, lady. He & Rachel have done you a tremendous favor. You’ll probably be on Dancing With the Stars & The Masked Singer. You’ve gotten more sympathy and publicity than any victim of a natural disaster will ever get. May we all move on with our lives now?
  5. Hope this is the last of this Summerhouse cast. It’s either boring or cringey. The multiple couples and lack of males on the show; watching Danielle ( who must be close to 40) having a middle school melt down - not once or twice but multiple times, each time throwing herself to the floor sobbing like her child had died, was embarrassing for her & uncomfortable for those of us watching. Why are they giving Lindsay and Carl so much oxygen anyway? Who cares - they will be together until the money runs out or Lindsay gets bored.
  6. I ALMOST feel sorry for Craig. It’s obvious that Paige just needs him as a prop to keep her alive in the Bravo world because as we all have said, watching her lay in bed all summer is not entertaining. She’s stringing him along until something better comes, and not only ill she never marry him, she will never move to Charleston. But she better watch out for Ciera - she couldn’t get Austin so she may be looking for her own way to keep working for Bravo without getting out of bed.
  7. I’m wondering why all of the men are so in awe of Mads when Lucy is easily cuter or at least as cute. Is her klutziness a turn off; is she gay or just showing no interest at all?
  8. On another subject, I love that Sam beat Kory at his own game - because it was HER game,too. Seem to be meant for each other, though Sam seems more of a catch than Kory is.
  9. Judy Blum was such a delight. Thank god, he had Sunny Hostin on with her and not a Bravolebrity and other than the mention of “ Below Deck” we didn’t have to be assaulted with Bravo discussions.
  10. I’m sorry, I know this is suppose to be Kyle’s show, but he & Carl ( and Lindsay, I think) are too old to be spending every weekend partying, drunk out of their minds and ruining a beautiful summer rental. They should either revamp the show with a totally young cast or put it to bed. It’s too boring with all these people in committed relationships and grown up jobs.
  11. Speaking about WWHL and John Owen Lowe. It always amazes me that many of these celebrity guests admit to watching and being fans of Bravo shows. Doesn’t a young, handsome son of a movie star have other things to do with his evenings? Yeah, if you are Michael Rappaport and this is what you do to make extra change, ok, but can’t imagine anyone with a life ( which, I know doesn’t say much for me) spending their time on this dreck. And I agree, he was not allowed to promote his show at all.
  12. So glad all this came out before the end of the season so we can watch the demise of the “Rach(q)el show” which this show was starting to look like. This girl is one thirsty young lady and trying to vamp every man on the show is not a good look, but had this not been exposed we may have thought she was just a very needy sweet thing without a lot of care for others.
  13. I think these new women are very thirsty ( especially Danielle, whose already having “ family issues”, starting fueds with others, and presenting her cute kids AND her colorful father & divorced Mom to us and it’s only episode 3!) Luis is also VERY thirsty and seems untrustworthy to me.
  14. I can’t imagine it’s going to be THAT entertaining watching 2 ( 3 when Craig is visiting) 40 year old couples, 1 single ex-Marine and 4 or 5 single ladies. If Kyle was bored with being there, I was even more bored watching it. Don’t particularly care for the new people so far - maybe I will be Xing out yet another Bravo show. Maybe I can get rid of my cable after all.
  15. What happened to totally smitten Danielle who was so smitten by this huge, handsome man that she promised him a lot and now doesn’t want to allow him to collect? As soon as she got that ring on her finger she became a broke harridan.
  16. After every reunion I say to myself - why do I watch these shows ? After years of being a Housewives fan! I think I’m done.Not just this franchise but all of them.
  17. He may have ultimately been a scam artist or a not terribly authentic,but Darcy barely gave that date a chance. I’m not sure what she’s looking for in a man, because you would think she would have loved all his compliments and adoration, but instead she’s looking down on him. Honestly, she’s really one of those people who wouldn’t “ join a club that would have me as a member” people.
  18. How did Darcy get such sensible and seemingly well adjusted ( other than the pageant girl which I think was production inspired) daughters. It must be terribly embarrassing to be seen with these blow up dolls and their inappropriate clothing. Who has actually raised them?
  19. Her brother is a wise man. I like his calm demeanor in spite of the fact that his sister is batshit!
  20. Why doesn’t Liz go on the Single Life ? Ed has had too many chances. I’m very bored with their relationship - I can imagine how their friends & family must feel about them. Now let’s also not give Angela or Usman another show.How about Liz and Kim’s son - they are more age appropriate than Veronica and him.
  21. There are way too many plot lines going on here & I’m not sure if I’ll be able to hang around for Season 3.
  22. I’m still not sure why the producer and the cameraman were in the car and broke the 4 th wall. The cameraman ( who wasn’t filming) looked scared to death. Was that really NOT producer inspired hi-jinks? I will happily watch Gabby go to jail for years where she can enjoy her tight vag and bleached ass after a public defender does a terrible job of defending her. Jury trial? She surely doesn’t think she’ll charm a jury in any way. Who knew that the mostimportant thing about capturing the heart of a felon is being accepted by his vicious sisters. And why are these felons so anxious to be with the family that ignored them for years.
  23. Maybe I’m just not adventurous or maybe it’s because I like weather more temperate than Norway, but sitting on rainy areas having a picnic after bike riding or rappelling doesn’t seem like a fun time for me. It always seems so dreary and the Chief Stew and Chef are bummers to be around.
  24. I think Fraser was purposely pretending that things were going ok because he doesn’t enjoy confrontation, he wants everyone to like him. I never saw him make sure that Camille knew that Alissa was her superior & therefore, had the right to give her orders. On the other hand, Alissa was totally off putting with her delivery and probably this had more to do with her jealousy of Camille’s looks and it spiraled after that. Camille is used to charming her way out of bad situations & had the chief stew been a woman it wouldn’t have lasted this long. I can’t imagine Kate or Hannah putting up with any of this.
  25. If the visit to DR.Proctor was Tina’s appointment and Meghan was just going along with her, why did Tina feel that she had to leave to deal with a petulant woman who doesn’t want to do the work. And if I were the Dr. She wouldn’t be allowed in the office again - his practice is probably busy enough without dealing with temper tantrums. Of course, I know, this is TV.
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