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Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore
Roslyn replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
I remember that she would sell the clothes on the "live" sales and tell people that she needed $50,000 for the co-pay for the surgery. She also would do specials where she gave copies of her recipes and even would sign them etc. On one of these sales she also mentioned that she was also still paying the bill from Truely's hospital stay that cost $450,000. Which also calls B.S. on Kody saying that the family fund covered large expenses for the kids. -
Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore
Roslyn replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
But just think of the fun all of us could have reading all three (four if Kody joins in) and then cross checking each story and discussing our conclusions. -
Kody lives a transactional life, even with his children. If a child gives him the adoration and behavior that he approves of that child receives his attention in a sea of other children also vying for his attention. Even if he does not approve of their behavior he still may give negative attention...but still giving them some kind of attention. Throw in his constantly changing opinion of the child's mother. If the mother is in good standing with Kody, her children will receive more positive attention. If the mother is not in good standing then the whole unit of mother/children suffers by being ignored while he showers others with overly positive attention. A camera moment that comes to mind is when Robyn and Kody were telling her children the "good news" that their bio dad had signed the papers giving Kody permission to adopt them. The three kids sat stunned and Aurora was smiling but also sobbing. Kody berated them all for not reacting with screams of joy. Then he says "Well at least Aurora is happy....SHE gets a HUG". Teaching the others with words and actions that his favor is only earned when they give the behavior/words that he is demanding. As for Ysabel and her surgery it comes down to his relationship with Christine. He has always seemed to have disdain for her children, even back to the beginning. Aspyn was the exception. After the move to Flagstaff and they were more and more separated he gravitated to less and less contact. Kody is pissed at Christine and so that trickles down to her children. Even something as big as Ysabel's surgery couldn't pull his head out of his ass. He was too busy being angry that Christine didn't force Ysabel to yield to his demands and suffer for another 6-12 months so that he could perform the "supportive father" role with cameras rolling. Kody's wants and needs will always come first, and probably second as well.
My one takeaway from Kody's unhinged trauma dump for the poor realtor. Kody (and crew) paying $800,000+ for 14 acres of land with a catchment drainage ditch because the property has a flood plain and then he throws up his arms and says "We have a pond and I have no idea why it's even here!" The editors are doing well. Just when you think Kody couldn't ever get more stupider or more cruel...the next episode starts and he just keeps getting worse. This is episode 18...when will it end ?
This was about 8 or 9 (ish months) after her surgery. This photo was posted June 2021 her surgery was fall of 2020
Kody really did choose the wrong wife to settle with. Janelle would have had a chair at a safe distance with a lovely beverage while Kody made an ass out of himself proving what a manly man he was threatening trees with a chainsaw. Instead, there was Robyn wringing her hands till all the rings fell off screaming Kody Kody Kody over and over while he has both hearing protection on AND a running chainsaw in his hands. She's trying to create an accident so that she can tell him "I told you that's too dangerous".
I remember that Zillow photo of the back of the garage! I will admit that I watched the video that someone took when they toured the house when it was up for sale. I was amazed that they didn't clear out all those statues and prints before having people tour the house. Yes, the garage area was packed with stuff and boxes.
It's a really bizarre house for sure. To avoid walking on the slope you could just walk down the stairs and through the garage filled with stuff to get to the parking area. I've always been perplexed at how you drive up and there is no clear "front door" and the door that they use to enter via the kitchen has a little door to the left that opens into a closet....from the outside.
In my opinion, Maddie is one of the kids that has very strong Kody traits. Kody definitely acts very into one idea then magickally changes his mind in the time it takes to walk from one house to another.
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What in the sam hell people! I have watched this show for 14 years. I used to regularly RE watch the show and I would have sworn that Kody stated early on that he did NOT go to college. He has stated that his father kicked him out at 18 with $50 and that he did his two year mission. Now he is spewing that he didn't respect his "purity" so that means that poor Meri kept herself a good girl and ended up with "used goods" when she married. Did he tell her this before they got married ? Going with the theory of "every statement is a confession". Back when Kody was raging about Gabe and Garrison living with Janelle and not following his covid demands because they "wanted to get their pencil wet" was him admitting that was something he prioritized over his pure LDS beliefs. I am going to make a blanket statement. But something popped into my head as Kody and Meri talked about their early years. It got me wondering if the reason Meri did not get pregnant wasn't so much as "unknown infertility reasons" but that they didn't "do what you need to do to get pregnant often enough" or if it was more that Kody purposefully sabotaged it in some way even if it was as simple as only having sex in certain windows in the fertility cycle. While he did not even hint at such a thing, we are learning that Kody has been a mean and petty little man from the very very beginning. And for what ever reason he has saved his most cruel pettiness for Meri.
Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.
Roslyn replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
That could be an editors nightmare. Show a scene of Robyn just fine and then cut to a talking head of Robyn talking about the scene, but she is in a Mauve neck brace with a orchid eye patch and a plum arm cast poking out of her flowy floral lilac blouse trying to make us believe that she is talking about something that "just happened yesterday" -
Christine did not welcome Tony with open arms. When Mykelti set up the "we want to get married after 5 months of dating" conversation on their Hawaii trip Christine did not have a positive reaction. Mykelti saw how Christine reacted when Maddie (only 8ish months older that her) said she was getting married. Also the family didn't even know Maddie was dating Caleb with marriage intentions at the time Maddie told them. Yet Christine squealed and flung herself at Maddie with the news. Then all the adults had to compare how mature Maddie was and how immature Mykelti was. They were fine with Maddie getting married at her age, but considered Mykelti to be too young. Even Janelle was fired up about how she thought Mykelti was trying to steal the spotlight from Maddie by wanting her wedding to be just weeks after Maddies. Tony has said (on one of their Patreon live broadcasts) that only Robyn showed a positive reaction to him and Mykelti getting married and so he really only had a relationship with Robyn. Both him and Mykelti do seem to poke at Christine a lot, especially on camera. It does make both him and Mykelti look particularly immature.
Maybe the "General Show Discussion " thread ?
Not much to add besides I am a classic introvert. I would rather bury myself alive than go through with any kind of wedding to be picking out dresses and having everyone throw out opinions etc. Ugh. My 34 year marriage started with a $10 fee for the local Justice of the Peace and a $25 marriage certificate. I wouldn't have had it any other way. However, Meri's girls luncheon sparked a tiny memory that she had been spotted and photographed during the lunch with a film crew. A quick search seems to put it around the beginning of August 2023. I guess that's where the timeline is kinda at. Tho it seems to really bounce around. I don't know the name of the church, but it was posted on reddit that the girls did join a local "christian" church, which openly states very strong negative beliefs towards many members of the human race. I never remember learning about the lists of people Jesus said to hate in my grandmother's Presbyterian church when I was growing up.